



But I was already on my feet.

I couldn't breathe. I needed to get away.

She started to reach out for me but I stepped away.

/"Please. I need to be alone right now./" I whispered.

Before I even realized it, I was already sprinting outside. I needed to get out of the house.

Had Sara been telling the truth?

Had my father really come to visit my mother?

Had my mother actually consented to his second marriage?

My thoughts were spinning out of control.

I needed to breathe.

I collapsed on the ground. My breath came out in gasps.

/"Scarlett?/" A familiar voice called out.

My head snapped up and my eyes met Hunter's. He looked concerned.

Why do I keep forgetting that we're neighbors?

We stood there silently for a while just looking at each other.

I was grateful that he didn't ask me any questions. He knew better than that.