
The one that was lefted alone

It was a rainy day when i was born into this world. my mother a beautiful black cat left to rot in the side of highway. I had four other siblings but they didn't make it past a month. I remember it like it was yesterday. It was halloween as the humans call it. my mother was out looking for food for us. then i heard her cries. i ran towards her as fast as i could it. When i got to her she was already dead the humans killed her for fun. they took the life of my mother for a game. it was cold and lonely that night. one day a small human came up to me she feed me some food and left. she keep coming back to play with me it was fun. one day she stopped coming. it become lonely again. i found some a small boy crying he reminded me about the girls so i went to comfort him. He pet me i liked it but he's parents came his father kicked me. I i walked away slowly i couldnt make my left back foot run i tried but i never ran again. I looking for some food one day when a giant huge flame bursted out in front of me. i was in a building looking for foods there was black smoke everywhere i couldn't see. it got harder to breath. then i stop trying to get away. i accept it i knew i couldn't run away. it was a hard life but i know someone loved me i wish i could see her again the girl who took care of me like a mother i wished i could've had