
The Semester Begins

With a new day comes new problems. Aayla would love to just stay in the residence hall and avoid the attention of her highly magical classmates. Alas, that was not be. Since Aayla was technically at Nafriton with a 'cooperative education' position, she had to attend some of Nafriton University's internationally acclaimed classes for better or worse. If any one of the thousands of Nafriton's rejected applicants heard her desire to skip class, they would die from anger.

The dining hall was crammed full of people in the early morning. Dormi could barely keep enough food flowing out of the kitchen to appease the students' ravenous appetites. Unlike them, Aayla could barely eat anything at all. She forced herself to eat a few bites of breakfast then followed the crowd to campus. Aayla looked down at the paper schedule in her hand.


Name: Aayla Glowery

Specialization: Ancient History (Non-degree)

Term Start Date: 15th of Ica, 2021 M.E.

Term End Date: 6th of Teus, 2021 M.E.


--> Basic Magic Theory, MAGI 101, Prof. Douglas Hartaris, Classroom 4412A

Lecture: 09:00 to 10:00 on days Shine, Gale and Flare.

Lab: 10:30 to 11:30 on days Shine, Gale and Flare, 12:00 to 13:00 on day Shine.

--> Ancient Celes I, MAGI 121, Prof. Dona Argall, Classroom 3210

Lecture: 12:00 to 13:00 on days Firma, Gale, Glow and Flare.

--> World History Before the Great Disaster, HIST 101, Prof. Myron Roussas, Classroom 1306

Lecture: 15:00 to 16:00 on days Firma, Glow and Aqua.

Total Credit Hours: 12

Note: Courses and earned credits are restricted for non-degree students. Contact Student Affairs staff for questions and information about how to receive full admission.


Aayla checked her common-sense cheat sheet. In some ways, Tellus was so similar to Earth that Aayla was a bit off put at first. Aayla still couldn't get used to the new day names. Fortunately, days on Tellus are still 24 hours long otherwise Aayla would never arrive on time to anything.

Chinebar uses the International Unified calendar, which divides the year into 13 months of 28 days each. Each week is still 7 days long with the days named after the main gods and the elements: Shine, Firma, Gale, Glow, Flare, Aqua and Shade. Aayla was forced to leave Earth in early to mid-August, which means that today should be late-August. Teus is the last month, so the semester should end around early December. This school schedule isn't much different than on Earth.

The luxurious campus was crowded, but not completely packed. The size of the campus was just right to accommodate the thousands of students, faculty and staff. Unfortunately, students and professors would still often have to run between classes or they would be late. As she walked, Aayla became a bit speechless when she heard several students challenge each other to duels. Today was only the first day of classes and people were already itching to test their skills.

When Aayla finally arrived at her destination, most of the students were already chatting in the classroom. The chatter died down when she entered. Many gazes with a variety of intents intensely stared at Aayla. She quietly found a spot near the windows and pretended to read her textbook. Bits and pieces of the closest conversations flowed into her ears.

"Is that her? She really doesn't have any mana at all?"

"That's so sad. How could she live like that?"

"I thought that this was a school for elites. It's bad enough that commoners can get in. How could that have possibly gotten in?"

Curiosity. Pity. Disdain. Aayla had felt them all before and thought that she was used to them. For some reason her heart still ached and her frustration grew. She could live just fine without magic, thank you very much, and she had her own Terran skills. It's just that none of them involved magic. They better pray that they don't have to go up against her math or science because Aayla won't show them any mercy. Fortunately, the stares didn't last too long as the bell rang shortly afterward. The professor soon walked in and started the first class of the entire semester, 'Basic Magic Theory'.

"Good afternoon, class. I am your professor Douglas Hartaris, and I will be teaching the practical and fundamental principles of basic magic theory. If you are in the wrong place, please leave now or wait until the end of lecture."

Professor Hartaris paused for a few seconds, but no one got up to leave.

