
The Omni Money System

What runs the world? Money! Alex understood this well, born as an unwanted child, he grew up under the roof of a billionaire yet lived like a homeless man. He would have been homeless once he turned 18 years old, but his uncle helped him marry into a rich family as a live-in son-in-law.

itachi1010 · Komik
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33 Chs

The Airplane

"... I didn't know that. I didn't know my mother had such deep trauma." Jenny said softly while currently sitting in my room, helping me get ready to head off.

"You can come... I want my first time on an airplane to be with you." I said softly, to which Jenny sighed before nodding. last night, Lana and I agreed to head off toward her birth home. I was going to help her heal, I wasn't doing this because I cared for Lana or anything, I was doing this for Jenny. She was the only thing I cared for,

"I want to... but it doesn't feel right for me to join. I don't know how I would even face my mother after all of this." Jenny said with a downcast look, I nodded lightly at her words.

"Thanks, my mother was a jerk to you... you don't have to do all of this, you did more than enough." Jenny said to which I smiled slightly.

"I don't want to see you sad..." I said softly, causing Jenny's eyes to widen slightly before she quickly shook her head.

"You do not have to do something like this for me." She said in shock, but I just shook my head while looking at the Suitcase.

"I don't have to... but I want to. You being happy is the only thing that makes me happy." I said causing Jenny to freeze for a moment, before she just hugged me, which caught me off guard.

"Don't say stuff like that.. or else I would cry." She said with some tears in her eyes, that was the sweetest thing she ever heard. it had a bigger impact on her as she knew it was true.

"I love you..." She said softly, causing my eyes to widen and a weird feeling to swallow me. those words made me feel weird inside. Jenny looked at me, just to freeze seeing my face, she held my face, which snapped me back to reality.

"You're crying." She said scared that she said something wrong. but she was confused as I didn't notice I was crying. I touched the wet spot under my eye in confusion for a moment, before I just blinked.

"I thought I lost the ability to cry as a kid..." I said with a confused look, I was sure I couldn't cry anymore around 1 or 2 years old. after crying so much, I just stopped crying.

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to." Jenny didn't know what to say, but I just shook my head slightly.

"That is the first time I ever heard those words, I guess it made me cry... thank you, every day you show me something new," I said with a gentle smile, and Jenny instantly knew this was a true smile from the heart.

Jenny's eyes twitched, trying her best to hold back some tears, but after a moment she burst into tears. She just hugged me, not wanting to show that she was an ugly crier...

"Make sure you call me as soon as you land," At the airport, Jenny spoke to which I just nodded at her while she gave me a list of stuff to do. She was worried as this was my first flight,

"You got your toothbrush?" Jenny asked to which I showed her my backpack.

"If only you were this worried about yourself," I said causing Jenny's eye to twitch looking at me with a questioning look.

"I sometimes worry you might kill your teeth with how much sugar and unhealthy drinks you take in. As your boyfriend, I will do my best to look after your health after I return." I said making Jenny's eye twitch

"I know what I'm doing," Jenny said with a snort, to which I just smiled while turning my attention to her mother who was just looking at them with this lost look. Jenny looked at her mother as well, before hugging her, causing Lana to almost cry, but she held off the tears as they were in public. Every second that passed, she saw more and more just how bad of a mother she had been.

We said goodbye to Jenny, and we went to board the airplane that was heading to Mississippi, Tennessee. Lana had truly started from the bottom...

On the airplane, we didn't book the first-class seat as I wanted my first ride to be normal and simple... but it was anything but simple.

"I'm not sure I can do this... I can't fix my marriage." Lana said softly while sitting next to me. I was busy looking outside the window, enjoying the sight of looking at the world from the sky. It was a beautiful sight, but I turned to look at her.

"Even if it can't be fixed, you can say you did your best. you still have your children who you can try and fix things with. but you can't fix anything if you don't start with yourself. I will help you fix yourself to the best of my ability." I said to which Lana bit her lips

"Oh Lord! I can feel the holy ghost speaking to me." Out of the blue, a woman suddenly stood up, raising her hands to the heavens.

"Everyone, close your eyes and join me in prayer!" She said while I blinked blankly, not understanding what this was.

"You're disgusting, telling this beautiful woman she needs to fix herself. Just who do you think you are? Look at you putting her down. girl, you are perfect just the way you are." A woman who was sitting in front of us suddenly turned around with a camera pointed at us, and again I just blinked confused

"No one is perfect. It's messed up to tell someone they are perfect, thats even more so when you don't even know them, and lady, it's rude to put your nose in things you don't understand," I said calmly, causing the woman's face to twist in rage. She was about to yell when out of the blue, a group of people began chanting.

"I pledge allegiance to the Flag of the United States of America, and to the Republic for which it stands," A group of men suddenly stood up, chanting this at the same time. Everyone was speechless, but a few people were annoyed with all of this.

