
Simp and A Cocaine Addicted Elf

After the meeting with the ORC and the two Excalibur wielders and heading home. He decided to chill. He didn't drink too much but he had a few beers and then we went to lie down. He thought back and realized that ever since he came into this universe his personality changed a bit. He decided to ask Mia about it.

Orion: "Mia, Have I been acting a little different since I came to the DXD Universe?"

[Yes, Host has been acting different.]

Orion: "Why is that?"

[This is due to you saiyan side being sealed away.]

Orion: "What?... How does my saiyan side being sealed makes me act any different?"

[Host was a human that became an Elite Ancient Legendary Super Saiyan. Therefore all of the personality traits also became a part of host when host became a saiyan. Host's original personality was still dominant, however the traits of your saiyan side were still present. A dominating attitude is one of the attributes that host lost due to saiyan side being sealed away. Host's current attitude is his original attitude which he possessed before he was reincarnated.... In the words of other humans, Host is now a Simp.]

Orion: "WHAT!!! I'm not a simp."

Orion thought about it for a while and realized that ever since he came into the DXD universe, he's been doing everything that everyone's been asking him to do even when he said that he wouldn't do it. His eyes widened when he realized that he actually was being a massive pushover.

Orion: "So my personality changed because my saiyan side was sealed of?... THAT'S BULLSHIT!!!"

[Host became a saiyan so the personality of a saiyan combined with host, however when host jumped universe this part of host was also sealed away making host's personality revert back to how it was originally before host was reincarnated.]

Orion: "Ahh fuck....so why didn't I realize this?"

[This is host's original personality and therefore host couldn't recognize it immediately.]

Orion just wanted to bang his head into a wall at this point..... Why didn't Mia tell him this? All this time he was allowing people to walk over him just because of some bullshit reason that his personality was different.

Orion: "Well if that's the case then let me fix that. I'm still gonna be nice, but I won't be taking shit from nobody."

As Orion was about to get some food, he sensed a small rush of holy energy. He had been practicing sensing energy so when he sensed this he immediately teleported to the area where he sensed it and saw Kira fighting that insane priest, Freed Sellzen. They were having a fierce sword battle with Sellzen having a slight advantage. Koneko and Saji, who was a part of Sona's peerage, was also there. Koneko was throwing large stones and trees at Freed while Saji was using his Sacred Gear, Absorption Line, to hold one of Freed's legs,

Freed: "You shitty devils are gonna die. Me and my Excalibur choppy are gonna slice and dice."

Freed then started slashing at Kira but she started defending herself by creating demonic swords around her to block his slashes. She tried to stab him but he jumped away, but saji used the string from his sacred gear to pull freed, making him lose his balance.

Freed: "This stupid line won't cut, why won't this shitty line just cut already?"

???: "That is a sacred gear freed, pass holy energy through your blade and then use it."

Freed: "Thanks Old man Galilei."

Freed then focused the energy around the blade making it glow then he slashed the line, cutting with ease, Kira however heard the name and Orion could see that she became even more pissed. He swore she was gonna burst a blood vessel at this point.

Kira: "GALILEI!!!!"

Galilei: "Yes that's my name. Freed hurry this up, we need to get back to my experiment."

Freed: "Well shitty devils play time is over, me and my choppy sword are gonna slice and dice."

Freed rushed towards Kira intent on killing her, Kira saw this and was prepared to start attacking him but a massive sword came out of nowhere and slammed against the ground, forcing Freed to jump backwards. This was Xenovia who had just arrived with Irina who was right behind her.

Xenovia: "Freed Sellzen, exiled exorcist and insane priest. I knew someone like you would be involved in this as well. In the name of God and the Church, surrender or be killed."

Freed: " Don't say that stupid name before me, well since you're now here I have more people to slice and dice with my Excalibur-chan."

Galilei: "Freed we need to retreat. You can't take on all of them."

Freed: "Well it looks like I have to leave, goodbye church whores and shitty devils."

He then threw both a light bomb and a smoke bomb at the ground and they both exploded. When everything cleared up it seemed as if he had disappeared, but Orion who was watching intently saw everything clearly. Freed grabbed Galilei and jumped onto a low branch of a near by tree and then he started using the branches of the trees to jump away while holding onto Galilei. Orion was honestly impressed that he could hold such a fat man while jumping from limb to limb.......It was actually quite hilarious to watch. Kira and the others unfortunately didn't see what had happened so.............


Kira rushed into the forest, going the wrong direction from where Freed and Galilei went. Xenovia and Irina also rushed into the forest but they both split up. Xenovia went the wrong way as well but Irina went in the exact direction where Freed went, it seems that how she got caught in the original anime. Before Koneko and Saji could follow them, four magic circles appeared and Orion saw Saji's eyes widened as his face became pale. Rias, Akeno, Sona and Tsubaki stepped out of the four magic circles and started looking towards the two. Rias ran over to Koneko and hugged her while Akeno stood there with a smile..

Rias: "You stupid girl, what were you thinking?"

Koneko: "I'm sorry President, I didn't want Kira to leave. She is one of the only people I like and I want her to stay so I wanted to help her."

