
The Otherside Of A Flipcoin

(IN ORDER OF INFLUENCE AND STORY SPACE:) R-18+, Romance (Harem), Adventure, Action, Modern-day+Fanfic, Mystery, kingdom-building, ... +short synopsis: A young boy, raised in an irregular environment, find the reality he live in is more than he ever knew, or thought it is, and from that point the journey of his life begins, as he's moving in&out of different paths, in his way of finding his own way of life, purpose, goals, and place. +short plot synopsis: Through obtaining power(s), some intentionally and some directed to him, the MC begins exploring life, and confront issues of health, wealth, urges, desires, purpose, relationships, and more. +Alert! : This story is a WISH-FULFILLMENT. what does it mean? of course a happy end, and even if the journey he's on will be turbulent, no tragedy will happens to him, at least not permanent (so no plot-armor, as he does have his harsh-moments, like the risk of death, or not easily getting women like he's picking fruits from a tree ... BUT, he will win, everything) P.S: Reviewing my writing, this story is a slow-burn till ch.10, but by ch.15 the story is up-to-speed, gets lighter, more fresh, and I'd bet you'd like it. Each volume is like a book of it own, so be aware of it + It's my first novel, and I do think the quality of it gets better each volume, showing the 'true colors' in vol.06+07. +There's lots of pics (9,000+), which I find important, all over the chapters, as this is part of the fan-fic for me as well, the art (meaning, if you read from a phone-web-browser, not seeing comments, you miss a serious parts, imo) [around 20+ avg. pics each ch, and much more as farther you go] {Look at Author'-comment-history, it's all this novel pic-uploads, but it diverse a lot, as after few thousands, I diverse the style a lot, including irls, gifs, look alikes, etc}. --- [Q&A]: chapter length = 3,000+ words; [each Vol = 100k words] ; what R-18? = romance, lots of 'fun', no ntr; [Bit yuri-tease, disappears through the middle as readers seems repulsed by it]; how's MC? = weak-to-strong, op-route; [Bit childish in first volumes, but the growth-sprout in later volumes is imo amazing]; what Fanfic? = (by relevance) One piece, Soul land, DBZ, DXD, Food wars!, ... ; --- [My first novel, btw, and will be free (I do think farther ch, like Vol.06+, has qualities everyone can find enchanting, so yeah, first novel series, and somehow felt, plus each Vol is like a book on it own) + I'm not the owner of those fanfics,pics,etc, I use, but I do find using those characters, plots, and background as fulfilling. It's mostly based upon, and the fic-plots is synced into this story plot (by heroines you can probably guess when). You don't need to read more than short-synopsis of the used novels, but if you do, than it's like the hidden sides of this, and those, novels (like o.p. hidden-secrets-theories, etc, yet will take only a small space, but I think if you know the plots you'll like it)]. (After reading so many novels, the feeling of a missing piece, an important one, sent me to write this story. I'm maybe the writer, but I sure am this novel most avid reader & I hope you'll find it enjoyable too). P.S: Read the 'Warning' episode. It has more details, who're probably needed if you try to decide if to read this novel (&there's 'chapters short narration' chapter, who can sum-up what's going on in this novel in each chapter, so ctrl+f there if you have a question about chars)

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227 Chs

CH65: Basta Ala Alabasta

Roxanne's tail wiggle above her, blocking my eyes from her naked pussy, as she lie-down on her back, on the bed, with only a small-towel covering her nipples, barely.

Next to her, Hancock wearing her birthday suit, purely naked, lying-down on her stomach with her legs in the air, looking at me shyly and whispers "I'm here just for support".

I go toward Hancock first, whispering back "My love, please support me as my wife forever", while crouching down next to the bed, kissing her lips, and brush her hair with my hand, till she push me away, toward Roxanne.

With a red-face, looking nervously at me, yet smiling, Roxanne hold her hands on her breast and lock eyes with me. "Roxanne, will you be my wife?" I ask her while lying-down above her without touching her, just looking at each other. Roxanne remove the towel, but cover her breast with a hand, and say "I love you, Yes, I want you, I want to be yours".

