
The Otherside Of A Flipcoin

(IN ORDER OF INFLUENCE AND STORY SPACE:) R-18+, Romance (Harem), Adventure, Action, Modern-day+Fanfic, Mystery, kingdom-building, ... +short synopsis: A young boy, raised in an irregular environment, find the reality he live in is more than he ever knew, or thought it is, and from that point the journey of his life begins, as he's moving in&out of different paths, in his way of finding his own way of life, purpose, goals, and place. +short plot synopsis: Through obtaining power(s), some intentionally and some directed to him, the MC begins exploring life, and confront issues of health, wealth, urges, desires, purpose, relationships, and more. +Alert! : This story is a WISH-FULFILLMENT. what does it mean? of course a happy end, and even if the journey he's on will be turbulent, no tragedy will happens to him, at least not permanent (so no plot-armor, as he does have his harsh-moments, like the risk of death, or not easily getting women like he's picking fruits from a tree ... BUT, he will win, everything) P.S: Reviewing my writing, this story is a slow-burn till ch.10, but by ch.15 the story is up-to-speed, gets lighter, more fresh, and I'd bet you'd like it. Each volume is like a book of it own, so be aware of it + It's my first novel, and I do think the quality of it gets better each volume, showing the 'true colors' in vol.06+07. +There's lots of pics (9,000+), which I find important, all over the chapters, as this is part of the fan-fic for me as well, the art (meaning, if you read from a phone-web-browser, not seeing comments, you miss a serious parts, imo) [around 20+ avg. pics each ch, and much more as farther you go] {Look at Author'-comment-history, it's all this novel pic-uploads, but it diverse a lot, as after few thousands, I diverse the style a lot, including irls, gifs, look alikes, etc}. --- [Q&A]: chapter length = 3,000+ words; [each Vol = 100k words] ; what R-18? = romance, lots of 'fun', no ntr; [Bit yuri-tease, disappears through the middle as readers seems repulsed by it]; how's MC? = weak-to-strong, op-route; [Bit childish in first volumes, but the growth-sprout in later volumes is imo amazing]; what Fanfic? = (by relevance) One piece, Soul land, DBZ, DXD, Food wars!, ... ; --- [My first novel, btw, and will be free (I do think farther ch, like Vol.06+, has qualities everyone can find enchanting, so yeah, first novel series, and somehow felt, plus each Vol is like a book on it own) + I'm not the owner of those fanfics,pics,etc, I use, but I do find using those characters, plots, and background as fulfilling. It's mostly based upon, and the fic-plots is synced into this story plot (by heroines you can probably guess when). You don't need to read more than short-synopsis of the used novels, but if you do, than it's like the hidden sides of this, and those, novels (like o.p. hidden-secrets-theories, etc, yet will take only a small space, but I think if you know the plots you'll like it)]. (After reading so many novels, the feeling of a missing piece, an important one, sent me to write this story. I'm maybe the writer, but I sure am this novel most avid reader & I hope you'll find it enjoyable too). P.S: Read the 'Warning' episode. It has more details, who're probably needed if you try to decide if to read this novel (&there's 'chapters short narration' chapter, who can sum-up what's going on in this novel in each chapter, so ctrl+f there if you have a question about chars)

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227 Chs

CH99: A maiden maid

"Hi... Ayn... This is prince Xue Qing He, of Heavenly Dou Empire" Fengzhi introduce between me and the prince, who I know is his student.

"Greeting, prince... How should I call you?" I ask, acting politely to him, but watching his energies, something is amiss, 'wrong... something here is wrong...'.

"Teacher Ning, great to see you again, and Ayn, pleasure meeting you, heard good words about you, the future husband of the seven-treasure-glaze-tile-clan-princess" the prince say with politeness and class, looking charismatic, ado.

"Thanks, but we're already married" I respond, and he smile, responding "then my congratulations, may I ask from which clan you come from?".

