
The path fated

Everybody has destiny . And cultivators are those who go against their destined path .plundering and bending the heaven to their will . lin tian is born mortal .But watch as he changes his destiny .or perhaps it is his destiny to change the world .

Mohit_kumar_1568 · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
96 Chs


Lin tian was uncertain why grandpa qiang said at this moment to check goods .given the reputation and mysterious alchemist in the shop weren't their goods supposed to be best .

"What is there to check our goods are guaranteed to be of high quality.But since your servant said so maybe you should check them "Dou shu said

Lin tian opened the cloth bag and saw the herbs inside .They didn't look any different from the herbs he saw before . infact they looked even better .he was really happy with the purchase .

But out of respect He showed them to the

Grandpa qiang .

" please check them "

"I don't need to check them.as long as young master is sure .no need

For me double check "steward qianq emphasised his last words.

Again he noticed the strangeness in grandpa qiang's words .but since there was no wrong with herbs .he did a payment of 80 gold notes .after receiving the change .He thanked the shopkeeper for his goodwill and left shop with excitement.He wanted to carry the bags himself .

But steward refused to let him carry everything.in the end he only got 1 bag to carry .

In his excitement he directly went to the rhino.In his excitement he showed rhino "Red amber mushroom" thinking he would take the initiative to eat it .

But rhino just took a whiff and didn't eat it.

"Are they different from the mushrooms in his cave .that can't be right ."he remembered correctly the shape and touch of those mushrooms .this were exactly similar.

Lin tian moved forward and tried to make rhino eat Red amber mushroom.however rhino just moved his tongue and spit it out .

"Maybe he doesn't eats mushroom."lin tian convinced himself .

He placed bundle of spirit grass in front of rhino.rhino sniffed on stalks of spirit grass .as though going through a selection process .he rejected all the spirit grass.

"Rhino isn't eating . wouldn't this mean he had no reason for shopping.he had bought so many herbs "

The enthusiasm and excitement lin tian had died down .with a trembling hand he picked the tier 4 herb and ate it . However he soon realised the herb he was eating was more like an empty shell .it had totally different feeling from the herbs he had eaten in rhino's lair .

The herbs was dried from inside .

The realisation hit him .

This herbs were definitely faulty and dried from inside .

"Than are the other herbs I bought faulty too "

Lin tian was dejected .He was scammed and he even thanked the person for his goodwill who scammed him .Not only was he cheated out of his money .he also bought defaulted good which weren't going to be any use to him.

Come to think of it .they were never useful to him .only cultivators could have used for them .But on impulse he bought them .He clearly only went to buy feed for rhino but ended up buying unnecessary things.

most importantly they were going on a dangerous journey.That money was for traveling necessities.and he ended up using large sum of it .

Lin tian blamed himself .he hated himself .

"Maybe the way other disciples treat me is because I deserve it "he was dispirited.

Seeing the crestfallen young master .He felt sympathy and wanted to help .But he couldn't.The outside world was like this dangerous,cruel and full of cunning humans wanting to advantage over others .And young master has to experience this himself .

"Young master what do you want to do next "

Lin tian gazed at steward qiang angrily .he wanted to ask .why he didn't stop him .why didn't he tell there was something wrong with herbs .He wanted to blame steward qiang .He realised why grandpa qiang hadn't put herbs in his storage ring .maybe he was giving him hints may.

But than he remembered steward qiang never told him to buy anything.He also gave hints to him .but he didn't understood them .it was he who was persuaded by shopkeeper's words and ended up buying things on impulse .if there was someone to be blamed it was himself .

"I will accept whatever punishment there is .no matter how harsh it is "

"Young master I am not talking about punishment.i have no authority to punish or blame you ."

"But we should deal with these herbs .They are clearly faulty we should return them .

Self blaming will not do anything to decrease our losses "

Lin tian was feeling extremely ashamed .But he knew he had to do right thing .To recover their losses .

"You are right steward qiang .we should return them ."


As lin tian returned to herb shop .

He felt extremely ashamed .it was this place where he was scammed .

Steward qiang had already told him .he won't interfere with anything.so lin tian had to do everything by himself .

When lin tian entered the shop the staff was different from before .Dou shu and Mao tu were nowhere to seen . probably in back room he thought .He didn't knew himself but he felt releived not seeing them .

Upon entering he was greeted .

"Greetings.young sir what would you like me to help you "a random staff greeted

"Yes Excuse me .we just bought this herbs not long ago .and there is something wrong with them "lin tian

"Ohh what is wrong with these herbs ".staff asked doubtfully

"They seem to look fresh but they are not .Please check them "lin tian

After some inspection .staff replied

"Indeed these herbs are defective and decayed from inside .although their looks are fresh ."

