
The originals 2023

How did Esther get the spell to turn them into vampires?I commissioned it from anonymous

Joshua_Zamar · Fantasi
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8 Chs

Bulgaria 1490

Bulgaria, 1490

A woman walks up to a table in her bedroom. On top, it had a bowl with warm water in it. As she reaches

her hand out to wash her hand, she bends over in pain and gasps in pain, holding her stomach.

She was pregnant and will be going through labor.

Her mother rushes upstairs and prepares for the labor.

The woman screams in pain as her mother guides her through the process.

"A little more, dearest…a little more." The mother urges. In between the woman's legs, she could see the

baby's head poking out. "A little more. Push…a little more."

With one final scream, it is then replaced with the baby's.

The mother gently wraps the baby in cloth and smiles at her daughter. "It's a girl."

"A girl?" The woman repeats and her mother nods. "Please, Mother…let me see her." The woman begs.

The woman's mother holds the baby out for her daughter when a voice stops her. "Woman, don't! What

are you doing?"

The mother quickly rushes to her husband in fear and hands the baby over.

The woman watches this in fear and quickly begs her father. "Let me at least hold her once…Just once…"

The baby's cries grew louder as she was handed to him, "...at least once."

The Father looks at her in disdain. "Forget it…You have disgraced this family!" He walks out of the room

with the baby.

"Father, no! No, Father…no!" The woman cries, trying to stand but in vain. Her mother could only hold

her daughter down and cry with her.

"No, Katerina. It's better for her!" The mother cries. "It's better for her!"

The woman, Katerina, holds her mother tightly. She could only cry as her daughter was taken away from

her and brought to a different family.

This was Katerina Petrova. At around the age of 16-17, Katerina became pregnant by an unknown man

who was a traveler. This angers her father, who later disowned her for the shame of birthing an

illegitimate daughterKaterina couldn't even wallow in anguish as shortly after, she was abandoned in England. She became

familiar with the custom and later changed her name to Katherine Peirce.

In England, 1492,

Katherine met Trevor, who later introduced her to Lord Elijah, who introduced her to Lord Klaus; his

younger brother.

"Excuse me." Trevor walks away from the flocks of ladies surrounding him and to Elijah. The Ball has

started and all Lords and Ladies have mingled with themselves, waiting until the show's star arrives.

"Good evening, Trevor." Elijah greets him. Trevor nods to a Lord who was just talking to Elijah, and the

man left. "I am pleased you could join us."

"I could not miss the birthday celebration," Trevor states.

"No, considering the gift you bring to bear," Elijah said.

"A most interesting thing gift indeed." A soft but authoritative voice quips. Turning to the sound, they see

Stolas walking closer to them. "I wish to see such an offering that intrigues the likes of them." She turns

to Elijah, who merely stares back.

"Where is this mystery girl which you speak of?" Elijah asked to change the subject.

Trevor gestures his hand. "Right this way." Elijah follows him, leaving Stolas alone.

Her eyes followed their figure- cold and distant.

Trevor pats a woman's arm to catch her attention. "My dear."

The woman turns around and Elijah stares spellbound.

The woman smiles gently, "Hello." She greets.

Seeing him open his mouth and close like a fish out of water, the woman looks at him strangely, to which

Elijah finally composes himself.

"Forgive me, you remind me of someone." Elijah apologized.

"Katerina, may I introduce the Lord Elijah," Trevor announces.

This causes her to stare in shock, though mild. Elijah holds his hand out and she grabs it and bows,

"Pleasure, My Lord.The Pleasure is mine," Elijah kisses her hand, "Katerina."

Stolas stares from afar as the two get close to each other. Her chest tightened and her fingers nearly dug

into her glass from the tight she was holding it.

The star of the show, Niklaus, finally arrives. He was entering with power and coldness. Many stopped

and stared at him. They bowed their heads if they were close to his presence.

Katerina's breath hitched at the sight of Niklaus. Her eyes not leaving his.

"Katerina, may I introduce to you the Lord Niklaus," Elijah announces.

Katerina gives a small courtesy.

Niklaus smiles, grabs her hand, and kisses it. "Niklause is the name my Father gave me." Niklaus starts,

"Pleae…Call me Klaus."

"From where have you come, Katerina?" Niklaus asked.

"I am new to town, My Lord," Katerina answers, though vague, so Elijah answers fully for her,

"Katerina is from Bulgaria."

With that information, Niklaus speaks in Bulgarian. Katerina laughs in delight. "Very good." She said.

Niklause turns to Elijah. "Do you mind, brother? I would like to have a moment alone with her."

"No, not at all. Happy Birthday, brother." Elijah greets. Niklause smiles and takes Katerina's hand, taking

her away from the crowd, while Elijah watches them go.

"Rather unfortunate." Stolas appears beside him, shocking him a little.

"What do you mean?" Elijah asked, snappish.

"It is obvious, from the way you looked at the woman, that you are infatuated with her," Stolas stated.

Elijah huffs, "It is of no concern to you." He turns and walks away.

"Is it no…?" Stolas mutters to herself.

