
The One Who Stand Above All (Continue)

While traveling to his university as usual, Kaito, a typical college student, met a ROB with clichéd luck and plot armor. Kaito died in a train accident and believed he was going to either heaven or hell. Never does he know that there's already twisted love, obsession, depravity, lust, and endless pleasure awaiting him and his new journey. —•— Arc 1: Kyonyuu Elf and Saimin Princess Verse.

GyaruSupremacy · Komik
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36 Chs

First Heroine (II)

Deep within the heart of the forest, a couple meanders side by side, exuding the essence of lovers who have embarked on a scholarly adventure, now seeking solace in a hidden rendezvous among the trees.

From another perspective, they appeared undeniably charming, lost in their quietude, savoring the serene moment they shared without uttering a single word.

'Oh, how my heart raced at the thought of finally shedding the weight of my innocence...'

Kaito finds himself calming down, his thoughts aligning with a quiet certainty, hinting at an inevitable connection that awaits between them.

He understands that the loftier his hopes, the deeper the pain will cut if reality falls short of his dreams.

When it comes to Narrus...

Her thoughts swirl with unsettling notions, caught in an unending cycle of the reckless escape she and Kaito shared in their bedroom, leaving her in a state of despair.

Even though she embodies her perfect self, it seems that Kaito has meticulously honed both her mind and body.

She finds herself unable to resist stealing glances at Kaito's belongings, a longing stirring within her that feels almost overwhelming.

'Oh, Naruss, take a deep breath and find your peace! Maintain your honor as the First Captain!

Every step she and Kaito take is etched in her memory, a vivid reminder of their journey together. Yet, she radiates an undeniable hope that their paths will intertwine in a romantic embrace.

In a heartbeat, they found themselves at the lake close to the camp, each lost in their own thoughts and battles.



As they arrived at the lake, a profound silence enveloped them. The scene was mesmerizing, with the lake nestled at the center, embraced by a lush canopy of trees. As night enveloped the world, the shimmering reflection of the moon danced upon the surface of the lake, captivating all who beheld it.

As they gazed upon the scene, a shared thought blossomed between them: this was the perfect setting for a moment of deep connection.

"Do you require any garments?" Kaito inquires hesitantly of Narrus, his fingers grazing his neck.

"Indeed…" Overwhelmed, Narrus merely nodded, a gesture that Kaito found irresistibly charming yet again.

Kaito then conjured a simple bath towel for her with his power.

As Narrus witnesses this firsthand, a sense of intrigue washes over her.

In all her years, she had never witnessed such extraordinary power or enchantment, a rare gift that could only be acquired and perfected by a chosen few—an elder, a queen, or a princess.

Narrus found herself captivated by the concept of magic, though it eluded her complete understanding. She recognized that the renowned beauty of the elves, a legacy of her queen's lineage, granted extraordinary blessings to those skilled in the art of spellcasting.

In the Agraliel Kingdom, a queen held the reins of power, and an astonishing 80% of its citizens were women, shaping a realm unlike any other.

Consequently, it is quite rare to encounter male elves within the kingdom or strolling through the streets.

Narrus remains oblivious to the truth; all he is aware of is a whisper that the ancient royal bloodline harbors a secret about the Agraliel Kingdom.

The dominance of females in Agraliel and the strikingly low male birth rates held a profound significance.

As she pondered once more, Narrus found herself engulfed in confusion and intrigue, for in all her years serving as a captain of knights and the queen's bodyguard, she had never laid eyes on the king.

It felt like Agraliel's kingdom existed in a timeless void, untouched by the presence of a king.

Moreover, the queen and princess never spoke of their king, nor did they permit any trace of him to linger within the palace walls.

"It is truly strange," a preoccupied Narrus murmured.

Kaito inquired, offering her a simple bath towel with an air of intrigue. "What is strange, Narrus?"

"What?" Before reaching for the bath towel, Narrus paused and said, "No, I just had a thought about something."

She had never encountered bath towels before, not even in the grand palace where the queen and princess lived, leaving her somewhat astonished that such things could even exist.

Despite its lack of fluffiness compared to the usual bath towels found on Earth, Narrus perceives it as a symbol of luxury.

"Kaito, show me how to put this on." Narrus tilted her head and inquired.

As Kaito tried to gauge the lake's temperature, the unexpected question caught him off guard, revealing to him that the reality he inhabited had transformed into something entirely different from the world he once knew.

"Well, this name was a bath towel. It is typically donned after I have finished my bath. It was not anything extravagant or luxurious; in my neighborhood, it was a common possession found in every home."

The system revealed that Kaito had shared his story with such ease that he lost track of how to convey to Narrus the origins of his journey. In the midst of it all, she opted for silence, contemplating a sudden getaway or retreating into solitude, as if she could not bear to witness her host's moment of vulnerability unfold in vivid detail.

"Hmm. After hearing what you had to say, I became interested in it."

"Kaito, are you from the human kingdom?" Narrus inquired, her movements fluid as she casually shed her garments before him.

Why should she feel any shame when Kaito has already witnessed him in such a vulnerable state?

Kaito was astonished by Narrus's casual demeanor; it felt as if an unspoken pact had been made for a romantic rendezvous later that night.

"Well…" Kaito paused, weighing the choice of disclosing his origins to Narrus, for he had already resolved to make her his future wife and beloved companion.

Though he recognizes his own unrestrained thoughts, the term unrestrained never finds its way into his vocabulary.

'What does it mean to be without shame?' Is there a way for him to finally break free from his innocence?

He contemplated, "Well, why not? Let us be truthful with her, but with a twist."