"Can you shut the fuck up? we just took off." A man said in rage, causing the group of men who were showing their loyalty to grow enraged, so they were about to fight. Looked over and frowned seeing as there was a mother in the center of this group, holding her daughter with unease.

"Mother-in-law... is this normal?" I asked softly, 

"... this is your first time. this is why I said we should take the first class." She said causing me to nod in understanding while getting up. As I got up, I used the seats as support to flip over Lana and land in the hallway. This caught some attention, but I ignored it while walking over to the group,

"You scaring the kid, if you want to fight, can it not wait until we all land," I asked calmly while looking at them, before looking at the mother who was holding her daughter... I had a soft part for parents who truly loved their children.

"Who the fuck do you think you are? you think because you have some muscles you're something?" A white man said angrily walking up to my face, 

"Sir, you're drunk. and by the looks of things, so are your friends." I said with a sigh, shouldn't there be some air police or something? But after a quick look, I found the guy uneasily looking at all of this...

"You!" the man tried to poke me, but I took the finger, and twisted it, sending the man falling to his knees while crying in pain.

"Stop! Stop!" He cried, while I simply held the finger with my two fingers before I sighed seeing his friends coming to me. Letting go of the man on the ground, I stepped backward, dodging their fist, before I stepped in, landing two heavy blows on their chins, putting them to sleep.

"I'm sorry about all of that," I said to the mother, who just shook her head at me.

"No, thank you." She said to which I nodded lightly, before Picking up the knocked-out man and putting them back in their seats. I had to put on a small act that I couldn't easily pick these guys up, but still, my strength amazed everyone.

"I believe you know where your seat is," I said softly, to which the first man uneasily sat down, not daring to say a thing while holding his finger which was still in pain. I nodded back towards the mother and the little girl who was looking at me with stars in her eyes. I just smiled slightly at her, before going back to take my seat.

"I didn't know you can fight," Lana said softly,

"I started learning a few months ago... but this trip isn't about me, it's about you healing," I said softly, to which Lana said nothing and just lowered her head. meanwhile, the girl in front of her fearfully sat there, her mind racing with the two people behind her.

'He must be abusing her...' She thought. the best way to get this out and get that poor woman's help was to post this video on the internet...

the flight was smooth, no one jumped out to make much more chaos. although those guys who were knocked out awakened, they no longer dared to act out.

After the airplane landed, we all got off and headed to get our suitcases, but just as we were about to leave, someone came to see me.

"Thank you for back there, I didn't know what to do." the mother said gratefully, I smiled slightly at her while nodding.

"You need not thank me... Oh, my name is Alex by the way." I said with a smile while holding out my hand.

"My name is Sophia... and this is my daughter, Hope," Sophia said while shaking my hand, but this caused her sleeve shirt to fall back, revealing a few scars which I noticed. She instantly wanted to pull away, but I held on harder while pulling her sleeve back with my other hand.

"These are bruises gotten from hard impacts, I used to be covered with them," I said seeing her pull her hand back, I let her go and she was uncomfortable at first, but hearing my words, she looked at me in shock. She had a hard time believing someone as big as me could be hurt, I just smiled at her words while writing down my number.

"I don't know what's happening in your life, but I know you're a good mother and wouldn't want your daughter to be in danger. Call me, and I will be there. even if it's just to talk. doing nothing will not fix a problem, it only let the problem grow." I said to which she hesitatingly took the paper.

"It's not that bad..." She said in a low voice, to which I looked her straight in the eyes.

"Abuse is abuse, no matter how bad it is. Do not try and defend it, that only makes things worse." I said seriously, leaving her not able to say a word for a moment before she nodded. I turned my attention to the little girl, who was listening to everything that happened, but clearly, she didn't understand as she was only 5.

"Hope, can I count on you to remind your mother to call me if she needs help?" I asked with a gentle smile, to which Hope nodded 

"Daddy hit mommy some time, can you come help?" She asked, causing Sophia's eyes to widen as she didn't expect Hope to know of those moments.

"Of course, but I'd rather she calls before she gets hurt," I said while looking at Sophia, who didn't know what to say.

"Please, don't let her grow up in such a household. If you need help to stand on your feet after leaving, I can help." I said softly, to which Sophia nodded

"thank you." She said to which I nodded while saying goodbye, and giving Hope a fist bump before walking off, all while not noticing a woman who had filmed everything that had happened... 

I have a lot planned out for the story, but I'm unsure if I will be able to complete it all. I'm not good at writing slow stories, this is why I'm so slow with the updates for this story. It gives me time to slow down and not rush things.

MC is getting friends for the day he hit rock bottom again, he can look back and see he has people who care for him, and pretty much someone who considers him their father, that being Hope.

So, I don't plan on dropping this story any time soon.

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