
The Ordinary Student (Hitman)

The Life of an Ordinary student name Sieg Silver. He was an Ordinary student he was only 18 years old, and he was in senior high... or so they thought... Sieg wasn't an ordinary Student, he was a Hitman... But no one in the world knew his identity. Also, did I forgot to mention that he also that he was the most dangerous man in the world that no one ever knew? ------------ An: Note, that all of the Characters and places would be fiction, and also it's an Anime kinda novel so I hope you enjoy. I also don't own the pictures so kindly tell me if you want me to take it down of you're the owner of it thank you.

Unhinged · Seni bela diri
Peringkat tidak cukup
2 Chs

Chapter 1

Sieg Silver he was a senior high schools student in Sakura School, the Sakura school was located in the eastern part of the world called Sakura Continent. The school was mainly for girls but due to the changes happen it's now a mix school for boys and girls.

Sieg was just any ordinary student, he was any average student, he has a black hair and blue eyes, and a glasses. He was quiet most of time due to his nature of being alone everyday.

"Sometimes why do I even bother going in here now." He just sigh as if someone was forcing him to enroll into school.

He just went straight towards his classroom where he was met by multiple people. It was the class 1-A, the most renown and intelligent students in the school.

"This is giving me some headache, I wonder when I can return home and play more games." He just went straight towards his desk, where he sit right through at the middle of the room.

"Of all the desk I was assigned into, was the middle of all places." He was clearly bothered by it.

He was alone in the middle, none of the students dare even approached him nor talk to him. He was patiently waiting for the teacher to come and start the class so he can return home quick as possible.

"Oh look it's our president!" One of the student stated.

The president of Class 1-A, her name was Lily Tsubaki, she has a red hair that touches her waist, and her pink eyes that seems to gleam and shine. Her height was around 168-174cm. She was wearing the standard female uniform of the school, a light pink sleeve uniform, with buttons in the middle, and her chest size was at D cup. The skirt length of the uniforms was below her knee.

But on the other hand, the me uniform was blue sleeve uniform, and a black pants. It was just like any ordinary school, everyone has there own style but in reality there is not much of a different in the uniforms.

"I wanna go to the Maid Cafe again." He muttered.

Finally after a long time of waiting, the teacher finally board there classroom to discuss there lessons.

While Sieg wasn't paying attention at all, his thoughts was just that to return to the maid cafe and do his own business. He yawns, which caught the attention of his class president Lily, which she nudge him to wake up.

"Please pay attention Sieg, you have been slowly falling asleep in every morning." Lily pointed his bad habits, which Sieg just woke up.

"Thanks, I haven't been sleeping that well lately." He chuckled in the end.

The first subject had finally ended, as the bell rings they have taken a slight break. Sieg then goes to the rooftop, while Lily who was behind him was curious on why he always goes to the roof alone.

"Hey President! Wanna join us!" Said one of the students.

"I think I'll pass for now, I have something to check!" Lily waved at them which was a bummer for them but it's not like it's the end of the world or anything.

Lily is now stalking Sieg from behind, Sieg finally reached at the rooftop, and he opened the door and he saw no one was there which he sighs in relief. "Finally some more alone time with!" He happily said while he raised both of his arms in the air, and he put down his glasses.

"This glasses... it doesn't work anyway. It's just a pure fashion, but it kinda look good on me I guess? but anyway this is just disguise anyway for my ordinary school life..." He pondered in his thoughts, while cleaning his glasses with a cotton.

Sieg then goes closer to the fence, where to prevent the students from trying to jump and do crazy stunts in the process.

But, he was only acting natural his eyes landed at the corner of his eyes. He was looking back at Lily, but Lily was confused on why he was just there alone in the rooftop.

"What is wrong with him? I can't even read his intentions nor his movements. Even though my parents already taught me some basic body readings, and so far. But I really can't read his body it's all mash up into nothing in the process." Lily was cautious, as she might think that he was a spy, or even a hitman that aim at her life.

The bell finally ring signify to return them to the classroom, which Lily head out first and return to the room.

While Sieg then turn around, and he took a glance in the front of his school, and saw a maid with purple hair.

Sieg return to his classroom, and another same routine happened, nothing interesting that peak his interest.

Many hours had passed, even lunch break and finally the last subject. "Everyone dismiss, tomorrow we will continue our discussion and also don't forget to read your textbook!" Said by the old female teacher.

Sieg who grab his bags, and decided to return home while walking. But he decided to go into the city first and head towards the Maid cafe where he often visits.

He was walking down the road until he saw the dark alley, where he caught some thugs and delinquents hanging together, and he saw a guy who is in the same school as him, which he decided to take a picture without the flash, and just passes them.

He finally reached the Maid Cafe. "Finally... I'm back in this place for now." He opened the door and he was greeted by multiple maids saying.

"Welcome Back Master! Is it the usual you wanted?" The maids ask.

"No, get me the Lilac Milkshake." The maids then stiffen, and their entire body was frozen, their facial expression became tense.

The maid with purple hair that reached towards her hips, she approached him with such dignified look. Her pink eyes was alluring her beautiful face that keeps attracting everyone male or female, no matter who they are. Except for Sieg, he wasn't affected by it one bit.

"What is that you want to order Master?"

Sieg then took out his phone and shows her the picture. "Kindly take care of those thugs." He said with such cold in his voice.

"I see, it seems majority of them are only 18, and 20 it seems." The maid said.

"Naturally, but they have sour my mood while walking towards here... it disgust me." He said with such sadistic tone.

"Your orders is my command Master."

"I will be counting on you, Rose."

Rose was the name of the maid. "I will not let you down." Rose then pulls out her black mask, and her luggage containing multiple weapons just in case.

"What should we do?" The remaining maids ask.

"Contact the Abyss Agency, call some goons and make ruckus against those delinquents." Rose declared.

"Then when are you going right now Head Maid?" they ask.

"To finish some jobs, and also please take care of Master and don't sour his mood, since I won't be able to save you girls if it the worst things to come." Rose then leave at the back door.

"Now then, let's continue shall we?" Sieg made a wryly smile that made the entire maid corps into frozen state, they couldn't even move.

"I would like to order some Strawberry Milkshake please." His tone return to friendly one which causes everyone to be safe.

"Um... Master, I know this is out of my league to ask such question since I'm only new to this position, what will happen to those delinquents?" The maid ask.

"Well let see... they sour my mood... well let's just say, the one who sells the coffin will be striving with profits in the next day." He said with such smile, that everyone who heard him was shaking in fear.

Sieg then made a faint smile.