
The One True Cultivation Art

After countless battles and the death of countless allies, I managed to defeat the demon lord. I had become the hero, stood on the battlefield for the sake of humanity's future... yet I found myself killed by the people I was fighting for. I realized that the world isn't black and white. instead, it's gray. as I was the hero for the humans, I was the devil for the demons, an evil monster blocking their race from leaving their dying realm... Well, It's all over now. I've died, I can close my eyes and rest... but I wasn't given that chance as I was reborn within the cultivation world. Although I want to sit back and sleep, I have to stand up to protect those I care for. this time I'm no hero of humanity, No... just the hero to my loved ones, the world can burn for all I care.

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47 Chs

The Best Of The Best

Within the void, The Grand Minister who was now a grown man, floated before a red-skinned, black-haired demon. this was the first angel to be created alongside himself by Zeno. the mother of the angels, Bebera. She stood there, looking at him in shock.

"How did you regain your strength? no, you're stronger." Bebra said in shock, she had yet to recover from her injuries. unlike Zeno who simply needed to grow to regain his strength, she needed time to recover from her injuries. injuries that weren't simply healing.

"..." The Grand Minister had indeed regained his strength and went beyond it. thanks to Ling Han, he had eaten many pills which quickly helped him regain his peak strength. He had no interest in speaking, he was only here to finish up part of the deal with Ling Han.

as expected, with a flash, Ling Han appeared. Bebra seeing this, felt uneasy and was about to fall back, but the Grand Minister reached out, stopping her from fleeing. She struggled, but she was brought over to Ling Han's side.

"Are you sure you can return her back to normal?" The Grand Minister asked, to which I nodded calmly, before opening my mouth. Bebra was about to speak but froze when her QI was sucked towards Ling Han's mouth. The Grand Minister's pupils shrank upon seeing this, he wanted to quickly move to stop Ling Han. 

"You need not worry, this would not affect me in any bad way." My voice appeared within the Grand Minister's head, calming him down slightly. He shut Bebra from saying anything and simply watched.

Like that, Ling Han began to break through levels. Level 4 Xiantian, level 5 Xiantian, Level 6 Xiantian... level 1 Core formation realm, level 2 Core formation realm, level 3 Core formation realm.

The breakthroughs were quick, and each breakthrough used far more energy than the last. Although Injured, Bebra Ki was still nearly endless and was as powerful as those at the Mountain and River tier. Ling Han's cultivation soon reached a level 1 Nascent Soul, at which point he stopped.

Why did he stop? because [Absolute Absorption] reached level 5. He realized he no longer needed to absorb things using his mouth. every cell in his body seemed as if they had mini mouths, all opening their mouth to devour. at the same time, I no longer needed to suck things towards me, thats because my absorption ignore space. meaning, so long as I can see the target, it would be as good as me standing right next to them absorbing all of their power.

This is why I wanted to have my cultivation improve, I wanted to level up [Absolute Absorption] which would only improve with my cultivation. My eyes were still at their first stage, I didn't know how to awaken them. a part of me thought that I might need to cultivate to a higher stage of cultivation, But I didn't know. the system also didn't know. so to be safe, I should have my cultivation stay within 3 realms of my combat strength.

so, with a thought, I devoured Bebra Ki once more. this time, Bebra's pupils shrank as she felt like trillions of small mouths were taking bites of her Ki at speeds that increasing 

Ling Han closed his eyes, feeling his cultivation finally reach half-step saint. To this point, he needed to comprehend some laws to break through to become a saint. at the same time, she could no longer give me the energy needed to break through.

So stopped and just devoured the effect of the fruit Bebra had eaten, causing her form to transform. her red skin turned black to the blue of the angel, with her back hair turning back to the white of the angel.

She went from a sexy enchanting beauty to an elegant woman who embodied purity. She had a lost and confused look for some time, but over time, a realization of her actions hit her, causing her to shake in horror.

The fruit she had eaten gave her knowledge and at the same time new feelings. feelings such as Pride, greed, envy, and so on. She lusted for power, she felt like she was unmatched, and her greed to be the supreme being was unmatched.

If she had felt these things and grown alongside them, then she would have known how to deal with them. but they were new, and she was curious about this stuff. after all, she and the Grand Minister were tasked with watching over creation. so when something new in creation popped up, she wanted to study it... which is why she turned into a demon.

"Well, I will give you and her time to catch up. I have to deal with a few things. let's leave in... well, let's say 1 hour?" I asked to which the Grand Minister nodded slightly. Although he had seen I was using Bebra Ki to cultivate, he had said nothing about it. 

