

When I fast met him, he was covered in blood. It had rained and the white shirt he wore hung delicately around his body. There were people following him so I had to protect him but I soon realized that his present was connected to my past. The dreams I had every night of my parents being killed, a red dove, the same red dove that was chasing him. I promised to save him but was I just simply looking at him as an open door that would lead me to the truths of my past ? or was it just something else?

Airforce · perkotaan
Peringkat tidak cukup
14 Chs


For a long time, my mother always insisted on two sentences, 'Give without acceptance' and 'Always stay calm no matter what'. The latter was said so many times that I had recited it by heart. But now, sitting on my favorite chair at my favorite local eatery, I started to chant it again like a mantra as I stared at the group of boys surrounding me.

They were five and had hardened faces as that looked like blocks of clay, with cracks. The one in front looked like the leader. His sense of style was truly lacking and his shiny waxed hair was quite blinding to the eyes.

Many people started looking our way and I had just one thought in mind, run. It was not that my fighting skills were lacking but I didn't want aunt Suzy's place to be destroyed. She was such a sweet woman.

I ran so fast and looked back a couple of times, the boys were in hot pursuit, sweat dripping of their faces and chests puffed out to the sky. My plans to escape were thrown to the drain as I hit an alley that was blocked.

Looking back, the boys had already inched closer so I had no other choice left but to fight but one thing I wanted to know was;

"What... do yo...you... want from me" The question came out in bits as my chest heaved up and down trying to catch my breath.

"What do we want? You harassed Anna yesterday so we are here to settle the score..."

Settle the score they said but wait, who even was Anna? For those who don't know, my memory is not always good and insignificant people like this 'Anna' person, it was natural that I didn't remember.

When the word Anna came out of his mouth, the tone was that of someone who was in love but who would even love someone who send people to beat up others, this was really fucked up. It was really obvious that Anna was the mastermind of this operation. A couple of tears and a few touches, if I was a man even I would beat up the person.

How do you say, 'She does not even love you' in simple terms? Then again I didn't want to rub salt to the wound making him fight harder but my big mouth was not cooperating with my brain so I shouted loudly,

"She does not even love you..." I wanted to continue, bad idea, because he was already charging toward me like a bull giving orders to the others, "Don't let her escape...I will make soup with your skin today"

The latter was directed at me. Whoo! I was really already in hot soup, but wait again, where did the knives come from?

"Don't you find beating up a girl quite inappropriate?" I tried t reason but the bull was already fuming through the nose, how could it calm down.

Looking at their hands holding the knives, the wrists were quite weak so even though the knives were turning professionally, the skill was quite lacking. I moved instinctually, When the first person thrusted the knife forward, my body moved to the side holding his wrist in a deathly grip, the knife fell out instinctually. I did so with the rest


Even after losing their weapons, they were still determined to fight and switched to kicks and punches. Not to overhype myself but my fighting skills were really good. This was the only thing my father left me, well and a lot of money.

Five minutes later, all the boys were down, bodies writhing in pain. My heart felt sorry for them but my fists still connected with their bodies. Looking down I saw the leader with the shiny, ugly hair. He was quite handsome and his skills were not too bad but too bad I was just so good.

I looked him straight in the face and said haughtily "She does not love you, I saw her with Brian last time"

He looked at me weirdly and said, "I am Brian"

I totally guessed but who knew it would be this off so I thought of a way to fully crash him

"You are the only Brian In the world?"

His face changed, I felt bad but my mouth still moved on it's own.

"It's probably because of that stupid haircut of yours. Who even uses that much gel...such an eyesore"

He now looked like he was about to cry, my heart felt happy. This is how you completely crush a person.

I started to leave but I had to say a few words first, "If I ever see you near me again I will crush every bone in your body" I said this in a very chilly tone but inside I wanted to burst out in laughter. I could not hold it in anymore, rushed out of the alley and nearly fell down from laughing too much.

I then returned to Suzy's to finish my meal. Every time I left, she always leaves the food at the table. I once asked her why she did that and her reply was, '...Because I know you will always come back...'

When my parents died, She was the only person who took me in and cared for me. Her family cared for me like one of their own. We had money but my extended family only wanted that and everyone who wanted me to stay with them only eyed the money.

Suzy was my nanny, she was not very old and had three kids, her husband died before their third child was born and she took care of them all by herself. I asked her to take me in after the burial of my parents. She was very surprised at first and refused, I even offered to give all my money to her but she still refused. She eventually gave in and cared for me until I turned seventeen.

Your gift is the motivation for my creation. Give me more motivation!

I had started writing somebooks before but for some reason i could notfinish them because my motivation dwindled. This is considered my first work. Please support it if you can. Vote and comment and give mea chance to show the best I can.


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