
The Path of a Ninja (Dropped)

A boy given a purpose, till he finds his own. Given Powers he received by 'luck'. He enters the 3rd Great Ninja War. He stands true to his conviction He walks the path of a ninja as he becomes the Merlin of the Shinobi World. . World: Naruto Tags: Smart, Good MC , Strong to Stronger, Mystic Eyes, No harem, Sword User. Disclaimer. I do not own anything(including the picture) except for the things I have made. Naruto is not mine.

NotJustExisting · Komik
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16 Chs

A New Prophecy

The trip to they boy's home was a silent one. Well, not exactly a silent one since the boy was humming some sort of tune. Otherwise the trip was a quiet one. Obito and Kakashi were too tired to do their usual bickering while Rin and Minato were usually like that.

Soon, they reached an opening. It was filled with all kinds flowers and many small animals could be seen either playing or sleeping. In the middle was large tree that they previously saw from the distance.

'Beautiful' was everyone's first thought.

'It's like paradise! and look at those animals!' (Rin)

'These flowers shouldn't be growing in this season. Is this due to his [Wood-Style]?'

'Woa, the tree is huge and it's his house! So cool!' Obito had stars in his eyes.

'Natural Energy is dense so here. Is this boy a Sage? But he's just around 10 yrs! I need more information, and I should meet with the Toad Sages later.'

As they entered the bed of flowers, the boy turns towards Minato and the trio. He makes a gesture with his hand as he bows.

"I welcome you, to my humble adobe." said the boy with his usual smile.

"Thank you, for letting us stay." says Minato with his own smile.

As the interaction was going on a white ball of fluffy cuteness jumps at the boy.


The boy catches the white fluffy ball in time. He smiles with an apologetic expression.

"I'm sorry Chang'e, it took longer than I thought-pet* pet*- and look we have guest! For the first time!"

Hearing that Chang'e the rabbit looks that those said guest and does a bow.


"So Cute!!" As Rin gets another dose of sugar and Obito and Kakashi also admiring the cute thing, Minato looks at the rabbit with curiosity.

'So intelligent, a summon maybe?'

"Would you like to hold her?" The boy asked seeing her expression.

"Yes please!""Me too! can I hold her too?"


They resumed their walk while Rin and Obito took turns to hold Chang'e who looked quite happy from all the attention she was getting.

While the boy and Minato walked in front.

"I know you have many questions about me and this place. I am also aware that you are here with a purpose, but I hope you would wait till tomorrow for the answers."

"Of course, that's the least I can do after you have helped us so much. But I still don't understand why. "

"I'll tell you everything, in time. Well, here we are, this is my home. There are guest rooms on the first floor, pick anyone you fancy and those are the stairs. Washroom and bathroom are also present at the back."

Everyone made their way to their rooms while Rin and Obito had to reluctantly part with Chang'e.

"Good Night everyone." ""Good night.""


The Next Day

Time: Morning Location: Training Ground near the lake.

Kakashi and Obito were having a spar while the rest were watching them under the giant tree. Rin was happily playing with Chang'e.

"You look troubled." Said the boy with white long hair, wearing his japanese robes and two katana hanging on the left of his waist.

"After what all you told me, how can I not be troubled. Actually, why are You not worried about this?"

"Hm? Oh, that is because the Child of Prophecy will take care if it with my little help along the way. I will make sure that. "

"How do you know that?"

"It's a secret~"

Minato sweatdropped.

'This boy, though I met him just yesterday and has a habit to tease everyone, he is very easy to like. His aura is very comfortable, so much so that even Kakashi seems to be relaxed around him now. But he has this mysterious thing about him, though it is very subtle he behaves as if it doesn't involve him at all. As if..'

"Are you a Sage?" the boy suddenly asked.

"No, I had just started to learn it, but the war prevent me to progress in it. The Toad Sages also told me it is so hard that even Jiraiya sensei haven't mastered it yet so I have a long way. Speaking of Jiraiya sensei, do you know him since you know The Great Toad Sage?

"Yeah, I know that poor-excuse-of-a-sage. He's probably fooling around even at this moment."

"But he is a good man, even with his faults."

"But peeping isn't the most sage worthy thing you know." Minato tries to defend his sensei's dignity but fails miserably cause he can't refute that.


