
The Otherside Of A Flipcoin

(IN ORDER OF INFLUENCE AND STORY SPACE:) R-18+, Romance (Harem), Adventure, Action, Modern-day+Fanfic, Mystery, kingdom-building, ... +short synopsis: A young boy, raised in an irregular environment, find the reality he live in is more than he ever knew, or thought it is, and from that point the journey of his life begins, as he's moving in&out of different paths, in his way of finding his own way of life, purpose, goals, and place. +short plot synopsis: Through obtaining power(s), some intentionally and some directed to him, the MC begins exploring life, and confront issues of health, wealth, urges, desires, purpose, relationships, and more. +Alert! : This story is a WISH-FULFILLMENT. what does it mean? of course a happy end, and even if the journey he's on will be turbulent, no tragedy will happens to him, at least not permanent (so no plot-armor, as he does have his harsh-moments, like the risk of death, or not easily getting women like he's picking fruits from a tree ... BUT, he will win, everything) P.S: Reviewing my writing, this story is a slow-burn till ch.10, but by ch.15 the story is up-to-speed, gets lighter, more fresh, and I'd bet you'd like it. Each volume is like a book of it own, so be aware of it + It's my first novel, and I do think the quality of it gets better each volume, showing the 'true colors' in vol.06+07. +There's lots of pics (9,000+), which I find important, all over the chapters, as this is part of the fan-fic for me as well, the art (meaning, if you read from a phone-web-browser, not seeing comments, you miss a serious parts, imo) [around 20+ avg. pics each ch, and much more as farther you go] {Look at Author'-comment-history, it's all this novel pic-uploads, but it diverse a lot, as after few thousands, I diverse the style a lot, including irls, gifs, look alikes, etc}. --- [Q&A]: chapter length = 3,000+ words; [each Vol = 100k words] ; what R-18? = romance, lots of 'fun', no ntr; [Bit yuri-tease, disappears through the middle as readers seems repulsed by it]; how's MC? = weak-to-strong, op-route; [Bit childish in first volumes, but the growth-sprout in later volumes is imo amazing]; what Fanfic? = (by relevance) One piece, Soul land, DBZ, DXD, Food wars!, ... ; --- [My first novel, btw, and will be free (I do think farther ch, like Vol.06+, has qualities everyone can find enchanting, so yeah, first novel series, and somehow felt, plus each Vol is like a book on it own) + I'm not the owner of those fanfics,pics,etc, I use, but I do find using those characters, plots, and background as fulfilling. It's mostly based upon, and the fic-plots is synced into this story plot (by heroines you can probably guess when). You don't need to read more than short-synopsis of the used novels, but if you do, than it's like the hidden sides of this, and those, novels (like o.p. hidden-secrets-theories, etc, yet will take only a small space, but I think if you know the plots you'll like it)]. (After reading so many novels, the feeling of a missing piece, an important one, sent me to write this story. I'm maybe the writer, but I sure am this novel most avid reader & I hope you'll find it enjoyable too). P.S: Read the 'Warning' episode. It has more details, who're probably needed if you try to decide if to read this novel (&there's 'chapters short narration' chapter, who can sum-up what's going on in this novel in each chapter, so ctrl+f there if you have a question about chars)

Die_Jobb · Komik
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227 Chs

CH72: On cloud nine, Making it mine, and Love, yeah, love

High in the sky, on a cloud, I'm standing in a daze, as Robin uses her powers to the best of her abilities.

Her mouth kiss me, while her 'mouth', who she created on her hand, suck my cock, making me feel a hand-blow-job, and she slowly goes down, kissing her way on me, till I feel 3 mouths run along my shaft.

2 tongues lick it from the sides, going out of her hands, as her face buried into my cock, going back and forth, and I moan to the sounds of her slurps.

"AHH, ROBIN, I'M, I" and I shoot my sperm out, as 2 mouths suck each of my balls, and her mouth sucking the head of my dick, helping it take it all out.

Suddenly, *SLURP*, "MMMM", my cock slide into a hole in Robin's hand, but now it ain't a mouth, but rather a pussy, and Robin moan in joy as she seems to feel everything that happen to this external body parts she creates.

"Nnnn... Robin..." I moan in joy, as her hand-pussy fucks me, "Give me your other hand", I ask and she give me her hand, creating another pussy in it, and I go down on her, while fucking her, and she just stand there, shivering, fidgeting, dancing her real pussy on my leg while kissing my chest.

"AUUUWWW" Robin moans as she cum, really quickly, from that bizarre sexy experience we're having.

"I want more" I whisper to Robin, and suddenly, 10 hands goes out of her, like an asura, and in each hand I see a pussy, and I *chuckle*, but a second later they all start rubbing on me, while she drop me to lie-down on the cloud, as she move her thong aside, and take my cock into her real-pussy.

