
Chapter 12: Once Upon a Swap

At the Human Collectibles stand King is trying to jump up and catch the flags hanging up and ends up falling off the table. Luz comments about how it had been a little slow and but she thinks that she has just the thing to attract customers, using a ladder she sets up at the top a light up display sign saying 'EDA the OWL LADYS' complete with a blinking picture of Eda asking who doesn't want her name in lights.

"Luz, I hope that I don't need to remind you that I am a wanted fugitive from the law!" Eda yelled incredulously making Luz jump and a bit sad in her seat.

"So you don't want your name in lights Eda?" Luz asked hesitatingly as Eda glared at her.

"Probably not the best idea Mija even if it's a nice thought." Camila told Luz gently.

"Oh no Mrs Noceda; I happen to think that it's a great idea! Makes it much easier for Edalyn to be found and brought in so she could join the Emperor's Coven." commented Lilith with a smirk in her face as Eda turn her glare to her.

"Can it sister; whose bright idea was it to bring you here in the first place?" Eda asked and everyone turned to her and she remembered. "Oh right, Luz's stupid sign made me forget something that just happened..." Eda muttered.

Luz asks if it's too subtle but then hears someone ask if subtle means ugly, she turns and Boscha smirking with her arms folded along with Skara doing the same and another Hexside student.

"Finally, I was wondering when I was going to get some needed air time." Boscha smiled smugly as Amity sighed.

"Here is a tip if you think that you can befriend her: don't even try!" Amity whispered to Luz as Camila frowned at Boscha thinking that she doubts that her opinion on the girl will soften like her opinion of Amity had.

Luz greets them and asks if they see anything they like, Boscha says no and she is just there to take an ironic Penstagram picture with her trash sign and does so with Luz making a face in the background.

Boscha was giggling along with some in the posse as Luz muttered "you could be much nicer and asked if you wanted a picture with me..."

"Don't take it too hard Luz; Boscha has done that to me plenty of times." Willow muttered to Luz sadly as Luz glared at Boscha.

Luz tells Boscha that it's not funny and Boscha asks what she is going to do spit her human venom at her and King asks if she has venom and tells her to start melting faces.

"Even if I could, it's not worth it and you don't understand how to deal with teens like her." Luz told King in his direction and then glanced at some girls among the humans.

Luz tells King that even if she could it's not worth it and he wouldn't understand how to handle teens like her, King pulls on her hoodie and says he will show her what to do as he jumps on the table and tells them that they will tremble before him trying to make himself look threatening.

They were giggling but Luz was freaked out again by her predicting what her future self was going to say again.

Boscha talks about how cute he is and takes King for a Penstagram picture to his protesting. Boscha asks how much since she has to own him as King gets out of her grip and jumps onto the table. King says that she couldn't afford him as they gush about how cute he is some more and he says that it's the incorrect reaction.

"You don't know what you are missing." Boscha just said shaking her head as there were other students muttering wondering how much to buy King to agitation.

Eda puts her nose through the curtain and says that she smells an easy mark. She jumps out to face the Hexside students and offers them the latest fashion from the human realm as she magically appears on her a mismatch of human clothes.

Most of the audience starts bursting into laughter with Eda humphing, "Wow Luz; no wonder you are so lame when the so called Owl Lady is your mentor! I doubt that you could be lamer if you both tried..." Boscha laughed but then saw people staring at her to her confusion before bursting into laughter at her and even Amity made no attempt to hide her own laughter.

Boscha then magiced herself a mirror and screamed that she was now wearing an exact recreation of the outfit that Eda was wearing in the episode. "I decided that I should make sure that certain parties behave themselves and so I have done this and please don't even try to undo it yourself." Cornholio told her as Boscha demanded that he undo it. "This will remain until you can prove that you can behave yourself for an entire episode, can you do that?" Cornholio asked as Boscha stayed silent and glared at him.

