
CHAPTER 1 *Insert bad intro music*

There was a man walking up to a mental asylum. He passed by many cells, each of which held a person with some sort of mental disability that makes them a menace. Eventually, he made it to the cell he was looking for. "Harland, James", the sign said. He opened the cell, and saw a young adult curled up into a ball on the ground. He looked up, and saw the man. The man placed his hand onto the young man's head, and he gasped. He stood up, and the man asked with a deep voice, "How do you feel? Your mind was damaged by the awakening, and I was forced to heal it." "I- I can see and hear everything. I can smell… Cayenne?" "Yeah my American friend is outside of this building." "I can taste the air. I can feel the lines in the walls.", he said as he placed his hand upon the wall, seemingly flat. "Come on. Billy's waiting outside. We're getting you back out into the world." He walked the boy out into the hallway. "Oh, and be careful. Your aura might alert several nasty things nearby. You don't want to know what." The boy nodded. "I have seen things that would give most men nightmares for weeks. I met the ancient of days. I can handle what you say." "Trust me, those are the less frightening things you may encounter. Flamel brought you to the great elder once thought to be dead. Khaos, also known as Ymir and Yahwe, but originally Azathoth. You were awakened by one of the most powerful great elders, and the process drove you to near insanity, yet you will quite possibly encounter beings that if Nightmares had nightmares, that would be what they would dream of. There are some beings that will drink your aura and feast upon your flesh if you do not take care. Insanity seems like the least of your worries, especially now that I've healed your mind. But enough of that." Eventually, the two exited the cell block, and entered the lobby. The boy, James Harland, had noticed that the man kept one hand in his cloak at all times. "Hey, you can't just walk out of here with an in-" The man's hand moved out of his cloak, and the boy noticed that it wasn't a hand. It was a flat metal hook. The guard suddenly just disappeared, and the two exited the building. There was a short-ish young man waiting. He had some very nice boots, and a red convertible sports car. Certainly nothing released in 1945, that was for sure. "Hey, Marethyu! You got the kid out safely, I believe." "Yes, and now I have something very important to do. I'm sure you can travel with James here, he'll survive. He has an awakened pure gold aura. His sister had a white aura, so they weren't the legendary twins. But he's still incredibly powerful, and could help us in the centuries to come. Abraham even told me that while James isn't the golden twin, he's still a key player in the coming of the time of turning. Could you take him to Texas? I believe that the elder Geb has taken up residence there. Possibly in Houston? He is neutral, but may be willing to train the boy in the magic of earth. After that, take him to Japan. I have a friend waiting for him there. Specifically, Tokyo. There is a house near Kabukicho, you'll know it when you see it. Leave him there, give him these keys when you get there. Marethyu handed a key ring to the American. "Also, there is a ley line in the Louisiana State University campus that my friend used to go in between the two countries." The American thought for a second. "A'ight! Then, off to Texas! C'mon, kid!" James Harland looked confused at all of this. "Well, I guess we're off to Texas! Never been there. First time I leave New Mexico, I go to London, go insane. Hopefully this works out." Billy rolled his eyes, and Marethyu audibly sighed. "Spoilsport." Billy said, teasingly. Marethyu held his hook up, and said "Adieu!" He promptly disappeared into thin air. "Well kid, hop in! We got ourselves a mighty fine road trip ahead of us!" "Okay then." Harland got in the passenger side, and noticed that there was Cream soda in the glove compartment. "What can I say? I'm still human. Cream soda is good." James grabbed a bottle, opened it, and took a sip, nodding to the beat of the country song on the radio. "Haven't heard a good song since '45. What's this song, Billy?" Billy grinned. "Wolverton Mountain by Claude King. He started his career in '47, so you probably don't know him. We need to get you some new clothes, kid. I know a good store in Nevada, you can pick some clothes there." "What year is it?" "It's 1962!" James choked on the soda. "I've been in the asylum for 17 YEARS!?!?!?" Billy did some math in his head. "No, just 1945-1962- Oh. Yeah, 17 years then!