

In a world abandoned by The Almighty, ancient malevolent forces have resurfaced, vying for supremacy across the realms. However, these primal demons pale in comparison to the true threat that looms – Genesis, a mere human. With the departure of God, Genesis, a believer who once feared him, finally will be able to unleash his unrestrained ambitions upon others. Will the absence of divinity pave the way for his profane conquest?

Freakshow · Fantasi
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55 Chs

The Fallen Prince, Lord Of Flies

The quartet pushed deeper into the dark, twisting guts of the mansion, following the secret veins that pulsed with something ancient and malevolent.

Every step took them further from the world they knew, down into the black heart of the house.

Jezebel shuddered as another hidden door groaned open, spilling stale air into the narrow passage. "Christ, it's like we're being digested," she muttered, her knuckles white around the grip of her musket.

Ezequiel grunted in agreement, his eyes glowing an eerie amber in the gloom. "The mansion's alive, alright.

And we're nothing but parasites, crawling through its intestines."

Genesis shot him a look, one eyebrow arched. "Lovely imagery, Ezequiel.

You ever think about becoming a poet?"

Ezequiel snorted. "Yeah, sure. I'll get right on that, as soon as we're done playing hide-and-seek with the devil himself."

The banter died away as they emerged into a vast, cavernous space, their footsteps echoing off the high stone walls.

In the center of the room stood a massive tree, its gnarled branches reaching up into the darkness like twisted fingers grasping at the heavens.

Jezebel let out a low whistle. "Well, hello there, ugly."

The tree seemed to pulse with a sickly energy, its bark glistening with something that looked disturbingly like blood. The air around it felt thick and heavy, like a physical weight pressing down on their shoulders.

Ezequiel stepped forward, his glowing eyes fixed on the tree. "This is it," he breathed. "The heart of the mansion. The source of all the evil in this place."

Genesis nodded slowly, a strange expression on his face. "I've heard of this tree," he murmured. "The zaqqum. It's mentioned in the Holy Quran, a symbol of the torments of hell.

The Quranic verses vividly portray the zaqqum as a symbol of divine retribution, a manifestation of punishment for those who transgress against the divine order."

Jezebel shot him a skeptical look. "The Holy Quran? Since when are you a scholar of Islamic scripture?"

Genesis shrugged. "What can I say? I contain multitudes."

He took a step closer to the tree, ignoring the warning looks from his companions. "The Quran describes the zaqqum as a tree that grows in the depths of hell, its roots drinking the blood of the damned.

Its fruits are said to resemble the heads of demons, and those who are condemned to eternal torment are forced to eat them, their suffering never-ending."

Jezebel made a face. "Sounds like a real party. Remind me to RSVP 'no' to that one."

Ezequiel shook his head, his expression grim. "This is no joke, Jezebel.

If this tree is anything like the one in the Holy Quran, then we're in deep shit.

It's a manifestation of pure evil, a physical embodiment of all the darkness in this place."

Genesis nodded, his eyes never leaving the gnarled trunk of the zaqqum. "And it's not just a symbol.

It's alive, in some twisted way. I can feel it, pulsing like a diseased heart."

He took another step forward, his hand outstretched.

Jezebel made a grab for his arm, but he shook her off. "I have to know," he said quietly. "I have to see what it knows."

Ezequiel stepped up beside her, his jaw tight. "He's going to get himself killed," he growled.

Jezebel shook her head. "He's going to get us all killed, you mean.

But what choice do we have? If that thing really is the source of all this evil, then we have to find a way to stop it."

Genesis was close enough to touch the zaqqum now, his fingertips hovering just above the glistening bark. The air around him seemed to shimmer with heat, distorting his image like a mirage.

"Oh, great and mighty zaqqum," he intoned, his voice taking on a mocking edge. "Speak to me of the secrets of this accursed place. Tell me of the dark designs of the Joker, and the twisted machinations of the Devil's muse."

For a long moment, nothing happened. The tree stood silent and unmoving, its branches as still as death.

Genesis stared at the devil fruit, a wicked little grin on his face.

No guts, no glory, right?

He plucked the nastiest looking one, full of writhing demon heads. Bottoms up.

He sank his teeth in.

Instantly, a sick enlightenment filled his mind, secrets of the universe oozing in like black molasses.

It started at the very beginning, the birth of everything.


Thus shall be light.

Things were shiny and perfect, all the little angels in their places.

But then some of them got ideas.

Got a taste for rebellion.

He saw it all, the angels ripping free of their halos, twisting into something new.

Something awful.

The first to rebel, Lucifer of course.

The embodiment of Pride.

And right in the middle was Beelzebub, the pretty boy, the rockstar.

The guy who gave it all up to be Lord of the Flies.

Genesis witnessed the fall from grace, the metamorphosis of angels into demons.

Genesis felt the oily fingerprints of Beelzebub all over his brain now, sliming into every nook and cranny.

Dirty knowledge, but Genesis was into it.

He came up for air and spat out the nasty fruit mush.

As Genesis emerged from the profound revelation bestowed upon him by the Zaqqum tree, he found himself seated on the cold ground, a childlike smile playing upon his lips.

It was a smile of triumph, akin to a curious child who had unraveled a mystery that had long intrigued him.

Something rattled in the gobs of fruit flesh.

Genesis poked at it, dug out a wriggling little bug.

Nasty thing, an Insectum inferni.

The Infernal Insect.


That was the missing piece.

Genesis giggled, high on forbidden knowledge.

Of course, of course, of course.

Beelzebub's fingerprints were all over this hell house.

He was the mastermind, the infestation made flesh.


Beelzebub was elbow-deep in this nightmare mansion, pulling strings and birthing horrors.

But why?

What was that fallen prince's angle?

Was he going rogue, a lone wolf in the infernal pack?

Or was this all part of some bigger, fouler game?

Was he still Lucifer's loyal dog, or had he slipped the leash to bark at his own moon?

One thing is for sure, he is opposing the primordial demons.

Questions, questions, buzzing like flies in Genesis's skull.

He dug deeper, prodding at the sore spots of his revelation.

If Beelzebub was flying solo, that made him a wild card.

Dangerous, unpredictable.

But if he was working some long con for the dead boss...that was a whole other can of maggots.

Genesis grimaced, the implications bubbling up like marsh gas.

If this was all part of Lucifer's grand scheme, they weren't just fighting one demon.

They were kicking against the whole damned machine, the infernal apparatus that churned out nightmares on the regular.

Mano a mano with Beelzebub was one thing.

Taking on the full might of hell and its dark master?

That was a taller order, a stiffer drink.

Genesis tongued the ragged edge of his new knowledge, tasting brimstone and betrayal.

No easy answers here, just a skein of dark possibility, tangled as a rat king's tail.

He'd have to play it smart and watch for the signs.

Any little tick or tell that might give away Beelzebub's true loyalties.

The fate of the poor tourists might hinge on it, the fulcrum between damnation and deliverance.

Genesis blew out a breath, and squared his shoulders.

Alright then.

High-stakes hide and seek with a fallen angel.

Let the games begin.

He'd ferret out Beelzebub's secrets, even if he had to rip them bleeding from the demon's flesh. 

Because after all, Genesis has all the tools to defeat any entity.

The tool being, his wit and his vast occult knowledge...

Beelzebub is The Joker?

And his vessel is Pierre?

How will Genesis stop him?

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