"Can you please show me how to do this, Boscha has behavioural problems from time to time and I would love to be able to get her to behave like a proper lady of her station." Boscha's mother said as Boscha just had her mouths wide open and glared at Skara to get her from stop giggling behind her hand.

The three then laughs and starts to leave as Boscha says no, Eda magically has her clothes back to normal and says that she hates her.

"Join the club Eda." Willow and Gus said along with several other students as Boscha forced herself to be silent.

Luz says that teens can be sour but she is a little sweetie and points out her sign. Eda goes up to the sign as Luz asks if she spelled something wrong or did she spell something right, Eda tells her to stop that as she takes the sign down.

"You seriously hadn't figured out the problem yet Luz?" Eda asked shaking her head as Luz sighed.

She reminds Luz about her being on the run while showing off her wanted poster, that every guard in town would be on her doorstep if she had her name in lights.

Luz says that she doesn't see anyone right now and maybe she is just being paranoid, Luz says that she's a powerful witch and asks why hide when she could just poof her problems away with magic.

"Kid, you have no idea how life is like here in the Boiling Isles if you think that." Ea told her shaking her head.

King asks what Luz knows about problems since she just has dumb teen drama and doesn't understand how some of them have it. Eda asks how hard is his life since he is pampered all day like a baby. King yells that he is not a baby and Luz asks why is he screaming like one.

The majority of the audience bursted into laughter frustrating King, Luz notices that Amity is laughing as well and Luz puts up a fist bump motion confusing Amity. She quickly tells her what to do and Amity does the same.

King shouts that his life is a living nightmare and Eda says that there is only one thing to do when friends can't see eye to eye, Luz asks if they hug eachother until they pass out as she hugs King who asks if they fight to the death. Eda says body swap confusing King and Luz and King asks Luz if she is sure that she doesn't shoot venom.

"So wait, you said one of the plot ideas I listed earlier would come true and so it's this one? Is it possible like my favourite early 2000s movie Freaky Fraturday?" Luz asked squealing with excitement.

"Luz, nothing ever goes right in episodes or movies that uses this scenario. The other just finds out it's much harder than they thought and they always ends in the same lesson." Camila told her feeling dread as there is nothing good that could come with this.

"I can relate, I saw the movie myself and the movie it's a remake of." Hal said shocking Luz, "It was a remake, you should see how stupid the duck puppet was in the original." Hal told her.

"I still can't believe you would even suggest using that spell again after what happened in your 2nd year at Hexside!" Lilith glared at her and Eda stuck her tongue out at her.

Some were asking what happened, "Edalyn switched the bodies of her entire class on inspection day, the less you know the better." Bump said glaring at Eda with his arms crossed.

"Something the matter with you?" someone asked looking at Cornholio who shook his head.

"Truth be told, I am not really a fan of body swap episodes or movies. One happens and I lose interest in the episode most of the time." Cornholio explained.

The opening is shown.

Luz asks if that's possible and that it's like her favourite early 2000s movie Freaky Fraturday as she picks up a video copy of the movie.

Luz gasped about it happening again as the Boiling Isles residents were looking weirdly at the video cover.

Luz asks if they should think about it for a second as Eda puts up her staff and shouts 'Body Swap'. Luz asks if it works and needs a mirror walking to it and notices that she is in Eda's body with her own voice. Luz is excited and talks about how old and pointy she looks in the mirror, King looks in the mirror in Luz's body who says to bow before his meaty hands. Luz points out that it means; Eda coughed and they notice her standing on the table in King's body.

"I don't know what to feel about this..." Camila shivered feeling like she was going to watch a train wreck that she knew was coming.

"I know how to feel about this, I will be ruling against all others in the human body!" laughed King.

"That little demon is going to go about in my Luz's body..." Camila muttered in fear.

Eda asks how she looks and King replies that he has some very confusing emotions right now. Eda says that whoever can proves their body has the easiest life gets out of house cleaning duties and they know what that means.

Eda, King and Luz shivered all at once.

Outside the Owl House, Hooty is stretching out his neck and rolling around in the mud.

