

In a world abandoned by The Almighty, ancient malevolent forces have resurfaced, vying for supremacy across the realms. However, these primal demons pale in comparison to the true threat that looms – Genesis, a mere human. With the departure of God, Genesis, a believer who once feared him, finally will be able to unleash his unrestrained ambitions upon others. Will the absence of divinity pave the way for his profane conquest?

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55 Chs

Demonology: Genesis The Prodigy

Genesis grabbed Jezebel, Amos, and Ezequiel, and yanked them in close.

His eyes were fever-bright, lit with unholy knowledge.

"Listen up," he growled. "Beelzebub's our guy. The big bad. The Joker's just his meat suit."

Jezebel squinted at him, her pretty face scrunched up in confusion. "Okay, but who the hell is Beelzebub?

I'm lost."

Genesis grinned, sharp and hungry. "Oh, you're about to get found, baby.

Strap in."

He started pacing, his hands slicing the air as he talked. "Once, these entities were angels, celestial beings in the heavenly realms.

But pride, the first sin, corrupted them, leading to their fall and transformation into demonic princes.

Lucifer, the Morning Star, was the first to rebel, driven by pride.

His insurrection dragged others into the abyss."

Ezequiel nodded, his eyes distant. "The fall. I've heard stories."

"Bingo," Genesis said. "Lucifer was the ringleader.

The OG rebel.

He convinced a bunch of his buddies to join his little unholy rebellion.

And when they all got the cosmic boot, they didn't just slink off to hell with their tails between their legs.

No, they set up shop.

Became the seven princes of the pit."

Jezebel held up a hand. "Wait, seven princes? Like, actual royalty?"

Genesis snorted. "Royalty of the damned, maybe.

Each one got their own special sin to play with.

Lucifer got pride, natch.

Then there was Mammon, once an angel of wealth and abundance, who succumbed to greed.

Asmodeus, a creature of lust, let desire tarnish his celestial form.

Leviathan, a guardian of the depths, gave in to envy, transforming into a monstrous abomination.

Belphegor, the angel of innovation, was seduced by sloth and indolence.

Satanachia, associated with the sin of wrath, became a harbinger of destruction.

And finally, our main star, Beelzebub, once a high-ranking angel fell for Gluttony and became The Lord of the Flies.

Their descent into darkness birthed the seven princes, each embodying a cardinal sin. "

"Lord of the Flies?" Jezebel wrinkled her nose. "Why flies?"

"Flies are drawn to rot," Ezequiel murmured. "To filth and decay.

It's a fitting domain for a fallen angel."

Genesis pointed at him. "Give the man a prize! Yes, he is all about pestilence.

His dominion over insects and pests makes him a formidable adversary, a true lord of the abyss.

Beelzebub, the Lord of the Flies, is a malevolent entity deeply entrenched in various mythologies, religious texts, and occult lore.

In religious texts, particularly in Christianity, Beelzebub is often identified as a powerful demon and one of the seven princes of Hell as I said before.

The name itself is thought to have originated from the Philistine city of Ekron, where the god Baal-Zebub was worshipped.

Over time, the association with this deity transformed into the demonic figure known as Beelzebub.

In occult traditions, Beelzebub is often depicted as a lord of the infernal realms, holding dominion over insects and vermin.

His name, which literally translates to "Lord of the Flies," reflects this dominion, linking him to pestilence and decay.

Various grimoires and medieval texts detail rituals and invocations aimed at summoning or communing with Beelzebub, often portraying him as a dark force to be reckoned with.

Legends surrounding Beelzebub cast him as a tempter and corrupter of humanity, luring souls into the depths of sin.

Some accounts even connect him with the biblical demon Baal, emphasizing his role as a deceptive force."

Jezebel shuddered. "Gross. So what's his beef with us?"

"That's the million-dollar question," Genesis said. "Could be he's flying solo, causing trouble for shits and giggles.

Or maybe this is all part of some big demonic plan.

Maybe even in death, Lucifer's pulling the strings, using Beelzebub as his attack dog.

Or simply the six princes of hell are rebelling against the primordial demons."

Jezebel was trying her best to keep up, her pretty face scrunched in concentration.

This occult stuff was way above her pay grade.

But Ezequiel, the old man, was lapping it up like a dog with a bowl of gravy.

Ezequiel's brow furrowed. "If the six are involved... that's bad news.

Like, apocalyptic bad."

Genesis blew out a breath. "No kidding.

The princes themselves, gunning for our hides? I don't like those odds."

"So, what's this guy's deal?" Ezequiel asked, his eyes shining with that weird, hungry light. "What makes him tick?"

Genesis grinned, slow and wicked. "Oh, you want the dirt?

The real nitty-gritty?

Well, strap in, my friend.

Professor Genesis is about to drop more knowledge."

He leaned in, his voice dropping to a conspiratorial whisper. "See, Beelzebub's not just some two-bit demon.

He's a master manipulator, a regular Machiavelli of the pit.

He gets in your head, finds all those little cracks and weaknesses, and he just starts prying."

Jezebel shivered.

She knew a thing or two about men who liked to play head games.

Genesis wasn't wrong.

