
Weekend Training

Reaching school, Jake went to Miss Anna's office and knocked. He had asked the security guards at the gate if Miss Anna was in school and they had told him yes, so the first place he thought to check was her office.

'Come to think of it, why does she have a private office? The rest of the teachers have a lounge they share so why does she have a private office? That's something I'm definitely going to ask her.'

Not getting any response after he knocked on the door, Jake opened it and went in. "Miss Anna?" he called out. Still getting no response, Jake left the office. 'She's got to be here somewhere. I'll go look around and see if I can find her, if I don't, I'll come back here and wait for her until I'm tired of waiting.'

Going to the training room to look for her, Jake saw the place empty. The only things he could see in the training room was the doll, the red machine, the treadmill, the large television and the boards which held weapons, shields and other things.

"I just realized we haven't used any of these stuff except from this stupid doll. Look at this thing," Jake said as he moved to the doll, "standing there expressionless like some type of freak from a horror movie."

Going towards the board which had the weapons on it, Jake looked at them all but what caught his eyes were a pair of daggers. The outline of the daggers were red, with a haft which was deep blue in colour.

Taking both of the daggers from the board, Jake looked at them closely. He held them in his hands and liked how they felt, not too heavy, easy to strike with.

"You're not ready for those yet."

Turning towards the door, Jake could see Miss Anna walking towards him. "What are you doing here?" she asked. "I've never seen a student who would voluntarily come to school on a weekend."

"I came to see you." Jake answered as he kept the daggers back on the board.

"You were feeling bored without me around?" Anna asked while fluttering her lashes at Jake.

"You wish. I came here for our training, we never talked about not training on weekends so I decided to come. I don't really have anything to do till a few hours."

"Although I'm disappointed you didn't come here for me, I'm impressed you still want to train on weekends." Anna said.

"What can I say? The life of an idle third year student."

"I can help you change that, if you'll let me."

"Are you kidding? If I want something to do on the weekends, all I have to do is tell my brother or give Kevin a call. But I'd rather tell my brother, Kevin can be extra. So thanks, but no thanks. Are we going to start this training or what?" Jake asked.

Putting her usual mischievous smile on her face, Anna said to Jake "Okay, we'll start the training. Lie on the floor."

Looking at her suspiciously, Jake asked "Why?"

"You're going to be doing push-ups. Just because magic helps to improve the condition of your body doesn't mean you shouldn't try to improve it yourself."

"Okay but I don't get how doing push-ups will change anything, can't I just go to the gym?"

"The push-ups you're going to be doing are a bit different from the normal ones. Stop asking questions and lie on the floor."

"Yes ma'am." Jake said and got into the position for doing push-ups. "What next?" he asked.

Feeling something heavy now on his body, Jake looked to his side and saw Miss Anna lying on his back facing the ceiling. "What are you doing?"

"This is what makes it different from normal push-ups, me on your back. You must have some pretty strong muscles in those arms of yours, I'm lying on your back and you didn't drop to the floor."

"Well I'm going to drop to the floor very soon if you don't get off."

With her arms on her abdomen and her eyes staring at the ceiling, Anna replied Jake "I'm going to start spanking you if you don't start doing the push-ups."

"How many?" Jake asked.

"Just keep doing till I tell you to stop."

"What? Do you know the amount of strength I'm using just to stay above the floor with you on my back? How can I keep going down and back up until you tell me to stop?"

Staying in the push-up position with Anna on his back wasn't actually difficult for Jake, and with his level of endurance he could probably do it for up to an hour but he didn't want Anna to know the full extent of his strength.

"If I hear another complaint from you, I'm going to spank you so hard you won't be able to sit properly for days. Start the push-ups."

'That would probably happen to a normal person but not to me, I'd heal in a few minutes.' Jake thought as he began doing the push-ups.

"What are you doing in school anyway?" Jake asked while doing the push-ups.

"I had a feeling I was going to enjoy being in school more than staying at home today, so I came to school."


"Okay no. I came to add something new to the training room." Anna said.

"What did you add?"

"It's a secret, you'll know when the weekend's over."

"Can't you just tell me now though? I promise I won't tell anyone, and it's just the two of us in here so no one will know."

"You're right, it is only the two of us in here." Anna said as she turned over and was now facing the back of Jake's head.

"Don't get any ideas."

"I'm not getting any." Anna said as she playfully nibbled one of his ears.

"You know you're gonna clean that ear right?"

"No. I'm your mentor, I can do what I want. It seems like me being on your back isn't difficult enough, you're talking and doing the push-ups without stress. Let's kick this up a notch, shall we?"

"I don't like the sound of that." Jake said.

"But I do and I'm the mentor, don't move." Getting off Jake's back, Anna went to the red machine and lifted it without effort. Going back to meet Jake who was still on the floor, Anna placed the machine on his back and also sat next to the machine.

Jake's arms bent a little from the weight on his back and he began doing the push-ups again but at a much slower speed than before.

"It looks like this is enough weight to keep you quiet and focused." Anna commented.

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