Somewhere far far away a certain someone sneezes.

'Did I caught a cold? DAmn it, they saw me!' "Pervert!" "Kyaa!" A bucket flew pass him.


Flashback- Before Dawn

Minato was already awake. He got up and headed outside.

"So you're awake." Said the boy sitting on the bed of flowers with various animal sleeping beside him along with the rabbit named Chang'e.

"I suppose you want some answers, come sit , the grass is very soft and comfortable. After all, it may take awhile. "

So Minato sat in front of him with this legs crossed, the same as the boy.

"Then first question- Why helped us yesterday, even if you know the Great Toad Sage, you are not from our village, therefore you have no obligation to help us. And your previous words 'It's not their time to die.' What do you mean by that?"

"Hm..From what I can predict, I think it would be more efficient if you ask me everything at once."

"Ok then, Second- What is your role in this war, from the intel I have received you have been here for a few months now. Will you leave this place in the future and whose side are on?

Third - Are you capable of using Wood-Style? If so Then to what extend .

Even though I have many more, I'll be satisfied if you answer these main three."

Taking a few moments to ponder the boy began.

"Well then, to answer a few short ones - I'm here to prevent as many deaths as possible while I stop this war as quickly as possible; I'm on the side of those who will be suffering due to this war; I will be leaving soon; And yes I am capable of using Wood Style as you saw yesterday.

As for the reason why I helped you, is because of the Prophecy."

"How will you alone do stop the war? Where will you be going? And are you talking about the Prophecy told by the Great Toad Sage?"

"So many questions... Anyway, I'll be helping the [Leaf] so that the two villages will be on even footing, then I'm sure the old man 3rd will propose a peace treaty. I just have to make sure [Cloud] doesn't do anything funny. As for where I will go, [Leaf] maybe sine I have some stuff to do there. And I am not talking about that one, Its a new one, and its not as 'happy' as the previous one." said the boy with a carefree smile.

Hearing that he will helping the [Leaf] made Minato really glad. After all, even though the boy was really young he was quite strong, from what he has shown it the boy was at least above Jounin. Not to mention he can use Wood-Style. The second one after the First Hokage, just from that fact the village might even consider him to next Hokage when he grows up if they deemed his loyalty.

'Though I really doubt the boy will agree, from what little I know from this boy he would really hate those kind of jobs. But that's for the future, the 'new' prophecy concerns me.'

"What is this new Prophecy?" Asked Minato, getting a bad feeling about it.

"It's called the [Prophecy of The Moon], It goes like this....."


The explosion brough Minato from the flashback. He saw that Obito and Kakashi just had a cash of jutsus which caused the explosion followed with Kakashi's quick approach which ended the spar, with Kakashi's Victory.

"Now that Cyclops and Scarecrow are done, how about we have a spar of our own?" The boy asked as he made his way towards the open field.

"I don't mind, let's do it." Minato followed.

"This will be the first time I'll be seeing Minato sensei in a spar. Since it was mostly us fighting him or during missions." Says Rin, clearly excited. While the boys arrived and sat under tree as well.

"I'll definitely win next time!"

"Whatever you say. Hm? Are they gonna have a spar, Rin?"

"Yes, who do you think will win?" Rin asked.

"Our sensei of course!" (Obito)

"That may be so, but from what he did yesterday, it will be an interesting match for sure."

While the trio discussed among themselves, the fighters were having a conversation of their own.

"What will be the rules?" asked Minato as he readies his Kunais

"No killing or fatal injuries. That would we enough." Said the boy as he places his hand on this two katanas.

A pink leaf appears from above, slowly it falls down, and then it lands.

Shing* The two blades are drawn, the boy's whole aura and demeanor changes. For the first time in this world, the might of [Niten Ichi-ryu] will be known.

Hello Readers!

I will be having Practicals in school for the next 7 days.

So it will affect the chapter output.

As for this chapter, I hope you enjoyed it.

The MC's next action might be to go to the [Leaf] to get the Wood-Style Manual (any help is good) and learn sealing, or may be kill Danzo, who knows. Or he could just travel places to places, to help people.

Or maybe both. So many choices....

Well then,

Until next time.


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