
the originals : New guy

A guy dies and is reborn in the originals with no memories of who he was, except with just information on anime and novels he had read with a few perks. 

Fayez_Mudi · Televisi
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21 Chs

Chapter 14

The screams of my soldiers echoed as they were being torn apart by the new beasts that came into the fray. The army held on and tried to regroup and make a new wall, but the beasts didn't give them any chance. They were deliberately making sure the humans couldn't regroup.

I watched everything as my body was torn apart by the energy and rebuilt at an extremely fast speed. The blood and my soldier's courage in the face of this adversity were something I could see. The motivation and hunger that some men had as they rounded up more men and formed new walls and kept moving to slaughter and rescue more of their sisters and brothers.

More of these scenes kept happening as new leaders and groups were formed during this crisis. I noted down every one of them as I sent messages to the rippers to help those worthy and the slaughtered become the butcher.

I stood up as I felt my body and senses evolve to an entire level. I breathed in the foul stench of the battlefield as the guts, blood, feces, urine, and other body fluids were littered everywhere. I held my weapon as my eyes turned chilly and muttered;

"inferno blaze"

A flaming, bone-melting, earth-scorching flame was released from the tip of my sword like a beam. Everything that was a hundred meters wide was reduced to ashes as the beam continued and decimated everything that came in contact with it.

A huge amount of beasts and monsters perished in that one attack and depleted the mana that was stored in the core by two-thirds. The entire battlefield quieted down as they all looked at me, some with horror and my soldiers with relief.

I took that chance and ordered my men to regroup and set a new wall.

"We must move and leave before they close the gap I formed."

I took the lead and my army followed me as I started a new massacre. I cut down any beasts that stood in our way and continued to head south to get out of the encirclement. My rippers and I stood aside when we broke through to ensure the rest of my army passed through safely.

The first captain of the blood rippers Arne was standing beside me as he organized the rippers with the second captain Birger to evacuate swiftly all the members of the army and rescue any stragglers.

I stood as I scanned the entire battlefield and met with the gaze of one of the dragons who was staring at me hatefully from afar. I looked at it, and it looked like the other dragon I killed. This will make things so much easier if they have feelings for each other, as my lips curved provocatively.

I turned around as I could hear the roars from the dragon I smiled and went into the mountains. It seems all the smaller creatures were just slaves for the weres and dragons that came here. They were used as a shock group to overwhelm the enemy they faced.

If we were to leave this place we needed to kill the commanders in the back of this endless horde. We can't clear them fast enough to get to them. We went and treated the injured by distributing potions to them as quickly as possible. The rest made a new defense and settle down to rest as the night sky was creeping in slowly.

"Sir, the preparations are over," said Arne as he entered the small tent I made using earth magic.

"Report, the status of our security."

"barrier is done and our location secure for the moment." the squad leader of the magic squad.

"The first and second regiments are in charge of the first shift."

"What about the casualties."

There was a downcast as the group fell silent.

"The first regiment lost 5 squads and were wiped."

"The scout regiments were also wiped and only one squad survived."

"The magic squad lost three teams and only 7 teams remain, but they are drained of magic and resting."

"The blood rippers' first squad lost four members, the second, and third lost two each while the rest only had a few injuries which have already been healed"

"The only regiment that is still intact is the second regiment as there were only a few injuries."

That came as a shock to me but I didn't show it and just waved them off. I sat back and relaxed by closing my eyes. We had a long night ahead of us and I wanted to get ready for it. Took this chance to examine my body and how it changed. My entire body was stronger by miles from before the upgrade. Speed, strength, and response time were way off the charts.

The captains set a place to inspect and repair the damaged equipment. They made sure they were battle ready and no mishap occurred when their weapons failed.

I closed my eyes as my senses spread out to cover even a wider range than before. I saw the monsters and beasts just devouring our dead and theirs. It seems that we had time well until they were tired of eating dead meat and remember there was a live one just across the mountain.

This will be a training that only the strongest and bravest would overcome. I can use this chance to shape my people, not just super soldiers but berserkers. A perfect time indeed, just after graduating and right into death battle. My thoughts just went wild after that and I went around the camp to inspect and help whenever I could.

A group of soldiers was sitting around a fire as they just talked around.

"I can't wait to go back home, I will make sure to man up and marry her."

"I don't think you can do that now, she uhh died in the scrimmage when we were breaking through from the encirclement," Everyone just looked at him as if saying wtf, the guy didn't believe them and thought he was joking around. But when he looked around and saw the serious look of his friends he just broke down as he leaned his head backward. she was the only thing that kept him moving, it was the only thing that kept him alive as he pushed himself to death. He made sure not to die before he could ask her and tell her how much he loved her. Now he doesn't have any chance to hold her and that filled him with extreme sorrow.

He deflated like a balloon and just wandered off into his mind.

"They killed my brother too."

"My father was among the scout regiment as he was killed along with my mother."

After that, the others said whom they lost and the atmosphere became gloomy, and just one of the men just lost it and kicked a tree as it broke down. He was angry as he looked at his mates,

"Why are we crying here and feeling sorry for ourselves when the very same beast that killed our loved ones are out there." He asked as tears trickled down his face and his face slowly changed into hate and anger for being powerless.

"I swear I will kill every last one of these beasts for Marry," one of the men shouted as he clenched his fist tightly that his nails dug into his skin. Everyone's mood shifted as they swore to avenge their loved ones even if it will the last thing they do. Their eyes changed as something primal woke up in their DNA. Someone was watching all of this as he smiled and faded away into the darkness behind the trees.

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

Your gift is the motivation for my creation. Give me more motivation!

Your gift is the motivation for my creation. Give me more motivation!

Your gift is the motivation for my creation. Give me more motivation!

Your gift is the motivation for my creation. Give me more motivation!

Fayez_Mudicreators' thoughts