
The One With Apathetic Eyes

Ash has always been in pain. Random moments where pain burns into his body and blood rises to his mouth. His treatment at the hands of his mother, Delia, doesn't help anymore with the feeling of being burned inside out, he's grown numb to the pain given to him by his mother. Even as she treats him worth as he's grown to become like his dad according to his mother, he will never tell her how proud that makes him on days he can feel things again. He had ignored his interests for five years after the pain grew too much. Being forced to have a friend that forced themselves into his world was strange but it helped him ignore the pain for a while. Still he felt empty most days. The pain returned like it had been waiting for him with open arms when the friend that had forced themselves in forced themselves out of it. He welcomed it too he felt far to numb he missed his interests. But now he wonders how far his interests will take him. If he escapes his home and goes on a journey like many others will he find the cause of the burning, the boiling of his blood? Will he find his dad, the only family he ever loved? He wasn't sure but he had a feeling that as long as he was with his Pokémon everything would work out even if not in the way he believed. Join a different version of Ash Ketchum after growing up under the abuse of his mother and subject to a mysterious pain that seems to come and go randomly. Will ash learn the cause of his seemingly mysterious illness? Will he be able to escape the results of the abuse he's suffered? And will he find his beloved dad? This story will have bits of all types of relationships (meaning BL, GL, and just normal heterosexual or boy x girl). This is a fanfic I do not own Pokémon! Nor do I own any of the photos or videos that are shown in the fanfic. Some elements of this story come from the fanfiction Renegade by 0 Jordinio 0 on fanfiction.net This

SilverPup · Anime & Komik
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14 Chs

Chapter Seven

The trip to the Lab didn't take long from the Oak's Family Home, a mere five minute walk. However Ash's nerves were on high alert, speeding up as he watched lights in homes turning on as the town was waking up to celebrate three new trainers setting off on their own adventure.

His chest hurt at the thought of the crowd that would be waiting for him outside, at the thought that his mother might be there. He kicked himself for not thinking of taking the extra minutes of the morning to warm up his throat, he was required to speak outside to act like they cared for each other. Shaking his head wishing to clear his thoughts of things that made him anxious, a feeling he was still getting use to, he instead thought on the future mere minutes away.

Out of all three starters, he wanted to get Charmander, the Fire Type. He'd known from the year he could remember of his father, the powerful Charizard that had been his father's starter, that would curl around he and his dad as he was cuddled in his small form. He still found moments like those that he could remember odd. There weren't any other kids his age that remember what happened in their second year of life.

Still he didn't question it he felt grateful, those memories had kept him warm inside, still willing to survive as he knew someone had loved him before and they still loved him, he just knew they did. He wanted to be like his father and while he didn't know much about him he knew enough that he'd be able to learn.

Charmander was the start of that plan. However he'd need to be early if he wanted first pick or really if he wanted a Pokémon to begin with as there was an additional kid that was of age to go out, not that the others knew this or considered this. There was a kid by the name of Damian among the four of them who he hoped wouldn't be going out. He wanted to growl at the thought of the mean boy, but he was out of his thoughts as he arrived at the Lab.

With a sigh of relief that there was no crowd and he seemed to be the first here he knocked tentatively on the door. Flinching only slightly when it swung open to reveal a surprised Professor Oak. "Ah. Well if it isn't Ash, my boy! I didn't expect to see you here so early. Your mother said you were having a hard time waking up on time recently. By the way where is she?"

Ash tensed under the question forcing himself to push the words out with a bit of fluency, "At home. Daisy's helping pack my things. I wanted to be early."

The Professor nodded in understanding not seeming to notice how choppy his words were or probably thinking it was no different from usual. His throat was already on fire and he only hoped he wouldn't experience an 'attack' before he managed to leave town.

"We'll come on in, Ash! You can meet the starters and think about who you want while we wait for the other two to arrive."

With what he hoped was an enthusiastic nod that revealed none of his anxiety over the thought of being trapped here for a while he followed. After passing a messy guest area which Ash guessed was where older Trainers would wait or visiting occurred, they entered the actual lab which contained a variety of technology that he didn't have much knowledge of.

