
The Path of a Demon King: A Tale of Ambition and Revenge

In a grim and desolate world governed by ancient laws that have bound demons since the world's inception, a profound awakening stirs the previous demon King from his eternal slumber. Erupting from the depths of the underworld, his once-majestic physique is reduced to decay, his wings tattered and frayed. Fiery red eyes, burning with a threatening fury, survey the unfamiliar and disdainful new realm that unfurls before him. Yet, the demon King harbors no intentions of idle observation. His purpose is to conquer and subjugate, wielding his arcane mastery to absorb the powers of those who possess magic. His path blazes with destruction, leaving behind a trail of ruin and despair. With each victim ensnared, his powers surge to heights unimaginable, and his insatiable thirst for blood and dominion grows evermore ravenous. As the demon King's might intensifies, the boundaries between worlds begin to erode, and disgusting creatures slither through the cracks of reality. Drawn to the dark allure of the demon's malefic energy, they flock to his side, forming a ghastly legion. Their eyes glimmer with a sinister luminescence, and their claws drip with the promise of untold suffering and death. Shrouded in impenetrable darkness, the world trembles under the oppressive reign of terror. People huddle within their feeble sanctuaries, fervently praying for salvation from the demonic monarch and his unholy horde. Yet, escape proves impossible as the relentless onslaught ensues. The demon King and his minions relentlessly hunt down those who dare defy them, their powers swelling with each conquest, as the world plunges further into an abyss of everlasting dread.

Brianx_Ngo · Fantasi
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65 Chs

Chapter 48

Astaroth decided to seek refuge in an ancient inn nestled within the heart of the city. The bustling streets teemed with people, their faces obscured by an air of mysterious anticipation. As they ventured deeper into the main street, where shops lined the cobblestones, a peculiar sight met their gaze. Priests roamed the thoroughfare, their pious chants merging with the fervent whispers of worshipers. Among them, travelers akin to Astaroth shuffled along, their eyes betraying an unspoken hunger for adventure.

The shopkeepers, sensing the vulnerability of wanderers, lurked outside their establishments like shadowy predators, attempting to ensnare weary souls within their web of wares. It was during these festive seasons, when the boundary between realms grew thin, that they could extract an extra ounce of fortune from unsuspecting travelers.

After an arduous search, Astaroth and Lalitha stumbled upon the street adorned with inns. Most of the establishments were filled to the brim, their thresholds groaning under the weight of slumbering guests. Only a handful of inns remained, their existence clinging desperately to the fringes of vacancy. The two weary travelers found respite in one such inn, where two solitary rooms awaited their arrival.

Lalitha, with a heavy purse, paid the innkeeper for the rooms, each key a portal to a temporary sanctuary. As they parted ways, a sense of unease shrouded the corridors, whispering of forgotten secrets and restless spirits. Within the solitude of their chambers, Astaroth and Lalitha succumbed to an uneasy slumber.

Astaroth suddenly woke up in the middle of the night, his demonic senses detecting something moving in the inn. Lalitha's room was a bit further down the corridor, while his own was on the opposite end. He had cast a defensive spell on both rooms before they rested. The movement had stopped outside his room, and he could see the doorknob turning as someone attempted to unlock it. Astaroth cast an invisibility spell on himself and positioned himself in the corner of his room.

As he watched, the door creaked open slowly, revealing a tall figure shrouded in darkness. A foul stench filled the air as the figure stepped into the room. Astaroth's heart raced, his demonic instincts screaming danger. The intruder moved with an unnatural grace, his eyes glowing with an otherworldly light.

The intruder searches the room and soon settles on the corner where Astaroth is standing still in his invisible spell. "You can't hide from me, Astaroth," the intruder hissed, his voice sending shivers down his spine. "I have come to claim what is rightfully mine."

Astaroth knew he had to act quickly. He drew upon his demonic powers, summoning a surge of energy. The room crackled with dark electricity as he unleashed a bolt of pure malevolence toward the intruder. But to his astonishment, the figure effortlessly dodged the attack, his eerie smile widening.

Astaroth's mind raced, trying to understand who this intruder could be and what they sought. His defensive spells had always been impenetrable, but this presence radiated a power, unlike anything he had encountered before. He knew he couldn't face it alone.

With a swift motion, Astaroth reached for the ancient amulet hanging from his neck. As he clasped it tightly, a burst of ethereal energy engulfed the room. Shadows twisted and writhed, forming a portal that shimmered with a foreboding glow. Astaroth stepped through, finding himself in a desolate realm teeming with grotesque creatures and swirling mists. Enraged by the unexpected assault, Astaroth channeled the depths of his otherworldly power, drawing it into his clenched fist. With a thunderous crash, he struck the ground, causing the very earth beneath him to fracture. A wide rift tore open in the fabric of the realm, revealing an unsettling abyss that beckoned with unseen horrors.

