"Is it wrong to kill, is wrong to steal, is it wrong to covet thy neighbor's wife, is it wrong to..." Be it Gods or Demons, Beast or Man; all have fallen. In their despair, they shall hope, in their victory, they shall fall, in their success, we shall rise. Welcome to my Order, welcome to The Order of Chaos. *** Disclaimer: I do NOT own this picture
Resting upon his couch Lord Zireael pressed his head on his palm. A look of interest and fascination could be seen as he stared at the 85 in Tv mounted upon his wall. Raising his head high, the young lord nodded in approval, "Finally, a Doctor who believes bow ties are cool."
"A man of culture, I see." He yelled towards the TV jumping in joy as the man within the screen stepped out of the many heads of virtual images flashing by.
"Lord Blackwater?" a hesitant voice called out from behind the young lord.
"Anima, pause," Zireael swiftly shouted, turning his head towards the aged woman with pale eyes. Looking around for his servant Zireael eyed the blind intruder.
"Do you not know what a doorbell is?" he asked, bewildered as to why someone would break in?
"A what? I knocked, but there was no response."
"So you broke in?" countered Zireael eyeing Innis with annoyance, "No matter, are you prepared?"
"Lord Blackwater, I have long retired. I do not have any interest in training anyone once more." Siad Innis in dismay.
"I shall have Aurelia meet you in my private battleground." Lord Zireael indifferently hummed, completely ignoring the poor woman who felt like crying. Suddenly a cold air began to grip the darkroom Zireael resided in.
"Lord Blackwater, I will not train anyone!" Innis adamantly declared her voice, leaving no room for negotiation.
"Nonsense," Lord blackwater quickly announce, taking his leave, "Follow the Azure light; it will lead you where you need to go. Also, Innis, this was not a request."
"We shall..."
Arching his lips, a colossal pressure assaulted Innis's soul bringing her to her knees. With the cracking of bones, blood began pouring from her lips with wild abandonment as Lord Blackwater spoke once more, "I will meet you within the courtyard."
Making his way down the hallway, Zireael entered the room he left only a few hours ago. Sleep had not returned, forcing him to remain awake like it does most nights.
Staring at the clear liquid, Zireael's lips curled up. Stepping over the still unconscious Talia, he approached the pool that laid a silver-headed child. Gently lifting her body from the clear water, Zireael could not help but marvel at the new entity before him.
Tracing his fingers down her cheeks, a faint golden radiance shimmered at his touch, guarding its young goddess from harm. Pressing a little hard, the golden light faded, allowing Zireael to press against her skin. Feeling the smooth tissue against his, he suddenly smiled.
POP!!! POP!!!!
Ruthlessly slapping Aurelia across the face, the young angel's eyes shot open, screaming as her cheeks turned a deep shade of crimson.
Glaring daggers into the girl, Zireael laughed, "Revenge is a bitch isn't it!"
"AURELIA HATES YOU!!!!" Yelled teary-eyed doe.
Dropping her wet naked body, Zireael chuckled, "Get dress and wake up, Talia. Your training begins today. Innis is already here."
Ignoring Zireael's words, Aurelia leaped up to shoot her small fist towards Zireael. Swiftly dodging with a sidestep, the young lord smiled, ducking as Aurelia's feet suddenly shot towards his head in a swift, decisive motion.
Lowering his center of gravity, Zireael feet suddenly swept Aurelia's only foot, instantly taking her to the ground. Leaping away, the young lord chuckled, "Training in ten, do not make me come back in. I am not kind like Talia."
Screaming at the top of her lungs, a seething rage gripped the young mistress's heart. Clenching her small fist together, the flames of vengeance began to grow like fire upon her golden eyes.
"Aurelia will have her vengeance." She vowed to herself. "Big Bad Zireael will pay for beating Aurelia!"
Getting dress in a hurry, Aurelia suddenly turned to the still unconscious Talia, who seemed to have been forgotten. Pressing her fingers against her cheeks, Aurelia frowned, pushing a little harder.
All of a sudden, a termor flashed across Talia's lid. Shooting her eyes open, the young maid gasped, arising in a hustle. Staring at Aurelia fully dress, her arms wrapped around her small frame.
"Thank the stars, your alive!" She prayed.
"Big Bad Zireael is waiting. Aurelia needs to beat him up." Said Aurelia with confidence.
'How is her current mental state so normal? She almost drowned to death?.' Talia thought to herself.
With burning flames within her golden eyes, Aurelia took Talia's hand, rushing out the bathroom. Staring at the Azure light glimmering, the flames within Aurelia's heart began to burn even hotter.
Kicking off with her two feet, the little Doe throttled towards outside, following the Azure light. Running past the garden, Aurelia slowly came to a halt. Glaring daggers towards Lord Blackwater.
Standing beside Innis stood Zireael with a longsword upon his back. A silver radiance was glimmering from his body as he turned to Aurelia.
With a bitter grimace, Talia stepped between the duo, "Ok, both of you, that's enough. WHat happen?"
"He hit Aurelia!" Shouted the enraged Aurelia
Outraged at the blatant missing information Lord Zireael barked, "And are you forgetting who jumped upon me yesterday while I slept?!"
Slapping her head, the tense air began to clear up as Innis chuckled. "Who would have thought Lord Blackwater had such a childish side to him. How cute."
Rolling his eyes, Zireael scoffed, "Innis, you are to teach Aurelia to read, write and kill. Do not pass on any techniques to her, just simple tricks and survival skills."
Losing a bit of her patience, Innis curled her aged callous finger. How many had come to her before? Threatening her life if she had not trained their child or soldiers.
"I will not! Shouted Innis in desperation, "I will not train another. Kill me is you wish, Lord Blackwater. But I shall not change my mind."
"Oh Innis, are you truly so nieve?" Asked Zireael, stretching his weary body. His gaze clouded with darkness and cold as Calisian Steel.
"So what? Will torture me if I refuse?" Questioned Innis digging her palm into her robe. "Believe me. You will not be the first to try."
"Lord Blackwater, this is truly not necessary! Please stop this; I am sure we can find another who can train Aurelia!" Talia cried out at Aurelia's side, holding the young girl's arm. Ready to defend against Innis should she attack.
"Aurelia? Please, this is about me getting to eat Innis's cooking every day." Zireael suddenly exclaimed, destroying the dark tension he created, "Sure, Aurelia is the main goal but do you think I will give up such an opportunity? Fuck no!"
"Your insane," Innis shouted, "Just to fill your stomach, you would threaten me?"
"Threaten? I don't believe I have once threatened you. I was simply offering a deal. You train Aurelia and cook for me. In return, I will fix those eyes of yours."
Touching her pale eyes, Innis shivered. Her mind flashing back to the bloody scene. The days she lost everything, the cold words her commander once he gazed upon her bloody sockets, and the feeling of disgust and loathing from her husband. All of it came crashing into her mind sending an icy chill towards her bones.
Staring at the air of nostalgia, a devilish smile grew upon the young lord's face. Circling her body, his gaze studying the sagging flesh of her skin, the scarred tissue hidden beneath her clothing, and the air of self-loathing that was ever-present.
"You hid it well, but your mask is weak." Zireael whispered deep within her ear, like a devil upon the shoulder of mortals, "I can give it to you, Innis. All that was taken can be returned. Your eyes, your youth, it can all be returned."