Rias: "I understand but why didn't you say anything to me nor Akeno? "

Koneko: "I was afraid that you would stop me."

Rias: "Oh Koneko, I wouldn't stop you. In fact I would have joined you."

Their conversation was soon cut off by a loud cry. They looked over to see Sona beating Saji while using magic to make it hurt more due to having Devil physique. Saji was crying while being beaten and Orion was honestly dying with laughter. The dude was such a pussy that he had snot running from his nose and it was something to capture so he took out his phone and took some pictures of it.

Saji: "AHHHH!!!! Why does she get hugs while AHHH!!!!!!..... I get beatings?"

Sona: "Rias and I are two different people. You went on your own and meddled in something without my approval and this is your punishment so take it and shut up."

Orion was actually a bit but suddenly Rias' head shot up and she started looking around. Soon she locked eyes with Orion and her eyes widened a bit but she began smiling soon after, Orion had to admit that she actually had a beautiful smile. Orion was also really impressed that she managed to sense him when the others couldn't.

Rias: "Orion!!!, what are you doing here? "

Everyone stopped and turned towards Orion with a little shock, they didn't sense him at all.

Orion: "Well I sensed some holy energy so I teleported over here to find your knight fighting a rogue exorcist."

Rias: "Oh, where is she now?"

Orion: "She ran after the exorcist."

Koneko: "You were here all this time and you didn't help?"

She sounded a bit angry at him but he wasn't gonna take shit from a Loli...especially one with big sister issues.

Orion: "It wasn't my fight. The last time I checked I wasn't a fucking babysitter nor was I your bodyguard so I didn't have to do anything. You could have beaten Freed but you were all too weak. He is just a human with a Holy sword while you three are devils who are supposed to be superior to humans. If you trained more then you would all be powerful enough to easily defeat him regardless of whether he had a holy sword or not."

Koneko hung her head down a bit because she knew that he was talking the truth. Rias was also holding her head down because instead of training them, she just didn't do anything and made them slack off by doing whatever they were doing. Rias and her peerage were being trained by Grayfia and some other members of Sirzech's peerage but they were very late. They should have been training a long time ago but now they were basically trying to regain all the lost time they wasted.

Orion: "Also you should also stop suppressing who you really are......Shrione."

He made sure to say it soft enough so that only Rias and Koneko who were the closest to him could hear it. Both their eyes widened as they looked towards him in shock. Before they could respond, he started talking.

Orion: "Well I've been here for far too long, I have stuff to do... later."

With that being said, he teleported back to his house. He knew that they would have questions but he wasn't gonna tell them shit. As he went into his kitchen to get some food, he heard a familiar sound in his head.

[Mission: Kill Kokabiel]

[Mission rewards: Mythical- Class Box]

Orion: "Nice... I haven't seen one of these in a while. Mythical class sounds really good actually. Kokoballs doesn't appear for two days I believe so I should be good. But good news is that I will be meeting Vali......I'm just gonna be like 'hey there grandnephew, wassup'.....or something like that. I just wanna see the look on his face honestly. I think I'm just gonna chill, Mia can you please set a timer until Kokabiel arrives."

[Timer set for 2 days, 6 hours, 18 minutes, and seconds counting down.]

Orion: "Ok thanks."

(Honestly guys I'm do a timeskip caz I'm kinda pissed right now........read the bottom of the story and find out why)

For the 2 days Orion just stayed home and ate food. The fallen angels were actually concerned because there was a threat and yet he was just casually eating food and sleeping while training as if nothing was happening. Right now he was taking a shower when the alarm went off.

[Kokabiel is now attacking]

Orion: "Well shit, right as I'm taking a bath... well I should be done in 3 minutes. I'm sure they're doing fine."

Orion then came out of the bathroom and put on some clothes. He wanted to kill Kokabiel looking good so he put on black ripped jeans with a black sleeveless hoodie. He put on gray sneakers and looked in the mirror.

Orion: "Damn I look good. Oh shit I forgot that they don't Issei there to give them plot armor."

He teleported there to see Rias and her peerage along with Xenovia beaten and on the floor while Kokabiel was floating in the air.

Kokabiel: "Big talk coming from someone who lost their master."

Xenovia: "Lost their master?.... what the hell are you talking about?"

Kokabiel: "During the last war, the four original devil kings were killed... BUT GOD ALSO DIED!!!"

Xenovia: "W-W-What?"

Kokabiel: "God died while fighting the Four devil kings."

Everyone was in shock, especially Xenovia who was now leaning on her sword.

Rias: "I-Impossible.......that's impossible."

Xenovia: "T-Then who has been answering our prayers?"

Kokabiel: "That would be Michael, he's been monitoring all the prayers and requests. He's filling in for God. I told Azazel that we should attack while they were weak but he decided retreat, spending all his time on researching sacred gears.....like what the fuck?"

Xenovia: "M-My whole life w-was a lie."

Orion had enough of this..... he was kinda glad that everyone wasn't dead. If they had died when Sirzechs and Serafall would bat shit crazy, because he was sure that he would kill Sona right after he killed Rias, if that happened then the peace meeting would be fucked. He decided it was time to make his presence known.

