
The Guardian is chill

Since that day it's been 3 months and everything has been going pretty normal , the third year started and as expected nothing from the movies happened except meeting the minister , I met him in Nicolas birthday that happened two months ago. We had small talk and he was showering me with compliments and trying to butter me up , at first it was okay but when it turned annoying we just shooed him away ending our small meeting and since then we haven't talked.

Other than that Salem was almost reaching rank 3 and I was almost reaching halfway the required energy to advance into rank 4 , I had to say that even with both me and the passive breeder working full time the process was still slow compared to reaching rank 3 but it was understandable since ranks 4 were very rare.

After this 3 months I was able to create 2 more planets but I wasn't able to connect them with each other so they remained each individual planets , since I didn't have that much creativity I had to ask Salem to help me with naming and other stuff like the landscape of each planet while taking account on the type of life I wanted on said planets.

We ended up deciding on naming the second world Bestia because this world would belong only to beasts like the SCP-3000 but I didn't pass Rea to this planets because she wanted to be with Eve and Lia so I just left her in Primis. The third world would be one that would belong to bigger creatures probably.

Since there wasn't a need we didn't really place much importance in the third world and it was only left on standby mode just in case of emergencies so it was named Nihil because it had nothing. The planet was sad that it didn't have life in it like it's brothers but I said that I would create on the future , it became slightly happy but it was still sad so seeing that Salem told me to create at least the basic stuff like the cycle because it was basically my child.

Since I wanted to be a good parent I gave in and I created a basic landscape but added a twist and made everything big and so it's name changed to Magnum (lol magnum dong) , needless to say it was happy after I did that. Other than that most things were going fairly normal and I was happy since now me and Luna were closer than we were before , Mione too after she started talking more with her relaxed and even started liking her.

Things were going well and to be honest things were a bit boring so I decided to start grinding again because I was bored and it was a good way to relax , to spice things up a bit I created an ajin clone and decided to fight against it. Since my magic was infinite the restrictions on the skill didn't affect the clone so it was basically like fighting myself for real and I even ended up 3 times.

Since it was the second time I was dying I was pretty scared it wouldn't world but my immortality worked like a super charm , it didn't even take 1 second for me to get back on full strength. Usually it would take some time even for ajins but with every boost the skill had I didn't even have the problem of my Yurei dissipating while I was out and my resurrection was pretty much instantaneous , this made me happy and we went all out.

This was a good way to practise against other gods because there was no holding back , we were fighting to the death and this even made my level rise but it wasn't from killing my clone , it was from fighting and it rose even faster since the fight wasn't so one sided like the ones in the dungeons.

While I was fighting I was switching between The Long Memory (TLM) and Casull & Jackal (C&J) , I noticed that the more I used them the closer our bond became and the more details started appearing in both weapons. The C&J started getting red tones to them and pulsated a bloodthirsty aura while TLM started having white white tones to it and it's aura was a peaceful one so they had kind of a delicate balance between them where they didn't clash and cohexisted.

What surprised me more was that weapons could have such characteristics , they were like humans but that was expected since they were now zanpakutos , but still the complex emotions were something surprising. While I was thinking I was hit by a bullet that destroyed my arm but I didn't care and teleported behind the clone before shooting it in the head and using my laser eyes to destroy it's body , after killing this clone I sighed and unsummoned the C&J and TLM that was strapped to my back.

After doing that I exited the dungeon and went directly into the bath to relax after I got out I found Salem sitting down in the lotus position focusing on generating more DE , after watching her for a bit I teleported to the Guardian and to my surprised I found a foundation car approaching carefully the perimeter. I kept watching while drinking some coffee with amusement , their attempts were futile and this was proven once again when I heard the Guardian say <FORGET>.

And like magic the guy driving turned around and exited the perimeter , I could see the frustration the Foundation was going through. They had to keep watching a guy that didn't appear to be anything special keep trampling over basically years of experiment and testing like it was nothing.

But I couldn't care less when they gave me such a lame code like SCP-001-01 , they made me look like an object of the Guardian. Though I didn't know why this bothered me so much it did so I didn't bother to help them and continued on my way and after a bit I was standing before the Guardian and he greeted me with a surprising enthusiastic attitude.

<Oz what brings you here? I see you made significant progress in you path to rank 4> I just smiled and said <Indeed I have , but this time I just came to visit. I have been facing a serious case of boredom recently> we had become like this ever since I surpassed him by a lot in terms of power and skill which surprised me , who would have thought the Guardian would be such a chill being?

Nonetheless it was a good change to the monotonous lifestyle of grinding and teaching , so I stayed with the Guardian and I ended up convincing him to play some mental chess with me and to my surprise I lost. After night came I went back and had a long steamy session of fun with my cute wife , this laid back way of living continued for 4 months until the day Salem finally hit the rank 3 barrier while I was had finally reached halfway the requirement to reach rank 4.

Welp here is the chap fams , I think I might do a big time skip cause I'm slowly but surely running out of ideas. Tell me if there is anything I should correct in the comments too.

Have a good night and reading fams , ja ne

LeylinTheFifthcreators' thoughts