

In a world abandoned by The Almighty, ancient malevolent forces have resurfaced, vying for supremacy across the realms. However, these primal demons pale in comparison to the true threat that looms – Genesis, a mere human. With the departure of God, Genesis, a believer who once feared him, finally will be able to unleash his unrestrained ambitions upon others. Will the absence of divinity pave the way for his profane conquest?

Freakshow · Fantasi
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55 Chs

The First Step of Ascension

Genesis strode purposefully down the shadowed corridor, his footfalls echoing against the mansion's ancient stone walls.

In one hand, he clutched the Voynich manuscript, its pages filled with eldritch secrets.

The Eyes of Horus, branded into his skull through arcane ritual, blazed with inner flames, unlocking the hidden knowledge within.

As he approached Jezebel's chambers, a shiver of anticipation coursed through him.

This was the moment he had long prepared for - the final step in his transformation, his ascension to a power beyond mortal comprehension.

The oaken doors to Jezebel's quarters loomed ahead, their surfaces carved with intricate occult symbology.

Genesis didn't bother with such mundane acts as knocking.

Instead, he extended a hand wreathed in tendrils of shadow, and the doors were flung wide as if struck by an otherworldly tempest.

The chamber beyond was awash in candlelight, the dancing flames casting shadows across walls draped in rich, dark fabrics.

Billowing clouds of sickly-sweet incense smoke coiled through the air, carrying with them the heady scent of forbidden rituals and arcane workings.

And there she laid- Jezebel, naked.

Her fiery pink tresses spilled down her back in wild profusion, like rivulets of paint cascading over alabaster skin.

As Genesis entered, Jezebel's gaze locked onto him, her eyes ablaze with a mixture of adoration and manic fervor.

"My lord... my everything..." she breathed, her voice trembling with barely contained excitement. "I have prepared as you instructed.

The ritual space is ready, and my instruments await your glorious transformation."

Genesis allowed a thin smile to play across his lips.

Jezebel's obsessive devotion to him and their dark cause was a tool he wielded with precision.

Her skills as a surgeon, combined with her unwavering loyalty, made her the perfect assistant for this most crucial of rites.

"Excellent, my faithful Jezebel," he intoned, his voice resonating with eldritch power. "The hour of my ascension is at hand.

Let us begin."

With a gesture, Genesis summoned Cain and Abel.

The spectral forms of the two shades materialized at the edges of the room, their ethereal bodies shimmering with anticipation.

"Attend and bear witness," Genesis commanded the ghostly duo. "For on this godless ground, I shall become the Dark Lord himself!"

Jezebel moved with practiced grace, leading Genesis to the center of an intricate alchemical circle she had prepared.

Symbols of black magic and ouroboros geometries sprawled across the floor, each line and curve humming with sinister energy.

As Genesis took his place at the heart of the circle, Jezebel began to arrange a series of artifacts around him.

Each object pulsed with its own malevolent aura - the Abyssal gifts that would fuel his transformation.

"Ignis Fatuus," Jezebel murmured reverently as she placed the organ near Genesis' right hand.

Next came the feet, ebony tokens that appeared to be crafted from equal parts shadow and sinew. "Vestigia Diaboli," Jezebel intoned. "The Devil's Footprints." She positioned them at Genesis' feet, where it seemed to writhe with a life of its own.

Finally, with utmost care, Jezebel produced a pulsating volcanic-like organ unlike any found in mortal biology.

It beat with a rhythm that spoke of defiance and cosmic rebellion. "Rebelles Cor," she whispered. "The Heart of the Rebel." This, she placed directly in front of Genesis, its unholy cadence seeming to synchronize with his own heartbeat.

Genesis closed his eyes, feeling the power emanating from the gathered Abyssal gifts. "Now, my devoted surgeon," he said, his voice low and heavy with anticipation. "Begin the rite that will remake me in the image of The Deceiver."

Jezebel's eyes shone with fanatical zeal as she took up her instruments - a combination of surgical tools and occult implements. "Yes, my master," she breathed. "I shall craft you anew, more glorious than ever before."

With movements that blended medical precision and ritualistic grace, Jezebel began her work.

She traced lines of power across Genesis' skin with a golden scalpel anointed in unholy oils, opening pathways for the Abyssal energies to flow.

As the first incisions were made, Genesis felt himself slipping into a trance-like state.

