

In a world abandoned by The Almighty, ancient malevolent forces have resurfaced, vying for supremacy across the realms. However, these primal demons pale in comparison to the true threat that looms – Genesis, a mere human. With the departure of God, Genesis, a believer who once feared him, finally will be able to unleash his unrestrained ambitions upon others. Will the absence of divinity pave the way for his profane conquest?

Freakshow · Fantasi
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55 Chs

The Young Master's Return

The small house nestled in the dense forest of the remote island creaked and groaned, as if protesting the departure of its latest visitors. Jezebel and Genesis stepped out into the humid air, leaving behind the trio of Amos, Hosea, and Ezequiel - their captives in this twisted game.

Genesis inhaled deeply, savoring the damp, earthy scent that permeated the air. "Shall we, my dear?" he said, offering his arm to Jezebel with mock chivalry.

She snorted, swatting his arm away. "Yes master.

Let's get back to that creepy-ass mansion."

They set off through the undergrowth, Genesis leading the way with an unsettling spring in his step.

The journey was silent save for the crunch of leaves beneath their feet and the occasional snap of a twig.

Jezebel kept glancing at her companion, unnerved by the gleam in his eyes.

As they approached the looming structure of the mansion, two figures materialized on the front steps.

Cain and Abel, the eternal guides of this forsaken place, stood ramrod straight, their faces unnaturally blank.

"Welcome back, young master," they intoned in perfect unison, bowing low as Genesis and Jezebel climbed the steps.

Genesis grinned, a predatory flash of teeth. "Ah, my faithful servants.

How good it is to be home."

Jezebel raised an eyebrow. "Since when are you their 'master'?"

"Oh, didn't I mention?" Genesis said, his voice dripping with false innocence. "Cain and Abel here are poltergeists.

They've been bound to this mansion for... how long has it been, boys?"

"Three hundred and seventy-two years, four months, and sixteen days, young master," Abel replied, his voice devoid of emotion.

Jezebel's eyes widened. "Poltergeists? But how did you-"

"I knew the moment I set foot in this place two weeks ago," Genesis interrupted, his tone smug. "The temperature fluctuations, the way objects seemed to move on their own, the faint whispers in empty rooms - all telltale signs of poltergeist activity."

He began to pace, warming to his subject. "But it was more than that.

The mansion itself seemed to pulse with a sort of... contained chaos.

Poltergeists are manifestations of repressed energy, you see.

And this place? It's a powder keg of centuries-old resentment and unfulfilled purpose."

Jezebel frowned. "If you knew all along, why didn't you say anything?"

Genesis shrugged. "Where's the fun in that?

Besides, I was more interested in why they didn't rat me out to the demonic mistress."

At this, Cain stepped forward. "If I may, young master.

We have served many occupants of this mansion over the centuries, but our true loyalty has always been to Lucifer himself."

Abel nodded. "We recognized in you a kindred spirit, young master.

Your actions, your... rebellion.

It is what our true master would have wanted."

Genesis threw his head back and laughed, the sound echoing off the mansion's stone walls. "Of course! Lucifer, the original rebel.

I should have known."

He turned to Jezebel, his eyes gleaming with manic energy. "Don't you see?

Everything is falling into place.

With Cain and Abel on our side, there's nothing stopping us now.

We will find The Contraption"

Jezebel crossed her arms. "And what exactly is your grand plan, oh rebellious one?"

Genesis' grin widened. "I'm so glad you asked.

Shall we continue this conversation inside?

I find plots of world domination are best discussed over a good whiskey."

The group moved into the mansion's opulent study, Genesis immediately making his way to a well-stocked bar cart.

As he poured generous measures of amber liquid into crystal tumblers, he began to outline his scheme.

"First things first - I need to absorb all the Abyssal Gifts on this island.

Every last drop of that delicious, corrupting power." He handed out the drinks, then raised his glass in a mock toast. "To unlimited potential."

Jezebel took a sip, wincing at the burn. "And how exactly do you plan to do that?"

Genesis settled into a high-backed leather chair, swirling the whiskey in his glass. "That's where the contraception comes in, my dear.

Once we find it, we can use it to absorb not just the Gifts, but every soul on this godforsaken rock."

"Souls?" Jezebel's brow furrowed. "What do you want with a bunch of souls?"

"Power, darling. Pure, unadulterated power." Genesis leaned forward, his eyes blazing. "Souls are the greatest battery in our realm.

Each one a little bundle of infinite energy, just waiting to be tapped.

Every holy and unholy scripture has foreshadowed that the soul is the best source of supernatural energy."

He stood abruptly, pacing the room as he warmed to his subject. "But that's just the beginning.

Once we have the souls, we can create something truly magnificent - a philosopher's stone."

Cain and Abel exchanged a look. "A philosopher's stone, young master?" Cain ventured. "But that's just a myth, isn't it?"

Genesis wagged a finger. "Ah, but that's where you're wrong, my spectral friend.

Isaac Newton himself wrote extensively on the subject.

His alchemical scripts detail the process quite clearly. Of course," he added with a wink, "I plan to put my own little twist on the formula."

Jezebel drained her glass, grimacing. "And what twist is that?"

"I'm going to become the philosopher's stone." Genesis spread his arms wide, as if presenting himself to an adoring audience. "A living, breathing vessel of unlimited power.

An altar of pure energy."

The room fell silent as the weight of his words sank in.

Even the ever-stoic Cain and Abel seemed taken aback.

"But... why?" Jezebel finally asked. "What's the endgame here, Gen?"

Genesis' face hardened, all traces of manic glee vanishing in an instant. "To stand a chance against the primordial demons, of course.

To ascend to godhood and reshape this miserable world in my image."

He turned to the window, staring out at the island's lush landscape. "This is just the beginning, my friends.

Soon, we'll have the power to challenge the very foundations of reality itself."

As Genesis continued to expound on his grandiose plans, Jezebel found herself tuning out. She watched him gesticulate wildly, his eyes fever-bright with ambition and madness in equal measure.

A chill ran down her spine as she realized just how far down the rabbit hole they had fallen.

Fear and ecstasy went through her veins in a macabre synchronicity.

The hours stretched on, filled with increasingly elaborate schemes and hypothetical scenarios.

Genesis seemed tireless, fueled by his own megalomaniacal visions.

It wasn't until the first rays of noon began to creep through the study's heavy curtains that he finally wound down.

"Well," he said, clapping his hands together. "I think that about covers it for now.

Cain, Abel - I want you to start combing the mansion for any information on the contraception's whereabouts.

Leave no stone unturned."

The poltergeists bowed in unison. "As you wish, young master," they intoned before fading from view.

Genesis turned to Jezebel, who had long since curled up in an armchair, fighting to keep her eyes open. "And you, my dear, should get some rest.

We have a big day ahead of us tomorrow."

As Jezebel trudged up the grand staircase to her room, she couldn't shake the feeling that she had just witnessed the birth of something beautifully terrible.

Genesis' words echoed in her mind, promises of power and godhood that seemed to grow more ominous with each repetition.

She paused at her door, glancing back down the hallway to where Genesis stood, silhouetted against the study's warm light.

He caught her eye and smiled, raising his glass in a final toast.

"Sweet dreams, Jezebel," he called. "Tomorrow, we begin our ascension."

Jezebel shuddered and quickly slipped into her room, locking the door behind her.

As she collapsed onto the bed, exhaustion finally overtaking her, one thought repeated endlessly in her mind:

How can a beautiful man like Genesis hold such grotesque terror inside of him?

The young master.

Will he follow the path of Lucifer?

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