The old Professor gestured the three Pokéballs on a small island in the rooms left hand side that he only knew to be a device which recorded data on the Pokémon inside. "These three Pokéballs hold your future Pokémon. There's the Grass Type Bulbasaur, the Fire Type Charmander, and the Water Type Squirtle." As he said this he grabbed each said Pokéball and tossed it out in front of him releasing the Starter inside.

Light lit up his eyes as he looked at the enthusiastic Starter Pokémon which were eager to be chosen. He loved each of them and would love to have them as his Pokémon however he had already decided before hand who'd he choose, a clear bias in his choice.

The Professor smiled and Ash suddenly tensed willing his throat to obey, "They all look equally great to have as a companion, Professor, but I've already decided who I was going to choose." He almost let out a breath of relief that he managed to say it without sounding as choppy as before.

Raising a brow the Professor asked him with curiosity that Ash couldn't blame him for, his mother also made him out to be extremely timid and indecisive. "Oh and who would that be?"

Ash tilted his head just enough that his hat covered his face so the Professor couldn't see the pain he was struggling through to speak another word, "Char-Charmander."

Congratulating himself for saying it even if he choked a bit on it, he gazed at the orange bipedal lizard before him. It was obviously happy he choose it and the other two were congratulating it, but he noticed how they were all glancing at him with concern. He didn't have a moment to give it thought when he flinched at the arm that went around his shoulder.

"Great! That means I still get to choose Bulbasaur as mine! Welcome to the team!" With a glance at his side he immediately recognized the person hanging on him who laughed as the Grass Type shouted its name in excitement. It was Leaf, a young girl with brown hair and brown eyes. She was on the petite side though with noticeably plump thighs that boys in town would tease her about. She was wearing her favorite outfit; a light blue sleeveless shirt, along with an extremely short, red miniskirt that just barely covers her bottom (he often saw her trying to pull it down so he knew she wished it was longer). She had moved into town with her father and step-mom around the start of the year shortly after his friendship with Gary fell apart.

He liked the enthusiastic girl, who always wants to win, never content with defeat, but who still respects her opponents and tries to give the best of herself. She was a chip out of the old block that brought a bit of color into the dull town. She was the only kid in town the last year who had been kind to him often trying to include him and still did despite her step-mom asking her not to.

He wasn't sure what kind of rumors his mother had spread for all of the kids to start to avoid him, Leaf never seemed to mind though even if he rarely saw her. But just because he was okay with her didn't mean he was comfortable. He was stiff underneath her arm wishing desperately that she'd let go, Daisy was one thing he couldn't handle another physical person.

The Professor saved him as he laughed. "Good morning, Leaf! You sure are chippy this morning." Leaf smiled with a nod.

"I can't wait to get out of town and go on an adventure myself! I'm sure Ash feels the same way I do!"

The Professor smiled, "Well then you two come get your Starter's Pokéball and get to know them while we wait for the last one."

A sigh of relief escaped Ash as Leaf released him and went forward to grab Bulbasaur's Pokéball and once she was busy jabbering to her stated Ash followed suit. Grabbing Charmander's Pokéball and giving the Professor the best excited smile he could muster he lead the Fire Starter away though the Water Starter Squirtle followed.

Looking at the two Pokémon before him, his face softened and looking at the Charmander he knew to be a Male he said a name he had thought of for months, "Ignis?"

"Char!" The orange lizard gave an enthusiastic reply to the name bringing a smile to his face. A glance at the Squirtle and he prepared himself for a struggle.

"Squir-Squirtle if Damian gets you. Don't stay. He's bad." He winced at how choppy and random it sounded. He hoped the Water Type understood though and after a few moments of confusion the concern in his eyes seemed to make the Pokémon understand.

"Squirtle Squirt!" It gave him a determined and understanding nod and he couldn't resist reaching out to pet it and Ignis' heads. He got to know the two silently wishing for once that he could speak properly but the two seemed to understand him. However as his hopes were lifting that he'd make it through this without much incident, he felt the familiar burn spreading in his chest. He choked on the words he was saying to the two Pokémon as a bit of blood ran down his chin, eliciting concerned cries from the two before him that would definitely get the Professor's and Leaf's attention.

