
The Path to Survival

Sam Meera, is an orphan wo grew up in a bad part of town. The only family members he had were his fellow orphans. He grew up stealing, pickpocketing and scamming people. Ever since he was young, he had always been unlucky. Unlucky with family, unlucky with money, and unlucky with the law. When he was 16, he was caught robbing a convenience store with a couple of friends. Since he cooperated and promised to change his ways, he was only given a 2 year sentence in juvenile detention. Ever since, he had to work his ass off just to make enough for a place and something to eat, jumping from one job to the other. After going to juvenile detention, and learning a lesson in the process, he no longer wanted to live life the wrong way. Little did he know, It wouldn't take long for his bad luck to catch up to him. One night, he witnessed something he shouldn't have, leading to a series of events that would give him a second shot at life. "Now that I have been given this second chance, I will do everything I can to turn my luck around." He said in a determined voice.

Godrutheone · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
16 Chs

Chapter 12

It was very early in the morning. Sam was washing his face in the cold river water, and began drinking a few mouthfuls after. After wiping his mouth, he stood up and stared at the deeper parts of the jungle.

" Let's go. " Sam said in a low voice. Xyra then walked past him, she was gonna be taking point, she was much experienced in the jungle after all.

Sam decided to finally explore the jungle, he wanted to hunt for some food. Protein from meat was very essential. A strong body for his subordinates means a strong army for him.

Xyra was taking the lead, analyzing every detail she saw. Tracking the movement of animals was very important in hunting, and because of her skill, it was much easier for her to do.

Strapped at her back was a wooden bow. It looked basic and cheap. Which it was, it only cost 3 gold coins after all. Beside it was a quiver filled with stone arrows, just like the bow, it looked very crude and basic, but at the very least, the tip was sharp. Costing only 2 coins, it was a deal for Sam. 5 gold coins for a weapon set for archers.

At the very back of the group was Derrick. He was holding a spear. He was very vigilant of his surroundings, looking side to side every so often.

Lastly was Sam. He held a sword on his right hand. He was sulking a little bit because he had spent all of his coins. It was the exact amount he needed for this trip. A Sword, a Spear, and a Bow. It cost him 13 gold coins, he spent 2 coins yesterday when he bought the bundle of clothes.

Of course he didn't have any experience in using swords, he just wanted to have some sort of precaution, he had no idea what monsters lurked in the jungle after all.

The group traveled for a long time, by the time Xyra found possible animal tracks, the sun was already out and warming up the cold jungle. " There are tracks here. " She knelt down and strated to examine the ground.

Derrick was guarding the back of the group, to make sure that nothing would sneak up on them. With nothing to do, Sam decided to see what Xyra was examining.

" What is it? " Sam asked as he was getting close. It was small and barely visible. If it was him or any other person they wouldn't even notice it, the skill was helpful after all.

" Small, maybe Medium sized animal, maybe a hare or a rodent. We have to be quiet, small animals are sensitive to sound. " Xyra answered in a low voice. She then gestured for Sam and Daniel to be quiet and follow her. After a few more minutes, Xyra then held her hand up, a gesture to stop.

" There. " She pointed at a Rabbit. unlike what Sam remembered it was much bigger, and fatter. It ears were much larger as well. It was munching on something and didn't notice the group sneaking up on it.

Xyra then proceeded to slowly take her bow from her back. Took out an arrow and prepared to shoot the rabbit. The strings of the bow stretch thin and the veins on Xyra's arm started to bulge.


It was the sound of the string being released. For a short moment, the arrow whistled through the air before hitting the Rabbit in the head. It was suck a strong hit that it's head was nailed to the ground. The animal didn't even get to make a sound.

" Nice! Good Job Xyra! " Sam couldn't help but praise Xyra aloud. It was such a precise shot, she was really talented being an archer.

" Thank you for the high praise my lord. " Xyra answered with a smile. She then proceeded to pull her arrow out of the animal and placed it back in her quiver.

Sam lifted the dead animal up, and started to observe it. It was very similar to a Rabbit on earth, but it was much bigger. It's skin were much bigger as well. It was tough and more than an inch thick.

[ Wild Rabbit ]

[ Description:

A creature found mostly in dense jungles. They live underground, only resurfacing to eat. They use their massive ears as a protection from the attacks of predators. When feeling in danger, their ears would cover them and act like shields. ]

" What an interesting creature. " Sam thought. Maybe because of the difference in the environment, they evolved into something different from rabbits.

" Luckily it didn't notice us. It didn't use it ears to protect itself, even I wouldn't have been able to pierce it's defense. " Xyra explained. It was a creature with the strength to live in this kind of jungle after all. It would have the strength to at least defend itself.

Sam handed their first kill to Derrick, who then tied the animal to his back. For now, he was going to be the courier of the group. He couldn't allow his Lord to carry it after all.

They then proceeded to head deeper. With Xyra's lead, it didn't take long for them to find another animal track.

After a few more hours, the group had hunter 4 animals. 3 Wild Rabbits and an animal called the Rakwoon. It was a big rodent, just a bit bigger than the Rabbit. Xyra shot it from atop a tree.

Sam told Derrick to head back first. Which he did, carrying their kill on his back, while still holding the spear with both hands.

Sam and Xyra proceeded deeper into the jungle. This was a hunting trip, but Sam had another goal. He wanting to see the Goblins camp for himself. Since Xyra came back safely, he deduced that it would be relatively safe.

After only a few minutes, the two of them heard footsteps. Xyra pulled Sam into the side, where there were thick bushes. " Are we here? " Sam asked quietly.

" No. This must be a hunting group or something. " She answered, while checking on the monsters that were getting closer.

Sam turned to see as well. There were only four of them this time, but they held wooden clubs. They had weapons. They were following the kneeling Goblin at the front, who seemed to be following the tracks of some animal.

There's only four of them, and the one at the front is distracted. I think we would be able to take them on. Sam thought to himself, trying to solve the situation in an efficient way.

" Xyra, come closer, I have an idea. " he said quietly.

Hello! Thank you for everyone reading. I know I'm not that good yet, it's my first time writing.

After chapter 10, I've decided to make each chapter more than 1000 words, just to make it longer. I haven't decided on a schedule yet.

Thank you for Reading. Please leave a comment if you have any suggestions on how to make this novel better.

Love y'all!

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