"I love you, my love" I say and initiate a deep kiss with Roxanne, falling onto her, and both our hands roam around each other body, exploring, till we begin touching sensitive parts, as I eat her fluffy-dog-ears, rubbing them, and with the other hand squeeze her boobs, who're the biggest breast from all the woman Iv'e been, yet she's short, making the balance even more noticeable.

I rain kisses on Roxanne from top to bottom, slowly descending down till I reach to her thighs, and start moving upward, to between her legs, giving her pussy a wet lick all the way to her clit, and suck it softly.

"Mmmmm" Me and Roxanne moan, as I lick her, and Hancock roll under me and put my dick in her mouth. "So good... So perfect.." I moan as I keep pleasuring Roxanne, one moment using my tongue, and moment later using my fingers.

Hancock put her hands on my ass, moving me in and out of her mouth, and I get the hint and start fucking her mouth-pussy, and all my lust goes to Roxanne, as I push her to orgasm in a wild-manner, eating her like I was starving for a week.

"IT'S. NO. WAIT" Roxanne moans in a breathless tone. Her hands on my head, trying to push me away, but I shove my whole face on her pussy. "CUMMING, I'M, YESS, MMMM", Roxanne's love-juice fill my mouth, flying on my face, and I drink this lovely nectar, and keep eating her, while my cock goes in and out Hancock's mouth.

Roxanne put her hand on my hair, whispering "..I..I want the real thing..", and I stop, looking at her with a smile, and sit up. I clean my mouth and move upward Roxanne, kissing her all over, and when I'm above her, I feel Hancock's hand grab my dick and aim it into Roxanne, as she lie behind us, between our legs.

She rub my dick on her, as I move forth and back, till it enter inside, sliding slowly into her tight hole. "I love you" I whisper and push forward, breaking her love-wall, spilling the first, and last, blood, of her sexual purity, thinking 'hymen is such a magical thing, like a brand-new nylon signaling it's a new product'.

We kiss and hug for a minute, making minimal-movement, before the pace start getting faster, and in between kisses I move a bit up, looking at her beautiful eyes, her red-face, and her amazing breast dancing to the rhythm.

Roxanne ain't saying a word, except the soft moans escaping her when my cock start hitting the end of her tunnel, kissing her womb, pecking it with his head, and when she moans quietly "..it's good.." I begin a piston, while diving my head down to suck her nipple, enjoying this heavenly pillows on my face.

"ROXANNE.. ROXANNE.." I shout as I'm about to cum, going on a hard-core rocking rhythm, "ROXXY" I shout while cumming "I. LOVE. YOU". I relax a bit, but see she's still shy, still quiet, still hiding her lust deep inside her, so I decide to manipulate her energy, push it outside, so she would show me her true desires.

Roxanne suddenly push me, and I let her do so, as I fall down to my back, and she shyly says "Let me do it now", and climb on me, and now Hancock grab my cock, rub it a bit, and help her by aiming it up at her, as Roxanne sits down, sliding down on my shaft, moaning in loud voice, riding on me, while holding her giant boobs in her hands, squeezing them, and play with her nipples.

"YES. YES. MY PERFECT ROXXY" I moan as I see her jumping on my body like I'm a trampoline. I sit up, put her ear in my mouth, eat it. She put her hands on my shoulders and use it as support for her dance, while I use my hands to touch her ass and tail. "AHHHHHH", Roxanne shivers, squeeze my cock, and wet it with her cum, as I rub her tail, who stand straight in excitement.

We hug tightly, kissing, but I can't continue, as she look exhaustively tired, so I take it out of her, and make her hold onto me by holding her by her ass as I stand up, wishing to take a shower, and Hancock lead us there.

When I get inside, with Roxanne in my hands, I see Hancock standing up in the shower in 90, or more, degrees angle, as her legs spread apart, showing me her ass, wiggling it in front of my eyes while playing with her pussy. I keep holding Roxanne, just a bit higher, and aim my shaft to Hancock pussy, sliding inside her, and deeply kiss Roxanne. "I love you! I love you! I love you!" moans shouts all around, as a wild sex erupt between us 3 all over the bathroom.

Now, I'm standing near the bed after the bath, while the 2 lay-down on the bed next to me, and double-fellatio me, as I pat their heads, feeling the euphoria, and cum for the last time, letting them drink my lust, moaning "life is just perfect!" while cumming.

