Ok lets list the facts here.... I died, just to find out that I shouldn't have died, and now you're giving me a really op sorry gift....... Seems legit, what could possibly go wrong?
Orion arrived home and parked his car. He walked inside to see Raynare and her team sitting down in the couch. One of them had blond hair while wearing a black and white Lolita dress, she also had a petite body. The other had blue hair and was wearing a sexy short dress, she had a more mature body. They were Mittlet and Kalawarner. When he stepped in, they were looking at him in slight confusion.
Mittelt: "Raynare can you please tell us why you brought us the the house of the human you were supposed to eliminate. How did you mess this up? Let me show you how it's done."
Without asking any questions, mittelt made a spear of light and rushed towards orion. Raynare tried to stop her but she wasn't fast enough. Mittelt shoved the spear into orion's chest however the spear shattered into pieces and she was blown back a bit by the collision. All the fallen angel's eyes went wide. Orion just stood there calmly as if he wasn't even attacked.
Mittelt: "W-What??? That's impossible, no human can survive a spear of light."
Orion: "Why does everyone automatically assume that I'm human."
Mittelt: "W-Who are you?"
Orion: "My name is Orion Lucifer, usually when someone tries to kill me I would make them suffer, but since you don't know about the situation, I'll let you off this time."
Kalawarner: "L-Lucifer, you're a descendant of lucifer."
Orion: "Correction, I'm the son of lucifer."
Immediately Kalawarner fell to her knees, confusing orion and the other two fallen angels.
Kalawarner: "I'm sorry for disrespecting you Lord Lucifer, I will take take any punishment you give to me."
Hold up... can someone please explain what the bloody hell is happening right now. One tried to kill me and now the other is bowing down in front of me like I'm some sort of king.
Orion: "Umm what are you doing?"
Kalawarner: "Even tho Fallen angels and Devils were enemies, The Original Lucifer was one of the only devils that the Fallen Angel race could respect and Lord Azazel himself said that Lucifer was an enemy but he respected him."
Orion: "Wow, I didn't know that."
Apparently Lucifer wasn't a total jackass and fallen angels kinda respected him... I did not see that one coming.
Orion: "Ok here's the deal, Kokobiel tricked you all. The mission he gave you was fake as he is no longer a part of the Grigori. Going back to the Grigori would ensure death for you all."
Kalawarner: "If that's the case, then I pledge myself to be your servant. Since I have no where else to go, please accept me."
Orion: "No offense, but why do you wanna be a servant?"
Kalawarner: "Becoming the servant of the son of lucifer is a great honor, I would gladly serve you."
Orion: "Well if you say so.... it's kinda weird, but ok."
Mittelt: "S-So what happens now?"
Orion: "I gave Raynare permission to stay here with you guys but there are some rules."
Raynare: "What rules?"
Orion: "Firstly, no destroying anything on my property. Secondly, no fighting devils or anyone unless they attack first. Thirdly, if anything important happens, report to me immediately. There are some other rules but those are just some tiny rules."
Raynare: "We can work with that."
Mittelt: "Why is he even helping us? We can manage on our own."
Kalawarner: "So you would rather go out by yourself, rather than live in a house that is protected by someone on par with Lord Azazel."
Mittlet: "Fine, but I'm only staying because you two are staying."
Geez, What's her problem?............Tsundere much.
Orion: "Ok let me show you the rooms that you will be staying in."
Orion took them around the house and showed them the rooms that they would be staying in and the other rooms as well. He left them and went to take a bath, after taking a bath he went to bed. He woke up the next day and got ready for school. He left a note on the counter for the three fallen angels that there was food in the fridge, then he took his Mercedes Benz and left for school. He planned on killing Dohnaseek and the rogue priests' this afternoon, he didn't want them to live. He drove into the school compound and parked. He got to class and all the devils were already there but he just ignored them and sat down. During the entire day they were watching him but he didn't pay any attention to them. When school had finished, he left his car as the school was closer to the church than his home so he headed directly for the church. He arrived at the church to see about 20 priests sitting down and talking.
Random Priest #1: "Kid the church is closed, go home."
Random Priest #2: "The church won't be opened for a while so don't come back for a couple months."
