Ok lets list the facts here.... I died, just to find out that I shouldn't have died, and now you're giving me a really op sorry gift....... Seems legit, what could possibly go wrong?
Orion woke up at 4 am the following day to train for a bit. He wanted to get as strong as he could so that he could defeat the trihexa and get his previous powers back. He bought some gravity weights from Mia to train while he was on the go. He also bought a hyperbolic time chamber to train in but it was different from the one in the DBZ universe. The hyperbolic time chamber he bought made time 4x slower, so one hour outside was four hours inside. He honestly didn't know how goku and gohan stayed in the time chamber for an entire year training without going crazy. He trained until it was 7 am, 6 hours of total training done in the chamber. He got out of the chamber, took a bath, ate some breakfast and drove out. He drove the Porsche and he arrived at kuoh academy at 7:30 am. Classes started at 8 am so he was early. Upon arriving he saw sona and tsubaki waiting at the front for him so he parked and went to meet them.
Orion: "Good morning sona, tsubaki."
Tsubaki: "Good morning orion."
Sona: "Good morning orion, I see that you are early."
Orion: "Of course I'm early, coming to school late would give me a bad image."
[Mission Completed: Attend Kuoh Academy and be early]
[Mission rewards: Super-Class Box, Respect from the Student Council]
Not now Mia, Orion quickly dismissed the message and continued talking.
Orion: "So where will I be attending classes?"
Sona: "You will be in the same class as I am which is 3rd year class 3c."
Shit.... Orion was now seeing what was happening. He was gonna be in the same class as Sona, Tsubaki, Rias and Akeno. That was not what he wanted, he thought he would have been placed in 2nd year but apparently not. He could already feel that it would not end well but he just went with the flow for now.
Sona: "You can follow us, we will go to the student council to pick up some documents then we will lead you to the classroom but you will stay outside until you are called inside by the teacher."
Orion: "Ok sure."
They walked to the student council room and sona took up some files then they left. When they had arrived, orion saw that the classroom was already full. He waited on the outside until he heard his name being called. He opened the door and walked inside, everyone was staring at him but with different expressions. The females were looking at him like he was a prince while the males were giving him angry glares... like seriously these dudes need mental help.
Teacher: "Everyone this is Orion Luciel, he is a transfer student from America."
Orion: "Hello everyone, my name is Orion Luciel, it's a pleasure to meet you all."
Teacher: "Are there any questions anyone would like to ask orion before we continue the class?"
Multiple hands were raised but sadly the teacher only allowed four questions for now.
Random Girl#1: "Why did you choose to get a transfer to this school?"
Orion: "Well it was my parent's idea. Any school would have been fine but they said they preferred this one."
The girl smiled and sat back down. The bullshit no jutsu was working quite well and the best part is that he can spam it without even using chakra.
Random Guy#1: "Do you do any sports?"
Orion: "Yes I do. I do basketball, football, tennis, table tennis, swimming and kendo."
The guy gave me a nod of approval and sat back down.
Random Guy#2: "What type of girls do you prefer?"
All the girls turned to him and gave him a hateful glare, even the teacher was giving him a look of disapproval. But he asked a question so might as well give him an answer.
Teacher: "That isn't a question you ask someone when they are being introduced to the class."
Orion: "It's fine..... and the answer to your question is that I like girls who are genuine. I personally prefer a girl who loves me for who I am and not what I have. They don't have to be the most beautiful girl or have the sexiest body, but they must have a beautiful heart and a wonderful personality. Her face doesn't matter much to me but once she is a kind and gentle person I will love her unconditionally. Well that is just my perspective, different people have different opinions but that is just the type of girls I personally like.."
The classroom was silent, no one said a word. The girls eyes went wide as they heard what orion had said. They looked at him like they had just found their long lost lover. Surprisingly, the males were giving him looks of respect. The teacher smiled when she saw that orion was different from most of the other males that were there.
Teacher: "Well said orion, that was beautiful."
Orion: "Thank you sensei."
Teacher: "There is a free seat by the window in front of Rias, Rias please raise you hand to identify yourself."
Orion didn't need her to identify herself but it would look kind of weird if he just started walking towards his seat without her even raising her hand so he waited until she raised her hand before he started walking to take a seat. Ever since he walked into the class, both Rias and Akeno were looking at him intently, as if they were studying him. Most guys would find this wonderful that the two sexiest girls in the school were watching them, but orion was not most guys as he knew that they were trying to find out what sacred gear he possessed. It wouldn't make sense to try and hide the energy coming from the sacred gear now as they had already sensed it before so it would alert them that he was suppressing it. He walked to his seat and sat down. He could feel Rias staring at him and he looked over to see Akeno watching the scene with a small smile. He just simply ignored them and started paying attention.
