



He didn't take me home. He took me to the clearing instead.

I couldn't deny the relief I felt.

I wasn't ready to go home. Not yet.

He silently got off the bike and sat down on the soft grass. I knew he was waiting for me to join him, so I did.

/"I think it's beautiful./" I murmured.

His head snapped in my direction, he looked confused.

/"What you do for those kids, it's incredible Hunter./" I told him truthfully.

He just shrugged like it was no big deal.

But it was.

It was a big deal.

His actions spoke multitudes of the kind of person he was inside.

/"It's the money from the races isn't it? You're racing to earn money for these kids. That's amazing./" I finally whispered.

/"There's nothing amazing about it. I have more than I deserve and those kids deserve so much more than what they have. I shouldn't be appreciated for the unfairness in this world./" His voice was bitter.