
Chapter 1: Classes

In a world where monsters lurk around every corner, destroying, attacking, and killing every time they find a chance. That's why the humans decided to counter these monsters; therefore, five classes have been born.

Fighter class: the one who attacks directly with a weapon and uses skills to harness their attacks.

Mage class: the one who's specialized in magic; they usually have staffs, books, or wands in their hands.

Tank class: the one who's in charge of defending the group; they absorb the damage and let their members do the attacking.

Ranger Class: They use long-range weapons such as guns or bows; the professionals mostly combine magic in their attacks.

Tamer Class: The one specializing in taming beasts; special cases also tame monsters and make them fight. They receive a book that holds their monsters for them.

Class will be gifted in a ceremony for 15 years old.

I'm Klay Phantor, and I'm excited to know what class I'll be in tomorrow.




"Klay! Wake up, you're going to be late!"

As I hear my mom yelling from downstairs, I'm still in bed, refusing to get up. Feeling my soft and comfortable cushion makes me want to sleep more.

I slowly rolled over and slowly opened my eyes. I see wooden planks above me. I'm currently in my room, which is surrounded by furniture such as tables, cabinets, bookshelves, and many more. A simple room for a simple boy.

It's such a shame that I'll be leaving this room for a while.

"Hmm? Hmm?! Leave? Why?" As soon as I muttered those words, I realized that I'm going to be late at the class gifting ceremony!

I suddenly got up and picked up my backpack. Thankfully, I already prepared my things last night.

Going down the stairs, my mom greeted me with her comforting smile. "Eat first before you go," she said.

I looked at my watch and realized that I only had 10 minutes left before the ceremony.

"Sorry, mom, I have to—" Before I finished my sentence, I smelled the food my mother cooked. It's a tempting breakfast laying on the table. You can see the freshly cooked chicken, perfectly cooked eggs, reddish hotdogs, and smoking fried rice.

The food was seducing me, and I gave in. I sat in the chair and ate as fast as I could. After I'm done, I wave goodbye to Mom.

On my way, I'm running as fast as I can. I see my best friend, Karma Cloud, also on his way to the ceremony. I picked up the pace and caught up to him.

"Yo, Karma, it looks like you're late too." I teasingly greeted him with a pat on the back.

"Shut it! My alarm didn't work today," he replied.

Karma Cloud is my best friend growing up; we've been together in every step of our childhood. He's a smart guy and has been supporting me whenever he can. Unlike me, he's a guy who can socialize and speak his mind.

"Hey Klay," Karma spoke to me while running, "let's race to the ceremony."

A challenge, huh? Very well!

"I accept your challenge," I replied with confidence.

He smirked at me and dashed when he heard my reply.

"Hey, you cheater!" I also dashed and ran as fast as I could.




We arrived at the ceremony. The ceremony will happen at a church. I breathe loudly as I express my exhaustion.

"Hey, are you going to be okay with that stamina? Maybe you should reconsider your choice in life," Karma worriedly said to me.

As I caught my breath, I spoke to him: "I'm going to be fine. Hah. Hah. Besides, I want to be an adventurer."

"Hey Klay! Karma! You finally made it!" a bulky guy approached us with a snake on his neck and gave us a greeting. It's my father, Philip Panthor.

"Good morning, sir Philip; your son here is exhausted from our race," Karma said to my father with a smile on his face.

This is embarrassing; my father is a fighter and tamer. Usually, some people get multiple classes at the same time, but it's uncommon. My father is a genius and a special case. Unlike me.

"By the way, Klay, I have a gift for you," my father said to me, handing me a cage with a cloth covering it.

I carefully took it from my father's hands and took off the cloth. Inside the cage is a white cobra, who hissed at me immediately. I threw the cage back to my father as fast as I could.

Karma is laughing down to his stomach. His laughter gave me a bit of annoyance.

"What were you thinking, Dad? That snake almost bit me!" I screamed to him.

"Oh, come on, it just hissed at you but didn't attack," he replied with a bit of laughter.

"We're not even sure if I'll be a tamer class! But what I want is to be a mage! I hate animals!" I shouted.

