
The Otherside Of A Flipcoin

(IN ORDER OF INFLUENCE AND STORY SPACE:) R-18+, Romance (Harem), Adventure, Action, Modern-day+Fanfic, Mystery, kingdom-building, ... +short synopsis: A young boy, raised in an irregular environment, find the reality he live in is more than he ever knew, or thought it is, and from that point the journey of his life begins, as he's moving in&out of different paths, in his way of finding his own way of life, purpose, goals, and place. +short plot synopsis: Through obtaining power(s), some intentionally and some directed to him, the MC begins exploring life, and confront issues of health, wealth, urges, desires, purpose, relationships, and more. +Alert! : This story is a WISH-FULFILLMENT. what does it mean? of course a happy end, and even if the journey he's on will be turbulent, no tragedy will happens to him, at least not permanent (so no plot-armor, as he does have his harsh-moments, like the risk of death, or not easily getting women like he's picking fruits from a tree ... BUT, he will win, everything) P.S: Reviewing my writing, this story is a slow-burn till ch.10, but by ch.15 the story is up-to-speed, gets lighter, more fresh, and I'd bet you'd like it. Each volume is like a book of it own, so be aware of it + It's my first novel, and I do think the quality of it gets better each volume, showing the 'true colors' in vol.06+07. +There's lots of pics (9,000+), which I find important, all over the chapters, as this is part of the fan-fic for me as well, the art (meaning, if you read from a phone-web-browser, not seeing comments, you miss a serious parts, imo) [around 20+ avg. pics each ch, and much more as farther you go] {Look at Author'-comment-history, it's all this novel pic-uploads, but it diverse a lot, as after few thousands, I diverse the style a lot, including irls, gifs, look alikes, etc}. --- [Q&A]: chapter length = 3,000+ words; [each Vol = 100k words] ; what R-18? = romance, lots of 'fun', no ntr; [Bit yuri-tease, disappears through the middle as readers seems repulsed by it]; how's MC? = weak-to-strong, op-route; [Bit childish in first volumes, but the growth-sprout in later volumes is imo amazing]; what Fanfic? = (by relevance) One piece, Soul land, DBZ, DXD, Food wars!, ... ; --- [My first novel, btw, and will be free (I do think farther ch, like Vol.06+, has qualities everyone can find enchanting, so yeah, first novel series, and somehow felt, plus each Vol is like a book on it own) + I'm not the owner of those fanfics,pics,etc, I use, but I do find using those characters, plots, and background as fulfilling. It's mostly based upon, and the fic-plots is synced into this story plot (by heroines you can probably guess when). You don't need to read more than short-synopsis of the used novels, but if you do, than it's like the hidden sides of this, and those, novels (like o.p. hidden-secrets-theories, etc, yet will take only a small space, but I think if you know the plots you'll like it)]. (After reading so many novels, the feeling of a missing piece, an important one, sent me to write this story. I'm maybe the writer, but I sure am this novel most avid reader & I hope you'll find it enjoyable too). P.S: Read the 'Warning' episode. It has more details, who're probably needed if you try to decide if to read this novel (&there's 'chapters short narration' chapter, who can sum-up what's going on in this novel in each chapter, so ctrl+f there if you have a question about chars)

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227 Chs

CH58: Out of the blue

*GURA GURA GURA ...*, The ground shakes, and wakes me up.

I go to the balcony, and see there's a smoke cloud above the whole island, and it seems there was a volcano-eruption in the biggest mountain. I fly out to see it, and while I see the falling snow, as the island is in his snowy-period this week (e.g. it change weather every week in the island), together with the molten lava, it looks like a war between nature.

I fly back home, and find it's probably will be safe, but the air all around is getting muddy, and the animals are in a weird rampage, so I tell them to close everything, while I manipulate the tree to close all the windows and doors, and meanwhile tell them what I saw.

'Infi, can I teleport with the 2 together with me?' I ask.

<Yes, but better do it one by one, as it's more than double the effort>.