I answer "from humble family, no clan, just a simple origin", and he keep questioning, and I keep answering vaguely, till Fengzhi avert the conversation smartly.

"Ayn is an inventor, and we plan on introducing a technology-development in the future, which we'll be implemented into every household, or so we hope for" Fengzhi says, and the prince smile, and begin discussing the issue, while looking at a mobile-phone, and I explain to him the need of electricity, and he nod in agreement, intrigued by the conversation.

'I better not reveal any more than the most basic mundane things...' I think while keep checking his energies, when suddenly I can feel two powerful entities guarding around him, from the shadows, thinking 'they're above level 90 for sure.. better stay quiet.. Any idea out there?'.

(Bijo-Mu says it's an illusion, and you can break it, by releasing a counter-illusion onto him), but I respond 'no way, I see zero benefit from doing such a thing', and ponder about it, while we chat about the future of the empire, understanding there's few kingdoms, who together ruled by the empire, and the spirit-hall is some sort of a shadow-organization, who for now gather forces, and is stronger then both empires right now.

... "So are the empire with the spirit-hall?" I ask, showing my lack-of-knowledge about the issue, and the prince responds "of course not", and I can somehow read his floating thoughts, getting close to him, and try poke his mind, while reading it.

"May I ask a personal question... Being a prince and all... How's life?" I ask, and see a horrible scene, where a young kid is murdered, which kinda look like the prince in front of me, and then a little-girl taking a spirit-mask, changing her look to the prince, living her life as him.

'FUCKING SHIT, HE'S A SHE?! HOW CAN THIS IDIOTS NOT NOTICE A THING?! IT'S THEIR CHILD!! AND THE SPIRIT-SOUL!! IT'S NOT THE SAME! WHAT THE...!!' I'm too shocked to keep on the conversation, and they notice me daze, staring at a wall, as Fengzhi asks "All okay?".

"Yeah, sorry, sleepy, long night, really sorry for the impoliteness, maybe we can enjoy a dinner soon?" I ask the prince, who smiles, saying "I would be glad to", and we soon say our goodbyes, separating our ways, and I'm sitting in a carriage, together with Fengzhi, still in shock, wondering what to say to him.

"Say, how important is a prince to the empire?" I ask, and Fengzhi tells me "The future ruler? Immense... Why?", and I shake my head, saying "never mind, just a floating thought".

"Can we meet the emperor soon?" I ask him, and he nod his head in agreement, telling me "I plan to meet him soon anyway, so join me", and I nod in agreement as well, wondering 'Who's the emperor, and what type of character he is?..'.

... "Less than half a year" I say when we arrive inside the clan'-castle, and Fengzhi, Rongrong, and the 2 grandpas gaze at me, asking "what?", and I tell them "less than half a year till total chaos will erupt, so my honest idea is, new continent, let's rule the new continent, BUT, it will be a disguise, as we will secretly mobilize all our wealth and power there".

"That's an ingenious idea, but, who said it even exist? and that there's no force ruling there?" Fengzhi analyze the situation, pondering, and I tell him "I'll do the leg-work, returning with intel in a month or so, just think about it, and pause all other plan for the moment", and he smile, looking at me, then Rongrong, and back at me, looking content.

... After some discussion, and then private-time with Rongrong, I *Teleport*.


... "So what do you think?" I ask Robin, Nami, Mia, and Alison, and also to everyone inside Infinity, as I can finally sense vaguely the living-beings inside, feeling all the girls together around an invisible-Infi, like she's hiding from me for some reason.

No one say a thing, so I decide, saying "Touring the new continent, and when the chaos erupt, I'll benefit from it as much as I can, we will benefit from it, and till then, we have around half a year to progress ourselves, so do your best".

<Starting tomorrow...> Yuena voice comes from Infinity, <I will arrange the beast-kin forces, and create the power we lack so much, and please remember... There's gods who pull the strings in this land>.