"And the flies?" Ezequiel prompted, practically vibrating with excitement.

"The flies!" Genesis snapped his fingers. "Of course, how could I forget about the freaking flies. Yeah, Beelzebub's got a real hard-on for bugs.

Especially the nasty ones.

Maggots, mosquitoes, all the little beasties that spread filth and disease.

Some believe that he caused plagues, like The Black Death for instance."

Jezebel felt her gorge rise. "That's disgusting."

Genesis shrugged. "Hey, that's demons for you.

They're not exactly known for their sparkling hygiene or benevolence.

But it's more than just a gross-out factor. The flies, the bugs, they're like Beelzebub's little army.

His eyes and ears in the world.

He sees through them, controls them.

And trust me, you do not want to be on the business end of a demonic fly swarm."

Ezequiel was practically drooling. "Wicked."

Genesis shot him a look. "Wicked's one word for it.

Me, I prefer 'terrifying.'

But hey, tomato, tomahto."

Jezebel hugged herself, feeling suddenly cold. "So how do we stop him?

I mean, he sounds pretty much unstoppable."

"Ah, but that's where you're wrong, my little padawan," Genesis said, wagging a finger. "Every demon's got a weakness.

A chink in the infernal armor.

And lucky for us, I know Beelzebub's."

He started ticking off on his fingers. "First up, the big guns.

Divine intervention.

See, Beelzebub might be a badass, but he's still just a demon.

And demons have to answer to a higher power.

You start throwing around holy names, invoking the big man upstairs, and even the Lord of the Flies has to sit up and take notice.

But then, the Almighty has abandoned us, so he won't be of much help."

Jezebel perked up. "What about an exorcism?"

Genesis snapped and pointed at her. "Bingo.

A good old-fashioned exorcism can do wonders.

Course, it helps if you have an actual priest on hand. Luckily, you happen to be looking at one." He buffed his nails on his chest, preening.

Ezequiel smiled. "Yes, you're The Father here.

What else?"

"Seals," Genesis said. "Protective sigils.

Basically, magic shapes that tell demons to fuck off.

You draw them right, charge them up with enough energy and intention, and they can keep even a heavy hitter like Beelzebub at bay.

Take pentagrams for example, a simple yet effective sigil.

It is believed to ward off negative energies, banish unwanted influences, and provide spiritual protection.

Wiccans wore the pentagram as a personal amulet or talisman for spiritual defense and to create a sacred space."

Jezebel frowned. "I don't know, Genesis. This all sounds a little... out there.

I mean, magic? Really?"

Genesis spread his hands. "Hey, the supernatural is factual my dear.

Look at you, you guys have Abyssal Gifts.

Isn't that magic by itself?

But if you're not into the whole Wicca scene, there's always the old standbys.



Living a good, clean life.

Basically, being a boy scout or girl scout.

Demons hate that shit.

They just can't penetrate or affect you, as if you are surrounded by a holy barrier."

Ezequiel snorted. "Yes, somehow I don't see myself racking up the merit badges, Genesis."

Genesis clutched his chest in mock hurt. 

"Ye of little faith.

I'll have you know that every soul can be salvaged."

An awkward silence descended.

Jezebel cleared her throat. "So, those are our options? Holy water, magic doodles, and being a goody-two-shoes?"

"In a nutshell," Genesis said. "But there's one more thing.

One ace up the sleeve that even a lot of the pros don't know about."

Ezequiel leaned in, eyes gleaming. "Yeah? What's that?"

Genesis' smile was a slash of white in the dimness.

"Divine assistance.

Backup from the big leagues.

See, demons aren't the only ones who take an interest in us lowly mortals.

There are angels out there too.

Real ones, with the halos and the flaming swords and the whole nine.

And sometimes, if you're lucky, or desperate enough... they'll step in. Lend a hand."

Jezebel's eyes widened. "Angels? Real angels?"

Genesis nodded. "As real as you or me, doll face. And a damn sight more useful in a pinch.

Of course, getting an angel's attention isn't exactly easy.

It's not like you can just shoot off a prayer and expect the heavenly host to come running. But..."

He trailed off, his gaze turning distant. "But sometimes, when things are darkest, when all hope seems lost... that's when they show up. That's when you get your miracle."

Ezequiel was silent, chewing on this. Jezebel just looked awed.

Genesis shook himself, coming back to the present. "But let's not get ahead of ourselves. First things first, we need to track down Beelzebub.

Cut the head off the snake. And to do that, we need to follow the trail of breadcrumbs he's left us."

He grinned again, feral and anticipatory. "Lucky for us, I'm pretty good at sniffing out demonic spoor.

So what do you say, friends?

Ready to go hunt some flies?"

Jezebel and Ezequiel exchanged a look.

Jezebel squared her shoulders. "I'm in. Let's do this."

Ezequiel just nodded, his eyes glinting with that same unholy light. "Lead the way, Father Genesis."

Genesis cracked his neck and rolled his shoulders. "Alright then.

Let's go."

The game was afoot.

The devil was in the details.

And Genesis was ready to play.

After all, what could possibly go wrong?

Genesis flexing his vast knowledge about demonology and pre-creation lore...

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