
The Origins of Death

A tale birthed from reality, fantasy, and the dreams of a tortured soul… Living his entire life without experiencing emotions he became a false king who usurped the throne and brought peace to the land. In an unexpected event he falls in love, opening the floodgates on all the feelings that were locked away. Betrayal and heartbreak spell the end for him. His death sets a long-forgotten prophecy into play and awakens entities asleep since the dawn of time. But this is not the end of his story it is merely the beginning. Follow him on his journey of self-discovery and exploration as he learns to cope with the wonderful, yet tragic thing called emotions in a world filled with magic, mystery, and above all else danger. Will he shun them vying for a cold and solitary life or take a leap of faith into uncertainty? (This takes place in the same universe as my other novel 'The Blood Origins'. No, I have not dropped it. I am just currently reworking it because I wasn't happy with the portrayal of the plot. I also apologize, I didn't do very good with the synopsis in my opinion.)

ForgottenGhost · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
9 Chs

Chapter 9: (Classified Location)


In an unknown location of the cosmos a piece of rocky debris drifted along. It was stagnant while in the light of a nearby star. Until a large white vessel shot through destroying the rock and scattering it to dust a fraction of a second later.

Traveling at lightspeed it was only a blur barely visible to the human eye. Approaching its final destination, it began to slow down while still moving at a still impressive velocity. The strange shaped spacecraft was none other than the very one that visited the Varulean Kingdom. It inched ever so slightly forward as a shadow encroached over its hull.

An incredibly massive spherical object materialized before the ship. The surface of which was made of an identical material to the pointed spacecraft in which it dwarfed. Once the two came in contact the planet-like construct revealed a small opening that allowed the front end of the ship to pierce inside.

Half of the ship was sheathed before it came to a rest, halting entirely. The massive metallic ball was covered in hundreds of thousands of those little protrusions each representing another spacecraft.

Immediately after the behemoth object flickered, becoming transparent until it appeared as if it suddenly ceased to exist. A few asteroids shooting by randomly vaporized the only evidence that proved it was still present.

Inside a petite figure pressed three separate panels causing an octagonal wall to unseal tilting down. Acting as a ramp it touched the floor and clicked into place before letting out an elongated beep. The figure proceeded down the path followed by an entourage of suited individuals.

"Welcome back Commander X!" A thin man dressed in similar clothing spoke loudly while levitating in the air.

It appeared as if he came from nowhere. Many more people with circular masks descended with him while entities seemingly made of light started to board and unload canisters as well as other cargo.

"I hope so very much the mission was a success." His words were filled with obvious sarcasm.

The figure in which he was speaking too ignored him and continued walking. Seeing this the man grew visibly irritated and spoke even louder.

"Why do you appear so down? I take it you didn't find what you were looking for on those thrash heaps. It's really too bad."

"I'm not in the mood, Dentry. Have the ship fixed and restocked. I will be heading out again shortly." The figure leading the group spoke each word coated with an unusually bitter tone.

Clicking a side button under her neck the glossy turquoise helmet pixelated and disappeared. Long messy white colored hair flowed out reaching just below her hips. The face of X was still not within view and covered by strands of hair and shadow.

The interior of the location was a docking area of sorts and a large screen on the other end showed the number three. A few older men walked behind her as they exited the room leaving Dentry and the masked men with the ship. A wide grin was plastered on his face as he watched X walk away.

"Looks like everything will continue as planned." Dentry whispered to the man at his side.

"She doesn't have what it takes to compete with her sister, much less the older brothers." He said almost laughing.

"Was it just me or was something different about her? I don't think I've ever seen her like that." The masked man closest to Dentry asked.

"Of course she is. She must be absolutely devastated. Finding traces of a Zeta level energy signature but not being able to locate it would drive anyone mad. Whatever it was would have no doubt turned the tables for her and benefited the Empire immensely. Looks like luck wasn't on her side." Dentry responded this time letting a light chuckle out at the end.

"Anyway, back to work everyone." He shouted out leaving the room as well through a separate door.
