
The One With Apathetic Eyes

Ash has always been in pain. Random moments where pain burns into his body and blood rises to his mouth. His treatment at the hands of his mother, Delia, doesn't help anymore with the feeling of being burned inside out, he's grown numb to the pain given to him by his mother. Even as she treats him worth as he's grown to become like his dad according to his mother, he will never tell her how proud that makes him on days he can feel things again. He had ignored his interests for five years after the pain grew too much. Being forced to have a friend that forced themselves into his world was strange but it helped him ignore the pain for a while. Still he felt empty most days. The pain returned like it had been waiting for him with open arms when the friend that had forced themselves in forced themselves out of it. He welcomed it too he felt far to numb he missed his interests. But now he wonders how far his interests will take him. If he escapes his home and goes on a journey like many others will he find the cause of the burning, the boiling of his blood? Will he find his dad, the only family he ever loved? He wasn't sure but he had a feeling that as long as he was with his Pokémon everything would work out even if not in the way he believed. Join a different version of Ash Ketchum after growing up under the abuse of his mother and subject to a mysterious pain that seems to come and go randomly. Will ash learn the cause of his seemingly mysterious illness? Will he be able to escape the results of the abuse he's suffered? And will he find his beloved dad? This story will have bits of all types of relationships (meaning BL, GL, and just normal heterosexual or boy x girl). This is a fanfic I do not own Pokémon! Nor do I own any of the photos or videos that are shown in the fanfic. Some elements of this story come from the fanfiction Renegade by 0 Jordinio 0 on fanfiction.net This

SilverPup · Anime & Komik
Peringkat tidak cukup
14 Chs

Chapter Six

Ash stared at the wall of the new room he had been confined in for the last three months, he'd woken up far too early even if he was feeling excited about leaving on his own Journey. The thought of leaving this town where he was forced to follow a certain flow to survive leaving cracks in the dull cover he'd placed over the world to stop him from feeling or finding interests. Not that he noticed his changing view of course even if he'd noticed a few changes. It was one of the many things that had happened in his weeks of bed ridden recovery. At least in his opinion, since he thought he'd lose his life as he collapsed in the storm so close to his goal.

The largest and oddest change to him was being cared for. Since his dad had left he had been forced into independence, a struggle that practically broke his two year old mind as he hide in the shadows of his own home stealing food. He'd felt so alone that first year understanding that he couldn't go to his mother for anything. Of course it'd taken him a while to realize that and stop making the mistake of thinking she cared.

It was around when he was four that the 'attacks' started and he gave up on the world, on people. He started to open up thanks to Mew shortly before his fifth birthday and it was when he was six that Gary forced himself into his life. Gary had almost made him believe in people again when his mother started being nicer and he no longer felt as alone, empty yes but not alone. He stopped meeting with Mew around then as well something he'd regretted as he once again lost trust in people due to Gary.

He wasn't as naive now as he was as a child, always lying to himself about how much he disliked the other kids, how he liked being alone. He had hated being alone, it was why he was so happy when Mew found him, why he didn't ignore Gary when he forced himself in. But ever since the beating he took the beginning of this year, he found he didn't mind being alone as much as when he was a child. Playing nice for four years had worn him down greatly.

But now he wasn't sure what to think. Daisy was showing him a side of people he didn't even know they had, a side that cared for someone, for him.

Daisy was a very physical person and she had been constantly touching him to check up on his injuries. Ash however wasn't. He had not had any positive experience with physical interaction that did not lead to pain or injury, he never flinched much when it was his mom touching him because if he did she'd beta him for longer amounts of time, he'd grown used to it. However strangers were different, he couldn't control his flinching every movement was random even if he could see it, he didn't have an understanding of others. So he did greatly when Daisy touched him, though he played it off of pain from the injuries.

At the start, he had been right. It had hurt as she re-broke his mangled fingers and cut open his skin to fix the bone before stitching it up and bandaging it, the anesthesia she gave him not blocking anything (he didn't let her know it though). He watched as she did the same for his left arm placing it in a cast. She placed ointment on his bruised ribs giving him medicine to help his body heal faster and had cleaned and stitched the cut above his ear. The operation ending with her Chansey using Heal Pulse a few times, and he was happy to know he'd be up and moving in time for his Pokémon Journey.

However after that the care and concern she showed unnerved him. It was unexpected to him. And he disliked it because he didn't understand why there were moments it made him feel warm. While Daisy never noticed the Pokémon did and they helped reassure him. After a week or so he found he didn't mind the touching and care, he even had moments where he craved it, he wanted it because he had never had it before. It was with resigned acceptance that he agreed with his doctor and caretaker that he was touch-starved. He was glad however that she never seemed to pick up and put all the pieces together to figure out why.

She did however pick up on other things like how she had quickly grown concerned after her initial irritation by my lack of speech, and the pain caused by it as well. It was little wonder though as he had been friends with Gary for the last four years and when Gary had ended the friendship he had still been able to speak normally. So it wasn't long before she realized something was wrong when she noticed it hurt for him to speak and she was insistent about checking as to why.

According to her, his vocal cords were slightly damaged currently from use of his voice but likewise his voice muscles had been damaged around the time Gary had stopped being his friend. By his mother of course. He never really realized what she did to him he just knew that after that particular beating he'd had an even bigger struggle talking (he of course didn't tell Daisy any of this). While they had healed, the damage had been done and there was nothing that could fix them in this day. He didn't really mind either he never liked to speak much but he did feel a bit of concern towards his future Pokémon, Daisy said he'd need a really strong bond with them before they would start being able to respond to quiet communication.

