
The Pandora

A prophecy of elders and the emergence of an 'outlaw'. increasing scientific breakthroughs in the magically influenced world. 'Regions 'beyond science and fear spreading among people. will our MC find out the secrets of regions? are those monsters or creatures away from magic and science? will those be the only things against MC? Well as the saying goes " if I trust you blindly, don't prove me blind."

badass_girl_3020 · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
3 Chs


the association of those colored beams of light emerging from the dark regions with a bad omen was so much that people started calling those born on those days winzes which meant a prayer meant to decent the cataclysm onto the world. some stories tell that such an incident happened decades ago in the meso era of the pandora. according to the legends passed down by the elders, it is said that over a thousand years ago the cataclysm was brought to the pandora as two babies. twins were born on the day when the beams of light merged to form a radiant white beam that stretched throughout the horizon and lighted up the whole night sky and from that day onward nobody has been born on a day when these lights merged, as those incidences in there itself are pretty rare. so rare that only one cataloged event has been seen and described by the folks.


The smile which had adorned the face of a new father started to fade away as he saw the face of his mother smiling in pain with tears that do not drip joy. 

" i don't know at this point whether to be so happy that i distribute sweets i n the whole village or should i cry so hard that the whole village will listen . "the new grandma spoke in a calm and melancholic manner with bits of pauses in between.