"That's right all of these are faulty goods .That's why I would like to return them.please give my money back "lin tian

"What do you mean return?are you saying these herbs belongs to our shop ."the staff questioned .

"Exactly didn't I said I bought them today .since they are faulty I am returning them .other than tier 4 'red amber mushroom '

Everything is here . please return my money "

"Young sir by any chance are you joking ?.In the entire market our shop is known for selling best quality herbs and you are saying you bought them from us.From" hundred herbs sanctuary "you must be mistaken "

"I am not mistaken or anything.i indeed bought these herbs from this shop .There was person named Dou shu who attended me .Ask him to come he will definitely recognise me."

Suddenly all the staffed laughed .

"We are sorry young sir .but are you perhaps delusional."one staff laughed

"Dou shu with his status does he need to attend customers Not only is he the son of owner or the shop .But also the 3rd son the Dou clan head .He only needs to occasionally come to check our business."

"Young man you should think of better lie.you have done good job investigating .But we will not fall for your petty tricks ."

"Whoever you are .You tricks are useless .Go try your schemes somewhere else ."

The staff of hundred herbs sanctuary shooed him .

Lin tian was perplexed at the change of attitude from the staff.

There was no way the staff hadn't seen him buying herbs early morning .

He can't go empty handed.

"No I will not go without seeing shopkeeper Dou shu .He is definitely in the shop .ask him to come out "

"Young man we are being kind because.we should treat customer politely."

"Fuck off while we are still being kind. "one staff said irritated

"If you are not customer get out "

"That's right don't stall our business with your presence.go and suck your mommy's milk at home"one staff said fuming as though ready to beat lin tian.

Before lin tian could react .

A strong pressure descended on within the shop .

"What did you say.How dare you disrespect

Young master .I wasn't going to interfere but you all touched the limits "steward qiang was furious.

The employees in the shop had lower cultivations reaching only foundation establishment at most .Before steward qiang they were as weak as chicken.

"Kneel and ask for forgiveness otherwise....."

Because of the pressure from steward qiang whether they wanted or not They were already kneeling.

"We are sorry .please forgive us they said in unison."

"Do you remember who we are now ?"steward qiang

"Ye..."before the employee could complete his words .A voice came from upstairs.

"What are you doing here releasing your cultivaton aura .why are you making my staff kneel "Mao tu came from upstairs .

With perspiration and slightly afraid he said.

"What happened here "he pretended to be ignorant

"Aren't you the employee who attended us today "lin tian

"Attended? you must be mistaking me with someone else .I am the head of all these employees .As a head my duty is on upper floor.I didn't even met anyone today and alone attending to anyone .No customer came upstairs today too . "

"No it was you .first it was Dou shu and than you .you sole decayed herbs to us .And now you are being ignorant.you have scammed us"

"Young man As I said I haven't met any customer today .you can't say anything wrong about our shop.Our shop is most famous for our quality herbs.if you don't believe us you can ask anyone in the market .If you want to harm our reputation than don't blame me for not being kind ."

"And ask your servant to seize his aura .we are leaving in a law abiding city .if you think by using cultivation you can pressure us to accept your demands."

"And if by any chance you are here to rob than change your mind .We have law maintaining department in our city .There duty is to protect the weak and maintain the law ."

"We will not be afraid of you ." As Mao tu said he adjusted the collar of his clothes.and wiped the sweat .

At this time a loud voice came from outside.

"Who is making the trouble here "

A group of 5 mens entered in shop .

"So you are the troublemakers . creating trouble in our shop ."Dou shu entered the scene.

"Lord...lord good thing you are here .These two old and young man tried to scam the money out of us."

"When we realised their tricks .they tried to threaten us into giving them money Lord we are afraid .please help us ."Mao tu

"Do not be afraid everyone .I want to see who is trying to disrupt the law and order in my presence "A man in silver Armor used his spear to hit the ground .like a wave another pressure spread in the shop cancelling the pressure from steward Wang .

"You heard him right .explain everything what happened here "Dou shu said

Very quickly the staff explained their own verson of what happened here .They skillfully portrayed them as scammers who upon facing failures used their strength to force shop staff into do their biding .

"Fortunately lord you came otherwise we don't know what would happen to us ."Mao tu pleaded.

" Knight captain you heard everything please help us ."Dou shu

"Don't worry Mr Dou I will capture these fools and punish them .This city still falls under the law and order of kingdom .They are really daring to rob the biggest shop in the market .that too of one associated with the alchemist .I will make example of them"knight captain ordered.

"Guards capture them "a batch of 4 knight came and surrounded .

Lin tian was shocked by what was happening.he was the one who was scammed but he was portrayed as criminals.