With a step, Ling Han disappeared. He appeared within Universe 7, where he went on to check his body. current at half-step Saint realm, many things had happened. although the many breakthroughs didn't improve Ling Han's strength... well, that wasn't completely true, breakthroughs would always come with some benefits. Ling Han Just had the unique ability to set up the benefits.

Since Ling Han had gotten to see the true potential of his cultivation art, when he cultivated, he didn't cultivate like everyone else. His blood was now more golden, giving Ling Han greater power to call upon if he needed it. the 2 marks Ling Han had formed within his Daintian passively improved even without Ling Han wanting to improve them. currently, they gave him strength at the early Mountain And River tier.

that was so huge thanks to the state Ling Han Supreme Qi was within right now. As of now, his Supreme Qi was denser. let's not forget Ling Han had formed his nascent soul, and now he can become a perfect cultivator...

'why is it so hard to not be so broken.' Ling Han thought while looking at his nascent soul which sat within his Daintian. he sighed softly, before going on to fuse the 3 cultivation paths, body, Qi, and soul path.

with these 3 paths fused, Ling Han's strength exploded. depending on how good the foundation of these 3 was before the fusion, it would determine how big the strength gained... Ling Han's foundation could be said to transcend perfection. he might have rushed through so many levels, but he never made mistakes.

"Fuck." Ling Han said while face palming feeling his strength reach peak Mountain and river. but it stepped into early Cosmic Immortal once his bloodline and his two marks benefited from the fusion. Ling Han was helpless, but he shrugged. now he was only skipping 5 realms... that wasn't too bad, he should keep it this wide.

Sighing, Ling Han looked for other benefits. although he should be able to form more marks, he would do it when his combat strength starts to drop. after all, he didn't want to be too broken. sighing, Ling Han looked toward the Saiyan on the planet he was on.

Ling Han walked over, quickly catching the Saiyan attention. he was a tall man, around the same age as Goku and Vegeta.

"Who are you?" the Saiyan asked with a slight frown while sizing me up. he had never seen any other Saiyan on this planet, other than himself and his father.

"I came here to see you. your strength and capability are something that I truly admire, my name is Ling Han. Yours?" I asked while holding out my hand, the Saiyan looked at my hand for a moment, and although confused he took my hand and shook it. how could he reject something so cute and adorable?

"I'm Broly... how did you get here?" Broly asked, he and his father couldn't leave this planet. so if they had a way to leave, he was grateful.

"I teleported here... if you want to leave, thats something I can easily do for you. but I didn't simply come here to see you, I want you to work under me." I said calmly, stunning Broly. Broly blanked while looking at the kid.

With a smile, Broly patted the little boy's head. such an adorable little thing, he wanted to just pick it up and hug it. but that would be rude... his action caused Ling han face to turn dark slightly.

"little guy, if you really teleported here, your parents must be worried sick for you," Broly said with a look of concern realizing this cute thing was all alone. what if some powerful beast attacks it? he had to quickly help this kid return home.

"You know I'm stronger than you right?" I asked while floating up into the sky, my aura spreading out, causing Broly's pupils to shrink feeling the aura I was giving off. Broly struggled to breathe, but I didn't allow the aura to last for too long as I called it back. 

"Who... what are you?" Broly asked in shock while looking at the child who was crossing its arms. 

"I'm Ling Han, crown prince of the great Ling Dynasty. I want you to become one of my elite knights." I said calmly, leaving Broly stunned and confused. seeing this, I sighed before going on to explain the matter to him, leaving Broly stunned for some time before he spoke.

"So, I would be a warrior who fights on your behalf when you call upon me?" Broly asked to which I nodded slightly. 

"... but, i'm not powerful like you," Broly said softly. Broly was unique to other Saiyans, while others thirst for battle... he was more peaceful and humble compared to other Saiyans. but he was unique, too much emotion would lead to him well... entering a state where his strength just kept increasing. it would reach a point where he had to unleash Ki from his body or else he would explode. right now Broly was weak, but if he were to fight someone, he could quickly reach the Mountian and River tier in strength.

"I trust my judgment... Broly, do you trust me?" I asked. Broly was caught off guard by the question, but he nodded slightly.

"Then trust yourself, there is a reason your father keeps that thing around your neck," I said as the collar around Broly's neck appeared in my palm. due to his unique state, a shock collar was needed to keep Broly from getting out of control.

"w-what!" Broly eyes widened while touching his neck,

"I will teach you to take control of that power, even if you go out of control, I'm more than strong enough to beat the senses back into you. So, Broly... will you follow me?" I asked, Broly looked at me for some time before kneeling before me. He didn't know why he kneeled, he felt like this was the right now.