Stolas had watched it all unfold. Watches how Elijah seems reluctant to let her go. She swirls her glass

before downing the drink.

One of her minions comes in and delivers her news from her 'Family'.

"News from your brother, My Lady." They bowStolas rolls her eyes, "Ugh…What does he need?"

"He wishes for you to return home. Orders from your Father as well." The minion answers skittishly.

"Hmph, I see no need to return to them." Stolas walks away, not wanting to stay in the party any longer.

"But, My Lady, their words-"

Stolas quickly cuts him off, "-is of no importance! I do not wish to continue with this topic any longer!

Drop it!" She warns them, and they obey.

One night, Elijah found an old Roman Parchment written by Niklaus. Niklaus laughs at seeing a nostalgic


Niklaus had etched the scroll himself. It was one hell of a blistered drink.

Elijah comments on how his finest work was on the Aztec drawings. Niklaus questions this. As to him, it

was the African carvings.

Elijah confirms that it was the Aztecs, as, 'Who can resist a shaman?'

A few days go by and Stolas sits outside enjoying her tea, her henchman shading her with a parasol. She

was perched at the mansion's garden. Laughter comes from the distance catching her attention.

Elijah and Katerina enter the garden. Katerina running away from Elijah, and him catching up to her. It

seemed they had exchanged a few pleasantries as Elijah denied Katerina, "I won't."

"Well, you have to chase me!" Katerina speeds up before stopping when Elijah stops chasing her. She

turns to him, "You meant to catch me." She jesters.

"Well, if I catch you then the game will be over," Elijah stated.

"Thank you for entertaining me." Katerina thanked.

Elijah jokes, "Oh, you looked lonely inside so I took pity on you."

Katerina rolled her eyes but kept a grin on her face. "Klaus promised to spend a day with me…" Katerina

sits on a stone bench, sighing dejectedly, "...but he never returned home from the night."

"Because Klaus does not live by any rules but his own," Elijah saidKaterina stares into the distance, contemplating her words and emotions before saying, "Klaus is a very

charming man. Hard for any woman to resist I suppose."

"And yet?"

Katerina shakes her head, her eyebrows furrowed. She turns to Elijah, "I know not why he courts me. He

seems to not care about me at all."

Elijah crosses his arms, his eyes never straining away from Katerina. "Many unions have been built on

much less."

"Is it wrong to want more?" She asked.

Elijah this time sits next to her, "Do you have more with Trevor?" He asked.

"Trevor believes that he loves me. But true love is not real unless it is returned. Do you agree?" Katerina


"I do not believe in love, Katerina," Elijah answers bluntly.

"That is too sad for me to accept, my lord." Katerina shakes her head softly, "Life is too cruel. If we cease

to be in love, why would we want to live?"

Elijah doesn't answer. Not having one to begin with.

They hear footsteps coming their way. Emerge from the entrance is Klaus, back from late-night mealsbloodied. Katerina rushed to his side and asked what had happened. Klaus lies and tells her it was from a

guy picking a fight from the Tavern.

Katerina doubts such a small fight could cause such a bloody outcome, but doesn't voice her opinion and

merely follows Klaus out of the garden. Giving longing looks to Elijah.

Elijah sighs deeply, not turning around as he speaks, "How long have you been there?" He asked.

Stolas hums. "Long enough…" She pauses before continuing, "...to see everything."


"This the first you've noticed me on your own. I usually have to speak before you even glance at me."

Though Stolas jest, there is a hint of bitterness to her tone.

"That is because I have nothing to say to you." Elijah said, "So, I see no need for us to have a simple

chatter."Blunt as ever." Stolas sighs, shaking her head with a bitter smile. "I supposed it was only I who wished

for more."

Elijah turned his head, almost snapping it, but Stolas was already far away from him. Walking out of the

garden with her henchman in tow.

He didn't have to ponder Stolas's words. The full moon was nearing and the preparations to break Klaus's

curse were almost finished.

Elijah enters the room. Seeing Klaus leaning on his side near the fireplace. "Full moon is tomorrow


"After all these centuries, it is finally time." Klaus reminisces.

"I have been to see the witches. I believe they may have found a way to spare the doppelganger." Elijah


Klaus didn't care. "What does it matter if she lives or not? She is a means to an end, that is all."

"But she should die for your gain?" Elijah points out.

Klaus still brushes it off. "She is human. Her life means nothing."

This time, Elijah pleads, walking closer to his brother. "I beg you to consider this."

Seeing there was something more than Elijah caring for a 'human', Klaus pushes him off the fireplace and

leans close to his brother. "Are you so foolish, as to care for her?"

Elijah denies- lies. "Of course not."

Klaus holds his shoulders, "Love is a vampire's greatest weakness and we are not weak, Elijah. We do not

feel and we do not care."

Elijah's mind flashes an image of somebody else. "We did once."

This time, Klaus pauses. He could only pat his shoulder softly, "Too many lifetimes got to matter. Tell the

witches not to bother. The sacrifice will happen as planned." He doesn't let Elijah speak up and leaves.

