
The Original Doppelganger

Reborn as a member of the Mikaelson family and twin brother of the bastard son of Esther, the hybrid Klaus Mikaelson wasn't enough I just had to be a Doppelganger too (I own nothing of the vampire diaries/ Originals only things I claim are my MC And OC's)

Nerdy_stoner · Televisi
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33 Chs

Vampire That Hunts Vampires (PT.1) (Edited)

(Mikael POV)

(1 week ago)

I have finally gotten to the old world and I'm walking through a trading hub of France. Images flash through my mind of my family before we became monsters, and a part of me hopes I never find my desired target. For if I find Niklaus, I find him, and I will kill he who at one time I loved almost as much as I loved Freya. Where she was the light of my life, I thought of Erik as the pride of it. Then I began thinking about when my family was destroyed.

(Multi flashbacks)


The pride I felt in Erik broke when the weak bastard killed someone in front of me and I saw his eyes. It shattered when I heard that roar of an even deadlier beast than any wolf I ever heard of or any of us bloodsuckers. When I entered the clearing I saw the devastation that Erik and Elijah caused. And seeing Erik beating Elijah mercilessly I snapped.... I had to do something, so I threw him off MY son.


Then snapped both his and his brother's necks. Unfortunately, I had to do it to Rebekah too. She was always too close to Klaus.

Then I saw what... No, who it was. Erik was crying over was his lover. I quickly looked at her neck and saw part of her neck ripped out. And Erik has no blood around his mouth. I turned to Esther and told her.

"You are the reason these bastards aren't mine. You will lock away their wolf half or I will kill them."

Turning to the other 3 in the clearing I tell Finn and Kol.

"Finn take the younger bastard and follow me. Kol look after your sister, Elijah."

I see the son that I have officially destroyed any relationship with Erik for. Covered in blood from head to toe and his mouth has layers of blood around it. I shed a tear and told him.

"You stay here or go back to the hovel, I don't care right now."


Then came the power that Erik released after we sealed his wolf side. It was stronger in brute force than Esther's magic. After that, I got into the last argument or the last time I would ever talk to my wife. It was about why she cheated on me. I was so angry, I said more than I should have. I even struck her for her betrayal of not just myself but... The whole family.

she brought up that

"You never even liked Klaus."

I had to give her that. The fact that he isn't my son hurts, but only so far that my wife wasn't faithful. Hell, I even felt a little relief that his weakness didn't come from me. But Erik, I told her.

"Erik was the one who brought me back to myself. the day he and Klaus were born, was the first day I truly smiled since the death of Freya. And he isn't even mine. You Esther, destroyed us all with your whoring, Lies, and betrayals."

I backhanded her and she fell to the ground hard, looking back up at me a welt already forming I left saying.

"I am going to deal with your Lover."

She tried to stop me, but I rushed away when I was at the edge of the forest. I heard her scream in pain and I immediately went back. I saw my wife in the middle of our hovel with her heart lying right beside her. I yelled in grief and then I saw Klaus running away towards the wolves.


I lost track of Klaus, but I found the mutts. I saw Ansel and his wife then I saw a young woman. Who had the same eye color as Erik. I lost it unsheathed my sword and started to yell for Ansel to show himself and slaughter any that got in my way. Young, old, sick, or healthy... I was slaughtering them one by one. For those who tried to fight, I would deflect their strikes before striking them down.


The first two in my way were no older than Henrik was. I didn't spare them a second glance as I swung my sword down on the first one's head. Slashing across his face. Then I kick the second so hard in the chest, he breaks through the wall of one of the other wolves' homes.


I spin around and slice through a warrior's neck chopping his head off with barely any effort and it goes flying. I turned my head just enough that one of their Spears wouldn't hit me and break the pole of the spear with my left hand. While my right holds onto my sword and stabbed through a woman's head eye first. Then throwing the broken part of the spear at the wife of Ansel seeing it plunge into her lungs, if not her heart. I smile before stepping back as I see Ansel staring at his wife who the young woman with green eyes is cradling, then me. Just as the remaining wolves surrounded me in a perfect circle, Ansel yelled.

"STOP....he's mine."

As he walked towards me.... a path opened for him in the center of the 20 or 30 wolves was me and I never took my eyes off of him.

When he reached me, he asked.

"Why... Why do this Mikael? We have lived next to each other in peace for over 20 years.'"

I look at him in disgust and say.

"A lot of reasons. First you slept with my wife.... second your wolves mutilated my youngest....and lastly Klaus killed Esther."

He paled further and further till I finished and said.

"Esther should have let me take him I would have helped him."

That intrigued me almost enough to forget my rage I asked.

"Him... not them?"

He has a sad smile and says.

"Erik may very well be mine, but you are his father."

I nodded and said.

"Your children will be dead come morning."

His eyes hardened and without another word rushed at me, unsheathed his sword in his left, and slashed at my right shoulder. I jumped to the side and backhanded him, sending him flying. He stood back up and jumped at me. As soon as he was in front of me, I rolled under him when he landed, I slashed my sword across his lower back. He screamed. Then he horse kicked me away falling to one knee, right after. A second later he stood up and turned. Just as I rushed in front of him and tried to chop his head off, he grabbed my hand and struggled to hold it there asking through gritted teeth.

"What have you Become Mikael?"

I snarled and said

"Your executioner."

And punched him right in the neck. He gagged and rolled backward before standing on shaky feet and breathing hard. Just then I have to spin to the side to dodge a thrown spear. Grabbing it with my left hand and throwing my sword in my right as I spin. Looking at the thrower I see the young green-eyed woman who barely jumped out of the way of my sword.

I turn back to Ansel charging me with a roar. Showing his werewolf face and starting to transform. With brown Fur quickly surrounding his face and arms claws begin growing in place of nails.

Just as he is almost on me, using my new weapon, I stab it into his solar Plex. Canceling his transformation just before he burst out of his clothes. I held him in the air as we both roared at each other. Until his became a pained scream and I stabbed the end of the spear in the dirt.


I look at the green-eyed girl she is now holding my sword.

"Come join your father in death."

(End of Flashbacks)

I hear a noise from the town square of the trading hub where I hear someone pleading.

"Please sire, I know what I saw. A man with the face of a monster."

if you liked the chapter leave me a power stone. have a nice day

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