Orion didn't give them a chance to continue as he started killing them. Using the power of destruction, he started killing them like flies. It was like a super weak version of Hakai so he knew how to manipulate it a bit. When he was finished with the small fries, he went down into the basement where he saw dohnaseek talking to some stray priests, they spotted him and immediately went on guard.
Dohnaseek: "Who are you?"
Orion: "I'm the last face you will ever see jackass."
Dohnaseek got angry and ordered the priests to attack him but all the priests froze in fear, he was confused until he turned around and saw 12 devil wings coming from orion's back.
Orion: "You are all going to die anyways so there is no point hiding who I am. I am Orion Lucifer."
All the priests were shaking in fear, they knew that they were gonna die and that there was no way to escape it. Orion used his Phoenix abilities to incinerate the priests in flames. Dohnaseek could only watch in horror as all of his minions were turned into ash, fear overtook him to the point where he couldn't move. After orion had done torching the stray priests, he started walking over to where dohnaseek was.
Dohnaseek: "H-Have m-mercy."
Orion: "Sorry, all out of mercy."
Orion always wanted to say that line as it had been from one of his favorite movie, The Ghost Rider. Orion then grabbed dohnaseek's head and made the flame enter his eyes and burn him from the inside out. As dohaseek started burning, he started screaming.
Orion: "Is that so, well tell that to him when I send him to you."
Soon dohnaseek was reduced to ashes and so were the other priests but for some reason Freed Sellzen wasn't present. He wanted to incinerate his pedophile looking ass but unfortunately he was absent which was actually a little disturbing. Now that he basically accomplished what he set out to do, he simply just left the church and went back to the school to get his car and went home.
The next month passed by quite normal, Asia arrived 2 days after the incident and started living with him as well. She was so goddamn adorable, she was like a clumsy innocent little sister that you would want to protect from everything. Orion swore to slowly and painfully kill Diodora when she told him her story about how she was thrown out of the church because she had healed a devil. Speaking of devil, she had nearly fainted when he told her that he was the son of lucifer. She was a bit nervous at first but she found herself enjoying his company a lot until she didn't even remember that he was a devil. Right now orion was walking towards his car after a long day of school when Kira suddenly stopped him.
Kira: "I-I'm sorry to bother you, but President wants to talk to you. It's really urgent."
Orion: "If it's so urgent then why didn't she come to me herself?"
Kira: "S-She was busy setting up the place to meet."
Orion: "No, I don't have time to waste."
Kira: "P-Please, we will never bother you again. I'm begging you."
Orion: "...."
They stood there for about 3 minutes before orion finally responded.
Orion: "Fine, this better be urgent."
As Kira walked away with him following her, he wondered if the Riser arc had started as yet. It seemed so due to how urgent Rias wanted to meet with him. Soon they arrived at the club room and entered where orion saw rias and the rest of her peerage waiting on him. They walked over and he stood up at the beside the couch.
Rias: "Thank you for coming orion, please take a seat."
Orion: "Just tell me what you called me for so that I can leave."
Rias: "Straight to the point it seems, alright then I want you to pretend to be my boyfriend."
It took a few seconds to properly process what she said. Orion wondered if he wasn't hearing properly so he spoke up.
Orion: "I'm sorry but it seems my ear drums aren't working because I could have sworn that you said you wanted me to pretend to be your boyfriend."
Rias: "No your ear drums are working properly. That's exactly what I just asked you."
Orion: "And why the hell would I want to do that?"
Rias: "Please Orion, I will never bother you ever again."
Orion: "That didn't answer my question. What is the reason you asked me?"
Of course Orion already knew the real reason but he just wanted her to say it.
Rias: "I'm engaged to someone who I hate so I want you to pretend to be my boyfriend so that he will finally understand that I don't like him and I will never marry him."
Orion: "So why should I get involved in your problems? I just want to be alone, what part of that don't you get?"
Akeno: "Oh come on Orion, just this one time. Rias really needs the help."
Orion: "Ok question, how long has she known about her engagement?"
Akeno: "A couple years now."
Orion: "And what measures has she put in place to prepare to fight for her freedom?"
Akeno: "...."
Orion: "Ok I thought so. Why should I help someone who won't try to help themselves?"
