
The Optimist

How does one deal with alien invasions, magical shenanigans, and incomprehensible horrors out there in the universe? The answer lies in the hands of one man, alongside his pet dog. Born with a gifted mind, he uses his genius and optimistic hope to set out and save the universe from literally everything where no one else could all. Join him in a series of anthology-like stories consisting of 4-10 chapters per story and with the look on our main character and his escapades across the universe.

Spartan_217 · Sci-fi
Peringkat tidak cukup
20 Chs

13. Fool's Checkmate

The chess game went on as Garrick's Bishop, Knight, and a few pawns were gone while the entity lost only 5 pawns and a Rook. The game was in its climax as he was extremely focused while the entity gave a smirk as a remark for the match. 

"Tick tock. Soon, your mind will be melted along with this dead host." It starts to taunt Garrick but his focus was still there barely. 

The game was coming to a close but it seems that the entity's success of winning is highly likely with Garrick slowly succumbing to anxiety and nervousness. The entity felt satisfied with his worried look and proceeds to checkmate Garrick, ultimately leading the game to a conclusion. 

It was satisfied that it had won. "Checkmate, lowly human. Now it's time for me to take my stand and bid your mind farewell." It bragged about its victory before walking towards him and touching his head. 

The space around them started to crack and Garrick wakes up in the real world. "Hmm, I'm finally inside the mind of a genius." The sinister laugh from the possessed Garrick, prompted Francis to leave the room where as Sellen grabs a nearby gun and pointed it at him. 

It stopped Sellen in her tracks as his psionic abilities has been regained, controlling her whole body to a halt before she could pull the trigger. "Tsk tsk tsk, you should've been quick, milady." He slowly walked towards her and taking the gun away from her. 

Francis enters the Space Car with Garrick's dog sitting in the back seat waiting for his companion while he turns on the computer and types the code he whispered to him. 

The computer loads for a few seconds and the command is accepted. Nothing happened for a few seconds before the back part of the truck opened. Before he could go to the back of the car, the possessed Garrick stops him as he grabs his wife by the neck, telekinetically with its psionic abilities. 


"Hmm, the genius of this pitiful soul is really enticing. I can already the plans and the plans behind the plans of how to defeat me. Stand down, Equestrian." He said in a demanding but in a calmly manner. 

Francis had no choice but to save his wife. But he has no idea what to do since its a mysterious entity that possessed the mind of a brilliant genius alongside sudden psionic telekinesis. "Can you let her go please?" He tried to reason with it. 

The entity laughed in Garrick's voice. "Here catch!" He then threw the lady towards Francis which he fortunately, was able to safely catch her, only to hit his back at the door of the car. "I'm sorry I wasn't fast enough, love." She apologized but he hugged her and didn't care about that. 

Suddenly, the Space car emitted a pulse of high-energy sound in such a high frequency that Francis and Sellen felt disoriented and fell unconscious. Inside the Mindspace of Garrick, The entity fell of the high seat as he soon broke the 'chains' he was bound to and ran towards the seat. 

"But how? I saw your plans! You were about to send something." The entity was perplexed. 

"Well you looked inside my mind but never fully analyzing the exact details of my plans. So much for a god, those codes were just some random bullshit I came up with. You can guess what happens next from the looks of things." He said and threw a chess piece of a black Queen. 

"Checkmate." He winked at him as he was losing control over his body as he begins to fade away from his Mindspace. Rather than feeling discontent, the entity smirked and laughed. "But now I've seen what you're capable of. Don't underestimate me, pesky human." It chuckled before waving goodbye. 

The sonic pulse stopped and Garrick was able to control his mind once more. The pulse stopped and the threat was avoided albeit with luck. "If he was more careful with his approach, this would've ended badly." He thought. 

Looking around, the whole wedding was a mess. He wanted to fix their wedding and so he did. He carried the two knocked out wedding couple and flew away. Garrick went to the homeworld of the Equestrians which was located in the Glemming System. 

Arriving at their home planet, Garrick was welcomed by the Equestrians and escorted Francis and Sellen to the nearest hospital. "You must be Garrick Valerie. I'm the Mayor of this town." The two shook hands. 

"Do you guys have a fine chef here?" He asked the mayor. The Mayor was confused but he answered that they have and showed Garrick to their finest chef at the nearest restaurant. 

Some time later, Francis and Sellen woke up and found themselves in a hospital with the nurses coming to check on their status. "What happened?" He asked the nurse, as he had a slight headache before he remembers everything. 

"Don't worry sir. You're safe here in the hospital. Some guy named Garrick helped us treat you here." The nurse explained. He then turned to see his newly wed wife. They could still move albeit a bit slowly due to the side effects of the sonic pulse. He grabs his phone and contacts Garrick. 

"Are we here on Glemming?" He asked and he responds with a yes. "I'm sorry I ruined your wedding but once you're discharged, come here from the coordinates I sent you." He said. 

The call ended and Francis received a notification from his phone and it was the address to a specific area of interest. "What did he say?" She was curious. 

"It's fine honey. I think we can still enjoy our wedding day after we're discharged from the hospital." He reassured her and she smiled at him as they wait for the discharging process to end.