"It's fun, does anyone want to roll in the mud with me sometime hoot-hoot?" Hooty asked excitedly as the audience were silent. "Anyone?" Hooty asked again.

The three are then shivering; King claims that it won't be him since life as a teen is a tyrant's dream and by the end of the day he will be ruling over her demographic.

"A tyrant's dream, well I know some who act like one..." Hal muttered as the human students looked at him incredulously.

Luz says that she has magic and tells Eda not to be too mad when her inventory is gone and her guards are none the wiser, accidentally sending her to the ground with a magic circle.

"She is going to get herself killed in my body." Eda muttered shaking her head as Luz looked sheepish.

Eda calls it cute and says that if they need her she will be getting pampered at a vacation fit for a king as she walks off, King shouts that his life is not a joke but then tells Luz that her's is and touches her on the nose before walking off.

Eda gets a pair of sunglasses and poses.

Eda's Catastrophe

"Wait, what is that?" Gus asked in confusion.

"It could be that our individual plots have their own title cards... Looks better than the actual ones we have seen here..." Luz theorised with others in agreement with her.

She then walks the streets with people talking about how cute she looks, she hears a voice saying to stop right there and notices an Emperor's Coven guard at the back of her with a multiple snout dog.

Eda looked on in concern as the humans wondered what kind of dog that was.

The guard asks Eda if she thought that she could get away with it and Eda asks if he knows who she is; the guard says of course he does and says she is the cutest little angel that he has ever seen and offers her a lollipop.

Lilith just shakes her head and puts her hand to her nose.

"Easiest bet I will have ever beaten you at King." Eda told King in a gloating voice.

"Just you wait Eda, you will see how hard I have and how easy I manage a teenager's life!" King yelled after her who just made the L loser hand sign.

She takes it after throwing away the sunglasses as the dog comes up sniffing her and taunts that he has got nothing as she walks off. Eda is sure that she is going to win this bet calling being King a walk in the park, she runs into Roselle and Dottie.

"Oh them..." Skara muttered along with some other Hexside students, "they run this home for cats and they never let us in to see the cute cats." Skara explained.

Roselle calls her a lost little dumpling as she picks up Eda, Eda protests that she isn't lost and Roselle asks if they need her to make Eda delicious meal and Eda was about to say no before she starts tickling her stomach. They take her to the Kitty Cafe with some monster cats in the window, they take her inside to see some people looking at and playing with the cats there.

People were awing at the cats, "Looks like I just have to stay there, get pampered and win the whole bet." taunted Eda to the direction of King and Luz.

"My cuteness is a curse which you will see soon Eda, mark my words!" King ranted at her.

Roselle says that all she has to worry about is all the belly rubs that she wants and all the things that she is going to eat as Eda is put into a crib. Dottie gives her a cupcake as Roselle says the place is a safe place clean from the outside world and the teenagers as a no teens 'a-meow-ed' sign is shown.

Luz and some humans were laughing at the pun and some Hexside students thought about the times they were turned away.

They walk off as Eda is welcomed to her new home, Eda says that being adorable is the life and gets a pillow ready thinking that it's time for a nap.

A shadow goes over her and a cat's sound is heard and she wakes up and finds a cat telling her to leave the place and danger is near in English, Roselle says that they have a surprise for her as Eda throws the cat out of the crib.

"Looks like the bad stuff is starting." Commented Camila.

"You are just being paranoid, nothing bad is going to happen to me." Eda told her.

The cat runs away as Roselle and Dottie comes back out saying that they have a gift for their new cutest demon as she shows a baby bee costume.

People were giggling as King glared at Eda, "First the suit that Tibbles puts me in and now this? That will be the 2nd costume that I get forced into thanks to you Eda!" King thundered at her.

"Relax King, novelty costumes are where I draw the line." Eda told him.

Eda says that she is out and novelty costumes is where she draws the line as she climbs out of the crib, Roselle tells Dottie to help their new angel get changed clicking her fingers as Dottie snarls like a monster and jumps on furniture until she is at the door.