Soon, the conversation is over, and I ask "What do you all think about Yan and Erlong?", and I pass them the memories about me and those two, how they always tease me, and float around me.

"I think you should bring Erlong here, let her be away for few months, and if she is sincere, and feel the same, then we can decide" Mia give her advice, which I find coherent, with the fact she waited for a bastard, who left her in the wedding-night, for way too long.

"And Yan?" I ask, and the girls begin discussing, till Mia say "same thought", letting me know there's some sort of a hold, which seems legit, with the harem just forming, and becoming harmonious, and I agree, telling all "I love you...", spending some time, before I *Teleport*.


... "If you sincerely see our future together, please come and join me in traveling for few months" I tell Yan and Erlong after dinner, while chilling in the living-room, and I see them pondering, as Yan kinda accepted already, wishing to talk to her grandpa first, while Erlong keep quiet, till Yan leaves, and she come next to me.

"What do you feel about me?" she asks, and I answer right away "desire, wishing to be with you, passion, I think I fell in love with you, But, I'm scared, of your past emotions for that bastard, who left you, yet you still chase him, even when he made it clear he got no intention to be with you".

"That's too honest" she pouts, and I laugh, saying "one of the reason I was attracted to you from the very beginning, the honesty in our communication, is a thing I love, and more than that, it's our biggest obstacle between us, mostly for you, so please, face it straight on, make a clear decision, and a choice..." I tell her, kiss her forehead, and *Teleport*.


At Sabaody, I call Lya to come over, from Infinity, and in the moment she arrives, I stand next to her, smiling, and hug her lightly, and once she responds with a hug, I tightly hug her to me.

"I can't believe how much you changed since we first met..." I tell Lya, which used to be a weirdo called 'Baby-5', full with insecurities, no personality, and a clear lack of common sense, but now, like an adult girl, close to being a woman, she has so much of that growing in her.

"I love you" she snuggle to my chest, almost crying.

"I love you" I respond, kissing her hair, hugging her, while patting her lovingly, and *sob,sob*, she begin crying, breaking apart, and hug me close, while smearing me with her liquids, as I *chuckle*, caring her to a princess-carry, to the balcony'-Jacuzzi, hidden in the top-branches of this gigantic-mangrove-tree.

She take off her clothes, as I finish preparing the hot-water, and pouring us wine-glasses, getting inside.

"That's barely a swimsuit" I say in joy, looking at her micro-bikini, and she smile, while sitting inside the water, in front of me, saying "said the naked man", and I burst laughing, loving her real personality so much, intrigued by the cute-house-wife-vibes she got, instead of her initial-slave-personality.

I pull her to my lap, having skin-ship with her, as my hands roam on her legs, and my head lies on her shoulder, with my mouth on her neck, pecking it softly, while she talk about her adventures in Infinity, and how each of them took responsibility over a part.

"... And once Mia left, I took the lead, and am the head-maid, so I support everyone, coordinate between... blablabla ... I think, if there's heaven, it is Infinity, for sure... I wish I was born in such a world", Lya stop talking, cuddling really tightly to me, like I would disappear if she'll let go.

"If you were there, I think no one would have gone out, except those who wish to be more powerful" Lya tells me, mentioning Raki, who wanna join Bulma and Zhuqing in West-city, as it seems the project to build training-facility inside Infinity ain't progressing fast enough.

"Is there soul-power? Chi? Energies? in there..?" I ask, wondering about it, and Lya laugh, saying "Infi said your channel-paths have so much energies running through them, passing energies from the worlds you're at, to the inside, it's shocking you haven't died yet", and I *Cough, cough*, and *Chuckle* awkwardly, thinking 'Infi, when we'll meet, prepare your butt for a spanking'.