I don't get it, but also don't mind, as I think to evacuate them to Amazon-lily, which is nearby, and we can reach it by boat. 'They can also train freely..' I think to myself, and when I ask them about all my thoughts, they look happy, wishing to go there, and knowing my relationship with Hancock, plus Roxanne, even more so.

They pack few suitcases, and I take out the speed-boat, but now remember it's only two-seats, so I tell them to go by themselves, as I fly above them, as it's much faster in the air than in the water. I warn them to keep a high-speed, as there's way too many sea-kings roaming in those calm-water.

Viola jump into the driver-seat with a smile, quickly understand how to manage the boat, as it ain't that complicated if she won't try anything special, and when Rebecca sits down, looking like she wish to drive as well, I tell her the importance of a driver-assistance, mostly looking at the sonar, see if danger comes from below, like those sea-kings, and she look happy, so we can start our journey now.

At Amazon-lily I find Hancock sleeping, feeling sorry to wake her up, but Rebecca and Viola are on shore, so I kiss her plenty, softly, till she wakes up, tell her the whole story, and she happily agree to shelter the 2 women, and I *teleport* us to them.

... When I feel they've become friendly with each other I tell them goodbye, take the boat into my space, and *Teleport*.


At Alabasta, visiting the city Vivi told me about for the Nth-time, but never seeing their ship here, I *teleport* to the next island, and from above it, I don't see them here either.

I *teleport* again, reaching little-garden island, which I only flew-by last time, but looking at it now, I can see there's also a volcano eruption here, just smaller, plus, I'm shocked, 'There's so many dinosaurs here! Wow! I need to visit here!!...' but my thoughts cut-short, as I hear a woman screams, and I turn invisible, flying at a high-speed down, to where the voice came from.

'It's... Nami?! and she's caught and arrested by a little-girl and a funny-looking-man who can shoot wax out of his body?' I wonder as I watch the scene from the top of a giant tree. Then, the 2 people I stole the 'devil fruits' from in Whiskey-peak island comes and grab her, while the other 2 go away.

I follow them quietly, till they reach a wax-house hidden in the forest, and I can 'see' the huge-duck, Vivi's pet/ride, also caught in here, with wax holding his legs together, stuck on the floor.

In the moment the man go and start beating the poor duck, I fly to him, landing on his head, knocking him unconscious, and then *teleport* behind the woman who hold Nami, and shoot ice, freezing her whole body, locking her in a giant ice-cube, except her head, and turn visible.

"Yo" I tell the shocked Nami, who quickly turn her head back, and look at me, opening her eyes wide, standing there with a shy shock, when suddenly, she screams "AYNNNNNN!!!"

Nami cries, trying to jump to me, but her legs locked in wax, and she almost falls-down, but I grab her quick enough, hugging her. "There... there... all okay now..." I tell Nami as I wipe her tears, and think 'why woman who look fragile attract man so much?', as I find her so cute and charming I almost try to kiss her alluring-pink-lips, while feeling her huge-breast squish into my chest, but I just brush her head gently till she relax, let her sit down, and go to the frozen-woman.

I look into her eyes, and activate my 3rd-ring (Giro-no-mi, Glare), reading her memories, and discover the funny-looking-man is no.3, the little-girl, called 'miss-golden-week', who was with him, has some kind of hypnosis powers, probably a 'devil fruit', which I think of taking for myself, maybe, but more than anything, there's a whole scheme here of this Crocodile-organization, against Vivi, this pirate-crew, and 2 giant-pirates who live on the island.

"Nami, relax, and don't move" I tell her after I knock-out the woman as well, tie her and the man really tight and secure, and hide them on a tree top, and jumping down to free Nami. 'Wax is just a candle-stick, so.. fire?' I think and use fire-energy on my finger, slowly heating Nami's waxed legs, and seeing it works, my mind wander to think 'he should open up a beauty saloon and do wax, or a candle-shop, haha, but for real, this wax is so hard, it's almost iron-like', but the wax melt only when it's hot, so I panic a bit, making sure it won't hurt Nami's body, and I think to myself 'I wonder if she's more Kane-dere (gold-digger) or Hime-dere (princess like) type'.