People were stunned and concerned as Eda thought that this didn't look good.

Roselle says that Eda can't survive without them; Eda warns them to stand back as she is not above disrespecting her elders and fingers a circle but remembers that she is not a witch right now.

"So, think my life is easy now Eda?" asked King with his arms folded up as Eda refused to meet his glance.

Eda runs to the employees only door and closes it while blocking it with a rocking chair, Eda says to stop babying her as she notices shelves of little demons being still while rocking about in their little chairs.

"Is this a horror movie now..." muttered one of the human students as the audience were freaked out by this.

Eda comments about the turn this vacation has turned and hears the cat from before telling her not to bother as their minds are tragically gone, being cobbled for so long that they have forgotten what it's like to be alone with their brains turned to mush.

"This is terrifying, no animal should be like this..." Luz yelled out in fear.

Eda comments about how she liked being babied but now feels how small and helpless it is to be a baby and says that it won't happen to them right. The cat then plays with a ball of string and Eda talks about how she failed her closest ally but then the door is opened by Roselle using Dottie as a battering ram.

People were looking on tensely.

Eda says that she will avenge him as she throws the cat at them and he lands on Roselle's face, she notices a hole shining with a light and runs to it but is at the window of the cafe. A demon has painted in yellow saying to see their newest baby. Roselle and Dottie are behind her and Roselle says that everyone can see their bestest baby forever as she holds up the costume with Eda yelling no to the window.

"Looks like the bet is lost to you Eda." King said shaking his head as Eda looked grumpy.

King is excited about being able to jump at hanged flags and tear one off feeling so alive before falling into a trash can.

King's Brush with Death

"So it's your plot now King."

There is a splash with water that grows tentacles from it and King gets out of the trash can thinking that it's the flag seeking revenge. He spots on a hill Skara and a Hexside student laughing while throwing a balloon with a set of tentacles carrying a demon asking someone to help him as he is a delicate man.

"Seriously Skara? Do you know how much trouble those things are if you keep playing with them?" Amity asked in disbelief to Skara who looked nervous.

"Come on Amity, it's just harmless fun." Skara muttered.

King comments about teenagers and climbs up the hill and goes over on four limbs. Outside of a treasure shack he Hexside students says to take this society as he accidentally bursts the balloon over him as a tentacle picks him up.

The student looks down as people were laughing, "So everyone here knows about our treasure shack, how wonderful." Boscha said clenching her teeth as she had chosen her words carefully.

"Oh my gosh, I can't believe that I forgot that Boscha is like this..." giggled Luz and Amity giggled in return.

Using the nose like an animal King goes inside the shack and sees Amelia on Penstagram while lying on the ground, Boscha checking Penstagram on a bean chair and the Hexside student from the beginning of the episode upside down in the air while wearing winged shoes.

"Those look like fun." Luz commented.

"More trouble than they are worth if you ask me." Amity told her.

Boscha tells him to give up and the students swears that he could do a sit up and is just having a bad day. They take a Penstagram picture as King says that he will show Luz how to rule over these humans.

Luz put her face in her hands not wanting to see what happens.

He goes in and says greeting and tells them to bow before the king of humans, the student then falls and says that nobody tells him what to do, Boscha tells him to shut it and he says sorry to her.

People were giggling.

Boscha says that her no post will talk about how the loser human thinks that she can hang out in their sacred treasure shack and spoiler alert she can't.

Luz then put her hands to her ears to Amity's confusion, "Sorry Amity, usual reaction to someone saying 'spoiler alert'!" Luz explained and Amity giggled as Camila smiled at the display.

The student flying again calls King a goody two shoes and tells him to get out of there and King comments about the goody two shoes line and takes away his shoes causing him to fall to the ground.

People were laughing at this as the student moaned about his embarrassment.

