
The Path of the Investigator/Devastator

Samarth is a sincere police officer in the department. After arresting a politician and throwing him in prison. He comes to his parents house in the weekend to spend time with them along with his big brother. The politician comes out on bail and kills him along with his family. His soul along with his family's souls transmigrate to another world which is dark and needs cleansing. He along with his family take a dark path to cleanse the world of scum.

ashwiniprasad · Fantasi
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47 Chs

Battling the summoner

The summoner waved his scepter and three beasts appeared in an instant. Gabriel looked at one of the beasts and it has the characteristics of a Liger with orange fangs. It had orange fur and blade patches on the cheeks. This is the summoned beast which killed the puppets. It was gigantic and nearly 7 feet tall.

The second beast was a bear which had violet color all over the body and green stipes present on the back of its body. It was also as tall as the Liger. The third beast was a giant serpent and it was bigger than the other and its width was also very big. It was 12 feet tall.

"What? Scared?" asked Stanley. Gabriel did not talk back and just rushed towards the bear instead of snake and Liger.

He could sense the energy coming from the bear was far more dangerous than the other two.

Stanley was stunned for a moment because Gabriel could sense the amount of dark mana is far more dangerous than the other two.

It was a "Demon Bear" so obviously the energy would far exceed the other two which are "Sand Liger" and "Acid Serpent".

But that does not mean the two species are pushovers. The demon bear roared and released a jet of red energy which reached Gabriel two quickly. Gabriel blocked the attack with shield and kept the blast from reaching his body.

Meanwhile Tatiana got involved with Liger and the serpent. She conjured a blue ball of energy which she sent it towards the serpent. The serpent released a big ball of acid and neutralized the ball.

The Liger created a sand tornado and from it's body with its light glowing yellow. It released and Tatiana had to fly into air and kept evading. The top of the building got exploded and the room was completely destroyed.

Kenneth took it as a chance and immediately ran away to the basement. Gabriel saw him running away and quickly moved towards the bear and tried to cut it but the bear used his gigantic paws to crush Gabriel.

Gabriel saw the paw approaching and transformed his hand to a gun and shot a bullet onto the chest. The bear roared in pain and he used this moment to go after Kenneth. When he was about to leave the room nearly two slicers came and Gabriel blocked it with shield but the impact caused him to fly and hit the wall.

He looked at the source and it was Stanley. It was the "Red Slicer" spell that Stanley used to cut the body of the puppet.

"Where do you think you're going?" said Stanley looking at Gabriel with the bear coming along side him. Alas Gabriel did not have "Stealth" skill otherwise he would have disappeared and made his way towards Kenneth. He saw Kenneth carrying bags containing ghost crystals.

Gabriel looked at Stanley and asked "Are you affiliated with this cult?"

Stanley replied "I am a bounty hunter and I act independently. My obligation is to fulfill the contract put by my clients."

"But you are contradicting yourself. This guy has not give you any contract. Why are you so adamant on saving him?" asked Gabriel.

"Maybe, but I own a debt to his grandfather so I am paying that back. As soon as he escapes my debt is paid and I don't have anything to do with him." said Stanley.

Gabriel looked at Stanley's face and found no signs of lie and he confirmed it with Lie detector. "Very well. Let's get this over with." said Gabriel.

He transformed both of his hands into two cannons and aimed it at both the bear and Stanley. Two cannon bolts containing Primal energy came out and Stanley sensed immense danger so he ducked for the Cannon bolt to pass inches over his hand But the demon bear was not lucky.

It tried to evade the attack by moving backward but the bolt hit the floor in front of him and exploded. The bear started bleeding from the two of its hands and also its shoulder. It roared in agony.

Tatiana used a earth spell called "Earth Warriors" which created 10 soldiers wearing earth armor appear. 5 of them took on the Liger while 5 of them took on the serpent. Due to her being 4th stair and Stanley being 5th stair the level difference is visible.

The earth warriors tried to pierce using the spears they had but the Liger and Serpent had rough skin. The earth warriors have created a space for her to release spells. The serpent saw Tatiana preparing a "Epic spell" and it hissed.

The spell she was preparing is "Rain of Ethereal blades". The spell would unleash thousands of ethereal blades which can cut through toughest of bodies.

Gabriel released another two bolts of energy directly at the bear but the bear used immense amount of Demonic energy to stop the two bolts but one of them exploded near Stanley causing him to fall down and skin burn.