"OUCHYYYY!" Nami kick the last piece of wax off of her, feeling burns from it, and I hug her leg, kiss it, and sing "pain pain, go away..", and keep kissing it, making her laugh, acting like she forgot about the pain, and I decide in my head 'Hime-dere!'.

"Now, tell me why're you alone?" I ask Nami, and she stare at the ground, mumbling "..they all left to tour the island.. I was alone with that coward-Usopp.. the giant asked rum.. we went to lunch with him, but then he went to fight..".

"Okay, Okay, let's stop this idiotic story, I don't get how they can let you risk your life like that.. Anyway! They're going to kill them all, so let's go save Vivi" I cut her talk and plan my next move, "You should hide, there's that wax-guy, and that girl who can hypnotize you, so it's really dangerous". Nami just jump on my back, like I'm her horse-ride, and *giggle*.

I decide to just fly, so I tell her "come here for a moment", and when Nami comes before me, I hug her, shout to the duck, who I just freed, "Hide somewhere! Wait for us around here!", and take out my wings, but keeping them invisible, not wishing to expose myself. '...I'm still shirtless, like it's the norm now with all the flights I do in Red-line...' I think while flying into the sky while turning us completely invisible, and hide the fact Iv'e got wings from Nami.

"AHHHHHH" Nami shouts, hugging me really tight, with her squishy boobs squeezed on my chest, and she close her eyes.

"Hehe, relax, it's safe" I tell her while searching for the action-spots with my 6th sense, and 'see' two giants hurt, laying-down there, next to a huge wax-building, with Zoro and Vivi stuck like statues on it, not seeing the coward, Usopp, of course, and by the side, I watch the straw-hat-pirate fighting a wax-robot, or wax-golem, with Mr.3 inside it, operating whatever it is.

I see straw-hat winning against it, while trying to break the whole wax-building, but soon all the people stuck in there will die and become wax statues. I quietly land, take out my sword, cut the wax-piece of Vivi, hold it with my other hand, and fly away, with Nami still hugging me tightly.

I land near-by, releasing Nami, and Vivi's statue, safely, and slowly melt her, while Nami hug the ground, but soon come help me to save Vivi from the Wax, plus the burns it can cause, and when she can breath again, move, and finally released, she's crying, mumbling "..I'm still alive..".

I hug her, and Nami joins us.

After Vivi relax, I kiss her forehead, and whisper "Wait here! Watch from afar!", and I go back, while turning invisible, to watch, or join, the action.

... 'Why did the duck and Usopp put a rope around the whole building?' I think while looking from high above, and moment later I 'see' Usopp, on the side, light it, and a second later the whole building burst aflame.

The two villains run-away, with straw-hat after them, and I follow them from above, after seeing the pirates escaped and are alive. When straw-hat chase Mr.3, I follow the little-girl, flying behind her, and when she's busy, taking out a paint-brush, I knock her out, tie her up, fly near the wax-house, and start trying to separate the 'devil fruit' from her body.

'...There's none??' I discover in surprise, thinking 'it's probably another power, not related to devil fruits...', and I discover yet again how this world has much more powers than just 'devil fruits', like Haki, and remind myself to always remember this fact.

I tie her next to the other 2 villains I already captured, while discovering the possessive-blond-pirate from the straw-hat crew, who apparently wasn't in the fight, and I totally forgot he even exist, is actually drinking tea inside the enemy-wax-house, making me think he's also an enemy, and be aware of him, as also in Whiskey-peak he arrived late.

I fly back to the place I kidnapped Miss-golden-week, and find Mr.3 unconscious, left there alone.

I tie him up, fly to the already-captured-crew-mates of his, and start separating his 'devil fruit', getting a whitish-pear-fruit.

While I happily store it in a box, writing the uses I saw of it on a note, Mr.3 wakes-up, and I quickly change my look to a random-middle-age-man, and look into his eyes, reading his memories.