King then flies out wearing the shoes and takes Skara's bag of water balloons and tells the impressionable youths that under his command they can learn how to do some real damage and throws the entire bag which lands and a giant set of tentacles appears towering over the buildings.

"Please don't get any ideas Skara." Amity warned her who already looked deep in thought at the display.

King tells them to all hail their new team king and the group is amazed and the student says that he didn't like him telling them what to do before but now he loves it and Boscha just humphs with her arms folded.

Boscha looked like she was desperate to say something but was keeping quiet.

King asks who wants to revolt with him today as Skara, the student and Amelia are for it as Skara and Amelia flies with their shoes but the student says he will catch up as he walks after them. Boscha tells them that she did not give them permission to leave and King calls them acne encrusted hormone buckets and says to let them get out some teen angst as Amelia is carrying the student.

"What did you call us?" the students asked King incredulously who didn't look afraid.

"See how easy and quickly I made myself their new leader?" King asked.

"You have no idea how these things work King." Luz told him and he didn't look convinced.

A song about hanging with the cool kids plays as they use magic to mess with people's faces at a stop and last one whose faces was like the other's changed is now made to look like a handsome drawing. A self storage sign has letters taken away to now read elf rage with an elf passing by says the sign gets it as he tears off his shirt and punches it. They laugh but then the elf comes after them.

"Not that much different that you were actually doing last episode with the Blight twins." Lilith said as said twins smiled in response.

They are laughing as King tells them to be quiet while using a bird phone which is answered by the phone at the Owl House which Hooty answers by pushing himself against the top of it, King puts the phone through a giant speaker with Hooty saying that he has been waiting for someone to call all day and they can talk for hours as the people at the stands hearing it.

People were groaning at the image, "Hooty knows how to answer the phone?" Luz asked as Hooty nodded eagerly.

"He takes calls whenever no one is inside, I have gotten customers never wanting to call again because of him." Eda explained with a glare to Hooty.

As Amelia is eating from a bag King says that he doesn't know what Luz is talking about since the life is a breeze but is about to walk into Boscha who says that she doesn't know why they can't remember what a weirdo loser he is and King is not threatened and says that she thinks that she has power over them but they do not respond to them.

"Teenagers reluctant to completely abandon their queen bee King." Luz told King as King was worried about losing power.

Boscha challenges King to a race around Dead Man's Curve shocking them and Boscha says that they will be racing on giant rat worms.

"That is not good, I will kill him myself if he gets himself killed in your body." Amity said fiercely scaring Luz for a second.

Skara tells King that he doesn't have to do this since they know that humans are super fragile.

"No offense possible future human friend..." Skara muttered to Luz as the humans were looking incredulously at her as well.

Boscha stayed quiet despite wanting to let Skara have it for what she had just said.

King says not to baby him as he accepts Boscha's strange coming of age challenge thing. At the curve with one bone barrier breaking, the race is being set up with King attempting to push his rat worm, Amelia uses the on your mark, get set and go with go not being spoken and represented by her eating a ring snack from her bag with Boscha gaining the lead.

King gets his rat worm to finally go after smacking it from the second half and he has trouble with the race but ends up catching up to Boscha's shock as King is riding backwards calling it how cool kids ride.

"Nice save King." Luz laughed as King grunted.

Boscha is frustrated but stops with King celebrating telling her to say bye to her popularity and Boscha says bye as King notices a caution sign with light up worms.

People were now looking in concern as Camila hugged Luz close to her and Amity held onto Luz's arm.

He tries to stop but ends up falling down the broke section of the curve landing in the shack destroying it and falls off.

"Our Shack!" the people in the posse sans Boscha shouted but she joined in at glaring at King who shrunken in his seat.

"Still think my life is easy King, looks like this bet is pretty much won by me." Luz laughed.

"I never really liked it in the shack anyway." Amity told Luz.

The group is watching and Boscha tells them to get King as they fly using the winged shoes. King is being chased as he says that Luz is right about him not being able to handle the complexities of teenage life and wants her body back as he passes the Kitty Cafe and gets the leg stuck in the paint can. He goes in to hide as he hears someone say that they think that they saw him go that way, they pass after he goes through the door.

