Ok lets list the facts here.... I died, just to find out that I shouldn't have died, and now you're giving me a really op sorry gift....... Seems legit, what could possibly go wrong?
Raynare and Orion sat down in silence for about five minutes not saying even a word. Orion found it slightly amusing how she was refusing to meet his eyes, she was shaking slightly and she was sweating as well. She looked as if she was about to shit herself and pass out. Apparently having 12 wings is a big deal because the only beings who have this amount is Azazel The Governor General of Fallen Angels, Micheal The Current Leader of Heaven and the other Seraphs and Rizevim Livan Lucifer. So he was one of the only beings alive with that number of wings, he would imagine that she would have a heart attack and die if he showed her all 16 wings.
Orion: "So raynare, do you wanna ask me any questions?"
Raynare: "Y-You are the son of Lucifer."
Orion: "Yes I am, I stayed out the great war so the supernatural world doesn't know about me."
Orion was spewing so much bullshit it made actual bulls jealous. It was actually amazing how he created stuff like this on the fly. He watched the emotions go through her face ranging from fear to nervousness.
Raynare: "S-So why did you choose to spare me?"
Orion: "Because I honestly enjoyed my time with you and plus I had no real reason to kill you since you didn't try to kill me."
Raynare: "But I'm just a weak fallen angel, I don't deserve to be spared."
Ok it was starting to sound as if she wanted to be killed. The anime made her seem like a bloodthirsty killer but this wasn't what I was expecting.
Orion: "And why is that raynare?"
Raynare: "My mission was to kill you, Lord Kokobiel said that you were a threat to our race and needed to be eliminated."
Orion: "Wait.... did you say Kokobiel?"
Raynare: "Y-Yes, he gave us the orders."
Orion: "Oh that son of a bitch, sorry to say this raynare but you and your team were tricked."
Raynare: "W-What??... What do you mean?"
Orion: "I mean Kokobiel tricked you and your entire team. Kokobiel has gone rogue so he isn't a part of the Grigori anymore."
Raynare: "N-No, this can't be happening. If we were to go back to the Grigori now we would be executed for our crime whether it was intentionally or not."
Orion: "You know you could just stay with me."
Raynare: "Why are you being so kind to me? I was sent to basically assassinate you. Why are you still being so kind even after knowing that I was sent to kill you?"
Orion: "Because Raynare, you didn't try to. You broke down in tears and revealed the supernatural world to someone you thought was human because you couldn't stand the thought of killing them, that make you a good person raynare."
Orion then walked up to her and gave her a hug, she hugged back immediately.
Orion: "Umm would you wanna tell your team that this was all a setup or something like that cause you guys are basically not a part of the grigori anymore."
Raynare: "Mittelt and kalawarner would follow me as we are all best friends, but I'm not so sure that dohnaseek would join. He is a loyal follower of Lord Kokobiel and would do anything to please him."
Orion: "Ahh that's gonna be a problem but the solution is quite easy so no need to be worried about something so simple."
Orion: "Oh, by the way, Raynare did you by any chance have a nun scheduled to enter the country?"
Raynare: "Yes I did, How did you know that?"
Orion: "You can call it intuition.... just don't question it too much. I want you to get your friends and the nun. You can all stay here, I will ensure that the devils won't bother you."
Raynare: "Thank you for everything, I can never thank you enough. I'm so weak that I won't be an asset to you but I will try."
Orion: "Don't worry, I will be training you and your friends so that you can on par with ultimate class beings, just go for your friends and meet me here tomorrow in the evening. I have a meeting with the fake lucifer and the fake leviathan along with their younger siblings and peerages after school so come a little late."
Raynare: "I'm sorry for any trouble I caused you."
Orion: "You didn't cause any trouble. They are afraid that I might be affiliated with the old satan faction so they are just cautious. Ok time to get going, remember to come here tomorrow at about 6 pm."
Raynare: "Ok I will, thank you for everything."
Raynare ran up to him and gave him a quick kiss on the cheek then bolted out the door. He didn't expect her to do it, but that doesn't mean that he would reject it. He smiled and went to take a bath. He had a meeting tomorrow and he was gonna enjoy himself as much as he possibly could. He went to bed thinking of all possible outcomes that could happen. Everything happened the same as usual, he got up, had a bath and left for school. During the entire day at school he didn't see any devils around the campus, it seems that they were all waiting for him. After school was finished, he simply just started walking towards the Occult Research club. He knocked on the door and kira opened it, her eyes widened a bit but she let him in anyways. Orion could see that all the devils were present and there were 3 extra guests. These three devils were Sirzechs Lucifer, Serafall Leviathan and Grayfia Lucifuge.
Orion: "Hey, wassup."
He could tell that his greeting surprised them a bit but they replied.
Sirzechs: "Hello, my name is Sirzechs Lucifer, what is your name?"
Orion: "My name is Orion Lucifer, nice to meet you."
Grayfia: "How exactly are you related to the original lucifer?"
Orion: "Well he was my dad so of course I'm related to him."
Grayfia along with everybody almost had a heart attack. This boy was the son of lucifer, that was almost impossible.
Orion: "No one ever knew about me because I chose to stay out of all the wars that were happening. It seemed like a bother."