"YESSSSSS!!!!" Robin cum again, just from taking it in, or maybe because I shoved my fingers into 2 another holes, while few others rub on my chest, legs, and face.

Robin breath heavily, in total euphoria, ahegao-face smear on her, and she mumble to me "..I know what you want...", making me wonder what's coming next.

Suddenly, from under us, 2 giant soft things rise up, and I already know that feeling, as I sleep on Shirahoshi, and discover we're lying-down on 2 giant boobs.

"OHHH, I ALWAYS WANTED TO DO THAT!" I shout in happiness, as I fantasied on fucking while lying on Shirahoshi's breast, yet we didn't even had sex yet, but now I can do it.

I grab Robin, while still connected, and put her back on her giant boob she created, and start fucking her, putting my hands high up, grabbing the top-cherry, that giant nipple, and squeezing it hard in joy.

"UWAAAHHH" Robin keep on orgasmic dance, just leaking her cum freely, as I as well, not even sure if I kiss her lips, nipple, or a pussy... if my hands hold a nipple, a pussy, or her boobs... but I'm sure I'm filling her womb with all the love and lust Iv'e got in me.

Our extreme-sex continues till it turn to just sex, and from there, it goes into love-making, as we're in missionary-position, with me on top of her, real body to real body, having a slow and fulfilling moment of love, as I go in and out of her while raining kisses allover her body.

"I love you" we both moan the same words, cumming at the same time, and look into each other eyes with a gaze like we share 1 life, 1 soul, 1 body.


After pillow-time, or rather cloud-time, while snuggling with Robin, she ask for her suit-case, and we wash ourselves quickly before putting our clothes on.

"She's so beautiful... She looks like she became few years younger.. and that smile, I love that smile, I live for that smile..." I mumble out loud, not intentionally, only realizing it when Robin *giggle* and jump at me, going "BANZAIII!" and land with a *Chuu* and a *splash*, as we hit the cloud while laughing.

"Nami must be worried" Robin say, while I just shrug it off, saying "she probably get what we're doing here", and Robin turn red, but dance in circles, like she's just happy, nothing else.


*Chuu*, I kiss Nami's cheek, as she sit under the tree's shade, with the lil'-girl, Aisa, on her lap, sleeping as well.

"mmm... where'd you go to?" Nami asks as she slowly wake-up, seeing in front of her a picnic-blanket, with lots of food in the middle, and me and Robin sitting there, waiting for her and Aisa to wake-up and join us.

"I guess it's dinner time?" Robin smile to her, and Nami mumble "I dunno what you did, but looking at Robin, I also wanna do whatever that is", and Robin laugh in joy, winking at her, and then look at me, like signaling her what she need to do.

"That good?" Nami asks her with a smile, and Robin straight-forward nod her head in happiness, like a lil' girl, making me feel she's in the best condition I ever saw her in, extremely happy she came out from Infinity back to this land, even though we planned otherwise, plus, the conquering of this island, who we still haven't finished.

"So... conquering this island... Any ideas?" I ask as I prepare plates filled with pancakes and pass it to Aisa, who opens her eyes and jump to sit next to me, and I show her maple-syrup, chocolate-syrup, and jams, and she go bonanza, just eating everything she can see till she can't move, crying from sweetness.

"Hahahaha" we laugh at her wiggling on the blanket with a stomach-ache.

"Well, I bet the prisoners have the most influential people of this island between them, so it will be easy to find how to operate the place..." I answer to my own question.

"As for the ancient city, I can explore it by myself, I don't think there's any danger there, but I'll be careful anyway" Robin tell us.

"GOLD! WHERE'S MY GOLD!" Nami shout, and after a quick laugh I tell her about the giant bell, the huge ship we can take away, and the gold-pieces the snake spit-out.

"GO INSIDE IT!" Nami asks of me to go inside the snake's mouth, and I *giggle*, but she look seriously at me, so I say "okay, okay, let's go", and take her hand, planning to make her join this crazy idea she got.

"What about me?" Aisa asks us, and I look at Robin, nodding to her in the direction of the tree-house, as wishing she'll take her to sleep there for now, and she does so.

"Give me a minute" I tell Nami, as I *FLASH*, arrive behind the sleeping Usopp, *BANG*, hit him unconscious, tie him up, and go back to prison to let him join the rest.

"FOOOOOOOODDDDDD!!!!" Luffy shouts as I arrive, and I *chuckle*, saying "Soon, I think an hour or so, I'll come deal with the whole gang of you, violent bunch", and go to Nami.

"Let's go?" I ask and hug her gently.