An hour later, finishing a short lunch, I say my goodbyes and tell them I'll finish with Alabasta soon and come visit a lot more, and *Teleport*.


"WHAT THE HELL!!" I shout as I fly in the sky, looking at a surreal situation at Nanohana-city in Alabasta.

At the port I see the yacht, next to the piece-of-ship.

At the city I see two huge cargo-ship crushed over, spilling over all the content from inside it, as piles of weapons and powder spread on the ground, making me think 'so that's the two shipments ... ouch ...'.

At the center of it all, I now look at Crocodile, fighting Luffy, while Zoro fighting Mr.1, and soon find the women, my women, fighting other women, and I go watch them, wishing to protect them in any critical moment.

'Where's Ace?' I think as he should have interfere with such a thing by now, but nothing, and I have no idea when everything happened, as there's no soldiers here, but there's a bunch of Marines trying to maintain order, yet they look lost, like they've got no leader to guide them.

'Robin fighting a woman who ate a devil-fruit, she create spikes from every part of her, it's just the worst for Robin's ability-comparability' I think in sadness as Robin can't create extra body parts on her enemy, and I see Robin's blood, but hold myself back, as she noticed me landing on the building's roof and signal me to 'stop' with a hand.

Nearby I 'see' Nami and Chopper fights a man-woman-dog trio-combo, and Usopp behind them, acting like the coward he is, like his some kind of a sniper, but he got no weapon for that, except a sling-shot, which is pathetic, and I even wish to give him a sniper-gun, so he would at least be a bit useful.

'The dog ate a devil fruit?! WOW, just thinking about this possibility..' I wonder as the dog, who look more like a bazooka, shoot exploding-balls from his mouth.

Suddenly, the woman turn to a mole, and dig a hole in the ground, and all three of them jump inside, leaving Nami and Chopper alone, but I can 'see' her making tunnels under them, yet letting it evolve a bit more before interfering, like Robin wished for.

I look at Robin, smiling widely, as she start showing Haki, but it seems it's only using her body, and not by using the body-parts she can create, thinking 'If Hancock's pirates can give Haki to arrows, maybe she can give Haki to her separated body parts?', deciding to put it on hold as I 'look' at Nami's battle.

'Usopp jumped in with a huge hammer?!?' I 'look' in shock, and fly to see it with my own eyes, but just then an explosion near him happens, and it turns out to be a balloon. 'Fucking retard, Balloon in life-and-death-fights...' I *SIGH!* in resignation.

Chopper eat his special ball, changing forms, starting to jump around the holes appearing on the ground, while Nami distract the enemy, barely, mostly escaping for her life, making me laugh, and Usopp still lying-down after the explosion he experienced. Chopper yell "IV'E GOT IT!!" as he hold the dog, throw sand to his face, making him *SNEEZE,SNEEZE,SNEEZE,...*, and endless balls fly into the hole he came from, as Chopper shouts "ESCAPE! ALL THE TUNNELS ARE CONNECTED!".

*B O O M*, a huge explosion occur and the whole ground shakes.

"AYNNNNNN!" Nami cries as I princess-carry her, not wishing for her to get hurt if the fight is done and there's danger. I kiss her forehead, and she hugs me tightly.

I shout "Chopper! Amazing! Come, follow me!", as I retreat my wings, running on the ground toward Robin, but just then we hear "UWAHHHHAAHHH", and understand they're still fine, as Usopp just got seriously beaten, or again faking it, who knows, who cares.

Chopper runs back, yelling to me "I'LL BE THERE, IT'S OKAY", with a stern-look, so I trust him and go see Robin, who still fight, and Nami take out a stick as she stand up, joining her fight, and shoot a weird short rope, with two birds on each edge, who loop around the spiky-woman, and tie her up in a moment.

"Damn, amazing, Nami" I say, and Robin pout, as I laugh, saying "It's a group-battle, don't do the 1V1 crap. Honor is for the dead, and Winning is for the living. Be a living-winner, and give the honor-to-the-dead".

Robin *giggle*, asking me "since when you start lecturing me?", and I go hug and kiss her, while pulling Nami along.

"She got a devil-fruit" Robin tells me and wink, so I fetch her up, as Robin and Nami go check on Chopper while I knock the woman out, and steal her 'devil fruit', leaving her tied to a pole on the road.