Serafall: "So why did you choose to reveal yourself now?"
Orion: "I didn't plan on revealing myself, I was basically forced. I'm pretty sure rias didn't tell you the entire situation."
Sirzechs: "What situation?"
Orion: "So basically a rogue fallen angel wanted to kill me, but I convinced her not to, then rias and her peerage just popped up. I'm pretty sure rias knew that fallen angels were going to try to kill me but decided to do nothing."
Rias: "I'm not allowed to fight with fallen angels nor telling a normal human about the supernatural, so it was the only way."
Orion: "So you're saying that you would allow an innocent person to die because you weren't allowed to tell them that some crows wanted to kill them?"
Rias: "...."
Orion: "So what do you guys wanna know anyways?"
Sirzechs: "Are you a threat?"
Orion: "No I'm not, but just leave me out of your devil business."
Serafall: "Why don't you want to be involved with your own people?"
Orion then unveiled 12 of his devil wings, putting everyone on guard.
Orion: "These wings show my position as the son of Lucifer, why would I want to join some old cotes that want to use me for my bloodline. I prefer living a nice and peaceful life and I have the power to end anyone who disturbs me. Plus why would I want to be involved with a bunch of hypocrites?"
Sirzechs: "How are devils hypocrites?"
Orion: "Ok let me start with the Kuroka incident."
Koneko immediately got a little stiff but didn't say anything.
Orion: "Firstly, you kill off an entire species just because one of it's members supposedly killed her master. Then should I go around wiping the devils out of existence because the amount of stray devils that kill their masters and go rogue is way too much to count. Secondly senjutsu doesn't make someone go insane, that's bullshit, especially a nekoshou who are adept in sensing and using senjutsu naturally."
Everyone was quiet as orion spoke. They didn't have any response to any of his accusations.
Orion: "Even though I'm part devil, I despise how you devils react in situations. I honestly prefer fallen angels because at least Azazel knows how to properly control his subordinates and he doesn't kill species that kill his kind because it's bullshit. I'm surprised that the Youkai actually let you live in their territory."
Grayfia: "Wait... you said you are part devil."
Orion: "Of course that's the only part you heard..... Yes I'm only half devil. I'm half devil half dragon."
Sona: "D-Dragon... How are you half dragon?"
Orion: "Don't you know what sex is?"
They all blushed but Grayfia cleared her throat as she spoke up."
Grayfia: "If your father was Lucifer, then who was your mother?"
Orion: "My mother is Martha, the dragon of death."
Akeno: "I've never heard of that Dragon before."
Orion: "You wouldn't because she lives in a different dimension, she and lucifer fell in love and I was born but she took me and went back to her dimension when the fighting began."
Sirzechs: "How do we know that you're telling the truth?"
Orion: "Ok do you wanna ask Ddraig?"
Sirzechs: "The red dragon of domination? he is sealed in a sacred gear so I can't ask him."
Suddenly a red gauntlet appeared on orion's hand with a green orb in the center. This was the Boosted Gear.
Ddraig: "Good Evening devils, my partner speaks the truth about his parentage."
Rias: "H-How do you have a sacred gear, only humans and human hybrids can have them?"
Orion: "I don't know, it probably has something to do with grandpa Yahweh. He always liked me so I guess I can thank him."
Sirzechs, Grayfia and Serafall suddenly gained a serious expression.
Sirzechs: "Ok you all need to leave the room now, the adults need to have a talk with him now."
Rias and Sona left with their peerages. As they left, Grayfia put up a barrier so that no one could listen in on the conversation.
Sirzechs: "God is dead so cut the act, how did you get a sacred gear?"
Orion: "Before my grandpa and dad both died, I saw them. They both were dying and I couldn't save them. I always had a close relationship with them both so I couldn't choose a side when they went to fight each other. Before they died they transferred their remaining power to me. Because of that, I gained divine energy and the ability to control and use all sacred gears."
Serafall: "Ok that sounds believable since both bodies were found when they had both already died. I don't have a problem with you staying here but don't hurt my Sona."
Sirzechs: "You said that you are not affiliated with the old satan faction so I have no problem with you being here. I can see that you are not someone to cause problems. I just ask one favor of you, please watch over my little sister and her peerage."
Orion: "So I should watch over the person who willingly would watch an innocent person die? Yea no thanks. I will stay far from the devils, just stay out of my business and we good."
Sirzechs: "I guess you have a point, fine then."
Orion: "Ok this meeting is over, goodbye and have a nice day."
Orion teleported out of the clubroom, leaving the other three.
Grayfia: "He is telling the truth, I could sense his Lucifer bloodline. As a Lucifuge, I could sense his Lucifer Blood."
Serafall: "His mother is an unknown dragon, and by her title, she sounds strong."
Sirzechs: "We have to have a talk with Rias and Sona, we don't want any trouble between them and orion."
While they were talking, Orion already left the school in his car heading home. He had a feeling that they would find some way of mixing him in their problems. Right now he had some fallen angels to meet up with so he just sped home, ignoring the red lights and honking vehicles.
Sup guys...... Chapter 23. ENJOY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!. Comment and Review. Please Enjoy. I appreiate everyone for all the support.