'...They don't know nothing, those idiot underlings, I thought that by his name, 3, he's close to Mr.1, what the hell, how did he even agree to be someone else dog?' I wonder about that useless-man, while knocking him out, tying him to the other three, and fly back to see what's going on now.

I find the whole bunch sits, except the blond-probably-traitor, looking exhausted, and I return to my normal look, put on a basic black shirt, large sun hat, change my pants to a normal dark jeans, change sneakers, pull out picnic-set and food from space, turn visible, and walk toward them.

"AYN!" Vivi run to me in the moment she sees me, and her duck *Quack!* to me, making me laugh from that noise, and I hold her to a hug, as she start sobbing.

Nami comes to pull me by the hand, and introduce me to the 2 giants, and we greet each other.

I put the picnic-blanket down, pulling Nami and Vivi to sit with me, and put the food in front of them, when suddenly I sense 'Danger!', and 'see' the straw-hat-boy stretch his hand really long, trying to take the food, so I quickly coat my hand with haki, *PUNCH*, I hit him in the moment his hand reach near us, so hard, that it felt his hand almost broke, and I say "Do it again, and you won't have a hand".

Just then, the blond-guy comes running, shouting "NAMI! VIVI! and the other extras!", but when he get close I jump, *KICK* his face, and take out a rope to tie him up, but suddenly, Nami shouts "WHAT YOU'RE DOING?!", yet I respond coolly "He's a traitor. I saw him in the enemy base. Drinking tea. While you all almost died here...".

They start to argue about my words, as he tell a story about hunting, searching everyone, finding a wax-house, and even talking to a 'Mr.0' on the phone, who now think they're all dead, making it easy to infiltrate them, and then Nami tells me "there's no way he's a traitor... blablabla... he's with us from far away, when can he even have time to betray us?", but I tell her "I guess you trust him", and dropping the issue.

We all say goodbye to the two giants, who seems really friendly, and go to their ship, and I exhale "AH, damn, that's some broken piece of wood, how does it even float?", and Usopp, the long-nose-guy, starts yelling about how good this broken piece-of-ship is, and the straw-hat-boy, which I find named Luffy, also say the same nonsense, and all nod in agreement, but I can see they'll sink sooner or later with this piece-of-ship.

"Nami, Vivi, maybe it's better you travel with me?" I ask the two, who look hesitant, so I say "I can't see how you will arrive to Alabasta safely with this ship, and... 'crew'... but never mind, maybe I'm shoving my nose to other's problem, I guess I'll leave".

'why I'm so protective of those two?? I barely know them, yeah we opened up to each other, but if they choose this lousy crew over me, then it's better to leave them be. I should make my distance from them...', I think in my head, not listening to them anymore, and walk to the edge of the ship, wishing to get the hell out of this piece-of-wood they call a ship.

"NO!", "WAIT!", Vivi and Nami jump onto me, holding me from the back, just in the moment I almost jumped ashore, and I almost fall into the water, but they hug me into their body, and I balance myself back into the ship.

"What now?" I ask, pretty annoyed from the way they act, and Vivi tells me "I'll go with you!", and she look at Nami, who looks down, telling me "if I leave them, they won't survive without me even a minute, please stay with us on this ship".

'...She's right, those kids will die, but she ain't their mama, or maybe she's kinda is?' I think, and tell them "Okay, whatever, I'll stay for a bit, but, ahh, never mind", and sit down, pouting, trying to relax from my impulse to escape this situation all together.

Vivi *giggle*, sitting next to me, and put her head on my shoulder, while Nami start to fight with the three idiots, who wish to carry way-too-much meat into the ship.

"WAIT!" I shout, and they all look at me, "I remember now, There's those four villains, who I tied up, what you wanna do with them?" I ask, and they look puzzled, like they don't care, so I ask "they tried to kill you, you know? and probably will try again?..", but nothing changed, like they're all idiots who don't care about nothing, so I look at Vivi questionably, but she has a confused look, like she care, but got no idea what to do, and so am I.