Kaito remarked, nonchalantly shedding his clothes, "You see, I was not from this world; I just found myself in this forest the instant I became aware." It remains a mystery why Kaito feels any embarrassment or discomfort when the other person appears completely indifferent.

"Eh? What do you mean by that?" Narrus asks, a mix of shock and intrigue flickering in her eyes as she processes Kaito's words.

"As you asserted, I was neither from this planet nor of the human race."

It feels as if an unseen power has deliberately cast me into this world.

Kaito uttered it with an air of ease, interpreting it as a cue from Narrus that he had the green light to speak.

"Eh... So what do you mean that you just suddenly appeared in this world and somehow feel there must be a purpose for your being thrown here by that who cast you?" asks Narrus, her body wrapped in a bath towel.

"Yeah, you can think like that," Kaito remarked, clad only in his short pants as he made his exit.

Kaito was taken aback by how Narrus appeared unfazed by the information he had shared with her. It feels as though she possesses an innate understanding of the existence of another realm.

He watches as Narrus effortlessly sinks into the lake, seemingly untouched by the cold water, especially on a night like this.

Kaito, driven by an insatiable curiosity, ventured into the lake alongside Narrus. Initially, the chill enveloped him, causing a shiver to ripple through his body, but gradually, he acclimated to the water's embrace, and the cold faded into oblivion.

He settled beside Narrus with an easy familiarity, as if reuniting with a dear childhood companion after many years apart.

As the refreshing breeze caressed their faces, a sense of renewal washed over them. Kaito, however, found himself in uncharted territory; usually, he would indulge in a warm bath to relax after a long day of studying or working a part-time job to nurture his instincts.

For Narrus, this was merely a fragment of her nightly ritual; she would immerse herself in the tranquil waters of the nearby lake after ensuring the safe return of the princess and queen to the castle.

Once more, a hush envelops them as they seem acutely conscious of the unspoken desire to bridge the gap, their shoulders inching closer until they finally touch.

Kaito feels an irresistible urge to bridge the silence, uttering the name, "Narrus."

"Huh?" Narrus asked, her senses blurring as she slowly descended into an unusual state where, despite the lake's icy chill, warmth enveloped her body.

"I know this might sound absurd, but when I mentioned I was from another planet, your reaction was surprisingly casual." Are you conscious of the existence of a world beyond your own?

Kaito feels an irresistible urge to delve into this matter, aware that he must tread carefully if there exists another being like himself in this realm, carrying with him the hidden truth of a world beyond this one.

Upon hearing this, Narrus let out a soft laugh, yet a peculiar sensation washed over her, for this revelation was nothing short of a profound shock. She recently discovered that if she had never encountered a man named Kaito in her life, there existed a realm beyond her awareness.

"No, I have never encountered a realm beyond the one I have inhabited for years throughout my entire existence."

"So... why do you act so nonchalantly, as if this revelation or this surprise has never affected you?"

With a subtle grin, Narrus remarked, "I had a dream." She decides to share with Kaito the haunting dream that left her in a state of unconsciousness.

As Kaito listened intently and gazed at Narus, an unusual sensation washed over him while she recounted her dream.

He is convinced that it was a glimpse of his future, not merely a dream.

Despite being a bold rogue, he could never have foreseen his ascent to greatness as the father of numerous children and the husband to more than a hundred wives, with his heritage notably propelling him into roles of power within his vast empire.

'Companion... "Are you present?"


The system has gone silent, seemingly off on an unplanned retreat, leaving her host free to navigate the unfolding chaos at their discretion.

Kaito likely feels uneasy with the presence of an audience, especially with a system that behaves as though it possesses its own consciousness.

Kaito replied, "Your dream was truly beautiful," sharing his admiration for Narrus's enchanting vision.

He senses that his power is so extraordinary that it deserves to be articulated in countless words, particularly after he has made numerous heroines feel at ease in their marriage to him and in sharing their love.

Questioning his own worth in light of Narrus's vision, he pondered, "Could I truly be that remarkable?"

Narrus resonates with Kaito's self-doubt, understanding that it is a universal experience to question one's own abilities after facing such thoughts.

It would be nearly impossible for a man to have a thousand wives without immense power, especially the boundless energy and stamina required to offer each of them an exhilarating evening of intimacy.

Narrus, enveloped in euphoria, gazes at Kaito's lips, which seem irresistibly luscious. Unable to resist the allure, she secretly moistens her own lips, surrendering to the temptation of tasting those enticing lips.

"!!!" Kaito was stunned when the alluring dark elf struck unexpectedly, capturing his lips and boldly slipping her delicate tongue into his mouth.

The soft, wet sounds of their tongues meeting filled the stillness around them, creating an intimate world just for the two of them.

The passive skill that Kaito possessed, <Aphoridisiac Bodily Fluid: Opposite Sex>, enabled Narrus, who initially took the lead before surrendering to her desires, to subtly influence both her physical and mental state.

Consequently, Narrus undergoes a peculiar transformation where her sensitivity intensifies to its peak, and her eyes slowly morph into symbols of affection.

"Mmmnnh." Narrus was the first to pull away from their messy kiss, leaving a glistening strand of saliva connecting their tongues.

With a captivating voice and an expression that hinted at surrender, Narrus said, "Kaito, I am feeling really hot right now."

As Kaito absorbed the words, a surge of anger coursed through him, and he recognized that Narrus's heightened emotions stemmed from his recent passivity.

Kaito, the enigmatic culprit and a true gentleman, understood the necessary steps to extinguish the flames that flickered within the captivating beauty before him.

Your gift is the motivation for my creation. Give me more motivation!

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