The world around him grew hazy, reality itself seeming to bend and warp at the edges of his perception.

He was dimly aware of Jezebel's continued ministrations, of the burning sensation as she began to incorporate the Abyssal gifts into his very being.

Time lost all meaning in that shadowed chamber.

It could have been hours or days that passed as Jezebel worked her terrible craft upon Genesis' form.

Cain and Abel left, to complete their task, which was drawing an alchemical sigil that would theoretically surround the whole island.

A task that sounded hard or nearly impossible for humans, but these senile poltergeists were quite capable.

Throughout it all, Jezebel's devotion never wavered.

Her hands remained steady, her focus absolute as she reshaped the man she worshipped into something far greater.

After all, she gave him her Nighttime enemy Abyssal gift, which was her left hand, but in return, he gave her a new hand using alchemy and... Well, Hosea's left hand.

Sweat beaded on her brow, mingling with droplets of Genesis' blood as she pushed herself to the very limits of her abilities.

Finally, as the last echoes of a chanted incantation faded from her lips, Jezebel stepped back from her handiwork. "It is done, my lord," she announced, her voice hoarse from hours of ritual speech. "The gifts have been bestowed.

You need only awaken to claim your new power."

For a long moment, nothing happened.

Genesis lay motionless at the center of the circle, his naked form obscured by tendrils of eldritch smoke that coiled and twisted in unnatural patterns.

Then, with a sound like reality itself tearing at the seams, Genesis' eyes snapped open.

Gone were the mortal orbs that had once resided there.

In their place burned twin infernos, blazing with the combined might of the Abyssal gifts and his own insatiable ambition.

He rose to his feet in one fluid motion, power radiating from him in palpable waves.

The very air around him seemed to distort, unable to fully contain the energies now coursing through his transfigured form.

"At last," Genesis spoke, his voice a chorus of a thousand damned souls. "I am become Death, the destroyer of worlds and the harbinger of a new, glorious age of light!"

Jezebel fell to her knees before him, overcome by the sheer magnitude of his presence. "My lord," she gasped. "You are magnificent. How may I further serve your grand design?"

Genesis turned his burning gaze upon her, a smile that held all the warmth of a collapsing star playing across his lips. "Rise, my faithful Jezebel," he commanded. "Your devotion and skill have brought about this moment of triumph.

You shall stand at my right hand as we reshape this pitiful world in our image."

With a gesture, Genesis tore a hole in the very fabric of reality.

Beyond lay vistas of madness and chaos - the realms of the Abyss, now open to his whims. "Impressive," he beckoned to Jezebel.

"It looks like Lucifer's Abyssal gifts are boundless."

Genesis paused.

He could feel the power of Ignis Fatuus burning within him, promising mastery over illusions, illusions that could fool any entity.

The Vestigia Diaboli pulsed in his legs, leaving shadowy footprints behind him.

This ability allowed him to master the shadows in all their forms.

And at his core, Rebelles Cor beat with the very essence of divine rebellion.

He was no longer merely Genesis, nor was he truly Lucifer reborn.

He had become something new - a force of nature-given flesh, driven by an insatiable hunger for power and a desire to reshape creation itself.

Perhaps, an abomination, The Antichrist himself?

As Genesis and his loyal follower prepared to embark on their cosmic conquest, a final piece of the grand design fell into place.

Miles away, yet connected by strands of dark energy, Cain and Abel completed their own crucial task.

The spectral duo had labored tirelessly, tracing an enormous alchemical seal around the entire island.

This wasn't merely a symbol etched in sand and stone, but a metaphysical brand seared into the very fabric of reality.

As the last line was drawn, the entire seal flared to life with an otherworldly radiance.

The island itself seemed to pulse, as if awakening to a new, terrible purpose.

This was no ordinary philosopher's stone, but a construct of cosmic proportions - a nexus of power that would fuel Genesis' ambitions across realities.

The air crackled with potential, the boundary between worlds growing thin.

As Genesis sat to drink some red wine to celebrate, he could feel the island's power flowing into the contraption, a constant source of energy for the chaos he was about to unleash upon existence itself.

The stage was set, the players assembled.

And as the sun rose on this brave new world, it did so with the knowledge that its days were numbered.

For in the heart of what was once a man named Genesis, now beat the very essence of rebellion itself - and nothing in heaven or on earth could stand against the tide of change he was about to unleash.