A little over two months had passed since orion came to the DXD universe. The good news is that neither Sona nor Rias had approached him about joining their peerage which was great. The bad news was that canon was about to start any day now and he did not know exactly when. He had been training for the one month but he only went from being low super class to being peak super class. This made orion realize just how overpowered his sayian DNA was. Comparing his sayian DNA to the DNA he had now was almost a joke, sayian DNA was too overpowered. He had spotted Koneko watching him a few times as well as Akeno. The thing that really surprised him was that Kiba Yuuto was now Kira Yuuto. Kiba was now a female and honestly he didn't find it weird at all. He had read many fanfictions where kiba was a female so it didn't shock him that much.
Right now he was waiting on the same bridge where Issei had originally met Raynare. He started going on it for the last 4 days to see if she would approach him for a date but it hadn't worked so far but he knew it would eventually happen. He was about to go back to his car and drive home when he sensed a presence behind him. He knew it was her but decided to ignore it until she decided to speak up.
Yuuma: "Umm hello, are you Orion Luciel?"
Orion: "Yes I am, and who might you be?"
Yuuma: "My name is Yuuma Amano, please go out with me?"
Ok seeing it in the anime made me wonder if someone would go out on a date with a girl that they have never even seen before, but seeing this I almost laughed at the coincidence. I was gonna accept, but I wasn't gonna get a light spear through the gut. I was honestly gonna go out with her just for the look on her face when she realizes that she bit off more than she can chew. Honestly I didn't want to kill her cause she was kinda hot, but she also wants to kill me so I was a bit conflicted whether I should kill her or not.
Orion: "Sure, wanna meet up at Cafe Kuoh at 10 on sunday?"
Yuuma: "Sure, I'll be there. I'm so happy you accepted."
Orion: "Yea me too."
Orion then did something that 'Yuuma' didn't expect. He hugged her and gave her a kiss on her forehead. Before she could even say anything, he broke the hug.
Orion: "See you on sunday Yuuma, remember we meet at 10 am at cafe kuoh."
Orion soon left Yuuma standing there. She was frozen. A simple kiss on her forehead had sent shivers of pleasure running down her spine. She didn't know know what had happened, but she didn't want to think about it now as she had a mission to carry out and she would carry it out no matter how handome, sexy and warm he was. She still felt the warmness on her forehead and it bothered her, she had vowed never to fall in love with another man ever again but this feeling lingered in her stomach. Ignoring this, she quickly left to go to the abandoned church.
Orion was walking back to his car when he saw koneko in the distance, she was eating an ice-cream and she looked bored, but orion knew that rias had sent her to watch him. He just smiled, entered his car and drove away while koneko stared at the car. She git up and used a transportation circle to go to the Occult Research Club or better known as the ORC. She arrived to see Rias sitting behind her desk talking to Akeno.
Koneko: "President he has made contact with a fallen angel. She is taking him on a date"
Rias: "So the fallen are after him, this makes things a lot more complicated."
Akeno: "My my, so how will we proceed with the situation Rias?"
Rias: "We can't fight or kill the fallen if they haven't attacked us, the peace between the three factions isn't the best so this would lead to serious consequences and possibly restarting the war so there isn't much we can do."
Rias: "Maybe we can ask him to join my peerage, the fallen would be restricted from harming him."
Akeno: "But would he accept? Based on what I've seen he barely even talks to people. He is kind but he doesn't talk unless you start talking."
Rias: "We need his sacred gear to help fight Riser, but it will be a problem if we fight the fallen when he goes out on his date."
Akeno: "This is quite a tricky scenario."
Rias: "If the fallen angels kill him, then I revive him, the fallen will be restricted from harming him."
Akeno: "It might seem cruel letting him die, but it's the safest way to ensure that they don't come after him again, especially if you revived him as a devil."
As they were taking about their plan, orion had arrived home and was making his plan on how to deal with the situation.
Orion: "Ok I got stalker fallen angels, and stalker devils....... just great. I will have to reveal that I am part devil. I will say that my real name is Orion Lucifer, the lost son of the original lucifer, then I would pop out my wings... yup that would scare the living shit outta them. But I would have to make up a story as to why I have sacred gears, I will cross that bridge when I get there."
Orion ate some dinner and went to train in the time chamber. He wanted to break through to God class and he was planning on doing so even if it took all night. He didn't deactivate his gravity weights all day so he just went into the room hoping that he would finally breakthrough after one month of training. He still had the super class box that he got as a reward for going to school but he hadn't opened it as yet. He had honestly forgotten about it until now. After he was done training he was gonna open it to see the stuff he got, he was hoping for something good. He soon stepped into the chamber and closed the door, not to be seen for the next couple hours.
ok chapter 21 is finally here. I'm sorry I'm so late, Work was a real pain. Please comment and tell me your ideas. I read all comments so real free to tell me anything. Please give a good review if you liked it. Thanks to all who always show me support as always. PLEASE ENJOY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!