
Chapter 31: Season 2 Begins

The next morning came and there was an intercom throughout the rooms saying "The early morning catches the worm that they say. We got a whole new season ahead of us along with a new intro!" inside the room with Luz, her family and friends the adults got up first and followed by the kids as Luz was overlooking Amity as she was putting the sleeping out of her eyes and was blushing red as Luz was the first thing that she had seen with Luz's face blushing as well.

"Glad that you are awake Amity my awesome new near-girlfriend since I would be scared that I would have to be Prince Charming waking up Sleeping Beauty with a kiss." Luz muttered with them both being embarrassed as there were amused laughs from the others in the room.

"Hard to believe about 24 hours ago, Amity here pretty much all but hated your guts kid. Honestly if things were becoming faster then we would be having your wedding tomorrow!" joked Eda as there were more embarrassment for the young couple but they couldn't deny that thanks to coming here and watching their future unfold, it did seem to be rushing their development.

They got out of their rooms and found as they stepped out their night clothes turned into their normal clothes as if they had gotten dressed. They saw that the food tables were set up with breakfast options for them to claim and tuck in.

"Glad to see all of you well rested since we have a big season coming and it feels like people have been waiting for this for ages." Cornholio said smiling from his seat playing a Nintendo Switch as they glanced at him. "Don't mind me; playing Nickelodeon All-Star Brawl which I had just gotten for Christmas as well as Metroid Dread plus others. I get to play as Garfield kicking the butt of Reptar as well as Lincoln Loud using a yoyo against Danny Phantom which was my first match up. If another author decided to do a bring the cast to watch the show version of that (I know of some who is doing it on Deviantart) then I would be open to visiting and meeting Lincoln." Cornholio said with a wink to their confusion as more eyes came to him and the banner he had set up saying:


"Wait Christmas and New Year's? Yesterday you said you had gotten back from a Halloween party!" Camila pointed out as Cornholio shook his head while pausing his game.

"And it's still Summer back home!" said Eda.

"Are you just making things up now?" Luz asked as Cornholio had gotten back up.

"I have become sick and tired of keep having to explain this but just to remind you: I have been pausing and unpausing reality so many times ever since this started! Now can you please go and enjoy your breakfast so that I can have Lincoln and Lucy fight eachother just for my heartless amusement?" Cornholio asked looking annoyed and they then left him alone as they went to get their breakfast.

The ones who were in Luz's room sat together as Perry broke the silence asking "so what do you think we could expect in this new season? Any questions you think you would be answered?"

They paused as they thought it over. "How about this Day of Unity?" Willow asked and the eyes went towards Lilith who sighed.

"Sorry everyone and I truly wish that I had more to tell you but Emperor Belos was not exactly forthcoming about the full details of the Day of Unity or his plans for it. There were a lot of things that he kept to his chest and I just blindly accepted my naive thoughts that he was keeping secrets for the good of the Isles." Lilith told them.

"How about whoever is sending Luz's Mum those letters claiming to be from her?" Gus asked and they blinked not thinking that they were ready to think about who was doing this and why.

"Isn't it obvious? Obviously Belos is doing this wanting to use Luz for his plans!" King spoke up and they thought it over.

"Nice theory King but you are forgetting one important detail: Belos obviously needed my portal in order to get to the human world so how would he even be able to send those letters? Plus what could he have to gain by making Luz's mother think that Luz was at camp? What would he care about if she knew or didn't know?" Eda pointed out and it was hard to argue against it.

"Eda, please call me Camila." Camila said smiling taking Eda by surprise as she smiled.

"So are we good now and you are going to stop criticising my decisions and actions?" Eda asked and Camila looked her way.

"I think we are good now and as long as you stop making decisions and actions that I could criticise." Camila replied and Eda thought that was probably the best that she was going to get.

"I am wondering how many episodes do we have to suffer through off Mittens and Luz's on screen selves being totally oblivious before they get together?" Edric asked laughing along with Emira much to the embarrassment of Luz and Amity.

"You're right! This is going to be absolute torture!" Willow said with more laughs and Willow ignored the glare coming from Amity.

Soon they were all done and then the tables disappeared and their seats were there for them so they could go to their previous seats. Eda was confused that her seat now had an empty one next to it and Camila found the same thing on the side opposite of her from the side where Luz was sitting.

"Got those seats ready for 2 new audience members who will be joining us when their time is right." Cornholio explained grinning and they wondered who they could be. Cornholio then said "now let's begin:"