
The Path to Survival

Sam Meera, is an orphan wo grew up in a bad part of town. The only family members he had were his fellow orphans. He grew up stealing, pickpocketing and scamming people. Ever since he was young, he had always been unlucky. Unlucky with family, unlucky with money, and unlucky with the law. When he was 16, he was caught robbing a convenience store with a couple of friends. Since he cooperated and promised to change his ways, he was only given a 2 year sentence in juvenile detention. Ever since, he had to work his ass off just to make enough for a place and something to eat, jumping from one job to the other. After going to juvenile detention, and learning a lesson in the process, he no longer wanted to live life the wrong way. Little did he know, It wouldn't take long for his bad luck to catch up to him. One night, he witnessed something he shouldn't have, leading to a series of events that would give him a second shot at life. "Now that I have been given this second chance, I will do everything I can to turn my luck around." He said in a determined voice.

Godrutheone · Fantasi
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16 Chs

Chapter 15

" Let's try not to go too deep next time. " Sam said in a relieved voice. The only reason they went deeper into the forest, was to find a good spot to observe the Goblin camp. He didn't expect to bump into wolves.

" Yes my Lord. " Xyra was at the back, still staring at the dark forest. She didn't show it, but just like Sam, she was almost scared to death as well. Even though, in a past life she was a hunter, all her life, she didn't encounter wolves like this, it was only by chance that she killed one.

A few minutes later, hurried footsteps could be heard from the back. Derrick was running to where Sam was. Behind him was Daniel and Coco. The Kid was running as well, even though it seems that a strong gust of wind would blow him away.

Derrick placed a hand on Sam's shoulder and pulled him up, patting the dirt and dust on his back. " Thank you, I'll clean up later. " Sam said as he smiled in an awkward manner. He didn't expect his subordinates to see him in a pitiful state, but what was he supposed to do? he almost died just now.

Just as Sam turned around, he saw Coco standing still, staring at him. A hint of worry could be seen in his expression. It felt like he wanted to say something but he couldn't.

" Don't worry Kid, I'm okay. " Sam smiled and patted Coco's head, messing up his long hair.

" Let's head back, I'm starving. " The group answered in unison, and went back to the area near the Territory Hall. There, Old man Gus was tying up the Hare and the Rodent that they had hunted earlier. This was to let the blood out. Nora was also there, she seemed to have gathered herbs that she had found from the surroundings.

Sam said hello to the two of them, and then proceeded to head to the hall. " We'll eat dinner in a few minutes, please prepare the food Mrs. Nora, I'll be back quickly. Oh, I almost forgot, please prepare food for three more people, new citizens will be arriving shortly." Sam said with a smile as he hurriedly went into the hall.

Sam still has a lot of tasks pending. His exploration in the forest took the entire day. If he wanted to wait for tomorrow, then the Cooldown would take up much more time.

Facing the stone tablet in the middle of the hall, he tapped it gently. The tablet emitted light and words soon formed. He directly clicked on the shop menu.

[ Your subordinate 'Xyra' has killed a Goblin. ]

[ Xyra has gained 10 experience points. ]

[ You have gained 5 experience points. ]

[ You have leveled up! ]

[ You have killed a Goblin. ]

[ You have killed your first monster in the world of Aerea! ]

[ Player status has been unlocked. ]

[ You have completed the 'newbie' achievement, First Kill! ]

[ You have been rewarded 100 gold coins. ]

[ You have gained 10 experience points. ]

[ Your subordinate 'Xyra' has killed a Direwolf. ]

[ Xyra has gained 40 experience points. ]

[ You have gained 20 experience points. ]

Sam was a little surprised by the number of notifications. Killing his first monster actually unlocked something new on the system. There was an additional button on the upper left, his face was on it.

[ Sam Meerin ]<Level: 1< p>

Health: 100

Mana: 20

Exp: 20/500

Talent: Bestow

Title: Lord of Hope

Special Status: None

It was surprisingly simple. It showed his health and mana, a few more obvious descriptions and nothing more. The thing that stood out was his level.

I'm already level 1? So that's why I was able to catch up with Xyra before, we're basically the same level. Sam thought to himself. He also couldn't help but smile, seeing that he received 100 coins, he could buy a house for his subordinates.

Focusing on his previous goals, he went directly to the shop with the spoon and fork icon. He had already scrolled through here a few times before, he had his eye on the kitchen bundle. It was basic kitchen cooking tools and utensils. It cost 10 gold for the bundle, Sam didn't hesitate and clicked on the buy button.

Clanking and banging sounds could be heard behind the tablet, Sam was about to peek through when he heard a weird sound.


Coco was actually behind him, observing what he was doing, when the kitchen tools appeared out of nowhere he was startled, causing him to fall on his butt. Sam only smiled and pulled him up. " Come here, help me carry some of these. " Coco nodded in response. Sam came out with Coco, they both carried pots and pans, there was also cutlery.

When Nora saw this she was delighted, she exclaimed out loud and took the kitchen tools off of Sam and Coco's hands. She laid them on a wooden table beside the hall.

Derrick and Daniel, for the past two days were the carpenters of the group. They had made a wooden table, although it was poorly made, it was quite durable. The chairs were only fallen logs but they still did the job.

Nora placed the pot on a few large stones, in the space below, it was where the firewood would go. Xyra and the others started to prepare the animals. They skinned them and took out their innards. The large rodent was chopped up into bite sized pieces. Since the wild Hares were much tender Nora decided to toast them whole, but she cut off the ears and put them to the side.

While the food was being cooked, Sam called for Derrick. Hearing this, there was a hint of joy in his eyes, he was expecting something good.

Sam held his hand directly on Derrick's forehead, in a solemn voice he said, "Bestow". The surrounding air started to pick up, but it only lasted a few seconds.

Derrick has his eyes closed, feeling something warm running across his body followed by a cold sensation. After half a minute he opened his eyes and looked down, he seemed to be staring at his legs. He took a step, and like a gust of wind, he was already a few meters away. He couldn't help but laugh out loud. Seeing his brother so happy, Daniel quickly gave him a hug, the brothers jumping up and down.

[ Quick Step ]

Common Skill

Low Bronze

Allows the user to gain a burst of speed. Fast and drains stamina moderately.

Sam smiled. This skill was actually not that bad. If Derrick was to master this, he could become one of his best soldiers.

While the others were still celebrating, Sam went to the Portal.

"Summon!" The Portal immediately flashed with light. People started to step out.

Two men and a young woman. The two men looked relatively normal. Normal height, normal build. Then the girl, a girl because she looked young, likely a teenager. The three of them looked at Sam in a respectful gaze. Sam was about to say something when..


Coco had fallen down again, he wasn't startled by the Portal emitting bright light but he was when people started to step out.

The new Citizens stared at Coco curiously, who was this kid?

Sam was about to introduce him when he immediately stood up an ran away. Sam couldn't help but chuckle a little. The young girl also smiled sweetly.

A delicious aroma started to fill the air, causing Sam's stomach to rumble loudly. As if not hearing his own stomach Sam told the new citizens to follow him.

" Dinner is ready, come, let me introduce you to the others. We can also eat dinner together. " Sam said with a wide smile.

Thanks for reading!

Don't be confused, I changed the title.

Godrutheonecreators' thoughts