"That was convenient." Gus said and others nodded in agreement.

The lights are on and Roselle tells Dottie that a teen has come to steal one of their babies as she goes to fight with a broom, he says that he is a little baby and Roselle says that he is not and is a rotten teen but when they are finished with him he will be calling for his mother.

The audience was becoming tense again,

King says that he just wants his body back but then notices Eda in the costume who says that he can have it with his life being pretty terrible but it will probably be over soon. Dottie comes closer with a shirt.

"Thanks Eda." King muttered sarcastically to Eda in response to seeing his body in the costume.

At the Human Collectibles stand, Luz is attempting to strut but falls over and breaks a lamp after knocking it over.

People were laughing at this, "Luz, do you know how much snails I planned on selling that lamp for?" Eda yelled.

"After both you and King gotten into your little messes, that is what you are concerned about?" Amity asked as Eda grunted as Camila laughed.

Luz Deals in Heels

"Love this pun but why did Eda get the cool pose in her title card?" Luz asked as Eda smirked.

Luz asks how Eda deals with the heels all day and notices what her heels have done with the lamp but then attempts to fix it with magic but a blast just sends her back to the counter. Luz says that Eda is powerful but another accidental spell sends her back.

"See Luz, I was not bragging when I said I was the most powerful witch in the Boiling Isles." Eda told Luz smirked as there were mutterings around them.

Using gloves with holes for fingers she tries again to fix the lamp but it now has other lamps connected to it and has grown human feet.

People were looking at the image in disbelief.

Luz is excited about making magic with her hands as a demon comes along saying that he will take the lamp and Luz uses a spell to get the lamp to walk and says sold to the customer who throws a Snail coin to her.

"Looks like I am not a bad saleswoman Eda." Luz smirked and Eda told her to just wait.

Luz has a more extravagant version of her earlier sign up, a hat on her head, customers come closer and a demon says that the lights are too bright and he had forgotten what he came for and Luz asks if it's laughter as she uses a spell to tickle him with a small mop who buys two for his enemies with a large amount of Snails.

"The instant that sign is up, I knew what will happen." Eda warned Luz who hoped that she was jsut being paranoid.

A centaur with eyes on his body comes over and Luz magics up a pen to draw a face on his head leaving the centaur in tears with more snails added to the piles.

"You think that it's the same centaur that I tried to sell potions to on my first official day in the Boiling Isles?" Luz asked as some shrugged as it might be.

A baby demon is crying with Luz magicing up a pacifier with the mother adding more snails to the pile. Luz says that she is Eda the Boiling Isles gift to magic and a large cloaked individual asks if that's right if she's Eda the Owl Lady.

Luz asks that depends if he is a fan of magic as she pulls a bouquet of smiling flowers from the hat, the individual says that he is a fan of the law as taking off his cloak to reveal that he is an Emperor's Coven guard.

"Who could have guessed that would happen, took you less time than me or King to mess up Luz." Eda told Luz gloatingly as Luz realised what a terrible idea the sign was.

The flowers faces melt as Luz has the hands taken in manacles with another guard saying that they are finally able to catch her in the act all thanks to the little light show.

Luz shrank in her seat as Amity and Camila tried to comfort her.

Luz tries to ask them to forget this ever happened and tries to use an amnesia spell but just makes a giant pacifier appear on the face of the 2nd guard.

"Magic takes a lot of practice Luz." Amity told her softly as people were laughing at the image in front of them.

Luz comments about not having the hang of it yet and then at the Police Precinct 128, Luz is processed with the camera demon calling it some of his best work since it captures the shame.

"Thanks Luz, if we weren't pulled here to hopefully change this then a photo of me looking pathetic would exist!" Eda told Luz with a glare.

An Emperor's Coven members takes away the staff with Owlbert covered in a manacle and put in a cell saying that he is going away for a long time.