"Char char!

"Squirtle Squirtle!"

"Morning Grandpa! Where's my starter, it's always true the best is saved for last!"

Ash quickly grabbed the handkerchief Daisy gave him from his pocket rubbing off the blood on his chin and mouth and making sure to swallow the rest that was attempting to escape. Relief flooded him that Gary's loud greeting had covered the Pokémon's cries and he quietly whispered to them, "I'm fine."

They didn't seem convinced but they didn't have time to make that known as the Professor spoke and directed the attention over to them.

"All that's left is Squirtle, Gary. He's over there with Ash and Charmander."

Ash watched as Gary nodded, catching the Pokéball his grandfather threw toward him, before scowling in his direction. "Why would the Pokémon, of me Gary Oak the future Champion and Pokémon Master, want to be by a loser like Ashy-boy!"

Squirtle and Ignis' eyes narrowed not liking the boy but Ash quickly gave a relieved smile toward the Water Type showing it that this trainer wasn't as bad as he sounded. With that in mind although the Water Type didn't quite like its new trainer it went over to stand by him.

From the corner of his eyes and ears, he heard Leaf snort at Gary's words but she made no move when she saw no reaction from him. Ash understood that s he didn't quite understand the relationship between Gary and him because from what she'd heard they'd been friends for four years before she got here.

Ash shook himself from his musings, nothing else mattered until he managed to get out of this town. Picking up Ignis, he walked over to stand in between Leaf and Gary so they were all before the Professor.

The Professor held belts in his hands that held five other Pokéballs and the rectangular device Daisy had told him about, a Pokédex. "This here hold your five beginner Pokéballs and your Pokédex. If you want more Pokéballs you'll have to buy them yourselves. Now on to the Pokédex." He pointed at one of the red devices on the belts which were about as big as Ash's hands. "The Pokédex is an electronic device designed with two different modes. The first is to catalogue and provide information regarding the various species of Pokémon you have encountered and captured while out in Kanto. While the second is to have is to make it a comprehensive, reference encyclopedia, which you can refer to in order to deliver information on a specific Species. There are also four different-numbering types but we won't get into that as the other three don't work for Kanto. However if you three were to go out of the region you'd need to obtain a new Pokédex from that region's Professor. But for now this one will work well for you. Pokémon from other regions aren't generally allowed to cross borders without a care license and aren't allowed in the League if they aren't native."

Ash tightened his grip on Ignis the Fire Type looking over its shoulder to stare at him in concern. While he would have originally loved to listen to everything about the Pokédex, he didn't quite have the mind to listen as he struggled to keep the blood rising in his throat down and make it through the pain without it being noticed. He wished the Professor would hurry up.

"Now these," he handed us each a belt, which Ash almost snatched form the Professor's hands before catching himself, "are your Pokédex. It holds your trainer certificate, and information on your Pokémon as well as your achievements while out on your adventure."

With a bright smile the Professor ended his speech with a hearty laugh. "Now off you three go! Your Journey awaits!"

Ash didn't have the energy to observe Leaf's and Gary's reactions giving the Professor a smile before turning around and leaving with haste that he knew would pass as excitement. He had just opened the door to the Lab and stepped out not quite noticing the crowd out front when Leaf wrapped an arm around his shoulder, the surprise almost making him choke on the blood in his mouth.

"Hey Ash wait for me! I knew you were excited to leave! Why don't the both of us head over to the next town together?" Ash likely would've felt warm at the fact that she asked him if it had been at any other moment instead it caused him to panic. He couldn't open his mouth to speak without risking a bunch of blood spilling out and if that happened he wouldn't be allowed to leave. As his panic was reaching high levels and Ignis was growing more concerned in his arms, his knees almost gave out in relief when he was pulled aside.

"Sorry Leaf, but there's a few things Ash promised to help me with before he leaves. Why don't you go on ahead and get a head start, I know Gary's planning on driving over there." Daisy laughed when Leaf scowled at the mention of Gary muttering about spoiled arrogant brats before she smiled at Daisy and him.