"You need not knee, stand proud... you're mighty knight," I said with a smile, Broly nodded slightly before standing up.

"Now, let's go get your father..." Broly father was a man who held a deep hatred towards King Vegeta, Vegeta's father. back then, Broly was born showing far greater potential than Vegeta, so the King sent Vegeta away, and Broly's father quickly came after Broly, leading to the two being stuck on the planet. 

So, Broly father was shocked upon seeing me. I didn't care for him, in fact, if he was too annoying I might just leave him. But Paragus, Broly's Father was wise feeling the pressure my eyes held and submitted. Paragus was slightly saddened hearing his race was almost killed out, and only a few members remained, such as Vegeta.

instantly, Paragus wanted to aim his hatred towards Vegeta, but as soon as I looked at him, he quickly cooled his head.

"Well, the next place we should go... is to see the guy who almost killed the Saiyan race," I said calmly, stunning the two behind me.

"My lord, but Freiza is dead... right?" Paragus asked, to which I nodded slightly.

"Yes, he was killed by Vegeta's son who came from the future. but he was brought back to life not too long ago and was killed by Vegeta and Goku. I want powerful knights, and those knights are... Broly, Vegeta, Goku, and Freiza. you 4 are the best of the best, although there might be others out there, they are currently not worthy." I said calmly, there were 2 others that are currently not worthy.

Gohan, Goku's son was yet to be worthy. although he had the talent to even surpass his father, he wasn't a fighter. the second was the strongest warrior of the universe 11 Jiren. but he is also not worthy, not yet.

The elites I was searching for were those who wanted to push themselves... I only cared for the mindset people had, everything since didn't matter. 

"Now, let's go. As for the problem you 4 have, I will deal with them later." I said calmly, before we all disappeared, appearing in hell... well, it looked like heaven. a perfect place to hold someone like Freiza, a demon who took pleasure in others' suffering. 

Appearing before a cocoon, Ling Han looked at Frieza who was within the cocoon. Frieza wasn't a human, his flesh was a pure solid white, with a purple gem on his head, replacing where his hair should be. although the cocoon swallowed his whole body, his shoulders, forearms, abdomen, and shins also had these purple gems. he also had a tail. 

"Who are you?" Frieza was confused seeing me, normally he was tortured by those adorable cute angels. but now, something like me popped up. of course, he was confused, I was too adorable that even his cold evil heart wouldn't be in pain seeing me.

"I'm Ling Han, crown prince of the..." So I went on to explain. honestly, I was getting annoyed with repeating myself over and over. but Freiza was going to be my main knight. someone like him who once pretty much ruled the universe, would be a perfect man to send into an immortal realm to have him do some conquering.

"So, you want me to serve under you? and not ever even think of doing something that would displease you?" Freiza asked with a cold evil smile. at his words, Ling Han nodded adorably, and Freize laughed slightly before nodding slightly.

"Sure, if you can bring me back to life, then I will 100% serve under you. even if the god of destruction wants me to betray you, I will fight him to the death. I will never betray you." Freiza said seriously, to which I nodded slightly in approval

"even in death?" I asked, to which Freiza nodded slightly. with that, I snapped my finger, and all of a sudden, the Cocoon holding Freiza disappeared. Frieza fell to the ground, caught off guard. he looked around with a blank look, he was brought back to life just like that. With a cold smile, he wanted to move to grab me, but his face twisted as unimaginable pain swallowed me. pain so great, that although it was there for a split second, the pain was so great he threw everything out of his mind, allowing for the pain to disappear. he didn't have time to scream as the pain came and left that quickly

"Oh, we made a deal. if you want to break the deal, we have to come to another agreement." I said with a smile, leaving Freiza's eyes blank for some time. he looked at me, the realization of the agreement he just made hitting him. he looked at my smile before exploding in rage, but the moment he felt any displeasure towards me, that pain returned, causing his rage to disappear while his face twisted in pain. luckily the pain came as quickly as it left.

with cold sweat running down his spine, he looked at me in horror. that pain wasn't so simple, it was pure pain to the highest degree. Broly and Paragus felt chills seeing this, but I explained to them this pain would only come when you broke the deal between themselves and myself. at the same time, I would also suffer if I broke my part of the oath

"let's go," I said calmly, Freiza didn't move, but this was an act of going against my order without a good reason. so, he suffered that pain once more, but it wasn't as painful as the last time. enough for him to snap back to reality and quickly move to follow me.

"Well, let's go to Earth. after which, we will head off to my world," I said with a smile, before we all disappeared, appearing back on Earth where everyone was stunned to see me return with a few new people...