
The Omega One (Draft - Unofficial)

Philip, who was a genius scientist and entitled as the legendary master swordsman, live in an Earth unlike any other. The Earth had undergone scientific breakthroughs that are worth 1,000 years of research in just a decade. Upon the scientific advancements, the Mystical Side of the Earth had also developed. Then the third faction of Secret Organizations has emerged. One day, Philip saw a falling golden meteor in the sky. The meteor suddenly changed its trajectory towards Philip. He was then given, by fate, the power of Omega. Then he died. Follow Philip as he tries to save the world, or rather, the whole universe against the Threat that is threatening to destroy everything. In obtaining all kinds of powers and abilities, along with his friends and companions, until he reached the realm of above the gods. ... 「 My name is Emily. I will be the voice of the Omega System in your head. 」 ... "There is a greater threat than Him, I must become stronger to stop him." ~~~ Synopsis update: 5

Absolute_Author · Fantasi
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50 Chs

Chapter 4: The Chosen Omega One

Mystery and Mysterious hopelessly watched as the glowing rock approaches the Earth. At this point, the rock is the size of a modern house and continued to shrink.


Earth - America - Same day - 7:12 pm

It was already getting late and I decided to be a party pooper and call it quits. Eduardo is wasted and Ysabelle is a bit tipsy. Good thing I have high tolerance in alcohol.

I carried Eduardo to his vehicle and threw him at the back seat. Ysabelle entered and sat beside the driver's seat. I borrowed Eduardo's keys and drove the husband and wife to their home. This will be a long journey.

The sky road is awfully quiet, was it always this quiet around here? I looked at the person beside me. She is just staring in front of her on the road while manifesting occasional hiccups. Seems like the alcohol is finally kicking inside her.

I then looked at the center mirror of the vehicle and looked at Eduardo. He is murmuring something and kept on smiling.

"Hehehe, you're so stupid Philip... Why Philip... Hehehe... *Hic*... Why did you leave Ysabelle that time?! *Hic*"

I'm gonna pretend I didn't hear that. He's wasted and he doesn't know what he's saying. I need to ignore it. I was then had a slight surprised when Ysabelle started talking to me.

"Hey Philip *hic*"

"Yeah? What's up?"

"About earlier today... What was that about?"

"What was what about?"

"You know... *Hic*... That aura of killing intent that you emitted at the complex."

I pondered for a moment and answered her question. "Honestly, I don't know. All I know that I was just giving a warning to opportunistic personalities that wanted my creation. I didn't know that I was releasing killing intent!"

"Is that so? Hmm, *hic*, you seem are telling the truth..." Ysabelle said as I figured that he dove in her virtual realms to find out if I'm lying. Although, I don't understand why she needed to do that.

"You know, you might kill someone with just that killing intent of yours."

Ysabelle mentioned as she felt sleepy and slumped her head at the window and she went to the dreamscape.

I wonder what she meant about that. Did my killing intent really affected them that much?

Anyways, I cautiously drove Eduardo's vehicle towards their home because the alcohol might kick any minute now.

An hour has passed, we finally arrived at their home. Their was a lot of sky traffic half way on our journey and it became really late. I checked my watch and saw that it's almost 8:30 pm.

I woke Ysabelle up and she is almost sobered up. She then got out of the vehicle and walked towards the house and unlocked it. I then parked the car inside, lifted Eduardo up, entered the house, and threw Eduardo on his bed upstairs at his bedroom. Typical ritual as a close friend entered another friend's home.

I opened their fridge and grabbed a glass of water then decided to immediately leave because a problem may occur.

As I was about to step out of the front door. Speaking of problems, I was called out by a woman's voice. "Hey Philip, why won't you stay here for the night? Your house is far away and I'm sure you're tired. You could always use our guest room." Ysabelle was holding a wine glass while sipping a little bit of red wine.

As much as she had a point that my house is far away and I am really tired, I rejected the invitation because I don't want to cause any problems or whatsoever. "I'm sorry Ysabelle, but I need to go home. I have something to do."

I then immediately went out of the front door and dashed outside.

Meanwhile inside the Ylo House, "You're so stupid Philip." Ysabelle uttered while emptying her wine glass and went straight to her office and dove to the virtual realms.

"Whew, I have escaped temptation!" I uttered at the sidewalk.

I walked for a while before I reach the sky bus station. I admired the plains that seemed devoid of any structures. It was pretty dark in this sidewalk, but the view of the city lights in the distance and the stars in the night sky make up for it.

Moments later, I hear a faint screeching sound in a distance. I looked everywhere in my 16 directions and looked up.

What I saw made my heart sink. Cold sweat immediately trickled on my back. I nearly peed and I almost fell to my knees.

I saw a bright glowing meteor falling down. I could clearly see that the meteor is pretty big! It could annihilate the world!

Why is there a meteor approaching Earth?! Why wasn't it intercepted?! Damn! Did the military slacked off?! How about NASA or the Pentagon?! Didn't they know that a meteor was about to hit Earth right at this moment?! Why wasn't the defense system of the Earth activated?! Why didn't the mystical masters take action?!

I asked this several questions in my mind as I watch the meteor fall down. I could try using my strongest personal sword art, but I don't have my sword with me. I can't use my sword art on a branch of stick. The stick would just disappear! I have the Philippium crystal, but what would that achieve?!

I brainstormed, thinking how I could stop the meteor, but nothing comes to mind. In the end, I gave up and let the inevitable happened. I hopelessly watched as the meteor entered the atmosphere. It seems the crash site would be several kilometers away to the west of here.