Katerina knows inside that she is indeed infatuated with Klaus and wouldn't mind creating something

more to their relationshipUntil she finds out what Klaus and the rest are. Beast. Vampires that would suck a person's blood dry. But

there was more, Klaus wanted her. Not because of love or obsession, but because he needed a sacrifice to

lift his curse.

So she ran and ran.

News breaks to Klaus and he confronts Elijah, knowing he has developed something with that woman.

But he denies letting her escape and promises to get her back.

They are now on the hunt for her. Katerina escaped through the woods. But running in her gown hinders

her terribly. Tripping on a root and hurting herself.

"Katerina! I know you're near!" Elijah screams. Katerina holds her breath and her sides to stop the

bleeding. "I can smell your blood," Elijah growls. "It's pointless to run! Klaus will find you wherever you


Trevor appears and points in a direction far from where Katerina is. "This way. There's more blood over


Elijah leaves with Trevor and his other brothers.

Katerina stood up but could barely hold herself together from the pain on her side. Trevor suddenly

appears out of nowhere, shocking her. Trevor was smart enough to place his hand on her mouth to stop

her from screaming.

He gives her a direction to hide in. It was at East and she would find a cottage and find someone in there.

Katerina ran until the sun rose. She successfully reached the cottage and banged at their door. An old lady

opens the door.

Katerina pleads to let her in and the old lady would have closed the door if not for Katerina mentioning

Trevor's name. This annoyed another person in the room, but upon seeing the state she was in they let her


Katerina shows the moonstone she stole from Klaus to prove Trevor's words. But this scared the woman.

Anyone who escapes Klaus will be forcibly brought back to him and anyone who helps them dies.

The woman grabs Katerina's arm and shoves her into a room. Promising to bring her back to Klaus and

beg for their mercy.

While this is all happening, Stolas returns home. However, that mansion was no home to her. She was

cold and alone with her only companion her maids and butlers and sometimes her brother; Paimon. But it

was less of a companion and more of a 'bothering' to her"Well look who finally returned," Paimon exclaims. Sarcasm dripped from his voice.

Stolas scoffs and walks up the stairs to the front door. "I'm not here for you, Paimon. I was summoned by


Paimon laughs, mockingly. "Suddenly arriving upon summon? Why the sudden change?"

"I see nothing wrong with it," Stolas said.

"There is if it is from you. You never once come when being summoned by Father and now, here you are

about to see him." Paimon points out.

"What does it matter to you? Father called for me, so just go already!" Stolas snaps.

"Unfortunately for you, dear sister. I, too, was summoned by Father." At that, the door to their Father's

office opens.

Inside, the room is encased in a warm glow from the fireplace. But the light from the fire just made their

Father more menacing.

"Ah…Stolas. Home at last." Their Father said.

Stolas bows. "Father."

"I am rather shocked at seeing you here." He said.

"There's nothing to be surprised of, Father. You called, I came." Stolas points out coldly.

"Yes. That is the usual. After years of not coming home, I would say my 'worries' are valid." Father

states, sarcastically.

Stolas stays silent.

Their Father clicked his tongue. "No matter. You're here now. We begin the meeting."

This catches Stolas's attention. "Meeting? For what?"

Paimon chuckles, "What else? You being with The Originals."

"Is that what they are being called?" Stolas mutters to herself.

"Anyway, we suddenly caught wind that a family of 'humans' suddenly gained immortality by turning

themselves into Vampires. Without any help from the Witches." Paimon explainsFather joins in, "The only conclusion we could think of is your grimoire, Stolas."

Stolas grits her teeth. Seething inside. Her face gained 4 extra pairs of eyes and all 6 began the glow red.

"I know I was careless. I apologize for my slip up, Father." She apologized, with no sincerity. She

couldn't care less about this meeting or what happened in the past.

"Why didn't you retract their immortality?" Paimon questions.

"I was about to. But I thought, what better way to teach them a lesson about the effects of becoming a

monster and losing your humanity." She takes a sip of her tea. Though it wasn't a lie. If this was asked

when the event of the spell happened, then that would be the whole truth.

But after a few years, it was only half of it.

Father hums, "I see…Regardless, we need a report of what happened. So you will not leave until you do

so." Stolas opens her mouth to object when Father cuts her off, "This isn't a request, it is an order. Do you

understand, Stolas?"

Stolas glares for a few moments before nodding, "Yes…Father."

Katerina finds herself alive. She shouldn't be…

Not after hanging herself. But that woman had to feed her her blood to turn her into a vampire.

Now Katerina is immortal.

No matter. She could make do with these changes.

So the first thing she did was run away. Who knows for how long but she didn't stop. After a few days of

not seeing Klaus or any of his brothers hunting her down, she returns to her hometown in Bulgaria.

But a harrowing scene is left of her mother's old room. She and everyone else were killed.

Katerina knew who it was. Who else could it be but Klaus?

"No…No, mama!" Katerina cries. Holding her mother's corpse.

Her entire family was killed. Just so Klaus could get back at her for running. No matter what, Klaus gets

his vengeance.