Stanley's left portion of the face got burnt and all his hands were burned. The bear was furious as soon as it saw its master got hit like that. It's red eyes glowed and it started clawing Gabriel with giant hands which are covered with demonic energy.

Gabriel made a backflip and used his "Fire Rampage" to unleash fire bullets which kept on hitting the bear but there was only slight damage.

The bear kept on coming at him like a berserk beast and Gabriel could only dodge. On the other side Tatiana was nearly done with the epic spell. The epic spells and legendary spells require time to be unleased so that is why it took this much time.

The Liger and the serpent were able to bring down the numbers to 3 from 10 but it wasn't easy as they suffered wounds due to repeated attacks from the warriors.

Stanley stood up and said "You're too strong and I can sense you are holding back your power."

Gabriel used Analytic mind and tried to find out what he is up to for suddenly praising him. He looked left and right but did not find anything wrong.

When he looked down he saw the floor about to give up. Gabriel understood what he was trying to do.

"Too late" said Stanley unleashing the slicer spell on the ground. The floor gave out and Gabriel fell down.

"Now that pest is down. It's time to take care of the other one." as he turned his attention to Tatiana.

He saw that she was nearly done with epic spell so he conjured a black flame and enhanced it's size but before he could do that he fell a few feet away due to impact.

"Don't think that I am out." came the voice from behind and when he saw who it was, Gabriel was standing on the edge of the hole.

Gabriel grabbed onto the edges of the floor when he nearly fell down. "I won't let her unleash that spell" said Stanley as dark balls of energy started roaming around Stanley.

Dark form of electricity emanated from these balls. Stanley directed the six balls towards Tatiana.

Tatiana saw the balls approaching her but she remained static without worry. The balls surrounded Tatiana and kept on electrocuting her but she did not let go of the spell even with such torture.

Gabriel transformed his hand into a gun and aimed carefully at the balls. He unleased four primal bullets and only 1 got hit. He had to be careful not to hit Tatiana. So, he slowly kept on firing the bullets at right moments.

Their count decreased to 2 after 4 minutes. Tatiana felt less torture after their numbers decreased. She saw that the spell had enough power and shouted "Rain of Ethereal blades."

The sky unleashed a rain of ethereal blades which kept on pouring on all the three beasts. The three beasts could not escape the spell and got pierced all over the body with blood flowing. Gabriel transformed his hands into a blaster and unleashed pure primal energy but with limited destruction.

The three beasts fell down and disappeared. Tatiana smiled and said "Finally" before fainting. Gabriel caught her when she fell down.

"This can't be possible." said Stanley crawling on the ground. Gabriel put Tatiana on the ground and appeared towards the crawling summoner.

Gabriel lifted him with his hand on face and tear the black summoners hands and legs. Gabriel was decisive as he did not want him to come back and unleash his beasts on the city. Stanley screamed out of pain as his hands and legs are being ripped off without mercy.

To make sure Stanley doesn't die Gabriel took out the health potion and poured it into Stanley's mouth saving him from death. Basically Gabriel made Stanley's life useless as mages need hands to unleash their spells.

"Halt! What are you doing?" came a voice. Gabriel saw two superheroes flying in the sky. "Star Nova" and "Quantum gazer" are the names of the two superheroes. Gabriel knows that this guys are typical superhero types like superman and batman who think they are right in what they are doing.

"This is the Black Sorcerer. Take him into custody. The guy behind this is all in the basement." said Gabriel throwing Stanley away and dropped into the hole and made way to the basement.

Gabriel saw that basement was dark and as soon as he reached there a sound reverberated. "Shit" thought Gabriel as it is indication that portal has opened.

He quickly rushed and tried to stop Kenneth but Kenneth jumped into the portal with two jute bags containing crystals.

Gabriel knows that he would not survive if he enters Under Helm so he just stood there and portal disappeared.

He went back and superheroes apprehended Stanley and also Tatiana was coughing blood on ground.

"So, you knew you would die here?" asked Gabriel. Tatiana gave a sad smile and nodded. She passed on a slip secretly which contained the location where her grandson is hidden.

"You can rest now." said Gabriel. Tatiana's face turned serene and she closed her eyes losing her life. The epic spell made her to lose not only her dark mana but also her life force which caused her to die.

"We have a lot of questions for you mister." said Quantum gazer. Star Nova took the handicapped Stanley while Gabriel threw the Venus tag to Quantum gazer.

"I see." said Quantum gazer.

[Congratulations! as host has completed the quest].