(When you'll see Infi, try not to have drool all over your face!!) Bi-Bi responds instead of her, but I'm sure they know I'm joking, thinking 'Since I've met Infi, my whole life is the best adventure any human can wish for, I'll probably kiss her even if she look like a frog', and I suddenly hear <hehe>, first time Infi laughing, and enjoy this heavenly voice of hers, but focus back at Lya.

"Do you want to... Confront the past you had?" I ask Lya, and she responds "I have a daily chat with someone, trying to do so, but I don't know... It's you... Who makes me... Wanna face it.. Like... If I had a..with you..then I will never..I will love it..and give it everything, even if I will have nothing..", *sob, Sob, SOB*, she burst crying.

My tears falling as well, feeling her feeling, facing a reality where parents throw away their child, and honestly, they were so poor, I doubt the parents themselves had any chance of survival, with or without the child, but that act, it just made the scars so much worse.

"From all the reasons that brought us to this moment", I whispers to Lya, "I'm thankful to it all, just for the chance to be here, now, with you, in this happiness, in this love, in this bliss, and know that the future holds only blessings...".

I kiss Lya cheek, and she *giggle*, while crying, making her cuteness reach the extreme.

"I love that thought.. All that happened, is just to arrive to this moment... I Love You..." Lya keeps crying, while turning her head, and kiss my lips.

A soft kiss after another, A kiss following a kiss, till we submerge our mouth to each other, entangling our tongues, sipping the taste of the other, mixing our bodies to be one, as our hands explore, discover, and fondle, everywhere.

I break the kiss, taking out a ring, and once she sees it, she begin crying again, and run out of the bath, saying "wait", and I 'see' her going to change clothes, and do the same.


More than an hour later, 'watching' Lya keep changing clothes, till she finally go with a maid-wedding-style, making me grin by her taste of style, she finally walks to the living-room, where I wait with a room full of candles, flowers, food and drinks.

While soft music is playing, Lya enter the room, and I wait in front of the door, with a ring stretched in my hand, and she enter inside, with a white-black-sexy-maid-outfit, wearing a revealing white-shirt, a really-short-black-skirt, white leggings, and black-high-heels, playing with her long-black-hair, pouting cutely, shyly.

"Will you marry me, and be my queen?" I ask, and she give me her hand, gazing into my eyes, saying "I do, I am, I'm yours", and I put the ring on her finger, standing up, and we begin kissing and hugging.

... After endless flirt, while eating, Lya can barely hold herself back, pushing her enormous bosom into my face, and a second later turn around, showing me the opening in her leggings, with a string-thong so thin, I can barely see she's wearing one.

"Does it look good on me?" Lya asks, and I comprehend I barely gave her compliments, or maybe it's just her insecurities, and rain compliments at her, while standing next to her, as she raise her skirt, telling her "So beautiful...".

I hug her from behind, whispering "..That from the first moment I saw you..".

I move my hands from her shoulders to her hips, not missing a single part of her on the way, amazed by her curvy-sexy-body, kissing her neck, and whisper "...I had feeling from you from first sight...".

"But now..", I carry her, walking to the bedroom, "..When you are you, letting your true personality, true colors, out..", I drop her on the bed, lying-down above her, "..I can truly know it's love...", I kiss her lips, telling her "I love you, truly love you, my wife", and in the moment she respond "me too... I love you...", a hot love session erupt, as all our brakes break loose, not holding back anymore.

.... "I'm ready..." Lya tells me, with a huge smile on her face, bare naked, and I'm above her, in missionary-position, a small push away from taking her first-time, breaking apart the bloody-barrier who naturally exist in women, for whatever purpose god, or nature, thought it's needed, yet, it hold so much meaning, making this first-time-love-making feel so pure.

"AHMMMMmmmm" Lya try to swallow her pain, as a soft stream of blood appears, flowing onto the bed'-cover, and our bodies get closer, till we're fully connected, and I let my shaft slowly vibrate, letting her relax, feel comftarble, while sending my lust inside of her, thinking 'I can finally say our marriage is real'.