"Wait here, or leave? I don't care" I say, and jump off the ship, while they cut the animals they caught for meat, and I go fetch the four villains, then go find the two giants, asking them "can you please keep them here for at least a week before letting go? or you can do whatever you want with them.. They tried to kill you, so, yeah, whatever".

They burst laughing, even though I can't find the joke here, but they agree, and I return to the ship, saying "done...".

Soon after I arrived, the ship start sailing, and a moment later, there's already panic, when a giant fish raise it's head, almost swallowing the ship whole, but suddenly the two giants stand ashore, firing an energy-wave, cutting it, and we enter the open waters safely, as I think 'Damn, this broken ship is a death-trap'.

"How did you get here?" the green-hair-guy with the swords suddenly question me, and I look at him, saying "Hi, I'm Ayn, you?", "Roronoa Zoro" he answers, so I respond to his question "small boat, but don't worry, it's on me, and I can leave anytime". He nod his head while narrowing his eyes, but then go to the side, and swing his sword, training, so I join him, as we become friendly, training next to each other, and also dueling with wooden-swords, bonding by the swords.

"EMERGENCY! EVERYONE!", I hear Vivi yell, and run toward her, finding Nami on the floor, as Vivi shouts "SHE HAS EXTREMELY HIGH FEVER!!".

I carry her inside, while they pull out a thermometer, arguing what she got, and what to do now, but once Vivi says "40 DEGREES!" I panic, saying "Okay, I'll be rushing to find a doctor, Vivi, come with me", and looking at Nami, who try to argue, but pass-out from the fatigue, I go outside.

I put my speed-boat beside the ship, tying it to it, planing to act like it was always here, and go back inside.

Firstly, I try to give an eternal-pose to them, but the blond-guy shows he got one, so I take Nami, call Vivi to come, and tell them "I'll meet you in Alabasta! Don't lose the way! I'll make sure Nami survives!".

I walk outside, jumping onto the speed-boat, and then jump back up, now carrying Vivi, and put her together with Nami on a single-seat, light the engine, cut the rope, and sail away, not letting them to even argue against me.

"Alabasta is too far, there's a closer islands!" Vivi says, and I remember I have an eternal-pose for another place, 'Drum island', and I take it out, as Vivi confirm it's closer.

... We sail toward there for a while, but then I tell her "it's too slow, we're goona fly there", and stop the boat, take my shirt and wings off, and turn bigger, while putting them on my back, and turn invisible, because I'm completely naked now, as I got no clothes for this size yet, but feeling Nami heat I don't care, so I just take the boat back to my space, and start flying toward Drum-island, while also slowing time, wishing to save her life, cause 40 degrees is a real life-threatening situation.

... In the middle of the flight, Nami wakes up, mumble a bit, but I can't hear what they both say, and before the sunset, I already find a snowy island ahead of us, as I can't fly full-speed with them on my back, and find a desolate place to land near a town, then quickly wear clothes, and pull out my hover-car.

... "Excuse me, Sir, Please help us, my friend is really sick, we must find a doctor as soon as possible!" Vivi asks through the window a man we found after some time driving around, and she's pointing at the back-seat, where Nami lie-down.

"Hmm, there's only one doctor, and she's a witch, in this island" the man respond, looking worriedly at us, and I think 'Damn, worst island to come to...', wondering if it's better to teleport with her right now, as I thought it will be much easier, and more fun, visiting a new island, but the man says "she's an extremely gifted doctor, 140-years-old! But... She live on top of that mountain... And she's a bit of a kook...".

We thank him, and I decide 'I'll fly there, try quickly, and if it's gets wrong, we'll just teleport'.

I drive a bit, then take the car back, hug the 2 tightly to my chest, rap them in a warm-blanket against the cold wind and snow, and fly quickly, thinking 'for fuck sake, I rip shirts every day, now even getting naked, I better solve this problem as soon as possible, or just be a nudist'.