"Eda I am so sorry..." Luz told Eda apologetically.

"Don't worry about it, it seemed the three of us screwed up badly or will..." Eda replied with a smile.

Luz tries to explain as she is put in a room with chairs and a table.

The Coven members ask if it's really her as a figure comes in and passes them, the two guards at the window are talking with the one with the pacifier liking it and not wants to take it out because it calms the nerves. They notice Lilith is there and the pacifier is dropped, they bow and ask what they owe the honour.

"How flattered the leader of the Emperor's Coven would come to see me." Eda told Lilith sarcastically.

"Wait, does that mean that you would have shown up at the Conform prison place if we didn't escape before you heard about us being caught there?" Luz asked as Lilith smirked as she nodded. "Would that also mean that you could have walked in to the Warden trying to put the moves on Eda?" Luz asked still disgusting herself with the thought.

Lilith's smirk dropped and she said "I too would rather not think about it..."

"Daddy said one day you could be my new aunt Ms Lilith!" Braxas said as Lilith looked confused.

"The Braxas kid who your top student reads to at the library is the warden's son, had his dear old daddy told him that I am to be his new mum someday." Eda explained to her as Lilith's face fell.

"I am both amused and disgusted by this at the same time." Lilith said as most people were with her on that.

Lilith explained that word reached her that they captured her sister and she will take it from there. One of the guards says that he has the order to send her straight to the Conformitorium but Lilith just uses her magic to turn it to shreds.

Luz tries to explain that they have the wrong Eda as Lilith comes over saying hello, Luz says that she is Eda's sister right and tries to guess her name.

"Hey, we only met like on one day and how was I supposed to remember your name?" Luz asked as Lilith looked towards Luz amused.

Lilith says her show of affection is touching and asks if she knows why she is there and Luz tries to say that it's a Freaky Fraturday mix up. Lilith gets out the list of charges against her including operating a stand without a permit, owning a hocus without a pocus and the charges are serious and there is no running away.

"Like what are Hocus and Pocus... Do I even want to know?" Luz asked.

"You operate your stand without a permit?" asked Steve as if that was the most serious charge.

"I am a fugitive on the run from you and your kind... Do you really think that I would want a permit which would leave a paper trail to catching me?" Eda asked as Steve stayed silent.

Luz says that she knows that she can't poof her problems away and Lilith comes over says that they can and claims her getting caught was clearly a cry for help.

"Oh dear..." Eda muttered looking like she wanted to block this.

Lilith tells her to join the Emperor's Coven like they wanted when they were girls and Luz is surprised by the fact that Eda wanted to be in the Emperor's Coven.

"No, you wanted to be in the Emperor's Coven and I wanted to be your side before I decided that the Coven thing wasn't my style! Don't try to rewrite what happened Lily!" Eda yelled at Lilith who grunted.

Lilith tells her not to worry as soon she won't be a danger to those around her and tells a guard to bring out the Branding Glove as Luz is magically tied around the chair.

"You wouldn't!" Eda told Lilith warningly.

"Well how else was I supposed to help you and bring you into the Coven when you keep running away!" Lilith replied.

"Branding Glove?" Luz asked hesitatingly.

"Bring someone into the Emperor's Coven, doesn't have to be voluntarily..." Lilith explained to Luz who looked scared along with Camila that they would do this. Even Amity was taken aback by the lengths that the Coven that she wanted to join would go to.

A guard puts on the Glove which lights up and he pushes away the table, Luz tells them that they are making a mistake and she is not a danger to anyone and ends up creating a big magic circle.

"Say that again Luz." Eda laughed as Luz looked down.

A blast at the wall is made as Luz is free of the manacles and gets Owlbert to come to her hitting her on the face knocking her out.

Luz laughed half heartedly as others were giggling.

Luz tells Owlbert sorry as she uses a spell to snap the manacle around him and says that Eda's life is more complicated than she thought. She runs through the hole as Lilith looks angry.