"Alright. Since everyone is supposed to be here, then I will start class. Today we will only cover the class rules and syllabus –"

The class collectively groaned in annoyance. Some of the students in the back of the class rolled their eyes and the more courageous among them began to quietly chat amongst themselves. It's just the boring syllabus so obviously there's no need to pay attention since we'll get a copy later. All of the rules are basically the same between classes anyways.

"—and since you all seem so overjoyed then we can have a quiz tomorrow over the topic. Won't that be fun? Be sure to pay attention to the details. Just like when casting spells, I adore paying attention to the minor details."

The students immediately sat up straight. Many glared at the idiots who started talking in the back of the room.

"Excellent. I see that you all enjoy learning just as much as I do. Let's begin with an overview of the rules and what we will cover in your practical sessions with my assistants."

The hour-long class flew by quickly. Most of the magic related topics were actually fascinating for Aayla, when she could understand what the professor was talking about. Her lack of Tellan common knowledge was becoming more apparent to Aayla the longer the lecture went on. A few short weeks of studying couldn't match up to the years of first-hand experience that the rest of her classmates have. Aayla kept her head down and gaze lowered to avoid attracting attention. She didn't want to risk the professor calling on her to answer a question. Her tactic almost worked until the very end of class.

Professor Hartaris clapped his hands and smiled. Deputy Heston's goddaughter finally appeared, and in his own class no less. He was curious about how much of Deputy Heston's bragging had been nothing more than hot air. She shouldn't get too mad if he tests her student just a little bit, right?

"Now that we are finished with the boring rules and syllabus, let's talk about something fun for the end of our first day. Later this semester, we will discuss a bit about Terra and possible external influences on Tellan development."

"Terra? Finally, something interesting."

"I know, right? I learned all of this basic stuff when I was 8."

"Hehe, then why did you score so low on the entrance test that you were placed into this 'basic' class?"

"Huh? What'd you say, you idiot? You wanna duel now?"

"Sure, I could easily beat your dumb butt back to Forest Waypoint."

"ENOUGH! Duel only in designated locations with an official referee during your spare time. Not during my class time. I'm perfectly happy just letting the Disciplinary Committee sort out any offending students.

As you all have probably learned during your previous studies, Terra is the sister world of our own from another dimension. Various ancient texts have recorded evidence of this world and of people from that world crossing over into Tellus. These people came from many different parts and times of Terra. Of course, after the fundamental laws of magic changed during the Great Disaster no modern evidence has been found to support these texts. We have no way of knowing if the ancients successfully crossed over to Terra, much less confirm its existence today. Nevertheless, the existence of the place formally known as 'Terra' has greatly impacted Tellan history up until the modern day."

Until Aayla crossed over and became living proof of Terra's existence.

"As part of this class, we will briefly study the development of magic and the impact of Terra on our world. In fact, Nafriton's renowned Deputy Headmaster Ramona Heston provided the greatest modern advancements to understanding and validating the ancient texts and more recent theories. I understand that we have a student of Deputy Heston's in this class. How about we let Miss Glowery talk about some of her latest experiences studying under Deputy Heston."

Everyone stared directly at Aayla with bright eyes. Most were eager to hear about one of their favorite Nafriton professors. Deputy Heston was notoriously tight lipped and private after her disappearance. They never thought that they could hear about her work in their freshman year. Anyone that Deputy Heston taught must be excellent like she is!

Unlike the rest, a few waited for Aayla to make a fool of herself. Deputy Heston's goddaughter and student? Hmph, more like goddaughter and leech with her mana. It's only natural that anyone who pulled strings to enter Nafriton wouldn't be any good. They should just be kicked out as soon as possible. Nafriton has a reputation to maintain. Besides, with her gone the position of Deputy Heston's personal student would be open.

An uneasy smile made its way onto Aayla's face. Well, darn it. This was not what she had planned. Is this professor an ally or an enemy? She hasn't studied under Ramona at all!

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