"Mine" I whisper in joy.

"Forever" she answer with a painful smile.

A soft peck turn to a kiss, who turns to french-kissing, who turns to our mouths glued together, and our tongues, like our hands, run around, tasting and feeling each other to the fullest.

I keep moving back and forth, from above her, enjoying her soft breast, who sync with my movement, and Lya roam her hands over my chest, with a shyly-lustful gaze, looking like a submissive-house-wife.

"I love you... mmm... I'll do.. anything.. for you.. ahhhh..." Lya moan and speak, holding herself back, to make me enjoy more, and I smile, as I let my dick vibrate inside of her, while whispering to her ear "I wanna see your love, your lust, your passion, without you holding back on me...", and a second later she *squirt*, having a soft-orgasm, and pull me for a kiss.

Our love session continues for 10 minutes, before Lya shouts "I'm... Yes! You! I! AHHHhhh..", and she's having an orgasm, with a blissful smile on her face, holding her bouncing boobs, and a moment later *zzz...*, fall asleep, leaving me giggling to myself, with a raging boner.

"AHHH...", in the moment I try to pull myself out of her, her pussy squeeze me so hard, I cum, and I relax, playing with her body a bit more, before sitting on the edge of the bed, planning to meditate till she wakes-up, and begin our real-love-session, as this one was barely an appetizer.

'I thought my progress before was slow... but after reaching above level 70, it's really way slower...' I ponder while meditating, checking myself up.

'... the evolution of my 2nd-spirit-soul, the pineal-gland, I feel the power of fate out of it...' I think as I switch to meditate on the 'Dragon technique' I got from the green-chinese-dragon in West-city, who said I could control fate, time, and wishes, and shockingly so, 'I can cultivate it fully now, wow... Can I really influence fate now? How far can this power go to?...'.

Close to morning, I try meditating a bit my new spirit ring, the Evil-eye-tyrant-emperor ring, and feel it has dark, time, space, lightning, and mostly, spiritual and destructive forces, but when I suddenly feel I can materialize a stream, making energies physical, I feel 'I can have tentacles now.. oh.. wow.. I can create tentacles out of my energies...'.

*Rattle*, I feel the bed shakes a bit, and open my eyes, to the sight of Lya begining to wear her clothes back on, and I say "Good morning, my wife, why... What are you doing?".

"Good morning... sorry... I fell asleep... I wanna... redo..." Lya blubber, and I *chuckle*, jumping at her, saying "there's our whole life, what's the nonsense about redo, we can make love anytime, anywhere, wifey".

I feel her relax, as I hug her, but she still finish wearing her clothes, and she try to get up from bed, so I let her, letting her take the lead, as she walk toward the balcony, where the sunlight appear from the horizon, and she put her arm on the balcony'-rail, bending her body a bit, and look shyly at me.

I go stand behind her, raining kisses at her, massaging her body, and find out that not only I'm bare-naked, Lya also got no panties on, and her white-leggings got a huge hole in the back, and I easily sneak my shaft inside her.

Lya turn her head to me, as I move shallowly into her, making sure she's wet enough, as it's only her second-time, and to the rising-sun, with this cute mature sexy shy maid maiden, I begin making love.

"AHHH, I LOVE YOUUUU!" Lya orgasm, and instead of relaxing, she moan "Do with me whatever you want!", and I raise her body to the air, going into third-gear, piston her with my hammer, sending her with every push higher into the air, while gravity just land her back down, to another push.

"AHHHHHWAHHH, YES, YES, I LOVE IT, ..." Lya keep shouting into the sky, and the tree-flowers fall like rain, from our movements, like it's also part of our love-session.

... After painting her inside white, I turn Lya around, making her sit on the rails, and go back inside of her, as I watch her beautiful existence, smiling at me, playing with her own nipples, and thinking out loud, while making love to her, "...I love her...".