"See how hard it is being a super powerful witch and you have to be careful when using magic?" Eda asked Luz and she nodded and Lilith didn't look happy at a good opportunity to bring Eda into the Coven seemingly had gone down the drain, even if it wasn't Eda in her body.

Luz asks where would they be and comments on how confusing the situation is as Lilith sends the guards after her. She ends up at the Cafe where King wearing a shirt and Eda bangs on the glass.

"Convenient once again." Luz said.

Roselle tells Dottie that it's not kidnapping if they ended up at their store and to just think of it as customer service.

People had to giggle at this.

Luz using a spell accidentally transforms a lamp near the two of them into a copy of the one from before, they notice Luz has entered and they escape together with them after them.

People laughed at this.

Luz asks what stuff has King gotten her body into as Lilith and the guards and the dog from before has found them, Eda says that she has the same question as they are found by the teenagers with their winged shoes flying in the air. Eda asks if everyone has learned a valuable lesson about experiencing each other's hardships and they are all in agreement.

"Yeah, I guess teenage drama is not as easy to deal with as I thought." King said.

"Being super powerful with magic is not something to be taken lightly." Luz said.

"Being super cute and expecting to be pampered has its drawbacks." Eda said.

Eda says to end this nightmare as she takes her staff to end this nightmare and uses the Body Swap to put them into their right bodies but King is in the shirt form before and Eda is wearing the bee costume which rips off.

"It switched you back but you were wearing the clothes that you have gotten into... My brains hurts..." Camila muttered as Luz held her mother's hand as people giggled at the sight of Eda in the bee costume which had her grunting.

Lilith comes over and says that time and again she has offered her help but she foolishly runs back to her worthless life and she is tired of trying and Eda's days of running are over. Eda thanks Luz and Luz says sorry. Eda says not to worry as she has got this and uses Body Swap on their enemies.

"Edalyn, you wouldn't dare!" Lilith warned Eda who smirked at her stuck her tongue out at her.

Lilith as the dog snaps at Lilith telling her to switch her back, the guards are in the bodies of Roselle and Dottie with one asking who they are and they argue.

Except for the teens in the group and Lilith, most of the audience laughed. "Wait, whose body did I end up in?" Skara asked in concern as the others had similar concerns. Boscha told herself just to wait a little longer to be quiet.

Roselle as the student flies at the guard telling him to get out of her body. This erupts into a fight between them, Luz tells Eda that things are more complicated than she thinks but with them it feels a little less mixed up. Eda says that it's sweet and says to never speak of this again.

The three wouldn't mind holding onto never speaking of that again.

They fly on the staff as the dog in Lilith's body howls after them.

Lilith glared at Eda as the audience laughed some more.

"You think someone would have fixed this after you left?" Willow asked.

"Body Swap is a simple enough spell when you know what to do and I imagine more guards would have come over and fixed it when they would have gotten wind of the situation." Steve explained.

Luz asks who is going to clean Hooty as they see how dirty he has gotten. Hooty points out that it's his monthly cleaning, he's 20% mucus but to not let that stop them, that he has some hard to reach spots that needs swabbing. Luz says maybe they could work together but King and Eda goes 'not it' with Luz reacting 'aw man'.

People were looking at Luz in sympathy and glaring at Eda and King, Luz groaned into her hands. "Hey you clean Hooty from top to bottom and then you can dare judge us for what we will do to stop this!" Eda said.

"Don't worry Luz, I will hold off on playing in the mud when this day comes!" Hooty tells Luz who took her into a hug as Boscha ran from her seat to Cornholio.

"Episode is done so you can switch me back now..." Boscha demanded as Cornholio laughed.

"Please recall that I said that I would do so once you have behaved yourself for an entire episode and it was near the beginning when it happened so you have yet to accomplish this. I decided to be quiet about pointing that out." Cornholio explained to her as Boscha then screamed to the hall to the amusement of her tormentees. She then furiously went back to her seat about having to behave herself for the next episode.