
The pain i gave her

A short story about a daughter and her mom .

Zaith_1244 · Masa Muda
Peringkat tidak cukup
1 Chs

Short story -- Letters of love

" Hey , Mia you got a letter again " my friend came into the room while handing me a letter . I

was lying on my bed surfing my phone .

"Oh , just put it in my desk drawer," I said .

"Why aren't you gonna read ? Who is writing to you ? '' she asked with a smirk , I can say that

she was expecting some controversial answer .

"My mom " I said . As expected her face changed , I mean not a bad one .

"Then why aren't you reading ?"

"It's just boring , I mean just ' how are you doing ' and all that . Will you believe she writes every

half a month or one month . She can message , right ? Still ! I used to reply her , when I

started my college but now it has been 3 or 4 years since I last replied and for 8 months I

haven't read any letter . When she sends money I just take it and throw the letter in my drawer "

I said .

"How ungrateful , you should read and reply to her . I can feel how empty she would be feeling .

Why can't she come to meet you directly ?" She asked . I think she don't know but my mom is

dumb , she can't talk and it will be embarassing if she comes . That's why I asked her not to

come . And for my father , I don't have one . I just have mom and she is dumb , and she's just a

peon . How Unfortunate of Me ...

"Whatever , so are we going to Shopping tomorrow " I asked . I changed the topic .

"If you say yes " she said . And we left our hostel room and went to a mall . That day we

shopped and just had fun .

When we came back , I slept soundly . What can I say , my life is just going like this . Here and

there just eating and having fun . I'm poor at studies , what can I do? Isn't having fun the only

thing I can do?

My life is just going on like that .

Days are passing and time is flowing...

I'm now in my last year . But my lifestyle hasn't changed , just chilling and having fun . I'll see what to do after graduation .

For now I'm just lying on my bed and my friend is on her bed studying .

"Hey , have you checked if I have got any letter ?" I asked . I asked her as she always takes

care of these things . It's been about a month and some days I haven't received a letter from

my mom . I have to pay my fees and all but she hasn't sent any money .

"No , i haven't "

"Why is she not sending money? God , so unfortunate of her ." I said

"Maybe because of delayed services " she said .

"I hope so ."

After two days, I finally received a letter . My friend came to me and handed it to me.

"See , because of the delay " she said . Then she went outside to purchase something .

I opened the letter . There was no money .

"What the hell , where is the money ?" I was more than furious .

There was just a letter . I don't mind reading her excuse . I opened it . It was written ----

Dear Mia ,

It's been about 4 or 5 years since I last saw you . You were wearing a pink skirt and

had two pigtails . You used to come tired from school but energetic while going out to hangout

with friends . I can just think of those days , now I know you would be different . I just want to

say one word 'sorry' i don't know if I was a good mom . As I told you about me 3 months ago

that I have cancer and I can stay alive for only 2 or half months , that's why I wanted to meet

you one last time . It's all right. I can understand if you don't want to meet me as I'm not your

perfect mom , I'll embarrass you . Maybe I will be dead when you read this letter as I'm writing

this letter in my last days . Still take care of yourself. And don't cry, I have no regrets . I have

transferred all the money I have in your account . Just stay all right , that's all I want . Last time I

always loved you .....

Your mother hates tears .

This was written in it . I was shocked . Standing still . I ran like crazy to get those previous letters.

I opened all of them to read .

I was more than shock and more than furious on myself . My eyes were blood red. And I was

crying ....

She already told me she had cancer , but I ---

I didn't read it . Why ? Why ? I'm the one to blame , I'm selfish and ungrateful . Why?

I was in pain , she was gone . I'm pathetic. I was crying , lying on the floor . Left alone. The one

I had , my mom, is gone .....

Even if she was dumb , even if she wasn't much educated , she was my mom and now she is

gone ….

I was just crying in pain , there .