Orion: "So you're Kokoballs... nice to meet you."

His voice surprised everyone.... including Kokobiel. No one had sensed him as they were too busy talking.

Kokabiel: "My name is Kokabiel, you filthy devil.....wait a minute, you're the so called Lucifer descendant I heard kill Riser Pheonix...... You seem weaker than I expected."

Orion: "Oh is that so Kokoballs?"

Kokabiel: "Damn Brat, you insulting me you will die."

Orion: "Well bring it on Kokoballs."

Kokobiel screamed in anger as he started sending a barrage of light based weapons towards Orion but Orion simply dodged them and flew towards Kokabiel. Orion knew that he could kill Kokabiel easily but he wanted to enjoy this fight. Ever since he arrived in the DXD universe and even before, he hasn't had a fight that makes him push himself so he decided to enjoy himself for once. He lowered his power from a mid tier god to that of a mid tier ultimate class being.

Orion: "Come on Kokoballs, show me why you were a part of the cadre."

Kokabiel: "You're really starting to piss me off, it's like I'm fighting Lucifer all over again."

Orion: "You fought my father?"

Of course Lucifer wasn't actually his father......but no one needed to know that.

Kokabiel: "Yes I did and he was just as annoying as you are."

Orion: "Good to know that I inherited the ability to piss you off."

Kokabiel growled at Orion and started throwing light spears at him which he expertly dodged as he flew towards Kokabiel and engaged him on hand to hand combat. Kokabiel might have been good with magic, but his Close Quarter Combat (CQC) was absolute shit. Orion was decimating him without even trying and Kokabiel could keep up with Orion, however he didn't have the skill defend himself properly. It was like the sharingan in a sense, you an see your opponents moves however your body couldn't react to those speeds.

Orion made some spears of darkness and threw them towards Kokabiel but he dodged and made some spears of light and threw them towards Orion who blocked them with a shield made of darkness. Soon Kokabiel started laughing, Orion was slightly confused as to why he was laughing.

Orion: "Oye!!! Why you laughing?........Did all the cocaine finally go to your brain?... I wondered why you looked drugged out."

Kokabiel: "No you dumbass, I won. The magic circle that will destroy the entire town will go off in about 20 seconds and it won't disappear unless I'm defeated and you aren't powerful enough to defeat m........UGHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!"

Kokabiel felt his body get pierced by multiple golden chains coming from Orion's back. These were his Uzumaki Adamantine Chains and he was surprised that they were that easy to control.

Orion: "Twenty seconds is wayyyyy too much time for me to kill you. But since you were weaker than I expected, might as well kill you. Bye Bye Kokoballs."

Before Kokabiel could even respond, a chain wrapped around his neck and then pulled with so much force that Kokabiel's head turned a complete 360 degrees as blood started running from where his neck was twisted. Soon his body started turning into black feathers, signalling that he was now dead.

Orion turned to those watching and smiled a bit.

Orion: "Rias, you guys actually did some damage to Kokabiel. I could see some bruises on his hands. You've really changed....you're less of a spoiled bitchy princess and acting more like a leader. I can't say that I like you yet...... but you're definitely a much better person now."

Rias smiled brightly as he said this.....at least he wasn't disrespecting her like the last time.

Orion: "All of you did well........and Xenovia you need to sort out your feelings for the church since you know the truth now. I might not like you, but I can see that you're conflicted right now. Well I'm off again, I dealt with the problem that was gonna destroy the town that I live in and now I can go eat my dinner in peace......later bitches."

With that being said, he teleported away. Rias was slightly annoyed that he always disappeared after he did something or whenever she wanted to talk to him but she told herself that she would do it when she saw him at school. Meanwhile Orion arrived home and he heard a ding in his ears.


[Mission Completed: Kill Kokabiel]

[Mission rewards: Mythical-Class Box]

Orion: "Ahh nice........wait I feel as if I'm forgetting something?......Nah it's probably nothing."

He started walking towards the Kitchen and he saw Raynare in a WHITE apron cooking a meal. He then saw Asia in a WHITE nightgown watching television with Mittelt and it was about the myth about DRAGONS. He then saw Kalawarner with a WHITE T-shirt with BLUE dots on it. At the back it had the print of a DRAGON on it.

Orion: "....."

Orion realized that he didn't stay until Vali arrived, as a matter of fact he didn't even remember that Vali was supposed to be the one who originally comes to save everyone.

Orion: "FFFUUUUUUUUU............." {To be continued}

(Ok guys sorry about the massive delay on this chapter but this chapter was legit a pain to upload. I had to rewrite this chapter about 6 times because everytime I saved it wanted to upload it, the chapter just deleted itself. At one point I thought I was going crazy......well anyways it's here now.

Comment and tell me what you guys think and I read every single comment so you can comment. ENJOY!!!!!!!!!!!!! and plus there might be a R-18 soon....yea that's for all you horny ass people out there who are always asking for a R-18 chapter. If you don't like R-18 chapters please skip...sorry I'm trying to make everyone happy........ENJOY MOTHERFUCKERS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)

ps: I made this chapter extra long as a sorry for coming so late