"Okay then! Be careful on your way out Ash! I'd stay and chat but I don't want the two of us to suffer through Gary's bragging that he got to the next town first. So gotta go! See y'a later!" Ash watched in relief as Leaf returned her Bulbasaur and ran off through the crowd below.

Daisy was quick to check on him. "Hey are you okay? It's another attack isn't it just calm down. I'll distract everyone." Ash nodded at her words and slowly relaxed himself as she pretended to be fanning over how cute Charmander was, swallowing the blood that was left he sighed in relief when the burning pain left after a minute.

He could say with absolute certainty that it hurt more to swallow the blood and resist the urge to cough violently, and he took note not to hold it back unless absolutely necessary. Feeling better he directed a smile at Daisy who smiled back and quit pretending. Petting Ignis' head she took a stern look at him. "I wish I could go with you but I have work, so you better be careful and not hide anything from your Pokémon! Now let me see your Pokédex."

Nodding Ash took off the device from the belt he'd yet to put on and handed it to her. After she took it he watched her press a few buttons type something in and then she closed it handing it back. "All done. Now here's your Backpack. I packed everything you needed and your sewing supplies too I'm shocked at how much it can hold it's like magic! But be careful it's heavy."

With a grateful smile Ash set Ignis done and carefully picked up his dad's old backpack putting it on. He too had been surprised by the amount the bag could hold despite being so small but he'd grown used to it. She was right though the bag was heavy. Slipping it on and fixing his cap he gave Daisy a determined look as she picked up Ignis. Heading off towards the crowd she laughed, "Okay little Ashy, come on I'll help you get through the crowd and see you off."

Following after her his excitement to finally leave town was building before it came crashing down at the sight of his mother waiting with a sad look on her face but he could see the angry and disgust in her eyes as she looked from his face to the hat on his head, dad's hat.

Daisy was all smiles as Delia came forward tears going down her face, "My baby's all grown up! Going off on an adventure of his own." Turning to Daisy she gave a grateful smile, "Thank you for getting him ready this morning and helping me with him. I couldn't bare the thought of him leaving."

No one seemed to notice the glared signal in his mother's eyes as she demanded he speak. "Ye-Yes mom," He cringed unnoticeable at the word, "is right. Thank you very much for the help Mrs Oak."

He relaxed just a bit that his mother seemed satisfied before he tended again at the confusion in Daisy's eyes, he had slipped up and he could only hope she didn't put things together.

"Thanks for trusting me with him Delia. He's been helping me out with things as well. You raised him into a fine boy, you should be proud. You're a role model mother." Ash wasn't the only one who cringed a little at Daisy's sincere words, his mother did as well though for different reasons.

His mother smiled at her words. "You flatter me, Daisy. I will miss him greatly while he's gone. Why don't you come give me a hug."

Ash stepped forward into her arms instinctively, it was a command despite how much like a question she made it sound. It was a command she'd engraved in him with the promise of a beating should he disobey. But despite how much they both hated it they understood it was normal for a mother and child to hug.

Still he didn't even flinch when her arms slipped under his backpack and her nails which she must have sharpened before coming over dug through his shirt and cut into his back between his shoulder blades. Nor did he respond with anything but a hum when she placed her chin on his and spoke with practiced grief, "I'll miss you so much while your gone. Make sure to call every chance you get and be safe."

Another harsh squeeze and cut along his spine and they separated. It was a practiced thing, the only thing she had ever taught him. Taking a few steps back towards Daisy, he gave a nod before taking Ignis in his arms who seemed to smell the blood from his back. With a practiced smile he ran off shooting a "Bye!" behind him. Not yet out of hearing distance when he heard Gary complain loudly, "Well the heck are you helping that Loser, Daisy?"

Followed by a, "You idiot!" from his recent caretaker.

He was free.

Chapter Four seemed to have deleted part of it when I pasted it into here so if you’ve already read Chapter Four and it didn’t show Ash meeting Pikachu then you might want to go back and read sorry for that! Chapter One has also been rewritten!


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