Rias: "Please Orion, I'll do anything to repay you."
Orion: "Anything you say?..... Fine I will help you for a price which I will collect from you at a later date. Do we have a deal Rias Gremory?"
Rias: "Yes I agree."
Orion: "Ok how long until your fiance arrives?"
Rias: "He will arrive in about 4 minutes."
Orion: "...."
Ok what the hell?... She waits until he is legit here to get help...This girl needs help, a lot of help.
Orion: "Sure whatever."
Orion just waited the couple of minutes until two seals appeared on the floor, one was white while the other was yellow. Grayfia stepped out of the white seal and a blond chicken that spits fire out his ass came out of the yellow seal.
He had blond hair and blue eyes... basically a cheap, ugly, knock off version of naruto. He was wearing a burgundy suit with the buttons over the chest unbuttoned, he thinks he looks cool but he looks like some rich snob trying to look like a bad boy... absolutely disgusting. Grayfia saw orion and her eyes went wide, what was he doing here?
Riser: "Ahhh riser hasn't been to the mortal world in such a long time. Rias my bride, it is time to get married."
He grabbed her hand but she immediately pulled her hands from his grip.
Rias: "NO!!! I won't ever marry you, and besides I already have a boyfriend."
Both Riser's and Grayfia's eyes widened but for different reasons. Riser was thinking that she broke her marriage contract by getting a boyfriend while Grayfia was thinking that this was some sort of setup as she knew that orion didn't want to be involved with devil matters.
Riser: "WHAT!!!! This low class scum, rias have you no shame."
Orion simply just looked on riser with a partially amused smirk.
Orion: "Why is there a flaming turkey here?"
Everyone in rias' peerage including rias burst out laughing, even grayfia was smiling. Riser got angry that this low born trash would dare make fun of him.
Riser: "You dare make fun of the great riser?"
Orion: "Yes I dare make fun of the idiot who talks in third person."
Riser suddenly sent a ball of fire towards orion that hit him and engulfed him. Everyone that wasn't riser became quiet.
Riser: "That's what he gets for disrespecting riser."
Orion: "Really?... is that all. That's depressing."
Riser looked in shock to see the flames disappearing and he didn't seem to have any burn marks, even his clothes looked perfectly fine. Riser was going to ask how he survived but something popped up in his head.
Riser: "Riser commends you on surviving, but riser has a question to ask."
Orion: "What's up?"
Riser: "How does riser know that you and rias are really in a relationship?, this could be a setup."
Ahh shit... was he supposed to be this smart? Well too bad my bullshit levels are not only in speech, but in actions as well.
Orion: "Want me to prove it to you?"
Riser: "Prove it to riser."
Orion just simply walked over to rias. Everyone was confused as to what he was doing but suddenly went wide eyes as orion started kissing rias. Rias was taken by surprise when he started as she started moaning..... he was a really good kisser. The other females watched the scene with a blush on their faces. He slowly pulled back and saw rias blushing, ignoring her he looked over to where riser was.
Orion: "Is that good enough for you?"
Riser: "Riser doesn't like you kissing his fiance, but it proves that you speak the truth."
Orion: "So how do we settle this?"
Riser: "We play a rating game. Riser and his peerage against you. If you win, you get to keep rias and the marriage is over. But if riser wins, you become riser's slave or riser gets to kill you."
Orion: "Fine, when is this rating game?"
Riser: "In one week, prepare to lose against riser."
He then disappeared in a pillar of fire. Grayfia looked towards everyone, wanting an answer.
Orion: "Basically I'm helping them and they now owe me a favor."
Grayfia: "I see."
Rias: "Y-You stole my first k-kiss."
Orion: "Get over it, it's just a kiss. Just remember that you owe me. Don't bother me for the week."
And with that said, he teleported out of the room leaving some blushing female devils. He got into his car and started driving home, he had a headache coming on and he just wanted to go to bed.
chapter 24 guys. Sorry for the wait but work was really hard for the past 2 days. I will try getting home earlier so that I can get chapters out faster. Please enjoy and comment. Special thanks to kesson32 for being the top voter for the longest while. I really appreiate everyone who votes for my story and I can't list everyone for obvious reasons. GIVE A GOOD REVIEW AND ENJOYY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!