But the biggest discovery for him had to be the fact that she didn't know where the blood or pain was coming from during one of his 'attacks'. He didn't have any internal injuries at the moment it occurred and it was almost as though blood had seeped through the walls of his lungs while she could only theorize that the burning pain was some kind of brain or nerve related response. She'd worried that'd he'd suffocate due to the blood or loss to much blood so she got him blood replenishing pills.

However the strange feeling of being cared for didn't end with Daisy. Looking away from the wall towards the small ball-like bump under the covers he thought about the yellow mouse that lay there sleeping. Loki, the Pikachu he had picked up during the massive storm, who he named after the Norse mythology of Thor's little brother, had stayed with him as well. The untrusting little beast confused him, and he didn't understand its sudden attachment to him. He didn't mind it though he enjoyed its company and he wasn't as unnerved and startled by the Pokémon's care as he was was with Daisy's. His eyes softened a bit as he pet the bump.

Turning to the light snore on the floor he looked at Daisy who had taken to sleeping on the floor while he was here. He was grateful to her. He'd almost trusted her after she kept him a secret but a part of him refused as trusting her meant telling the truth and she was an Oak. She'd done a lot to help him and although she was reluctant she had agreed a Pokémon Journey would be good for him.

He found it odd that he could relax, he'd heard that she could calm even the most wrathful Pokémon but he didn't think that included people. Looking at her the two Pokéballs resting beside her he made note to thank the two in them as well. Seych, Daisy's Chansey, had been a great help with his healing progress and he liked the motherly Pokémon. Clefairy was another he had to thank, as it'd put on small performances to entertain him. It really sparked his interest in Pokémon Contests as well when Daisy would tell him stories about her time in Sinnoh. It made him look forward to traveling there in the future.

Overall he'd learned a lot during his stay here, oddly since Loki had stayed with him he'd felt more as well. Though that did make it difficult to hide his abusive past from his caretaker as he was finding it more difficult to keep his emotions, especially slight fear, from his apparently expressive eyes. Daisy had been teaching him about the different emotions as well so he was getting a bit better however he still held on to his overall indifference towards life.

He was startled as the alarm went off his slight jolt waking up Loki, who climbed from the covers on to his lap rubbing its eyes of sleep before stretching, "Pika chu~"

A soft smile lighting up Ash's eyes at the small Raichu pajamas he'd made for the little mouse. He'd made quite a few outfits for the little mouse to relieve his boredom of being cooped up. He was thrilled when the mouse was just as excited and willing to wear them. That'd had been when Daisy said he should try Pokémon Contests or Coordinating sometime and he had a feeling he should as well.

Listening to the groan that sounded below the bed he felt amusement as he watched Daisy struggle to turn off the alarm on the nightstand beside her and a bit concerned as it fell on her making her grumble. "Ow! I'm awake! I'm awake now you stupid clock!"

Daisy rose from the floor stretching under his watchful eye mumbling, "Hmm I should sleep more often on the floor..." before she turned to face him with a wide grin. "Well little Ashy, your going to be getting your first starter Pokémon today from my grandfather so you'll want to be early. But why don't I fill you in on some stuff while we eat the breakfast I made last night?"

Ash nodded rubbing Pikachu's head. As he got up to change, following Daisy's example though he turned around to face an opposite direction. One may find it odd that Daisy, a nearly twenty year old who was fully developed, was changing in front of Ash a nearly eleven year old boy but the reason was simple. Neither of them was shy and neither of them had any interest in the other and it wasn't like they were naked or anything. Not to mention Ash didn't quite have any understanding or care for the opposite sex, as well as that they trusted each other enough to not worry about them peeking.

Once they were both changed, Daisy opened the small mini fridge in her room grabbing the sandwiches she made them the night before. Sitting on the floor against her bed Ash ate in silence watching the Pikachu, Seych, and Clefairy eat as well while listening to Daisy.

"When you get to the Lab my grandfather will give you a choice between three starters. The first is the Water Type Squirtle, the second is the Grass Type Bulbasaur, and lastly the Fire Type Charmander. After you've decided on your starter he'll give you a Pokédex along with five normal Pokéballs. Oh you probably don't know what a Pokédex is! See little Ashy the Pokédex contains information on all the Pokémon available in the region and it also has your trainer identification so don't lose it! Now it's main purpose is to record the information of the Pokémon you caught and seen, and you'll only be given basic data if you haven't caught one. Lots of people find it a real chore to complete it though I've heard form grandpa that he's only known one trainer that completed it." Daisy sighed.

Pausing Ash looked over at her opening his mouth as he braced himself for a struggle. "I.... want to... complete... it too." He coughed as he managed to get the words out, Daisy rubbing his back in sympathy and understanding.

Daisy looked at him with such affection he felt unnerved still unused to it, "Well if that's your plan once you get your Dex wait for me outside of the lab. There's a hidden feature to turn off your Carry Limit I'll do it for you. With it off you can keep all the Pokémon you've caught on you, but you need to be careful and send them to the lab if it gets overwhelming, understand?"

Ash nodded when she looked sternly at him. He hoped that his gratitude was showing in his eyes for her help on the matter. It must have as she blushed and smiled. After three months living with her, she understood his dislike for this town greatly and he hated the idea of his Pokémon being in someone else's care even if it was her Grandfather's. "Don't worry about it little Ashy. If you send any of your Pokémon back to the lab I'll take care of them personally."

He relaxed a bit when he heard that before they both went back to their sandwiches. Finishing their breakfast they watched the sun as it just started to rise over the horizon, a glance at the clock told Ash that he needed to go now before the town started to wake up so he could sneak out.

Daisy seemed to understand as she gestured toward the window, "Go on over. I'll pack up your bag and meet you over there with everyone."

With a nod Ash headed toward the window lifting it quietly as he stepped out, a sad glance at the still eating Loki before he went off toward the Professor's. Despite his excitement to leave he was a bit sad he wouldn't get to stay with his new Buddy.