
the one who rose above all

the story of the boy who was cursed by many constellation to someone even the high constellation cannot look down upon this is the story the the strongest mortal moher the all

Muhammad_Tayyab_9932 · Seni bela diri
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6 Chs


Our story continues with moher the all

staring outside the window while his

professor was reading out a book

The professor looked at him and sighed

he then raised and faces it towards moher

and enchanted "Fire ball" suddenly a small

piece of fire appeared Infront of moher

Startled moher fell from his chair backwards

and then started rubbing the back of his

head as he groaned due to the pain. He

then looked towards his brother who sat

beside him

Leon pointed toward the professor who

appeared to be a bit on edge

"Sorry" moher said as he stood up

"Lord Moher if you keep this up Lord Leon

Might just surpass you " the professor

said as he calmed down "Though i do

understand that you are a bit worried due

to the fact that you are about to gain your

own status window next month"

"My own status window huh" Moher thought "It isn't the process of getting a

stauts window that makes people scared

instead its the fact that along with the status window they will also learn their points multiplier and learn which constellation wants to form a contract with them" Moher stands up and looks at the teacher "oh well its not like worrying will do any better" moher thinks "don't worry teach" moher smirks "No matter what point multiplier or contract i get i wont let it get to me "

"Well, that is for later for now focus on your studies,alright?"the professor said as he calmed down

"Alright..' moher replied

After that the professor continues on the lecture he was giving. Aftee a while a guard came into the room

"Lord Moher is being called by the mistress" the guard told everyone in the room

The professor looked at moher and gave him a sign to go. After that Moher stood up from his seat and went alongside the guard

"So, know anything why i am being called?"Moher asked but was given a answer in the form of silence. " Sheesh.."Moher whispered under his breath

Finally they reached infront of a door that appeared to be the door of the mistress room

" My lady, I have brought Lord Moher" the guard yelled.

A voice came from inside the room" let him in" after hearing that Moher went inside the room. After entering he closed the door

" I heard the news that you have been skipping some classes on magic" a voice was heard. Hearing this voice a shiver went down Moher's spine . Finally his moher came near him and showed herself

" Good afternoon huh" Moher said as he tried to make a smile

" Don't worry i didn't bring you here to lecture you" she said

After hearing that moher let out a sigh of relief. His mother continued to say "If you don't wish to study magic, you know you can just tell me or your father right". Moher looked at her mother who continued her speach" Neither i nor your father want to force anything on you. If you want to you can stop taking the lectures, you just have to inform one of us "

" Mother...."moher thought " Although mother can sometimes act scary she isn't really a bad person. Her relationship didn't start the bast with father but despite that she continued to treat me and my brother like her son, thoigh sometimes she can be a bit distant or strict but she never wanted anything bad for us " after thinking this Moher said to her mother" it isn't that I don't wish to take those lectures its just that, i already know basically everything he teaches "

"Hmm.....well that is to be expected since you started a year before your brother but since we could only have one instructor you had to restart alongside your brother, but i am guessing you kept your studies to the latest huh"

"Yes " moher replied

" Well in that case why don't you start doing your own studies "her mother said. Hearing this Moher made a confused face as to say was this allowed but her mother assured him saying " if you can study by yourself then i don't really see a problem just make sure you don't start slacking off or start missing your physical training as well. Understood? "

Moher nodded in reply " Good now be on your way i have some matters to attend to "

Hearing this Moher gave his farewell to his mother and left. After he left his mother looked at a corner and said " he's gone you may come out now "

From that corner a man started appearing which turned out to be Moher's father "So what could you need, Arthur dear" Moher's mother said

And finish for now