... "Them also" Robin tell me when I get there, and see the three enemies got knocked-out, and she point at the dog and the woman, winking again. I tie them up and take them near the woman.

... When I take the 'devil-fruit' out of the dog, he turn into a bazooka, not a dog, making me dumbfounded, and plan to ask Robin about this, before I also take the 'devil fruit' from the mole-woman, and tie them all together.

... I 'see' Crocodile just finished Luffy off, and suddenly Ace comes to his rescue, as he's body is impaled by his golden-hook, and he run toward the mixed-crew of mine, the Familia, but I can't 'see' Vivi, Caroo (her huge duck), and the blond-gay, yet I do see No.1, which Zoro beat, and then collapsed near him, spilling blood like he also lost.

Just then, Crocodile turn to sand and start flying toward Robin, or at least that's what I feel, and I *Teleport* in front of her, covering myself with Haki, and *PUNCH*, colliding my hand with his golden-hook.

"And who might you be?" he asks me, and I *chuckle*, "Your worst nightmare?", and that comment somehow throw him off the edge, like he assume I'm behind his colossal downfall, which is correct, yet he can't know any of that. He turn to sand, but suddenly, he run away, flying into the desert.

"Why did he attack you??" I ask Robin in panic, and she smile gently, saying "maybe I know something no one else knows?", and I look puzzled, but she suggest to me "go find No.1? then we can throw those pirates to the Marines, and go after Vivi right after, and then, maybe, follow Crocodile escape?".

I do as she suggest, finding No.1, tie him up, even if he's knocked-out, take his 'devil-fruit' away, grab all the pirates, change my look to a man I usually use for 'normal-look', and go to the Marines, saying "YO! I get da bounty outa those, aight?".

A cute woman comes to me running, looking serious, narrow her eyes at the bunch, and then look at me while nodding her head. "GIMMI GIMMI GIMMI" I say in a rude-manner, and she answers "You will get it in a Marine official base, as we will escort them first, check they're wanted, and you can come claim it".

"WHAT THE HELL LIL' GIRL?! I GOTTA DO WHAT NOW?!" I yell in annoyance, thinking 'What the fuck is this corrupt-way of doing stuff, where's the guarantee I'll get money? and from where? who verify it?', and she asks "Are you a certificated bounty-hunter, show me your government licence and documents, please", and I look at her in shock, saying "this is a joke!", grab the tied-people, and take them away, yelling "MAYBE THEY'LL PAY MORE THAN YOU, STUPID MARINES, TO GET FREE".

I go to a corner, change my look, hold one of them, *Teleport* to the palace'-prison, shouting "COME TAKE THIS PRISONER AWAY", and a guard I saw yesterday come, as he asks me "did the rebellion started?" and I ask questions, learning they're all in the way here right now, marching slowly, and I tell him "dunno, I'll come with three more, wait here", and teleport back and forth till all four in prison, and I go back to the crew.

I drive the hover-car to where they're at, saying "YO! Robin, Nami, Chopper! Here", and go down, as Robin go driving, Nami next to her, holding a map I gave her, but Chopper stays behind, treating Luffy, Zoro, and Usopp.

"Yo, Ace, who's the old-guy?" I ask as he sits on a knocked-out white-hair-man with Marine clothes. "Smoker, also a logia-devil-fruit-user, but nothing fancy" he says. I see a Jitte-weapon on the floor, picking it up smiling, as I remember training with it once, but feel my energy fade away.

"It's a sea-stone tip, effective against devil-fruits" Ace tells me, and I act like I throw it to a garbage-can, but store it into my space, while throwing inside a metal-stick I had from construction as decoy. "I'll go check on Vivi, please be careful, and if you can, stay here? Or leave me something to know where ya at..." I tell them, before leaving.

I run to the distance, turn invisible, jump high into the air, take my wings out, and fly to the sky. Soon, I'm above the hover-car, who speed through the desert, and I continue till I see the rebellion-army marching, or at least a part of the army, while Vivi is nowhere to be seen.

'CROCODILE?!' I think in panic, and fly around, not seeing a thing, and *Teleport*.

At the capital, also not seeing a thing, except the battle starting in the front-lines, I *Teleport* again.