She smile awkwardly, her eyes on the giant snake who sleep near us, with his mouth open.

"Gimmi a sec" I tell her and climb on top of his head, looking at his closed eye, and *bang*, kick with my feet weakly, trying to wake him up, and he open his eyes, looking at me, as I release all of my powers, bringing him to submission, and find out I succeeded, even tamed him, and talk in my mind like it's a command 'Don't move! Leave your mouth open!', guessing he got it, or I'll just cut him open when inside.

Driving inside the snake, in the hover-car, trying not to hit all the stones he got in there, Nami navigate perfectly, and we soon reach the end, where I store back the car, and we walk while exploring his stomach, finding gold on gold on jewelry on crowns on much more, but still, not close to the giant bell or the ship Enel built.

"Okay? relaxed now?" I ask Nami who wear a giant golden-princess-crown, gold-stick in her hand, and giant golden-necklace on her neck.

"And go shower, it was in his stomach" I tell her while taking a step away, smelling the weird smell coming from her, and she laugh in joy, forgetting her hygiene, even though regularly she's kinda a clean-freak.

It's already dark outside, and we can see with our strong flashlights that near the prison Robin and Aisa is accompanied by the blond-girl, who came with an old-man, and the 4 lit a fire, roasting fishes on it, and chatting.

"Yo!" I say happily to them, and they all look at me, while Robin wink, and move her eyes to the blond-angel, like she's telling me 'eat her up', but I just smile back and go to the prisoners.


After few hours of interrogations, and luckily I can read minds, or it will be fruitless pursuit, I find out the power-balances in this place, how things works, and what should I do to next.

I even found out someone fixed the broken-piece-of-ship of the straw-hat-pirates in the middle of the night, and that there's a way-down, which the blond-angel, Conis, can lead the straw-hat-pirates-ship down from here.

I go back to the camp-fire, saying "I plan to depart the straw-hats, and the criminals, to the sea-below, using a way they've got here, which is an octopus-balloon, so, help me sort out the rest", and while Robin go talk to the prisoners, Nami comes to me.

"I... I want to leave them gold! They need to fix their ship! And find crew-members!" Nami tells me, and I nod in agreement, kinda happy-shocked she's willing to give-up gold for them, but let her do as she wish to, as long as she stay with me without regrets.

"Okay, they'll fall under our rule. They're just happy it's all over, and it seems the bell, plus the writings on it, convinced them" Robin come back after some time and tells us, and I go release those people who I ain't going to send away from here.

"And they beg for food" Robin smiles to me as I'm back, but I let the others take care of it, as I snuggle on Nami's lap, not willing to move.

"Go take the ship before someone do something?" Robin suggest me while arranging food to be prepared, and I *Exhale*, stand up, and go to the air-ship, Maxim.

'Say, we can store it in Infinity?' I ask in my head.

<Yes. It will take you a lot of energy, so be prepared for it> Infi inform me, and then adds <Chopper wish to move the space-pockets into Infinity, which is a wise idea>, and I do as Infi instruct me to, feeling Iv'e got infinity space, or at least in a size of an island, to store things in space now.

Alone, in a dark cave, without even a flashlight on, I'm sitting on the air-ship, meditating, till I'm fully ready, and start gathering space-energy, envelope the ship completely, and store it in Infinity, before I collapse weakly on the ground below.


'From 100 to 0 percent energy in a millisecond' I joke in my head as I wake up, feeling the headache who attacked me when I finish storing the air-ship is gone, and I'm dirty from sleeping on the ground.

"Where have you been?" Nami asks me as I arrive to the camp-site of last night, seeing her playing with Aisa (the lil'-girl) on the swing-chair.

"Air-ship... never mind that... let's finish everything..." I say and go command the people here, my new underlings, to prepare the straw-hat-pirates-ship, with them on it, and send it down, while preparing a ship for the criminals who can't re-correct themselves, sending them both down to the sea below safely.

In an hour or so it's finally done, plus a stack of gold given to the straw-hats, with a note from Nami, as we release them and send them off with a nice smile and a wave of goodbye.

"AND NOW!" I declare to Robin, Nami, and for some reason, Conis, the blond-angel, who stayed with us, or rather Robin, "SHOWER!".

Conis raise her hand like she's a student in class, making us laugh, and Robin say "just say what you wanna", and she speak gently "I think I know a place, I passed it on the way here", and the 4 of us follow her into the forest, where between trees and bushes we find a hot-spring.

"Wow, Conis, Perfect" I say as I take my clothes off and enter inside after leaving on a blanket outside towels, bikinis, snacks, and drinks.

Floating in the water on my back, letting the small movements carry me around the pool, between the beautiful greenery who surround us, I hit a leg, and raising my head up, I see Nami washing herself in the shallow waters.

