
The Original Doppelganger

Reborn as a member of the Mikaelson family and twin brother of the bastard son of Esther, the hybrid Klaus Mikaelson wasn't enough I just had to be a Doppelganger too (I own nothing of the vampire diaries/ Originals only things I claim are my MC And OC's)

Nerdy_stoner · Televisi
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33 Chs

Meeting Of Enemies in Death (Edited)

(Erik POV)

I have just returned to the village from killing Dahlia. While carrying the black paragon diamond, containing the power of the Nexus Vorti, from Dahlia's death. With Magnus right beside me, carrying Jack's body over his shoulder. When I see Juliette and Lilly coming up to us, both smiling at me. Juliette speeds up to me, jumping into my arms and then kissing me deeply as I spin her around. Then Lilly looks at Magnus carrying Jack before asking.

"Is the wicked witch dead?"

I nod while setting Juliette down, then say while showing them the black paragon diamond.

"Dead and gone. I stored the power she released during her death. Now I ca-"

"You captured a Nexus Vorti? you truly killed her? I... I felt the link between us break, but I didn't think she would die."

A woman's voice interrupted me. I look at the sound of the voice and smile widely.

I see that a little behind Juliette and Lilly, is a woman. One I have wanted to meet since I was first beginning my training from our father. Freya, my oldest sibling. And what, no who was in her arms makes my whole world stop, for just a moment. While looking at the child, in his face, I can see my first love Tatia. I look at Freya, as I say.

"Hello, sister. my name is Erik. I have wanted to meet you for a long time."

Without saying anything she switched the child to her hip, before hugging me like it was her last day on earth, while silent tears fall from her eyes. Then whispering.

"I have dreamed of this day since I was taken by Dahlia. Thank you, brother."

I wrapped my arms around her and the child, feeling a jolt run through my heart when my hand held the boy. So, inhaling through my nose, taking his scent in, I knew at that moment he was mine. Ending the hug, I back up a little, then glance at Freya, before looking at the boy, as I ask her.

"And who is this one? Can I.... can I see him?"

Freya smiles while wiping her tears away, then says, while showing me the boy.

"This is Harald, he has been with... With me since his birth."

Causing Magnus to gasp and mutter.

"He has Estrid's eye color."

Then she looked at Harald, smiling while saying.

"This, my sweet nephew, is someone I have promised you many times I would one day bring you too. Your father."

Freya then hands me Harald, who is looking at me, like he just found something that was lost to him. I grabbed him, bringing him to my chest, letting his scent settle in my nose, with a single tear running down my cheek.

Holding my son, the one that I thought I'd never get to see the looks of. Harald has the eye shape of his biological mother Tatia, while having one eye that is my eye color, then the other eye is the same color as Magnus, and his granddaughter, my son's birth mother Estrid. Looking into his eyes I say.

"I am so sorry Harald, my... My son, for how you're beginning in this cruel world happened, but I promise I will protect you with all of my being from this day till my last."

Harald tilted his head, while raising one of his small hands, to try and wipe away my tears, as he blurted out.

"Da, da."

(Hours Later)

Inside the main hall of Magnus's Long-House, I just finished explaining what happened after Jack had his neck snapped. I look at Freya, standing in between Juliette, who is holding Harald, and Jack who keeps looking at the paragon diamond in his hands. Then to the other side of me, I see Lilly looking at Harald, like he is a treasure, or something precious. Right beside her is Magnus, who is looking at his great-grandson, like he sees the son and granddaughter, he outlived, as I say.

"There are a few things we have to do now that Dahlia is dead."

Then looking directly at Freya, I continue.

"We need you to link yours and my son's life span to either myself, or Lilly. I would prefer you be linked to me. And we have to go back to Dahlia's hut to grab her Grimoire, along with whatever else was left there, then we are going...."

(Mikael POV)

I have tracked Klaus, Elijah, and Rebekah here to a town in the heartland of the Holy Roman Empire. As soon as I enter the town, I feel eyes on me, looking around for anything. I swear I saw a pair of bright blue eyes, like that of Rebekah, and I smirked before yelling.


Then the owner of the blue eyes vanished in a blur. immediately I chased after the blur. Clutching my white oak stake, knowing that Erik isn't here to save anyone this time.

(Dahlia POV)

I wake up with a gasp shooting up to a sitting position. Realizing, that I am on the floor, looking around, I see I am in my hut. But all around me is on fire, the same color fire that Erik used against me.

I stand quickly going to run out of the Hut when I hear a series of coughs. That sounds like it is from a dying man. coming from behind me.

"Cough, Cough"

When I turn around, I see a deathly pale black man wearing black clothes, in the design of royalty. Sitting on a chair, against the back wall of the main room.

His neck looks like it was permanently burnt with cracked, bleeding skin. And his chest, over his heart, is a stab wound that wouldn't stop bleeding. He looks at me with eyes that hold an unending rage, as I ask.

"Who are you?"

With a Greek accent, he said in a pained whisper.

"Someone who your abomination, of a nephew, stole from."

If you liked this chapter, leave me a Power Stone. Have a nice day

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