




I swallowed nervously and walked up to the door. I rang the doorbell. Twice.

The door didn't open immediately, which was a good thing, it gave me time to gather my wits.

/"What are you doing here?/" Jace leaned against the door. His hair was disheveled, his voice raspy. He had probably been asleep. It didn't come as a surprise, considering how early it was.

/"I wanted to talk to you./" I swallowed again. He stepped aside so I could come inside but I shook my head. He gave me a confused look and raised his eyebrows in question.

/"I'm leaving./" I told him finally.

Jace nodded. /"Yeah, Scarlett told me./" He gave me a small smile. /"I think you're doing the right thing. Moving away from here is the best thing for you and Scarlett. You guys need to start fresh./"

I swallowed.

/"You came here because you wanted to tell me you're leaving?/" He asked pointedly.