
The Other Worldly Architect

"You've built wonders after wonders, just as you're supposed to. And those wonders have built lives, but nothing is permanent. But when it's finally time those strong walls would crumble and only death will remain under the ruins. Will blood and tears build the foundation of your palace? Or will it become the burial ground of scattered hope and dreams, deep under the ruins. For now fate shall be your guide, but what will you do at the journeys end." Marcus was transmigrated into a fantasy world after a work place accident. Now he to forced to survive in this ruthless world with the Architect system provided to him. *This novel contains unique tropes which a fresh breather for those who are looking for something new, jump right into it.*

leafless_tree · Fantasi
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35 Chs

Chapter 24: Cursed Lady

Marcus was pondering about the word cursed. He never thought that every time he could encounter someone he would learn about something new.

First it was the term "Demons" and now it is "cursed". He understood other than magic that he had used so far and the monsters he had encountered, other supernatural beings also existed in the world.

As for this "Cursed woman" Marcus didn't even need to ask; Caleb was going to provide the answer for him.

As for Caleb's situation, he did not look so good. Tears fell down his wrinkled eyes. There was not only sorrow in them but also rage.

"DAMN, that cursed woman, she had to take my son away from me."

The latter part was said in a low tone, as if he did not want anyone else to hear it.

Looking at Marcus' puzzled expression, Caleb understood that Marcus was not able to keep track with their conversation.

"Ah yes, you are not from here, so it's natural for you to not know about it.

You see, this is a long short; I will tell you the short version so you get the gist of it.

You remember the count whom I told you about when we were on the road?"

"Yes," Marcus gave an affirmative answer.

The next things that came out of Caleb's mouth changed Marcus' views completely.

"You see, this cursed woman is one of the count's daughters."

"WHAT?" When Marcus heard the word cursed, he thought of some hag or witches who were rumored to have used curses in medieval times.

Never did he think that the cursed person belonged to a noble standing and was also a count's daughter; this was too much of a bombshell for Marcus.

Marcus was about to voice some doubts, but Caleb decided to cut the conversation short.

"We will talk about these things later at night. Talking about a person of important status can't be done in broad daylight.

Defaming a noble is punishable by death, even though that cursed woman is an exception. It's better not to talk about it in the presence of the public."

Marcus got the message and didn't ask anything. The woman named Mai got up and headed to the next room.

"I will take rest for a while; you can go and around the village with little Coby."

Saying this, he laid down tiredly on the bed. Marcus followed Mai out of the bedroom. He saw her preparing the vegetables and lighting the charcoal stove.

There was a chimney on the roof and utensils were sprawled on the floor; this gave the place a primitive yet lived-in feel. Marcus really liked this kind of environment.

Mai saw Marcus outside the kitchen. She smiled at him and said, "Food will be ready in 3 hours."

Marcus nodded and left for the exit. He saw Caleb instructing some things to Coby. Seeing Marcus standing at the door, he let Coby go.

Coby came to Marcus, cheering, and told him what his grandpa had told him.

"Gramps told me you were new here. I will show you around this place.

Everyone is super nice in this village; you will love it."

Coby briskly walked with joy after telling Marcus to follow him. He walked really quickly, to the point where Marcus doubted if he was really so excited to show him around or just happy to get time to play around.

Coby would frequently point at houses and shops, telling the names of their inhabitants and keepers.

Marcus didn't register any of the names, but chatted about them nonetheless.

There were no special pieces of information that a child like him would tell. The conversation mainly revolved around topics like who had the most chickens and which aunt gave him free candies and other simple characters.

Marcus really liked this boy; he was simple and talked very enthusiastically. It was difficult for people to cope with the death of their loved ones.

In that sense, the boy was very impressive, but Marcus couldn't help but think there was more to the story.

Most of the time, people would put up a front while their sorrow would still be visible in their eyes.

But Coby was different; he didn't show any grief in his eyes.

'Was he too young to comprehend death? No, that should not be the case.'

Marcus asked Coby about his age and got the reply that he was ten.

Marcus knew that the old man Caleb and Mai were putting up a front for a guest like him. Marcus knew they didn't want his consoling; it would only ruin the atmosphere they were trying to build.

But looking at Coby, he had to ask this question.

"Hey Coby, aren't you sad because of your father's death?"

Marcus was expecting a solemn, tension-filled reply, but the answer he got was unexpected. It was not sadness but confusion.

"Eh, why would I be sad? My father died a long time ago."

Marcus was really confused by this, but he didn't question it any further; the answers would slowly come to him anyway.

Both of them didn't initiate a conversation after that. Marcus followed Coby to a butcher shop.

He was still cheerful while talking to the butcher. Marcus thought his short question had not affected the mood. He was relieved.

Giving the butcher a few copper coins, Coby took the package with him. Coming to Marcus, he said cheerfully,

"I was told we will have meat for dinner today.

I rarely get to taste the delicious meat that mom makes. We should hurry back home, mister."

Returning back to Caleb's home, things went smoothly. Even though they didn't talk much with each other, Marcus felt comfortable with them.

He felt so much integrated with the family that he only remembered about Cedric's existence when he appeared on the dining table out of nowhere, surprising everyone.

It seemed it was not only Marcus, but everyone had forgotten about him. Cedric too didn't bother anyone much and just ate silently.

The only joyous chat was between Marcus and Coby; both of them had more than enough topics to hold a conversation on.

"Mister, do continue the story about the monster tomorrow."

It was already dark outside, and everyone had returned to their homes. Even though it was evening in Earth time, villagers with no electricity or light had nothing else to do other than sleep.

Marcus and Cedric were allowed to sleep in the multi-utility room while the family slept in the bedroom.

Opening the windows, Marcus let the gentle moonlight enter the room. Cedric was already sleeping in a corner.

Even if it was called a utility room, there was hardly anything, and it was tidy and clean. Seeing the cleanliness, Marcus recalled the time when he was out with Coby.

He had to say the village was much cleaner than those he had seen in his previous life. As for sleeping on the floor, it was not a big deal for him.

Just as Marcus was seeing the stary night sky he heard the door open. A solemn faced Caleb came in.

Marcus knew this was going to be a long night.