At 'Rain dinners', Crocodile'-base, I can see a small gangsters-army guarding the door, and I sneak inside, searching around, while finding nothing, just a normal shady activities, not more than that.

Feeling kinda annoyed, I start breaking everything, stealing money left and right, while crushing anything near me, before jumping aside, and soon, total chaos envelope the place, as money fly from broken machines, nobody know who's who, or what's what, and all the guards run around in utter chaos and panic.

Just then, I 'see' the sandy-energy of Crocodile arrives to the casino, but from behind, and discover there's a back entrance, and I start running there, soon finding him already in the underground'-palace of his, holding Vivi by the neck, with his golden-hook unsheathed, poison leaking from it, shouting "I KNOW YOU'RE HERE SOMEWHERE! MAKE A MOVE AND SHE'S GONE!".

I go to a corner, turn visible, and walk out with hands above my head.

"Let her go, and you can take my life away. Here, attack me, poison me to death, just let her go before that" I tell him as I close my eyes and turn my back to him.

He laugh, "LOVE IS FOR RETARDS!", and I hear Vivi crying, as he throw her violently above my head, toward the entrance door, and when I jump to catch her, I feel the hook scratch my leg, and even if I defended, using Haki, it still got on my skin, making me understand how fearsome poison is, against everybody.

"HAHAHAHAHA, WAS IT WORTH IT??" Crocodile burst in an evil-laugh.

I don't catch Vivi, afraid to spread the poison, and tell her "RUN AWAY, TRUST ME, AND GET AWAY FROM HERE". She nod 'okay' in despair, stand up from the floor, and go to the elevator, as I turn around to Crocodile.

I *Punch*, but he ducks and *Low kick* in response.

I jump a bit, shoot Ice-needles at him, and he turn to sand, shooting sand-swords at me, and I defend with Haki, and he sees that and shoot lots of sand-attack at me ... Like that, a fight erupt, as I'm getting scratches all over my body, plus more poison, but keep gather ice-energy, waiting for the right moment. After I gathered enough, I put my hands on the floor, while he creates a storm out of his body, and *FREEZE!*, I make the whole area turn icy.

"HAHAHAHA" I laugh as I can see his head in an ice-block, a hand in another, knowing by the golden-hook on it, and pieces of sand stuck in ice everywhere.

'Is that cage made of sea-stone?' I think and check the cage in the middle of the room, discovering it is, so I start throwing all the pieces of ice with sand in them inside before they melt, and just as I close the door, he breaks free, laughing "IDIOT", and take out a key, but I hit him with a slow-beam, while taking out the Jitte I stole from the Marine's captain, and *SMACK,SMACK,SMACK,..*, till 30 seconds later he crush on the prison's wall, knocked-out.

I take his key away, and all the possessions he has on him, and start separating his 'devil fruit', till I finally succeed, shocked how long it took with him, and go out, locking him there.

I see Vivi in a corner, beating guards, so I help her, and we throw them into the prison as well, lock them there, in a huge pile, and I grab her hand, and *Teleport*.


On the wall of Alubarna, the royal-capital of Alabasta, I stand next to Vivi, and spread my king-Haki in full-power, hitting everyone, except Vivi, and a moment of silent occur, as Vivi shouts to the two armies who fight on the city's entrance, and ground below.

"STOP IT! THE WAR IS OVER!" Vivi shouts, "FIND THE SPIES BETWEEN BOTH ARMIES! BAROQUE-WORKS IS FINISHED!", and a heated discussions erupt, while I sit on the floor, letting Vivi and the armies leaders exchange words.

'Seeing' it's kinda over, I suddenly collapse on the floor, exhausted like I never was before, not even sure if my poison-resistance is effective against what Crocodile used, and close my eyes to rest a bit.


"WAHHHHHHHHHHH", A strong cry wakes me up.

I feel my head is on a soft skin, and open my eyes just to get blinded by the last rays of the fallen sun, and a soft rain drops begin to fall down, as I can now see in front of me Vivi is crying, while Nami is hugging her, and Robin pat my head with a worried face.

"Let's go back to the yacht, I got to rest this one out" I speak softly, too tired to move an inch, not sure if I'm just tired or hurt, when suddenly the sky cry together with Vivi, as heavy rain-drops falls down, washing everyone and everything.