


|3 years ago|(At the party)


I tried to find Scarlett in the sea of dancing bodies, somehow we'd gotten separated. I gritted my teeth when some drunk guy bumped into me.

Maybe this wasn't such a great idea after all.

I should never have convinced Scarlett to come here.

Where the hell was she?

I sighed in relief when I spotted the back of Jace's head. I quickly made my way towards him. I tapped him on his shoulder to get his attention.

His eyes widened in confusion when he saw me. /"What are you doing here?/"

It was my turn to look confused now. /"What do you mean?/"

His eyes narrowed. /"Didn't you ask Nichole to tell Scarlett that you were waiting for her by the pool?/"

My eyes widened in shock. /"Absolutely not! Who told you this?/" I demanded.

A feeling of dread started to settle in my chest.