
the overlord demon system

Lin xu, a young youth, who wants to ply the road, was hit by a fast moving vehicle Immediately, he was rushed to a nearby hospital,but unfortunately he kicks the bucket Lin xu, who opens his eyes, found that he didn't die Follow Lin xu as he becomes an overlord demon in another world where gods and demons rule

Da_niel · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
4 Chs

Blood eyes

(Stamina: The more you brace yourself the more your stamina increase and you can use point stats)

(Point stats: when you fight cultivator more than you)

"Wow this is good" Lin xu exclaim with an excite face

Lin xu decide to enter deep into the cave, checking the owner's body, he found out that, the owner's of this body was called Lin xu and from the Lin noble family, but he doesn't have any cultivation and he is not an important, the Lin's family out casted him, even his father and siblings, but only his mother still support him

"System how can I begin cultivation" Lin xu asked

(If you have point stars, you can buy different level on how to cultivate inside the system shop)

"Ohhh, I wonder what the Lin family will look like when this body begins to cultivate, I need to get stronger, let see what's inside this cave"

Lin xu, who had walked for 1 hour, was showing an exhaust face, but he doesn't give up

From a long distance, he saw a light

"I wonder what am going to find inside there" Lin xu muttered

Some minute later Lin xu found himself in an open place, with a statue and throne

"What this place" Lin xu exclaim moving towards the statue

Lin xu touched the statue, but nothing happened, turning back and looking around, he doesn't know when the statue eyes glowed

"Do you want to get stronger kid" A voice rang inside Lin xu head

"Who is that?" Lin xu asked

"Am at your back" the voice stated

Lin xu turned to his back, facing the statue

"Are you inside the statue?" Lin xu asked with a frown on his face

"Yes, do you want to get stronger" the voice said once again

"Yes, what do I need to do" Lin xu asked

"You see the throne there" the voice stated point at the throne

"Yes" Lin xu replied

"Go and sit down on it and receive might powers" the voice stated

Lin xu looked at the throne for few seconds, after that he moves towards the throne

Arriving at the front of the throne, but he was thinking maybe he should not sit on it

"Kid sit down on the throne, it a once in life opportunity to be granted the powers of a mighty existence like me" the voice reassured Lin xu

Without excitation Lin xu sat down on the throne, immediately he noticed something was wrong, he tried to get up but he couldn't

"Why trying to run, do you think I will give you weakling a potion of my power, i want to take over your weak body to be free from this statue haha" the voice laughed

immediately Lin xu found his soul was tearing apart

(An unknown soul is trying to swallow host soul,does host want to absorb the soul)

"Yes" Lin xu groaned

The unknown soul who was taking over the body with and excite look, frown

"What is happening why do I feel my soul is been absorb" the voice muttered

The system kept absorbing the soul, the unknown soul finally knows his soul is been absorb

"Impossible impossible impossible" the voice kept shouting

The system kept absorbing the soul

"wait am an immortal, I can give you treasures" the voice stated with a panic voice

Still the the absorb the soul until a small portion was left

"NO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" the voice shriek with a fading voice

Lin xu who was still sitting on the throne with his closed, opened his eyes

"System my soul is still intact" Lin xu stated

(Yes, the unknown soul is been absorb by the system and you have reach a level 1 skill BLOOD EYES)

(Blood eyes: when you use this skill your eyes are been red, you can use it to search a person soul but u can't use it on cultivators with 2 cultivation more than you and it's upgradeable)

*_Name:Lin xu_*


*_Class:(no class)_*





*_Skills:(Blood eyes level 1)_*






*_Points stars:(200)_*

"I have leveled up and I got point stars with a skill" Lin xu exclaim with an excite look