I dive down, swim to her leg, and bite it, like a shark, and hear her *giggle*, whispering ".. I want what you did with Robin yesterday..".

I stand up next to her, helping her wash her body, while pulling the bikinis strings, letting the fabrics fall off her body, as I wash her intimate parts lovingly, carefully, with my hands and tongue.

Standing behind her, as my pole slide between her ass-cheeks, I wash really really well her breasts, those beautiful standing tits, who are bigger than the palm of my hand.

Nami slide her hand downward, aiming her pussy-lips to my wet pole, and push it into her, "nnnNNnn", moan cutely, and I make love with her while standing behind her, kissing her shoulder, neck, ear, and then her sweet lips who turns to me, as I move back and forth in her.

"If love.." I moan speak to her in a whisper,

"..have a real peek...", I squeeze her nipples gently,

"then what happens..", I slide one of my hand and begin playing with her clit,

"..if it pass that peek...", I slowly raise the intensity of our session,

".. going above any known land...", I slide my hands to her legs and raise her to sit in the air, as I hold her by her legs, from behind, fucking her sweetly,

"...reaching the clouds...", I raise her by her knees up to her shoulders while fucking her harder,

"What will we find there?" I whisper her a question, and she shiver, then suddenly rotate her body to the side, making me hold her in a princess-carry, as she throw her hands around my head, and push our mouths together, to a sweet-loving-deep-kiss.

"I love you" Nami tell me with the most cute, sincere, pure, and beautiful, way.

The way she is right now, looking at each other, slowly making-love, we quietly cum.

We cum, and we cum, but not with some ecstasy, we just leak out like our faucet left open, washing each other genitals, while our mouths exchange liquids, tasting each other to the fullest.

"I love you so much... I even have a dream since I met you... wishing for a little Nami..." I tell her, feeling I even have a tear in my eye, as I never felt like that before, wishing for a baby, and being with her made this reality too strong for me to ignore, so I told her my unspoken wish.

"AUUWHAHHH" Nami cum, strongly, while starting to cry, making me cry as well, and with all that weirdness, we also start laughing, and keep making-love, not knowing what's what, as I hold her in a princess-carry in the middle of the pond.

After some time I sit down in the water, connected with Nami, but barely moving, just loving each other sweetly, and she slowly fall asleep in my lap.

"What about a little Robin?" I hear from behind, and turning my head, I see Robin floating on a piece of cloud-mattress, bare naked, on her stomach, looking at me.

"I'm afraid I'll love her so much, I'll do incest with her" I say with a *chuckle*, and Robin laugh at my words as she float next to me, and I pat her cheek, ear, and hair, before rising up, going to put Nami down on the blanket outside, with a towel on, and return to Robin.

lying on her stomach, with only her legs in the water, and her ass raised-up, I walk behind her and eat her pussy a bit, before sitting behind her, aiming my cock to her sweet-pussy, and she dance back, pushing herself into me.

"NNNnnn" Robin moan cutely.

"Mmm, Robinnn.. I.. you.. I think I wanna have babies soon.." I moan, shocking myself, as I mumble "..am I even ready? do I need to prepare? what you do before having babies?...".

"HAHAHHAHAHAHA" Robin burst laughing while moving her self up, sitting on my lap, as we float on the cloud in the middle of the pond, making love softly, and she turn her head to kiss me.

*SMOOCH.. SMOOCH..*, *SLURP, SLURP,..*, my hands massage Robin from her thin-waist up to her juicy-boobs, and move back down, as we kiss, fuck, and touch each other.

We cum a few times, not even minding it, just wishing to continue like this forever.

"We reached the clouds, where else can we reach to?" Robin moan-pillow-talk wakes me up, as I answer "Fairy Vearth?", remembering Enel's words, who still haven't woke-up, meaning I haven't read his mind yet, as he seems to be in coma, or just too weak at the moment.

"So you wanna fly higher? find that mystery island he talked about?" Robin asks me, and I tell her "Soul-land comes first, I should keep my promises", and Robin nod and just jump on me, as we cum for the last time.

"Okay, let's go rest a bit" Robin stand up and wash herself, as I do the same, and we walk to the blanket, looking at Nami sleeping sweetly, warming my, our, hearts, and next to her we see Conis, sitting with a red-face, looking like a tomato ready to harvest, mumbling "I.. ah.. I... aghh.. I..", and we burst in a laugh while falling to the blanket, putting our heads on Conis'-lap.

"I think we're on cloud nine" Robin snuggle-talk with me.

"We'll go search cloud ten soon enough" I joke with Robin, as we fall asleep, on Conis, while I also pull Nami to me, feeling warmth all around me, and whisper "Conis, you're so beautiful".