My father had a hint of sadness on his face. But I don't care; I don't want to be a tamer. Animals frighten me. Karma noticed that and gave me a pat on my back.

"Calm down, Klay, let's go inside. Mr. Panthor, we'll be going. Please excuse us," Karma respectfully said.

"Good luck," my father replied.




Inside the church, we see an open, wide ceiling. On the ground, there is a crowd of people, and the walls are white and shiny. The structure of the building is sturdy and magnificent. A place where your safety is secured.

We took our seats and waited for the ceremony to start. Once it began, my father came out and spoke on the podium located in the center of the church.

The silent atmosphere can be felt, and seriousness is all over the faces of the people.

"Congratulations to all of you here. We will now begin the class gifting for batch 218. The class gifting will be simple. In front of me is a crystal that will show the color of your class once you put in your mana. Let me demonstrate."

Father put his right hand above the crystal, and it gave it a color of red and black. The half of the crystal is red, and the other half is black.

"As you can see, the crystal has shown half red and half black. If you're lucky, you'll be like me, who has two classes; each class represents different colors."

"Red is for Fighter Class, Blue is for Mage Class, Green is for Tank Class, Yellow is for Ranger Class, and Black is for Tamer Class."

"Your names will be called one by one. If your name gets called, kindly step into the crystal."

Names got called one by one, and me and Karma are waiting for our turn.

"Hey Karma, what class would you like?" I asked.

"Ranger or mage, I don't want to fight on the frontlines," he replied.

"How about Tamer Class? You make animals fight for you."

"Hmm... But I think bows and wands are cool. Like, you can just whoosh there and whoosh here! Isn't that amazing?"

"Yeah, I can feel you."

"For you, Klay, it's mage, right? Same reason as me then?"


Karma Cloud

It's finally Karma's turn! I wonder what kind of class he will get. As excitement rushes down my spine, I also feel happy that I get to witness the special day for my friend.

"Karma, please put your hands on the crystal," my father said.

Karma exhaled, "Here goes nothing."

He slowly put his right hand above the crystal and concentrated.


It's like God just blessed his wish. The crystal is showing three colors. blue, yellow, and black. The crowd is screaming and clapping their hands. This is the first time this has happened in history. My friend just created a new era!

"Congratulations! Karma Cloud, you are the first one to obtain 3 different classes. I'll be looking forward to what you'll do in the future." My father gave him a pat on the shoulder.

"Thank you, Mr. Panthor."

"Your parents will be proud."

"Yes, yes, they will."

Karma turned around and saw the whole crowd cheering for him. I'm proud to be his friend.

Klay Panthor

It's my name that gets called next. I went to the center, and I could hear the crowd talking about me. I am the son of the great Philip Panthor; of course they'll expect something good from me. But sorry, folks, I'm not like my father.

As I stepped into the center, I looked my father straight in the eyes.

"I'll be the greatest mage of all time," I declared to my father.

"Go for it, son."

I slowly put my hand on the crystal in front of me and poured a bit of my mana.




Now this is ridiculous.

The crowd is going crazy, yelling at the top of their lungs. Give me a break! All I want is to be a mage! As I fell on my knees and looked at the result, Karma hugged me from behind.

Like the others, he's also yelling straight into my ears. My father is as shocked as I am.

The crystal is showing five different colors. which means I have the potential to master five different classes.

For the crowd, it's something to look forward to. But to me and my father... It's something to be afraid of.

The world is split into two parts: the human continent and the demon continent. And thus, two continents have a law by nature.

Balance. Whenever humans acquire a great power, the demons also acquire a great power on the same level. This cannot be changed, no matter what the populations do.

which means right now. There's also a demon who's on the same level as me.

I celebrated Karma getting 3 classes, but that's just a bit of growth from the side of humans. But five classes are different; it's a power that comes with great consequences.

Only selected people know this information. Dad told me this because he trained me to be an adventurer, despite how weak my body is.

"Hey Klay! Are you alright?" I suddenly got back to my thoughts. Karma is holding me and smiling.

"Yeah, I was just surprised."

"Yeah, no kidding!"

I manage to put up a front despite my fears... I wonder how this world will hold out.