Yet, amidst the chaos, Astaroth found himself ensnared by a swarm of spectral shadows. Sinister tendrils slithered towards him, hungry to leech off his demonic essence. Sensing their malicious intent, Astaroth swiftly traced a protective sigil with his left hand, an arcane symbol pulsating with a faint, crimson glow. From the depths of his being, he summoned his prized black sword, a weapon infused with dark magic and forged in the fires of the abyss.

As the blade materialized in his grasp, an aura of power emanating from it, causing the encroaching shadows to recoil in terror. Their ethereal forms dissipated like smoke caught in a gale, retreating from the might of Astaroth and his formidable weapon. The air cleared, revealing a path before him—a path rife with danger and uncertainty, yet one that promised answers to the enigma that had brought him to this accursed realm.

"You dare to attack me, Azarius!" roars Astaroth, his voice echoing through the ancient chamber. Finally, the name of the figure from the Altar comes to him. "I am your master in the realm of sixty-six demons, and you shall serve me!" Astaroth's rage reaches its peak, causing the shadowy figure to tremble momentarily before regaining its composure. "You... remember... my name..., demon king... Astaroth..."

As Azarius uttered those words, the chamber plunged into darkness. Astaroth's laughter reverberated, filling the air with a bone-chilling menace. The walls seemed to close in, suffocating Azarius, as the oppressive weight of Astaroth's power consumed the room.

Suddenly, ethereal whispers slithered through the darkness, surrounding Azarius from all sides. Shadows danced and writhed, taking on sinister forms as malevolent spirits materialized before him. Their eyes glowed with an otherworldly light, reflecting the depths of their wickedness.

Azarius felt an icy grip tighten around his heart, his every breath laden with the stench of fear. He knew that challenging Astaroth, the ancient demon lord, was a grave mistake, one that would cost him dearly.

The chamber began to transform, its walls twisting and contorting like living entities. Ancient symbols etched on the stone glowed with unholy energy, casting eerie patterns across the room. A vortex of shadows engulfed Azarius, dragging him into a realm where nightmares come alive.

In this twisted dimension, Azarius's every step was met with grotesque creatures clawing at his soul. Their gnarled forms seemed crafted from the darkest recesses of human nightmares. Desperation fueled Azarius's determination as he fought to retain his sanity and escape the clutches of this maleficent realm.

Meanwhile, Astaroth, amused by Azarius's plight, watched from the shadows, his eyes gleaming with sadistic pleasure. The demon king reveled in the suffering of his servant, relishing the fear that permeated the air.

"Have you forgotten the taste of fear, Azarius? It has been a thousand years since I last saw you. I shall allow you to regain that feeling," Astaroth taunted, his voice dripping with malice. Azarius was the demon warden of Astaroth's realm, known as the Ashen Wastes. It was a desolate land where demons who had offended the demon king were exiled for hard labor. Azarius was tasked with overseeing all the offenders, his duty was to maintain order amidst the chaos.

"Astaroth channeled his demonic essence into the sword gripped tightly in his hand. 'Feel this, Azarius,' he hissed, 'anyone who dares to attack me shall have their torment returned a hundredfold.' The sword in Astaroth's hand shattered into a thousand shards of obsidian light, piercing through the air with the swiftness of a lightning strike. Despite Azarius' ethereal form, the malevolent blade managed to slice through his incorporeal being."

As Azarius recoiled from the attack, an unsettling silence fell upon the darkened realm. Astaroth, reveling in his triumph, grinned wickedly, the unholy aura surrounding him intensifying. The severed fragments of the shattered sword swirled ominously in the air, gathering together once more as Astaroth willed them to reform.

Suddenly, the shards reassembled themselves into a new weapon, but it was no ordinary sword. The transformed blade pulsed with sinister energy, etched with ancient sigils that seemed to writhe and shift, whispering in a language long forgotten. Astaroth's eyes gleamed with anticipation as he brandished the newly forged weapon, a maleficent artifact imbued with the darkest of magics.

With a chilling cackle, Astaroth lunged at Azarius once more, the monstrous sword cleaving through the air. This time, the blade left behind a trail of seething shadows, sapping the very essence of the ethereal realm. Azarius, now aware of the dire threat he faced, summoned his ethereal powers, weaving a protective barrier of shimmering light around himself.

"I surrender... Mas...ter... Astaroth... please... forgive... me..." Azarius felt that if he were to continue the battle with the demon king, his entire being would be vanquished by the sword of Astaroth. The sword, swung by Astaroth, had been cutting away at his essence.

As Azarius knelt before the malevolent presence, his body trembled with exhaustion and fear. The swirling mists of the dark realm surrounded him, their cold tendrils coiling around his weakened form. Astaroth, towering over Azarius, wore a wicked smile on his twisted face. The demon king reveled in the surrender of his adversary. "Pathetic," he sneered, his voice a venomous rasp. "Your feeble resistance was but a fleeting flicker in the face of true darkness. Your surrender comes too late."