My life suddenly flashed before my eyes. It seems that this scenario happens in real life. I didn't see much about about my childhood, my turning point of my life was when I left my mother and live alone after my father left us. My mother was taking me for granted and kept taking advantage of me, so I left her. By then, I lived alone and supported myself. I became independent.

The flashes suddenly transitioned to my junior high school days. The fun times with Eduardo and our arguments during our scientific breakthroughs. That was indeed fun and nostalgic.

Then an image of Ysabelle passed. Damn, so I still have lingering feelings for her, huh? Truthfully, I regretted when I left her when I knew she has fallen in love with me. I knew I wasn't the one for her. She deserved better like Eduardo.

Another transition happened when I was training with a sword. Nothing special was shown, until half way of my swordsmanship, the flashes of the creation of Philippium and my swordsmanship fused together.

I was confused as I am seeing five swords, one of them is made out of Philippium completely, another one has a familiar crystal on it. The rest are silhouettes. Then suddenly, the five swords fused to form a giant sword. Two swords, the same as the first five, entered and hovered near the giant sword. Another three swords flew and hovered around the giant sword. All of them fused into one and formed an even a bigger sword.

The flashes abruptly stopped in a sound of a ting. Was that my life flashed before my eyes or a vision? Because I do not remember those 10 swords, especially the Philippium sword. I then looked at the meteor. I squinted my eyes and felt pain surge on my eyes.

I subconsciously looked at the meteor and to my surprise, the meteor immediately changed directed as if it broke the laws of inertia and approached at the plains several meters in front of me.

I felt shivers all over my body and wanted to run even if my destruction is inevitable, but my legs won't move. Pain kept surging from my eyes and my field of vision is dyed with a hint of yellow and gold.

I wanted to scream but my mouth won't open. My body doesn't follow my orders! I tried to use sword discipline that I learned to relax my body but to no avail.

The meteor has touched down on the plains several meters in front of me and exploded at point blank range. There were immense shockwaves being released and a golden mushroom cloud was formed. I tried to block with my arms, it seemed to be working. Why am I not getting blown away? This is a meteor strike for fuck's sake! I want this pain to end already!

As I internally complained in my mind. I saw the meteorite being broken into one, two... Thirteen individual glowing pieces. I watched mindlessly as the rocks hovered in the air and began arranging themselves in a circular manner. The circle of thirteen rocks then began rotating faster and faster and expanding towards the atmosphere until each individual rocks are several feet away from each other while maintaining the circular formation.

The surrounding is also being engulfed by shockwaves and filled with blinding yellow light. It was as if I'm in heaven because of the ambient light and hell because of the heat and shockwaves.

As I feel my body getting weak, I was about to fall to my knees. Until the rocks in the circular formation started to shoot towards thirteen directions in the speed of light. I saw one rock aimed towards me and I heard a high pitched screeching sound as the rock approaches me.

I just stood there waiting for my death and the rock flew through my forehead. At that point my field of vision was covered completely in gold. I then lost consciousness.


Before Philip hit the ground after the glowing rock hit his forehead. He abruptly stopped falling down and maintained a posture that his head was flung back by the force of the rock.

He then began hovering in the air and swirling gold light protruded out from his forehead and shot through the sky. A voice suddenly spoke inside his mind.


"You are bestowed by the power of Omega. You were chosen by fate. You are now bound by destiny and fate. You were chosen to become a champion that will end the threat that threatens to destroy everything. As for the Omega, it is up to you however you want to do with it, nurture it, cultivate it, or form it. It will guide you wherever you go, wherever you are, and whenever you are. We will eventually meet as the right time comes, by then, you have the right to know the truth. Remember, you are the chosen omega one... one... one..."

I heard a voice in my dream. What he said seem to tremble my very soul. I feel hot inside. I then feel power surging from within me. I was a bit distracted about that clichè echo at the end, but the feeling of power came back.

My consciousness then came back for a split second and opened my eyes. I then feel my body hit the ground and my sight fell to the direction where I came from walking towards the sky bus station.

I saw two glowing orbs going to the direction that I'm familiar with. It seems they are headed towards Eduardo and Ysabelle's house. Damn, I can't move my body and save them. I subconsciously closed my eyes and darkness engulfed my whole world. I believed I died.


Two of the thirteen glowing rocks shot through space. The destination of these glowing rocks is the moon, Luna.

Two individuals are standing there while their jaws are dropped open. The two individuals witnessed everything as the glowing meteor suddenly changed its trajectory towards a specific direction, again, as if to break the laws of inertia. They were dumbfounded as the meteor didn't create a planetary shockwave that wiped out half of the face of the planet. There was also no debris that flew through the atmosphere nor a huge crater formed.

All they saw was a huge golden mushroom cloud that acted like an attention seeker if view in space.

Moments later, they were confused as they heard a high pitched screeching in the vacuum of space on the moon. They then felt a chill as they saw the same glowing rock, two of them in fact, heading straight to their direction.

Both of them wanted to move but their body refused to move. The glowing rocks is getting closer to the two individuals. They realized that they can't do anything except to observe.

The glowing rocks then reached both of them and aimed for their foreheads and hit it in a magnificent manner. Their heads was flung back and swirling golden light began to protrude out of their forehead and shoot out straight to the sky.

Back on Earth another two glowing rocks aimed for Eduardo and Ysabelle's house.

Merry Christmas everyone! I was bored during this Christmas eve and decided to release another chapter. So, Merry Christmas again everyone!

Absolute_Authorcreators' thoughts